Chapter 6 – This is Succubus’ Love


“Yo, Sui.”

“Good morning… What’s wrong with you?”

In the morning, after arriving at school, Sui was in a daze.

He was completely defenseless against the outside world, to the extent that he was startled when Jin and Michiaki greeted him on his way to school.

“Oh, yeah…”

Sui replied in a distracted voice, and they looked at him curiously, wondering what was wrong. Sui could only reply that it was nothing, but all he could think about was Sakia ever since he woke up.

…Oh no, I can’t stop thinking about Sakia because of that dream!

In his dream, she appeared in his room and did many things for him. He was strangely aware that it was a dream, so he asked her to do embarrassing things without hesitation.

“Fufu, so you’re a boy too. Hey, Sui-kun, tell me what you want me to do?”

“All right. Then just let me take care of you… Yes, yes, just like this.”

“Is this your first time? Fufu, I’m very happy♪ But it’s the same for me. You’re the first person I’ve ever served like this♪”

Her words, etched in his memory, came back to life.

Anyway, it was a s*x dream from beginning to end, but it was so realistic that he even thought that it might not actually be a dream. But everything was given to him by Sakia so much that he didn’t have time to worry about it.

“Hey, are you sure you’re OK?”

“You’re red in the face, you know that?”

Apparently, Sui’s face was red enough to cause concern. Well, his cheeks were certainly very hot, so it was easy to imagine they were red. Mai and Raika were likely to come and pursue the matter further, but fortunately they seemed to be enjoying their conversation with their friends.

Now, just when Sui was in such a difficult situation about the dream… She came into the classroom.

“Good morning.”

The voice sounded cool and sweet at the same time.

It was naturally Sakia who walked into the classroom, and when she appeared, the air changed as if the world itself had switched. Men and women alike fawned over her, to the point that it seemed everyone wanted to say hello and talk to her a little.

“Alright, well, we’re going back then.”

“See you later.”

Sakia’s arrival meant that she would sit behind Sui. Jin and Michiaki didn’t have a crush on Sakia, but they felt quite nervous around her.

Yesterday, Sui found out she was a succubus and they talked about a lot of things. They started calling each other by name, and they even had an incident where they both went into the cleaning kit. That was probably why Sui and Sakia became really close friends. But… The content of the dream still disturbed him.

“Good morning, Sui-kun.”

“…Good morning.”

“What’s wrong? Your face is red…”

“No… That, um…”

A dream is a dream, reality is reality, don’t mix them up, Sui told himself. He lightly slapped his cheeks with both hands, and his fantasy about the dream disappeared to some extent. Sui took a deep breath and looked at Sakia again.

“Good morning… Sakia.”

He was a little quiet when he said her name, but Sakia seemed to have heard him and nodded happily. To tell the truth, the unusual sight of Sui and Sakia was quite noticeable. Their friends and classmates, especially those who didn’t usually get involved with Sui, looked at them curiously.

“Hey, Sui-kun, the morning assembly hasn’t started yet, so if you want, can we talk?”

Sakia suggested to him as she poked his back. Sui slowly turned his body to the side and turned his face to Sakia, realizing that she was attracting attention. She was still smiling with a beautiful expression on her face, but he was still embarrassed by looking at each other so closely.

“Hey, Sui-kun, I told my mother and sister that I got found out.”


“Yes. I told them that you were fine and that I believe in you from the bottom of my heart.”

“…I see. Thanks.”

It was not necessary for Sui to thank her in particular. Even so, it was a pleasure for Sui to be trusted so much. He was the only one who knew her secret, and in a way he felt slightly superior to those around him.

Seriously, it’s so shallow to feel superior for something like this.

He felt disgusted at himself inwardly, thinking that he was the worst human being to feel superior by knowing a fact that should not be known to him. However, Sakia said something like this to Sui.

“You’re the only one who knows my secret… Fufu, hey, Sui-kun. I’ve thought about it so many times, but I’m glad it’s you who knows my secret… I’m really glad it’s someone as compatible as you are.”


He questioned what she meant by compatible, but she began to talk in a somewhat dreamy way. It was as if he didn’t see anything around him, as if he could only see the world around her.

