Chapter 4 – Rapid Contact with the Succubus Girl

“You want to talk to me…?”

“Yes. I’ve wanted to talk to you alone this whole day.”

Sakia said this while staring at Sui.

The bewitching atmosphere that Sui felt from her was almost overwhelming, but he was convinced that this was the reason for the gaze he had been feeling all along. Facing Sakia in the dimly lit reference room with no lights on made him strangely nervous. Sakia smiled at him when she saw that he couldn’t find the right words to say to her.

“I hope you’re not too nervous. I don’t want to take anything away from you.”

“…No, that’s… Well…”

He felt a mysterious power from her yesterday, so he couldn’t be reassured. Even so, Sui could sense from Sakia that she wanted him to calm down somehow, and that she would not do anything, so Sui let out a small breath.


Alone with the most beautiful girl in school, his heart was pounding strangely.

“Sakuba-kun, you have something on your mind, don’t you? Something that’s bothering you so much that you can’t get around to prepping for today’s quiz.”


Sakia asked as she took one step after another as to get closer to Sui.

As soon as she was close enough to reach out and touch him, an indescribably sweet scent wafted through the air. He tried to look away, but he couldn’t move his face as if he was sewn into her red eyes.

“…You are…”

But it was true that he was curious about Sakia.

He wanted to know if she was really a succubus and not a human being.

“Is there really such a thing as a succubus?”

“Yes, definitely.”

A rustling sound was heard, and then feathers appeared on Sakia’s back. A tail emerged from her skirt as if it had a will of its own. The tip of the tail had the characteristic shape of a heart, but it still did not look fake when seen up close.

“Do you want to touch it?”


Perhaps it was wrong that he was staring at her so intently, but Sakia made such a suggestion to him. Without even nodding his head, the tail that was growing out of Sakia’s skirt was wagging in front of his eyes.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. If it’s Sakuba-kun, then it’s totally fine with me.”

He was not sure what she meant, but he clutched her tail, encouraged by his curiosity.


The moment he grabbed her tail, Sakia looked down with her body jerking. She put her hand over her mouth and managed to stifle her voice, but of course Yui was concerned.

“Are you okay…? Did it hurt?”

“I-It’s okay… It didn’t hurt at all… On the contrary, it feels so good…♪”

The second half was inaudible, but she had said she was fine.

…It’s smooth to the touch. It’s soft and core-ish… Is this Koshimizu-san’s tail?

The feeling of Sakia’s tail was strange. He couldn’t quite put into words what kind of feeling was close to it, it was vague. But when he touched it like this, even though it was a tail, it felt a little bit nasty to think that he was touching a part of Sakia’s body.

“T-Thank you, Koshimizu-san. It was kind of a strange feeling.”

He said that and pulled his hand away, but Sakia’s tail was wrapped around him as if to say that she would not let go of his hand. It was a little painful, but he looked at Sakia to see what was wrong.

“Just a little more♪ Just a little more like this♪”


Sakia’s cheeks were red, as if she was engrossed in something, and she was manipulating her tail, periodically jerking her body. She seemed preoccupied with moving it up and down, wrapping it around Sui’s arms as if she were handling it.


However, she soon came to her senses and untied her tail .

What am I doing? She held her own tail lovingly, surprised at her own self.

“It’s real… Koshimizu-san is a succubus… It’s a completely unbelievable feeling.”

“…Yes. I don’t want people to know this, but it seems that charm doesn’t work on Sakuba-kun. It worked for a moment, but it doesn’t seem to be able to erase memories.”

“I see…”

He knew that it was even possible to erase the memory from yesterday’s words uttered by Sakia. But Sui remembered yesterday perfectly. He had no idea why, but just because he remembered it didn’t mean he was going to tell anyone.

“Hey Sakuba-kun, why didn’t you tell people?”


“Isn’t this the sort of thing you would normally want to mention?”


Sakia asked him what he was just thinking.

Without pausing, Sui gave the answer she wanted to hear.

“I guess there are two reasons… The first is simply that if I told people that Koshimizu-san was a succubus, they would think I was an idiot.”

“…I see.”

It seemed that Sakia was able to imagine this to some extent.

Everyone thought that there was no such thing as a succubus in this world. And yet it was easy to imagine that when Sui mentioned that Sakia was a succubus, he would be called crazy, and even more so when he would be accused of humiliating Sakia.

“And the other is…”

If anything, this was the real reason.

Sui recalled yesterday’s conversation, when she said she would have to run away again. When he thought about those words spoken so bitterly, Sui guessed that at least Sakia had been found out and chased before.

“Because you looked like you were in pain.”


Sakia widened her eyes.

Sui continued to speak with a serious expression on his face, but also scratched his cheeks, perhaps a little embarrassed.

“When you said you would have to run away again, you looked pained, Koshimizu-san. I couldn’t tell anyone about it after seeing your face like that. In this world, there are not only humans but also succubus beings… That may be the discovery of the century, but I didn’t want Koshimizu-san to have a hard time over something like that.”


Sakia’s cheeks were redder than before and her eyes were slightly moist. Sui concluded with these words.

“We haven’t talked that much since Koshimizu-san transferred to our school this year. But… We’re classmates. Then I’d at least like to keep that classmate’s secret. Believe it or not, I–“

“I believe you.”


Believe, that word was so strongly loaded with power.

She still kept her eyes fixed on Sui, and he could tell from her eyes that she had a tremendous amount of trust and a great deal of emotion riding on them.

Then Sui heard from Sakia.

What succubus were like and how they spent their time.

“I’ve never talked this much to someone of the opposite s*x before. Sakuba-kun you’re the first person I’ve ever talked to like this♪”

Don’t say things like that so easily, Sui shouted loudly in his mind.


“…It’s wonderful♪”

He looked at her because he was concerned about Sakia who suddenly became quiet as she looked at him and muttered something like that. Then, Sakia slowly moved her body closer to him… Then a voice came from the hallway.

“Oh, someone’s here. Hey Sakuba-kun, it’s just the two of us here without lights on… What do you think they would think when they see us like this?”


If that happened, it might cause trouble for Sakia, although Sui would be able to tolerate it. When he was wondering where they could hide, Sakia took him by the hand and they hid in a certain place.

“Hey! This is a very damp place, isn’t it?”

“Well, it’s fine. No one will come here.”

Apparently it was a senior man and woman who came in.

They exchanged a few words and naturally moved their faces closer to each other and started kissing.


“Oh my, you’re so bold even though we’re in school.”

The two figures were visible through the narrow field of vision, but Sui was more concerned about the incredible softness he felt on his body.



Her face was right in front of him, on his chest.

Yes, they hid in a rather large cleaning kit case. There wasn’t much stuff in there, so they got in smoothly, but it was too cramped for two high school kids.

“Well… Sorry about a lot of things.”

Firstly, Sui apologized.

Sakia’s hand pulled him into hiding here, but because of the narrowness of the place, Sui’s right hand was fixed on Sakia’s ample bosom. Even the slightest movement would cause the broom to move and make a noise…which was why he couldn’t move his body, even if only slightly.

“Oh about this? Don’t worry about it… I’m rather thrilled♪”

Sakia’s voice echoing in the narrow and dark space was very sensual.

The large bulge in the palm of his hand was enough to make things difficult, but her delicious scent, which filled this small space, finally hit Sui. Her eyes never left his, and even her breathing gave him a strange feeling.

“More importantly, Sakuba-kun, will you call me by my name?”


“I want you to call me Sakia.”

In the classroom, two seniors were entangled with each other, and in the cleaning tool box, Sui and Sakia were also entangled with each other, creating a rare and mysterious scene.