CH 34

Name:The Culinary Tycoon Author:
You are the best in my heart

Chang Le shook his head. He had only heard Yu Qingze talked about his grandfather once, and he just said it casually at that time. He had never heard him talk about other relatives. Translated on ho lo lo novels dot com. However, Chang Le could only think there was something that made brother Yu sad and that was why he never mentioned it to anyone.

Yu Qingze took Chang Le’s hand, leaned against the wall, sorted out his thoughts, and said slowly in a way that Chang Le could understand: “My parents knew each other since they were young. It was natural for them to get married when they grew up. At that time, the family was very poor, but they were very loving and diligent. They worked hard to do business together, and the family situation gradually improved.”

“In the first few years, they were busy with business, so they didn’t have children. Later, when the family had money, they gave birth to me. After a year of rest, my mother went back to business. The money earned by the family became more and more. We bought a big house and hired helpers. It stands to reason that the family should be happy, right?”

Chang Le nodded. With a husband, a son, a rich family, and a house, there was no need to worry about making a living. This was already a very good and happy life.

He thought so, but obviously there was a ‘but’ after it.

“According to my grandfather, when I was two years old, my parents suddenly began to quarrel all day long. Not only did they quarreled, but sometimes the two of them even started fighting. After it had been going on for a year, my father gradually stopped coming home, and my mother stopped doing business and washed his face in tears all day long. Later I found out that there was a problem in the relationship between my father and my mother. My father went outside to be with someone else who gave him a son, only half a year younger than me.”

Chang Le’s eyes widened, Big Brother Yu’s father was like this…

“You also think my father was a scum, don’t you?” Yu Qingze asked sideways.

Chang Le nodded, the word ‘scum’ was really too apt to describe it.

Yu Qingze looked at the angry eyes on Chang Le’s face, his heart was slightly warm. He clenched his hand tightly, and then continued: “M mother found out about this. That’s why they started quarreling. *She was not willing to let the outsiders People bring their children into the house and become a member of the Yu family, so even if she has given up on my father, she was still unwilling to divorce my father.”

*(T/N: in Chinese, he or she is a gender neutral term. So, even though Yu Qingze oppa here is speaking about his mother, it wasn’t weird for a world where there was no women.)

“Later, my mother became depressed and suffered from a serious illness. She passed away when I was five years old. And less than half a year after her death, my father married the mistress outside. So, I had a new mother and a younger brother. But the new mother and the younger brother doesn’t like me. I lived with them for more than two years and had a hard time. When I was eight years old, my grandfather learned that I was not doing well, so he took me back to our hometown to live with him.”

Yu Qingze looked into the distance and fell into the memory lane.

In fact, it was a bloody story of a scumbag who cheated on the original wife after getting rich, and then married the mistress, who then forced the son of the original wife to leave the house.

When Yu Qingze thought back on his family now, he felt it was like a third-rate soap opera.

Yu Qingze didn’t remember much about his mother. At that time, he was too young, and he only remembered that his mother cried all day, and then she was hospitalized. As for the stepmother and stepbrother, Yu Qingze told Chang Le very lightly. In fact, the woman pretended to be a loving mother in front of his father. As soon as his father left, she beat and scolded him.

In fact, in his opinion, there was no need for the woman to act like this, because his father didn’t care about him at all. Otherwise, how could he not find out his son’s abnormality? Like not even a little bit?

Because he didn’t care.

In the early years, because of his parents’ affairs, his grandfather lived in his hometown all by himself. Later, when he saw his grandson by chance and only then he found out that the child was being abused. Grandpa didn’t listen to his father and took the grandson back to live with him.

When Yu Qingze was 16 years old, his grandfather passed away. His scumbag who only visited a few times came when his grandfather passed away. At the funeral, because of the woman’s provocation, the two father and son had a big fight. Afterwards, their relationship pretty much severed and they didn’t meet much.

Yu Qingze also didn’t have any feelings for that scumbag. Later, when he was a freshman, when he encountered a military recruitment, he enlisted directly. In the army, he studied the school’s courses through distance learning, and after returning from the army, he completed the remaining credits in one year and graduated one year ahead of schedule.

After graduation, through a comrade-in-arms relationship, he took a famous chef as his teacher and began to learn cooking. The master had a strong relationship with his comrades-in-arms, and he didn’t hide his secrets, he taught Yu Qingze all his skills.

But it was not easy to tell all these to Brother Le, so he simply said that his grandfather passed away, and later he didn’t have any contact with his scumbag father, and he began living by himself.

Chang Le looked at Yu Qingze’s profile and felt sore in his heart. It turned out that Big Brother Yu had such a bad life when he was a child. He didn’t have a good time himself when he was young, but his father loved him very much, but Big Brother Yu didn’t have the same experience. Fortunately, he still had a grandfather who loved him.

