Chapter 1585 Take It Back

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1585 Take It Back

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The morning sky over Elysium Prime was filled with a strange glows and mounting shadows as numerous massive Tark spacecraft hovered in the outer atmosphere.

Their presence had not yet breached Earth's barrier, but the sight alone was enough to throw the world into chaos. On the ground, MBO forces scrambled to organize a response, mobilizing troops and resources with unprecedented speed.

In the luxurious resort where Gustav and his friends were staying, a sense of urgency permeated the air.

Gustav, Angy, E.E., Falco, Aildris, Endric, Ria, and the rest of their group converged in the corridor. Their looks displayed confusion and concern.

The corridor was already crowded with guests and staff, all whispering anxiously among themselves with some trying to get out.

"What's going on?" Falco asked, looking around at the sea of worried faces. "Why are there so many ships up there?"

"I don't know," E.E. replied as his brow furrowed. "But whatever it is, it can't be good."

Suddenly, a loud, booming announcement echoed across the entire planet. The voice was deep and commanding, reverberating through the air and capturing everyone's attention. It was coming from the Tark spacecraft.

"We are the Tarks Force. We have come to retrieve Gustav Crimson before any form of prosecution. Release him to us immediately, or we will declare war on Earth."

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd as the announcement continued. "Gustav Crimson is to be handed over to the Tarks Force at once. Failure to comply will result in immediate hostilities."

Gustav's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. Commander Ergril, the Tark's force commander he had met during his visit to Gohatark and the Tark-owned galaxy.

Ergril had been a key figure in Gustav's journey, providing him with a spacecraft and essential supplies, as well as revealing crucial information about his past and the existence of the other time candidate.

A slow smile spread across Gustav's face as he understood what was happening.

The Tarks had come to stop his trial, but they had arrived days after it had ended. They had assumed the worst, believing that the trial wouldn't go in Gustav's favor, and were now trying to save him.

Angy noticed Gustav's smile and nudged him. "Gustav, do you know what's going on?"

Gustav nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yes, Angy. The Tarks are here to rescue me. They thought I was still on trial and that things wouldn't end well."

"Oh it's that old dude," Endric voiced upon recalling.

Falco raised an eyebrow. "You know these guys?"

Gustav chuckled. "Yes, I do. Commander Ergril is an old acquaintance. He helped Endric and I a lot when we visited Gohatark."

E.E. shook his head in disbelief. "Only you, Gustav. Only you would have alien friends showing up to rescue you."

The same happened with MBO officers as the battle moved on to the next level.

The battle intensified, with supernatural abilities and high technology clashing .

Boom! Boom!

Explosions lit up the sky, and the shockwaves could be felt miles away.

Realizing that mere words would not suffice, Gustav decided to unleash a fraction of his true power.

His eyes emitted a pinkish red glow as a crimson cross appeared in his pupils. Unleashing his Cosmic Superiority Yarki, an unfathomable energy radiated outward in a limited scale.

The effect was immediate and overwhelming, sweeping across the entire surroundings.

Everyone immediately froze in their tracks.

"Cease this madness now, or I will destroy everyone," Gustav's voice boomed, carrying the weight of absolute power.

The declaration hung in the air, a promise of annihilation that none could ignore.

The fighting stopped instantly. MBO pilots and Tark soldiers alike found themselves immobilized, their weapons and abilities rendered useless by the oppressive force of Gustav's Yarki.

Gustav hadn't even decided to stop their body motor functions. He simply threatened them and decided he would take further actions if they chose to disobey but fortunately, it got to them.

Commander Ergril, sensing the undeniable truth in Gustav's power, ordered his soldiers to stand down.

"It is him," Ergril said in awe. "This is the real Outworldly... Our saviour."

The tension began to dissipate as the Tarks retracted their weapons and the MBO forces lowered their defenses. Gustav allowed his Yarki to fade, though its presence lingered.

He floated towards the lead Tark ship with unbridled confidence.

As he approached, a hatch opened, and a transport beam enveloped him, bringing him aboard. The interior of the ship was as impressive as its exterior, with advanced technology and tactical displays lining the walls. Gustav was escorted to the command center where Commander Ergril awaited.

"Our saviour," Ergril greeted him with a respectful bow. "I apologize for the confrontation. We acted out of concern for your safety."

Gustav shook his head with a light smile. "No need to apologize, Commander. I appreciate your efforts to protect me even though you arrived quite late. The trial was concluded days ago and I was found innocent."

Ergril's eyes widened in surprise. "Is that so? We feared the worst and came to intervene."

Gustav nodded. "Yes, and I am grateful for your concern. But there's no need for further hostilities. Earth's people are already on edge."

Ergril sighed, visibly relieved. "Understood. We will withdraw our forces immediately and issue a formal apology to Earth."

Turning to his communication officer, Ergril gave the order. Moments later, the Tarks' new message was broadcast across the planet.