Chapter 548 Don't Possess Him

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 548 Don't Possess Him

In the dark confines of the Demonstone Castle, the Crimson Veil Chamber held an atmosphere both regal and foreboding.

It was a royal chamber where consorts or potential consorts who were about to be wed would change into the right garments under the supervision of the queen.

Its deep crimson curtains fell from ceiling to floor, swaying slightly as if breathing with the castle itself. Black candles flickered dimly on wrought-iron sconces, casting a soft, dark glow that danced on the walls and the ornate mirrors framed in twisted black iron. These mirrors, ever watchful, reflected and multiplied the flickers of candlelight and the movements of all who entered.

At the heart of the chamber sat the queen herself, a figure of undeniable authority and mystique. Her gown was a masterpiece of exquisite fabric, embroidered with intricate designs that mimicked the fearsome elegance of dragons—symbols of power and dread. Her crimson eyes, piercing and cold, dominated the room even as her maids attended to their duties in respectful silence.

The focus of her intense gaze was the dressing box, where the shadow of a slender figure was being prepared by a cadre of maids. After moments that stretched like hours under Rowena's scrutinous watch, the curtains of the dressing box parted to reveal an alluring figure.

She emerged like a vision crafted from the night itself, her gown sleeveless, hugging her form in a way that managed to be both elegant and daring. The fabric was a cascade of black, accentuating her figure and revealing just a hint of cleavage, a deliberate design that spoke of both sophistication and allure. Her ghostly red eyes were striking against her pale complexion, and her silky silver hair was gathered into an artful bun, veiled lightly with a thin black lace that added an air of mystique.

Sabina approached Rowena with a graceful stride, her gown flowing behind her like a shadow made tangible. She bowed her head slightly, a gesture of respect mingled with a touch of theatrical flair, "How do I look, Your Majesty?" she asked with a smile, her voice a blend of confidence and curiosity.

Rowena, still seated, surveyed Sabina with a reserved expression that masked her thoughts. After a moment of silence that seemed to fill the chamber with anticipation, she stood, her own gown whispering against the floor. With a measured tone and without breaking her gaze, Rowena commanded the room, "Leave us," she ordered the maids.

The maids bowed deeply and exited the chamber, their steps quick and quiet against the stone floor. As the last of them disappeared and the heavy door closed with a soft thud, the chamber felt smaller, the air thicker.

Rowena took a step towards Sabina, her eyes never leaving her.

Relief washed over Ceti's features as she smiled, "That's true. I should have thought of you first," Ceti knew that Isola was the best person to handle anyone, no matter how crazy or difficult they were.

Ceti's tone then shifted as she sighed heavily, the weight of her next words filled with a mix of frustration and helplessness, "But... if he keeps this up, will he marry a lady from House Valentine too? Sigh, sometimes I wish he was just an ordinary man," Ceti couldn't help but worry if he would forget about her if he kept getting new women while Rowena and Isola exchanged knowing glances.

It was Rowena who spoke first, her voice low and steady, reassuring yet realistic, "If it's a lady we know from House Valentine, we don't have a reason to worry. They won't cause any trouble. But..." she paused, turning to look directly at Ceti, her voice even softer, " matter how many women surround Asher, it won't change how much he loves us. It is also the only way we can make sure he stays as the man we all love," Rowena said as she remembered what the High Seer once told her before Asher returned from the Quest of the Worthy.

She also had the same worries as Ceti including whether he will have less time for her. But she was also determined to try harder to make sure he would. But most of all, she has to make sure he stays happy.

Isola nodded while Ceti had a baffled look, "What do you mean by that, Your Majesty? How could letting him have more women make sure he stays happy?"

Rowena softly sighed as she shook her head, "I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was that he needs as many people as possible to love him."

"But aren't we...more than enough? I still don't get it..." Ceti softly asked with pursed lips.

Rowena's eyes glazed over, "I also don't...but this is what the High Seer told me. He is never wrong. If Asher has something to tell us, he will when it's the right time. All I know is that it has to do with his past."

"Hmph," Ceti let out a low harrumph and felt that something felt suspicious here. Just what could he be hiding that he doesn't want to let her or anyone else know?

Isola winced briefly and wished she could make them understand but knew for now she had to endure the guilt, "It's almost time for the wedding. We should go."

Rowena silently nodded as they walked away while Ceti narrowed her eyes with her hands on her hips before following them.