"I think you should die."

Both 711 and Huo Qi were taken aback.

711 thought that Lu Shijin was going to turn against Huo Qi, and was so anxious that he almost formatted himself.

"Su Su Su host! Please calm down!"

Huo Qi thought that he had heard something wrong, and his cold eyes narrowed in displeasure, "What did you say?"

"Oh, I said this crab!"

There is a plate of drunken crabs carved with flowers on the table, and four hairy crabs are placed in the middle of the plate.

Lu Shijin picked up one of them and said with a smile: "The crab's feet moved just now, and I think it was telling me that it didn't want to die. But aren't crabs born to be eaten by humans, so I would persuade me to persuade them. It's 'you should die', die early and give birth early, and strive to give birth to a good child in the next life."

Hearing what Lu Shijin said, Huo Qi frowned in disgust, even though there was a table of delicacies in front of him, he lost his appetite now.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is a cooked crab, how could it be possible for your feet to move? I think you have hysteria."

Lu Shijin turned a deaf ear to Huo Qi's cynicism, raised his chin and looked at Huo Qi innocently.

"What's the matter, are you mad just for a joke?"

Huo Qi lowered his eyelids coldly and took a sip of the water from the cup: "No, don't make such childish jokes in the future."

[After all, he is still a child, and he is not sensible at all, how can he compare with A Ruan. But since A Ruan has returned, there is no need for him to exist anymore, and he has to find a way to break up with him. 】

Lu Shijin, who heard Huo Qi's true words clearly, nodded obediently: "Okay, if you don't like listening to me, I won't say it again."

Huo Qi chose Lu Shijin at the beginning, and he also saw Lu Shijin's good sense, like a piece of white paper, all the colors on it were drawn by him.

Thinking of this, Huo Qi's mood improved a little.

[Forget it, what do you care about with a child. 】

Lu Shijin peeled off the crab shell, the crab roe was full and golden, exuding the mellow smell of Huadiao wine, Lu Shijin rudely put the crab roe into his mouth, the thick crab roe melted on the tip of the tongue, and the crab roe was full of elasticity and chewy, bringing to the taste buds great satisfaction.

After eating a crab, Lu Shijin remembered that he still had business to do.

The dish at the table, Huo Qi, didn't move his chopsticks very much. He glanced at his mobile phone every few minutes, and all the small movements fell into Lu Shijin's eyes.

Lu Shijin wiped his mouth with a napkin and deliberately asked, "Husband, why did you bring me here for dinner all of a sudden? I still order what I like."

The foot under the table stretched out and rubbed Huo Qi's leg in a gesture of sympathy.

Huo Qi stepped back to avoid Lu Shijin, but he didn't mean to blame him, just gave him a light look.

He used to like Lu Shijin's coquettish way of calling him "husband", but now he hears it, and it's just harsh.

The true master is back, and a substitute is just a substitute after all.

Huo Qi: "Didn't I tell you that you can't call it that outside?"

Lu Shijin pretended to know that he had made a mistake, and covered his mouth angrily, "I'm so happy to see you, I forgot for a while." After that, he looked expectantly, "Did you prepare some surprise for me? "

[Always so heartless, what a fool. Forget it, after all, he's been with me for so long. If he says break up directly, it will hurt him too much, so he still thinks of a way to coax people and then slowly distance himself. 】

Lu Shijin sneered in his heart, but he couldn't see that the scumbag would think about others.

But it is also, the original owner has been with Huo Qi for all these years, not fighting, not robbing, but also giving up on him. Even if Huo Qi keeps a pet, he will have some feelings for him.

But if it wasn't for Huo Qi being so sloppy and unwilling to directly say goodbye to Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin might not continue to be involved with him, and the following things would not happen.

It has harmed other people's life, and still being moved here is for the sake of others, which is even more hateful.

Huo Qi; "Nowadays, I will be very busy for a while, so after today, we may not be able to meet for a while."

Lu Shijin's face fell down: "Are you going on a business trip?"

Huo Qi: "Yeah."

Lu Shijin flattened his mouth, "Can I call you or make a video then?"

Huo Qi wanted to refuse coldly, but his words softened: "I'll tell you when I'm free."

Lu Shijin was happy again, looking at Huo Qi with a pair of peach blossom eyes affectionately, "Okay, I will be good and take care of myself."

Huo Qi twitched the corner of his mouth, which was a reward for Lu Shijin's sensibleness.

[It's really coaxing, fool. 】

【If only A Ruan was as well-behaved as she is today...】

【Huo Qi, are you crazy? How can you compare him with A Ruan? A Ruan is the one you really like! 】

The inner drama that changed every second was enough for Lu Shijin to see exactly what kind of person Huo Qi was.

Not only admire Ruan Siheng's tough and independent personality, but also can't let go of Lu Shijin's well-behaved and sensible.

To put it bluntly, Huo Qi can't wait for the two to become one, independent from the outside world, and treat him as a little bird.

"By the way, I heard that your school has an exchange student program next semester. Do you want to study abroad?" Huo Qi asked.

Lu Shijin snorted in his heart, seeing him so quickly that he wanted to send him away.

"Yes," Lu Shijin blinked, "but I can't bear you. If you go abroad as an exchange student, we won't see each other twice a year."

