Chapter 7 – Sound of Something Falling

“W-Wait a minute!”

“Ah… Sui-kun.”

The park at dusk was strangely empty except for the two of them.

Sui stood up to move away from Sakia, who was generously pressing her seductive limbs against him. The sight of her reaching out her hand sadly made him instantly want to run to her, but he wanted to sort out the situation a little.

“Um… Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because I like you.”


The first thing she did was to tell him straight out that she liked him, turning him red. An extremely beautiful girl like Sakia, and perhaps because she was a succubus, she was as s**y as an adult… No, it was a confession from a woman who exuded an overwhelming s*x appeal that was greater than that of an average adult woman. No wonder Sui was embarrassed.

“But isn’t this too sudden! Because yesterday was like the first time you and I talked. And then suddenly you say you like me… I’m happy about it. But it’s frustrating, but I’m really happy that someone like Sakia likes me!”

Sui was burnt out.

Until now, he had naturally never had a confession from the opposite s*x. He had never been confessed to, either for fun or in a derogatory way. Nevertheless, Sakia, whom he had just become acquainted with, confessed her feelings to him. And because he sensed from her mood that she was serious, he was in a panic.

“…Well, that’s reasonable. Even if I were a human being and you were not, I might have the same reaction.”

“Yes, that’s right–“

“But I’m sorry. Again, I’m a succubus. That’s why I can’t stop feeling this way.”

Sakia stood up and closed the distance.

Sui took one step and then another, until he was finally cornered with a tree behind him. The moment he recognized the tree that hit his back, he felt a tremendous softness in his chest, the opposite of the hardness hitting his back.

“Caught♪ You♪”

Sakia hugged him again, just as she had done earlier. Sui instinctively knew that he couldn’t run away from her, but he still had expectations in his heart, perhaps because he was at that age. However, Sakia also understood Sui’s feelings, and continued to speak again.

“Hey, Sui-kun, you know, about succubus… They say we can’t have a normal love life.”


After a round of exchanges, Sui calmed down.

Sui then asked about succubus in her captivity. Basically, the only men who had approached Sakia were those who were attracted to her scent that leaked out, but there were rare people like Sui who could break the enchantment. That man would be the one whom Sakia’s instincts and woman’s instincts seek… In other words, Sakia’s rare man was Sui.

“…Do you find it hard to believe?”

Sakia said anxiously.

Sui…shook his head. It was certainly doubtful if it was believable or not. Even so, Sakia’s atmosphere and the feelings conveyed by her eyes were unmistakable. It might have been his own assumption, but it made him understand that Sakia was definitely serious, even if he didn’t want to believe it.

“…I don’t know if I like Sakia. I know that we are classmates, and I want to take good care of her now that I know her secret. But these feelings… Well–”

“Don’t worry. I’ll turn it into love in no time.”

Saying this, Sakai kissed Sui.

He looked at her in surprise, but he accepted Sakia’s passionate embrace and fierce kisses as if he was carried away by the mood of the moment. His head was fuzzy when he saw her exposed as a succubus, but now he was able to see her clearly.

…Kissing feels so good. So this is what kissing with… succubus feels…like…

The kiss of a succubus, who was also described as a dreamer or a w***e, was incredibly pleasant. Sui had never experienced kissing, but the deep kisses, in which they exchanged saliva with each other, felt good and filled him with a warmth that filled his heart.



Sakia parted her lips to catch her breath.

Saliva was connecting their mouths in a silver thread. When Sui felt a strange excitement at the sight, Sakia giggled and said something like this.

“Did you notice? Sui-kun, you also stuck your tongue out at me, didn’t you? Like yesterday, as if you wanted me with all your heart.”


It wasn’t the first time they had kissed each other.

Thinking back to last night, Sui had indeed kissed Sakia. At that time, unlike now, he had boldly kissed her for a long time, because he thought it was completely a dream.

“Hey, Sui-kun, there’s a saying that love often starts with a relationship.”

“…I guess so.”

You hear it all the time.

It is not uncommon for people to try out a relationship with someone because they are interested in that person. Some love relationships start from there, and arranged marriages are basically like that. Sui had already exchanged kisses with Sakia, and even if it wasn’t the real thing, he did something embarrassing that he couldn’t tell anyone else.

“I think it’s possible for love to start with naughty stuff♪ I’m not a normal human, I’m a succubus, you don’t need to think too deeply about it. And I know… I know that you are very excited right now, Sui-kun. I know that you want me.”


“…Well, there’s no doubt that I made you like that. But I never wanted to be with you lightly. I may be a monster to you, but I still want to devote myself to you.”

She said this as if she were uttering a wish.



“I want all of you… Hey, Sui-kun, drown in me? I want you to give me everything. I’ll do anything for you. Anything you want… You don’t have to do anything, because I am a succubus. You just have to indulge me. Come on, Sui-kun, empty your head.”

Her words raped Sui’s brain.

He was neither fascinated nor manipulated. Even so, she used a variety of words that would tickle a man’s instincts and skillfully pushed Sui into a corner. Sakia was serious about winning him over, and there was no sign of compromise.

“The woman in front of you belongs only to you. A woman who only wants to love you and be loved by you. Don’t you want to love the woman with the lewd body in front of you?”

Those words had the power to burn through reason.

Sakia smiled ecstatically when she saw Sui open his arms wide. She was aggressive, partly because she was a succubus, but most of all because she was more than happy to be desired by her beloved. She wanted him to follow his instincts and devour her body without being bound by reason… However, Sakia underestimated Sui a little.

He was kind to a fault, and his words about wanting to protect Sakia were true.

“…Um… I think it’s a punishingly good thing. But I don’t like the idea of doing nothing.”


Hmm, Sakia tilted her head.

He continued to speak with a serious expression on his face, although his cheeks were still red and excited.

“How can I protect Sakia if I leave everything to her? Well, if you ask me what I can do, I can only keep your secret, but I’m a man too… And I want to protect Sakia.”


Suddenly, she suffered great damage.

It was not pain, but damage that further broadened the great feelings she had for Sui. Succubus knows exactly what a man is thinking. In other words, she understood that he meant what he said.

“…That’s bad, Sui-kun.”


“I just heard the sound of my heart completely falling… I’ve fallen for you, Sui-kun.”

She had meant to make him fall for her, but she was the one who fell for him instead, which was fatal for a succubus. Well, if her mother or sister were watching, this is definitely what they would say,

You already fell for him from the start.