Chapter 3 – This is Her Truth

“…Fufu, that’s good… Eh, stop it, Sakia. That’s why mother and sister call you a creep…!”

Sakia muttered as she stared at the back of the boy sitting in front of her, Sui.

Sui even stopped moving to ask what would be said or done to him, and why she hadn’t touched on it earlier, but to tell the truth, Sakia was not thinking of doing anything terrible to him. On the contrary, for some reason she was a little concerned about Sui.

…Why am I thinking about him like this… Seriously!

If this were in her room, she’d start screaming.

To begin with, Sakia had never had much contact with Sui. Even though they were seated near each other, they didn’t talk to each other that much, and only glanced at each other when they were handing in their prints.

Why she was so concerned about Sui’s situation was all triggered by yesterday’s incident.

Sakia was not a human but a succubus, it was a hidden truth.

Succubus are non-human beings, with bodies tougher than a human’s and at the same time possessing unique powers. They were truly out of this world.

She was a secretive being, but yesterday she was caught off guard by Sui. Sakia was surprised to be seen, but Sui was just a human being, and she could easily erase his memories by applying her powers of fascination… However…

Seeing from his reaction… It seems he remembers.

When she arrived at school, she thought it was impossible, but the moment she looked at Sui, she realized that his memory had not been erased. She didn’t think it was possible, but it turned out to be the kind of thing that bothered her.

“Listen, Sakia, pure love is difficult for us succubus. I’m sure there are many men who fall in love with us because of our succubus characteristics, but not many who genuinely love us.”

Her mother told her this from an early age.

Sakia understood the meaning of these words and was not troubled by them. Since she was a little girl when she was told the story, she had been exposed to the lust of ugly men as their gaze. That is why she thought that she would never fall in love and that she did not need a man.

“But, in rare cases, there is a special man who can resist succubus’ fascination… No, he remembers it all when he is unraveled. Why it doesn’t work means that you are potentially too compatible with that man. The succubus instinct subconsciously counteracts the attraction by not letting the man in front of her go. It’s one of our hidden characteristics.”

Impossible, nothing will change after hearing this kind of story… Sakia had always thought so. And now she was thinking about the boy in front of her with all her heart.


She called his name with a sweet sounding voice.

It was a small voice, so Sui didn’t hear it, but the moment she said his surname, an indescribable warmth flooded her chest. The girl sitting next to Sakia glanced at her and she blushed, but Sakia was now dripping with tremendous pheromones.

“Impossible… Impossible… But since yesterday, I’ve been…”

After school yesterday, she felt relieved after erasing Sui’s memory, but… She had felt an indescribable throbbing in her heart since that return. Yes, she had been interested in Sui since then.

“…Beautiful… Koshimizu-san.”

When a person is under the charm of a succubus, human nature is expressed to a certain extent. Most humans become docile, but she could tell from the atmosphere that somewhere deep down they wanted to attack Sakia, the exquisite woman in front of them. But not so with Sui, who said that Sakia was beautiful out of pure feelings.

“Succubus is a mirror that reflects a person, and if that person is trustworthy, you will fall in love with him or her. Succubus and humans, jumping over the barrier between them and wanting to love the other… No, that’s a woman’s instinct.”

She always thought it was a joke.

But… Sakia kept staring at Sui’s back. She didn’t listen to anything the teacher said in class and thought about Sui all the time.


A sweet sigh escaped.

The fact that the charm didn’t work on him meant that he remembered that Sakia was a succubus. But there was no sign that he had told anyone around him, and he had not asked Sakia anything, which was probably a sign of his kindness.

“Well, then, for here… That’s right. Koshimizu.”




It was now math time and apparently she had been nominated to solve the problem.

Sakia stood up as if in a panic and stood in front of the blackboard amidst many gazes. The teacher nodded to Sakia who, without thinking, gave the answer with a long formula.

“You’re right. That’s the way to do it, Koshimizu.”

“No, it’s because sensei teaches us in an easy-to-understand way on a regular basis.”

“Haha, I see.”

The teacher was in a better mood, but it didn’t matter at all.

As she was returning to her seat after solving the problem, Sakia’s eyes met Sui’s. The look in Sui’s eyes was one of respect for having solved the problem, and one of embarrassment at having met Sakia’s eyes.

…This isn’t good. My heart is pounding!

Her H-cup b*****s, the object of admiration of the boys, were beating noisily. This is all caused by Sui, but this throbbing wass very comfortable for Sakia. It seemed as if a heart mark was floating in Sakia’s eyes.


She couldn’t help but smile as she walked past him. She had changed her place of residence after people found out she was a succubus, and each time it was hard to get used to the new environment.


And now she realized.

If people find out that she was a succubus, of course she would have to leave here again. It would be easy to make them forget with the power of enchantment, but if she were to use it on too many people, it would have a negative effect, so she’d have to run away… But this time, she would be separated from Sui. The thought of it made her heart break beyond measure.

I don’t want that… NO! NO! NO!!! I… can’t admit it… Oh, no… I really don’t care about Sakuba-kun… But I do care about him… I just can’t help it! What should I do~~~!!!

The question was whether he would accept her as a succubus in the first place, but Sakia couldn’t seem to get her head around that right now.

Sakia Koshimizu, she was seventeen years old this June…and for the first time, she had someone she cared about.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“I’m pretty sure it was here… Ah, it was.”

After school, nothing had happened to Sui since then. Sakia had stared at him, but that was it, and he was relieved that she did not take any action against him.

Suii was not involved in any club activities, so after school all he had to do was go home, but unfortunately his homeroom teacher asked him to put away some materials. It was a hassle, but Sui was neither in a hurry to refuse nor had any other business to attend to, so he accepted the cardboard box containing the materials.

“Okay, with this, it’s finished.”

After putting the materials he received from the teacher away on the shelf, he was finally done with work. Just when he was thinking of stopping at a convenience store on the way home to get something to eat, the door to the darkened reference room opened.


When he turned around to see who in the world it was… There, was a person standing who was too unexpected for Sui.

“Hello. Sakuba-kun♪”


It was Sakia, the succubus girl.

She entered with a big smile on her face and came straight up to Sui. He was about to ask her why she came here, but when Sakia came near him, the sweet fragrance she emitted tickled his nostrils.

“Hey, Sakuba-kun, I want to talk to you. Can I have a minute?”

A sweet voice told him that.