Chapter 547 To Marry Her

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 547 To Marry Her

Silvia blinked in surprise, her usual anxiety washed away by the sight of Sabina retreating without a backward glance.

A sweet giggle escaped her lips, and she turned to her mother with admiration shining in her eyes, "Mother, you really scared her off. From now on, Silvia wants you to stay with her whenever she meets Sabina," Silvia regretted not asking her mother to tag along whenever she met Sabina, though it was not like she ever got such an opportunity.

Naida,?standing tall and serene, softly chuckled at her daughter's words.?She turned and affectionately patted Silvia's head, her voice soothing yet firm, "There is no need for that. Sabina might be a bit rough when she wants to play with you, but as the young lady of our House, you have to learn to handle her yourself. You are stronger than you think. Never give in to your fears. The more you show fear, the more you appear weak and look like a prey for the bullies."

Silvia's confidence wavered?for a moment, and she pressed her lips together, her voice small as she looked down, "Silvia appears weak? Is that why he chose Sabina?"

Naida,?understanding the depth of Silvia's insecurities, gently lifted her daughter's chin, encouraging her to meet her gaze.

Her smile was tender, her eyes filled with an unwavering belief, "He chose her because it's convenient, not?because of?what you think. Such a bond has limits.?But if you truly win him over with your sincerity,?then?you will have a stronger bond with him than Sabina?does.?Don't overdo anything. Just be yourself because you are already beautiful and strong as you are."

Moved by her mother's words, Silvia's eyes brimmed with tears, her emotions swelling like the tide.

She threw her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly, "Then Silvia will win him over," she declared, her voice thick with resolve and her eyes becoming sharper.

Naida returned the embrace, her smile bright and encouraging. Yet, as she held her daughter, her gaze drifted over Silvia's shoulder to the crimson skies above, her expression turning wistful for a fleeting moment.

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In a mesmerizing meadow that seemed untouched by?the darker realities of their world, Asher and Naida stood hand in hand amid a sea of roses.

The?illusionary beauty of the place?was almost overwhelming, with its vibrant colors and the sweet fragrance of endless blooms.

Asher's?dove gray?skin was a stark contrast to the lush greens and vivid reds around them, and his dark yellow eyes reflected the serene environment as he gazed at Naida with admiration.

"Each time I come here with you, I forget this is an illusory place in a world like ours. You are truly amazing to create something like this," Asher remarked, his voice filled with genuine wonder.

Naida, her ruby red eyes sparkling with warmth, chuckled softly and hugged his arm, leaning into him, "But not as amazing as you. You managed to bring House Thorne under your palm by proposing such an alliance and even bringing Esther under your control. Would you like to do the same with my House and manage the kingdom better as you wish?" she teased, her tone light yet probing.

Her fingers gently caressed his hair, each stroke laden with concern and warmth.

Her voice,when she spoke, was low and tinged with sorrow, "I...I don't know what to say after hearing about your past... Other than how unbelievable it is, I can't help but think about how much you had to sufferon your own. Those despicable humans... How could they do that to their own savior?"

Asher's face, usually a mask of calm, hardened as he looked up into Naida's pain-filled eyes, "The time for asking questions is over. Now it's their turn to suffer."

The air seemed to thicken with tension as Naida's expression darkened, a hint of killing intent flashing across her features, "Then allow me to join you as well in making them suffer. I will help you accomplish your plans no matter what, even if it might hurt our kingdom or me."

Asher shook his head, his expression softening as he lifted her hand to his lips, "I would never do anything to hurt our kingdom or you. All I need is your support, even if it means simply staying beside me. That's it."

Naida smiled softly, her mood lightening as she hugged his hand to her chest, "I don't know how this became possible, but I think it's fate. The devils must have wanted you to come to our world not only to help us but also so that I can be with you. I don't care where you came from or what you are, but promise me that... you will never leave me, no matter what."

"I won't, as long as there is breath in my body," Asher affirmed, his voice firm and warm as he hugged Naida's waist.

"That's all I need," she murmured, her fingers tenderly caressing his face.

The conversation shifted as Asher brought up a previous topic, a hint of curiosityin his voice, "Now... about what you proposed earlier... do you really not mind if I marry Silvia?"

Naida chuckled lightly, a sound that seemed to dance with the leaves above, "If you are trying to ask if I would be hurt or jealous, of course not. Since I love you, I have given myself to you, and Silvia is a part of me. So why would I feel bothered when I can offer more of myself to you?"

Asher felt a bit surprised andfeltthat he had yet to learn more about the mentality of demons since they were a far cry from humans.

"Then do you really want me to marry her right away?"Asherqueried, his thoughts alsoon the strategic alliance with House Valentine.

"You don't have to right away. I want you to marryheronly if you likeher. I wouldn't want to force her on you,and itwould be unfair for both of you. If you simply need an alliance, you don't have to marry when I am here to support you no matter what," Naida replied, her voice earnest and caring.

Asher's chuckle resonatedsoftly under the canopy,"To be honest, your daughter annoyed me quite a lot at first. But after the quest, Irealizemaybe I have yet to properly know her.Maybe time will allow me to find out."

"That's more than enough," Naida said with a warm smile as the two continued to rest under the tree, basking in each other's warmth.