The sea of ice floes, which is the home of strong north winds and brave pirates. One of the barbarians lives there, relying on fishing, raising pigs in the caves and looting coastal cities to survive. He makes a living from fighting. In Feren, barbarians like that have their own unique name—”Vikings.” These rough, brave, and big men paddle the dragon boats across the ice and sea, and they are almost all faithful believers of the storm Lord Talos. The king of the Vikings, tribal leader Wang Conan, the legendary one-eyed pirate king, now faces Claudius.

The removal of one eye was his sacrifice to his god and the proof that he and his body are on the road. Wang Conan was a legendary warrior, but he also had a fairly high priest rank. For him, destroying a city single-handedly was not a problem, especially since the majority of the “cities” in Feren had a population of less than 30,000.

The legendary warrior was now before him, but Claudius felt no pressure. Yes, this man was extremely strong, but he was only one man. Claudius had absolute confidence that he could beat this one-eyed man. 

Claudius was immune to the power of the gods. This was recently made clear when he was recovering from his injury. Because of this, he was looking into the face of the legendary warrior Conan. Claudius thought that this person seemed very interesting. He did not think of any possible consequences if he were to engage in a battle with this man. Regardless of strength or physique, Claudius had absolute confidence in his ability to suppress Conan. Conan could not block Claudius’s attack since he does not know all of his attacks.

Sure enough, there was a discussion of equals between the two strong men. Conan traveled for a long time to convey some words from his god to Claudius. The power of Claudius was recognized by the gods. Although the gods did not know the characteristics of the power, the power of Claudius and his magical resistance was noticed by both Talos and the storm gods, and he wanted Claudius to help him. The powerful god of Talos never pays attention to other gods, including the ocean goddess Ambori. Talos expressed his complete disregard for the conflict between Ambori and Claudius for many years. He did not help Ambori because he believes that the storm gods started this conflict. Talos had stood by and watched the conflict between Ambori and Claudius.

Therefore, Talos felt that he could ask Claudius to pay a reasonable price, and perhaps he could even make this powerful red dragon his follower. However, such temptations made it inappropriate for the savage king to ask the man himself. Claudius himself refused to Talos. For this reason, almost everyone on both sides of the temple began to fight. The temperature began to rise, and the fierce, murderous Claudius opened his mouth slightly to reveal the lava-like color and light inside. The savage king Conan was not there to fight. He also had a ritual of Talos, so he could make the next request while hiding his anger. He hoped to let his god build a temple on Hell Island, and of course to ask the Red Dragon to help.

The answer given to him by the red dragon was “Go back to your mother!” 

Conan was furious, and pulled out his two-handed sword—the legendary weapon “Sword of the Giants”. It was a two-handed sword with a length of more than two meters. It was beautifully decorated, and the hilt was a snake. It was heavy and sharp. Despite its size, Conan could use it freely. After he became a believer of Talos, Conan acquired this sword in one of his many adventures under the guidance of Talos, killing giants, sea monsters, and dragons.  Now the giant sword and the red dragon’s claws clashed against each other, and Claudius’ claws were cut off by the legendary sword. Conan also temporarily stopped attacking because of the strong earthquake caused by the blow. The legendary warrior was as terribly efficient as a meat grinder. With Conan’s power and mana levels, an ordinary dragon was no more difficult to deal with than a piece of steak. Unfortunately, he was facing the red dragon, Claudius.

The legendary warrior fought Claudius hard, and cut off one of Claudius’s claws. Claudius retreated like a ghost using his unordinary agility. Then his next breath filled the whole Temple of God with flames.

The flames were extremely hot. They were not the usual red, but blue and white. In the high-temperature flames, the legendary warrior Conan turned to a speck of black as the flames gradually disappeared. The stones and sculptures in the temple were blessed with their own strength, mainly by the blood of Claudius, and were able to withstand high temperatures. But despite the stone’s strength, there were signs of melting. They only remained because Claudius had not used a strong breath, so the fire did not last for long. After the flames disappeared, the king, Wang Conan reappeared. At the moment the flames began, he had activated the space treasure to try to escape into the half-plane, but he had failed. The ring of space was an artifact obtained in an adventure, so it could not be activated yet. He had to rely on the strength of the great sword and his own strength to resist the flames, and though he survived he lost the leather jacket made of the legendary ice bear that he had killed.

The leather on Conan burned, even his hair and whiskers smoldered, but there was no trace of burns on the strong body that was revealed beneath the jacket—the only scars on his body were left by his past adventures. Each scar represented a strong man who died by his hand. Claudius looked the sword that had broken his nails and looked at the soldier in front of him.

“Do you still want to fight? I will not hold back this time. Your mission for the gods will end. You are still alive for now.

The brave king of the Vikings put the sword in his hands down onto the ground, and he took a deep breath. “Good! If you are not willing to build the temple for my Lord, then my Lord asks you to do three things for Him!”

“In return, your god must also help me do one thing! Otherwise, tell him to come to the human world to talk to me himself!” Claudius sneered in response to the king Wang Conan.

What happened next is obviously not that Conan talked to Claudius, but God himself came.

What a special occasion.