“Last night, I was convinced that our mind and our body were perfect for each other. Even though we didn’t get to the real thing, it was still a heaven-sent experience for me to be able to use my b*****s to serve Sui-kun.”


Sui was not so much insensitive as he was deaf, and he was not so hard of hearing that he couldn’t hear what was said at such a close distance. Sui could hear every word that Sakia said just now. Sui stared at her in disbelief, as if the dream he had yesterday was being told from her point of view.

“Hey, Sui-kun.”

She licked her lips, creating a bewitching atmosphere as she asked Sui.

“How good did you feel last night?”


Unexpectedly, Sui stood up.

The way his mouth was moving, one could clearly see how panicked he was. While everyone in the class was staring at Sui, the cause of the panic, Sakia, was only smiling meaningfully.


“Good morning everyone~”

Just as he was about to ask her, their homeroom teacher entered the classroom. Sui had no choice but to sit down, but his heart was thumping incredibly loudly.

Why… Why did she mention yesterday… How…?

It was supposed to be a dream, and yet Sakia uttered the words as if she knew what it was. Perhaps because he was too panicked, his embarrassment was far greater than his shame. From then on, Suiwould worry about it in class and during breaks.

“Hey Sui, what’s really going on with you today?”

“Yes, yes. Do you have a fever or something? You’ve been in a daze for a long time.”

Mai and Raika approached him during the break.

They would usually make fun of him, but they were genuinely worried about him because he was acting so strangely.

“No, I’m fine.”

“I know you’re not okay.”

Mai then placed the palm of her hand on Sui’s forehead.

She checked to see if he had a fever, and then said he didn’t have a fever and took her hand off.


“What’s wrong?”

As soon as she took her hand away, Mai looked around as if she was scared. Her gesture of being scared of something was a little worrying.

“Somehow… I felt like my heart was being squeezed for a moment.”

“What do you mean?”

“Wait, now Mai’s not feeling well?”

However, Mai’s condition did not change that much. Then, Sakia spoke to Sui from behind his back.

“Fufu, hey, Sui-kun. Do you have a fever?”

Now it was Sui’s turn to get spooked.

Just now, Sakia called Sui by name. Mai and Raika widened their eyes at Sakia, as if that bothered them.

“Koshimizu-san, just now…”

“Did you just say ‘Sui-kun’?”

“Yes. Sui-kun and I have become such good friends that we call each other by name. Isn’t that right?”

“Ah, yeah…”

Apparently, for Mai and Raika, the closeness of Sui and Sakia was big news. They had seen them talking before the morning assembly started, but they didn’t think they would actually call each other by name.

Eventually, Jin and Michiaki found out about Sui and Sakia, and they were very jealous. The popular handsome guy in the class also stared at Sui, which made him feel uncomfortable, but he was lucky that Sakia was always by his side and no one messed with him.

And then time passed and it was after school.

He was walking home from school when… He naturally saw Sakia walking next to him. She stopped him as he was leaving the classroom and asked him to spend some time with her after school.

“It’s like an after-school date, isn’t it?”


The way she closed their distance was clearly buggy, and he was always at the mercy of Sakia’s behavior. Instead of going straight home, they stopped at a nearby park and sat on a bench with each other.

“Alright, then, Sui-kun. Would you like to ask why I know about last night?”


Naturally, Sui nodded.

“Because that was not a dream, it was real♪ Yesterday, I connected myself to Sui-kun’s dream and showed up in his room, remember?”

Sakia’s hand reached out and traced Sui’s chest. Sakia leaned against Sui’s body and pulled herself closer to him. The soft touch brought back memories of last night.

“It was all real, it was never a dream.”

It was an unbelievable, yet believable feeling from Sakia.

Sakia continued to speak further as she hugged Sui.

“I’ll never let you go… You’ve become the most important person in my life. You must be surprised at the suddenness of this, right? Normally, there is an order to love. But I’m a succubus, so I can’t stand to nurture my love slowly. …Hey, Sui-kun… Come spend your dream time with me?”


With a dazed head, Sui wondered what would happen next.