“So, Brother Le, since I was a child, I have always wanted to have a warm and harmonious family, a family who loves each other. With a loving husband and a filial son, I would be very happy.”

It was only later that he discovered his sexuality. He knew he couldn’t have biological children, but he still had the desire to find a lover to form a harmonious family. He even thought that he could adopt a child in the future, and the filial piety of father and son could still be realized.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work out.

Yu Qingze turned his head, looked at Chang Le, held his hand, and asked, “Brother Le, what do you think? Would you like to build a home like this with me?”

Chang Le was stunned for a moment. Would he like it? Of course he would.


The husband who is kind and the son who is filial, can he fulfill the wish of Big Brother Yu?

Chang Le struggled for a while, then pulled out his hand, and gestured slowly and earnestly.

Chang Le: Brother Yu, you deserve a better ger.

Yu Qingze knew that he was thinking. He held Chang Le’s shoulders with both hands and said solemnly, “Brother Le, in my heart, you are the best ger! There is no one else!”

“In my heart, you are the best ger!”

In a word, Chang Le felt that his heart had been slammed, and all the honey was gurgling inside, and there were many small flowers blooming, filling his heart with sweetness, powerful , and fragrant.

This was the best love story he had ever heard. Bouts of happiness and emotions made him want to indulge in it.

Chang Le gestured: Really?

Yu Qingze raised his hand to cover Chang Le’s brows, these eyes were shining with moving light, like stars, so beautiful that he wanted to kiss this person in front of him.

However, now was not the time to scare him. Yu Qingze told himself not to be impatient, not to frighten this timid little turtle away.

“Of course it’s true. Brother Le, you don’t know how good you are, so don’t demean yourself, okay?” Yu Qingze said softly.

Chang Le pursed his lips and didn’t answer. He didn’t know how to answer this question because he knew he couldn’t do it.

Since reaching the marriageable age, he had been beaten and denied too many times. Now, even if others didn’t remind him of his physical flaws, he knew he was not a suitable marriage partner at all.

Seeing this, Yu Qingze put on a serious face, pretended to be sad, and asked, “Don’t you believe what I said? Don’t you believe in my vision?”

Chang Le immediately shook his head, of course he believed what Brother Yu said. He gestured: Believe.

Yu Qingze felt a little emotional and said, “Then I said you are the best ger, why don’t you believe it?”

Chang Le was stunned for a moment, feeling that he had been led into a pit by Big Brother Yu. He didn’t know how to answer because no matter how he answered, it would be not what brother Yu would want to hear.

After a while, he gestured: I believe in your vision, but I don’t believe in myself.

Yu Qingze sighed inwardly, knowing that this little turtle had been shrinking its head for a long time and to make him stand up again, he had to take it slow.

He said, “It’s okay, I’ll make you believe it. Let’s not worry, take your time.”

Chang Le looked at him suspiciously.

Yu Qingze continued, “Brother Le, you haven’t answered my question just now.”

What was the question again? Chang Le thought about it for a while, and then he remembered that Yu Qingze asked him if he would like to build a happy and harmonious family with him.

Thinking of this, Chang Le fell silent. Although Big Brother Yu liked him, and he himself had secretly liked Big Brother Yu for a long time, could he make Big Brother Yu happy?

He was very uncertain about this question. Even if there was no problem with communication between the two and Big Brother Yu didn’t care about his scars, but, about the child…

He touched the dark red mole between his eyebrows and lowered his head sadly.

He hoped that Brother Yu could have his own children, and he hoped that Brother Yu could realize his wish since he was a child – to enjoy a happy and harmonious family with a loving husband and a son.

He may not be able to make it happen.

Seeing Chang Le bowing his head again, Yu Qingze couldn’t bear to persecute him any more. Today’s progress was enough. He raised Chang Le’s head and said, “Brother Le, don’t worry about giving me an answer just yet. You can think about it slowly, and tell me when you’re ready, but don’t make me wait too long, okay?”

Chang Le nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.


“But, now that I’m asking you this question, please give me an answer today.” Yu Qingze said again seriously.

Today’s primary goal was to confess and make sure if Chang Le liked him too.

This goal had not been completed yet.

The previous question was really not in a hurry, it was just a question that naturally arises in that situation. Translated on ho lo lo novels dot com. At present, it was definitely impossible for Chang Le to overcome his inferiority complex and agree to his marriage proposal.

But it was still possible to let Chang Le face his feelings first.

Although from the previous interactions, Yu Qingze already had a nine-tenths confidence that Chang Le liked himself too and not Da He. Still, he wanted to see Chang Le admit it himself.

This was important.

What was this question? Chang Le looked at Yu Qingze suspiciously.

Yu Qingze stared at Chang Le, and asked with anticipation and anxiety, “Brother Le, do you like me?”