[It’s better if we don’t meet face to face, so don’t worry that A Ruan will know about me and him. 】

"Nowadays, your current age should focus on your studies. You still have a long life. Are you afraid that you won't have time to spend with the person you like in the future?"

Huo Qi replaced "I" with "the person I like" very arrogantly, and his words were ambiguous but not leaking.

Lu Shijin's temperament was originally simple and not assertive, Huo Qi saw that his expression was slightly shaken, and continued to agitate.

"If you want to go, don't worry about the cost, I will support you."

This is to use money to send him. If Lu Shijin accepts it, then his relationship with Huo Qi will be mixed with money. Even if they separate in the future, Huo Qi will not feel that he owes Lu Shijin anything.

Using money to buy peace of mind is a good abacus.

"Huo Qi, I don't want your money, even if I want to go, I will find a way myself." Lu Shijin whispered gloomily, "I'm not with you for money."

The declaration of no money but love is quite in line with the original owner's silly and sweet love-minded personality.

Huo Qi's proposal was rejected by Lu Shijin, and he raised his eyebrows with a slightly unhappy expression.

[Don't give money, do you still want to get something else from me? It's ridiculous, when will he be able to recognize his identity and stop thinking about it. 】

[If you can't send him away, it will be troublesome. Do you want to cut the mess with a quick knife? After all, Aruan is the most important. 】

711 detected that Huo Qi's favorability towards Lu Shijin was decreasing, and he was immediately anxious.

711 turned on the red light: "Warning! Warning! The character cannot be separated from the development of the plot. Huo Qi has already thought of breaking up with you. Please restore the protagonist's favorability as soon as possible!"

Lu Shijin: "Oh Huo, happy parting, happy and happy."

711 wanted to cry but had no tears: "If you break up, you've finished it now, how can you do the task later?"

Lu Shijin: "That's right, it's too cheap to end like this, you bastard."

"But I know you are doing it for my own good." Lu Shijin endured his nausea and continued to play, raised his chin, his dark eyes were dyed with a layer of mist, and put on a moving tone, "You are so kind to me, I can't do anything for you, I'm really sorry."

Huo Qi's hardened heart was melted a little by Lu Shijin's infatuation and fiery eyes.

"You don't need to do anything for me, as long as you're happy."

At this time, Huo Qi was still willing to coax Lu Shijin with words. After all, Lu Shijin didn't do anything wrong in his heart, he just loved him.

Lu Shijin said cheerfully, "Thank you husband~"

Huo Qi thought that he might not meet a few times after today, so he didn't correct Lu Shijin's slip of the tongue.

"I'll let Secretary Hao call you the money, and tell me if it's not enough."

"Okay!" Lu Shijin nodded vigorously and cared thoughtfully, "You should take care of yourself when you are away on business, don't make yourself too tired, wait for you to come back."

Huo Qi finally showed the first smile after meeting today, "Good."

After dinner, Lu Shijin excused himself to go shopping in the city, but did not ask Huo Qi to send a car to take him back to school.

As soon as he walked out of the hotel, Lu Shijin received a payment message on his mobile phone. Huo Qi was generous, and the first shot was 100,000.

However, compared with the little lovers raised by other bosses, the money Huo Qi spent on Lu Shijin was not worth mentioning at all.

"Do you think the original owner is a bit of a donkey?" Lu Shijin deleted the payment information and stuffed his mobile phone into his pocket. "He doesn't want the money. What does he want to say? He is old? Does he have no heart?"

711: "...He thought it was true love."

Lu Shijin sneered: "True love is invincible, money comes first, and there is no conflict between the two. You see, he wasn't happy when I didn't want his money just now, but he was happy when I asked for it. What does that mean?"

711: "What?"

Lu Shijin: "It means that men are all idiots."

711: "...Host, don't forget that you are also a man."

Lu Shijin smiled: "I don't deny it."

711: This man is so cruel, he even scolds himself.

"Let me think about where I should go with this money." Lu Shijin walked to the side of the road and waited for a taxi, and a bus came not far away. The bus was holding an event at a bar with a 50% discount. 's advertisement, Lu Shijin's eyes lit up, "Just go clubbing."

711 felt tired: "The money is for you to study, not for you to be cool."

Lu Shijin disagreed: "you can make more money when you run out of money. Do you think Huo Qi looks like he is short of money?"

In Lu Shijin's eyes, Huo Qi was already a walking ATM.

711: "...your character is an affectionate male character, how can an affectionate male character discuss money with the protagonist."

"Compared to the original owner's life, what is Huo Qi's money worth?" Lu Shijin moved his lower lip coldly, "It's not enough to pay the interest."

That's right, after being a free gunner for Ruan Siheng, Lu Shijin hasn't completely lost his use value.

At the end of the plot, when the villain stabs Huo Qi with a knife, Lu Shijin still needs to jump out and block the knife for Huo Qi.

After earning Huo Qi's two tears of gratitude, Lu Shijin's role as an affectionate male supporting role will be finished.

"Look, the show has just begun."

The author has something to say: all you think for my good is just your self-movement.

Huo Zha will not be offensive, we do not recycle garbage, we only destroy garbage.