Looking at the seams of the helmet, the soldiers were all expressionless. The naked skin part of the body was pale and had dark red tattoos. These soldiers grasped a tall spear and long shield in their hands and silently waited.

The Fire Giant, moreover, retained a military formation. With the giant leader at the center, they form a wedge-shaped array; they were ready to hit the people in front of them and kill everyone. The first to launch the attack is the Fire Giants. The 5-meter giants were able to shake the earth.

When the Fire Giants entered the front of the dragon tooth formation, their heads started to hurt. The fierce soldiers threw their spears into the air and started to charge at the Fire Giants. The power level of the giants are about 30; usually 33, but the strength of the dragon tooth soldiers has reached more than 25.

And under the addition of Claudius’s attributes – yes, the people living inside Hell Island also has the strength of 30. Under the addition of Claudius, the strength of these dragon-toothed soldiers has reached 30. The agility of the Dragon-fighter has reached 24; their physique has reached 30. Their intelligence was almost 12.

In fact, in Claudius’s personal view, these dragon tooth soldiers were unique. But there was one thing that Claudius knew; the dragon tooth soldiers were slightly weaker than the fire giants in their power attribute, but they were nimbler and more durable than the fire giant.

What’s even more horrifying was that the dragon tooth soldiers are a group combat race and their combat power has grown tremendously. At the moment, the spears were basically smiting the head of the fire giant. 

The leader of the Fire Giants wore his impenetrable armor, but his armor still got penetrated. The spears pierced the body after running through the armor. The burning flame-like blood flowed like waterfall along the handle of the spear. The head of the Fire Giant leader was struck by a spear, which was thrown by a female warrior holding a huge round shield in a magnificent armor. His face was crushed; from his head, his flame-like brains and shattered bones were brought out by the spear.

The scene was extremely fierce. All of the Fire Giants stopped. Their sovereign lords have died. They died like a mouse. The Fire Giants morale has gone down to the ground.

At this time, the shadows obscured the sky. The helpless giants looked up and saw a huge Red Dragon that they had never been seen before. It was an unusual Red Dragon. He was completely different from the Red Dragon they have seen in the past.

The dragon and his lingering flames around him proved this he was an extremely powerful Red Dragon. The Red Dragon landed on the ground. When his firm feet stepped on the ground, the earth shook slightly. The Red Dragon lowered his head and looked at the Fire Giants.

From the ground to the Red Dragon’s chin, there were at least 134 meters. Naturally, the height of the lower half was equal to the giant. He looked at the giants in front of him, but he wasn’t sure how to deal with these guys.

Since Claudius’s head was right in front of the Fire Giants, it was very convenient for them to hit him. Therefore, one of the Fire Giants wielded his two-handed sword to Claudius’s head. The Red Dragon smiled, and let him hit his head. The two-handed sword broke in half and half of the sword flew to the skies. This Red dragon easily broke the giant sword. The Fire Giant, who suffered a broken hand from hitting Claudius, fell to the ground. In fact, all the fire giants have lost the courage to face Claudius.

“From now on, you are my slaves!”

The Red Dragon made a rumbling voice, inclined his head, flew high and returned to his temple. The dragon-toothed soldiers surrounded the Fire Giants and used the spears to stab the Fire Giants: forcing them to line up and throw their weapons down. The Fire Giants followed the dragon-toothed soldiers to the city

The Red Dragon himself expressed contempt for these giants. The Fire Giants were terribly weak in his view. Although their strength was mightier than that of the Dragon Tooth, their population is on the low side. There were 600 dragon tooth soldiers per teams and there was a total of 1000 teams. Hell Island was now rapidly shifting.

During the time when Claudius was wounded, there was a barbarian who rode a ship to Hell Island; the one-eyed barbarian leader asked to meet with Claudius. Claudius was very curious so he let the barbarian leader come to see him – knowing there weren’t really many mortals who could actually find this the Red Dragon’s Lair.

There were only a few mortals who dared to come to see Claudius. In the magnificent temple, Claudius saw the barbarian leader who was 2 meters tall. This barbarian was a one-eyed man with a blindfold on his other eye. He’s dressed in a fur coat and has a crow spear with a faint thunderbolt around it.

There were no rules in the temple of Claudius. The visitor didn’t need to put down his weapon to see him – the Red Dragon has always been confident in his abilities.

“Oh? Who are you? Which god do you believe?” The Red Dragon looked at the barbarian leader who bowed slightly to him and asked.

Here comes the problem…

“Conan! My name is Conan. I am a servant of the Lord of the Storm, the King of the Sea in Ice Floes. I have come from the North, and have wandered a considerable distance to find you, the Deep Red Disaster; The Mighty Red Dragon.