Since he didn't need to see Huo Qi during this time, Lu Shijin didn't need to pretend to be obedient.

Before going to the bar, Lu Shijin changed his look.

If the gentle and elegant temperament of the former owner is somewhat similar to Ruan Siheng, then the image of Lu Shijin now has nothing to do with the artist at all.

The original owner's black and supple hair was dyed a dull blue by him, and a pair of peach blossom eyes with ecstasy and discharge under his full and smooth forehead suddenly changed from a pure white rabbit to a little wild wolf in the disco.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights of the bar are blurred, and the light and dark are intertwined. Both men and women are swaying their bodies to the loud music on the dance floor. The air is mixed with the smell of alcohol and various perfumes, which numbs people's olfactory nerves. The response of other senses to the outside world has weakened, and I just want to free my brain and indulge here for a while.

Lu Shijin sat alone in the corner of the bar, with five or six empty glasses already placed in front of him. After drinking the wine in his hand, Lu Shijin snapped his fingers and greeted the bartender for another dozen whiskeys, obviously to get drunk.

711 was very worried: "You drink less, if you are drunk, no one will send you home."

Lu Shijin twitched his lips, "Don't worry, your brother, I haven't been drunk before, so this is not enough for me."

In fact, 711 can somewhat understand Lu Shijin's current mood.

Originally, he died of suffocation, and now he has to live suffocatedly in this kind of plot, and no one will be happy.

However, Lu Shijin has already considered the hosts he brought with him to be the most receptive. There used to be several hosts who were rejected by the protagonist as soon as they came up, and he had to be implicated to spend a lot of energy to reset the plot.

So as long as Lu Shijin follows the plot obediently, he is still willing to help him. After all, Lu Shijin is much more pleasing to the eye than those hosts who only obey.

Lu Shijin raised his glass and drank it, unknowingly sighing with emotion: "There is wine today and you are drunk, because you never know what will happen next moment."

"Well said!" A hand stretched out from behind Lu Shijin's shoulder and put it on his shoulder, "I'm just trying to be cool with the handsome guy, I'll buy your wine tonight."

Lu Shijin didn't look back, he put down the wine glass, and moved the corner of his mouth coldly, "Hand, take it away."

"Hey, it's quite individual." The man withdrew his hand and sat next to Lu Shijin.

It was an inch-headed man with a large gold chain hanging on his chest, exuding an earthy aura.

He touched the top of his head and looked at Lu Shijin greedily.

"Little handsome guy, I see that you are lonely drinking alone. Can't I invite you to drink?"

Lu Shijin was wearing a very expensive fashion brand, and at first glance, he looked like a young master who came out to play with rich people.

This kind of young master doesn't know how deep the water is outside, it's best to cheat and the easiest to get started.

So even though Lu Shijin was sitting in the corner, he was already being watched by the men and women who came to the bar tonight to hunt for beauty.

It's just that he can't be sure of his preferences for the time being, and no one dares to rush over to chat up first.

"No need." Lu Shijin refused coldly.

The inch-headed man didn't feel embarrassed when he was rejected, "Yo, you have such a big temper? Is this your first time here? Would you know me if you come here often? I think you are very pleasing to the eye, can you make friends?"

Whether the other party is really here to make friends or to find fault, how could Lu Shijin not know.

He snorted softly: "I'm sorry, not just any cat or dog can be my friend."

The inch-headed man choked for a moment. He didn't expect the young master to have such a twisted temper, and he didn't give any face when he spoke.

So many pairs of eyes are staring here, if they watch a good show, he will have no face to hang around here in the future.

"You don't want to give your face, do you?"

The inch-headed man clapped the table and stood up, and he greeted several brothers next to him to come around. They belonged to the local snakes in this area, and there were many quarrels and troubles.

The inch-headed man picked up a whole bottle of foreign wine and placed it in front of Lu Shijin. He sneered and said, "Don't you like to drink alone? Come, here's a bottle for you to drink. You can't finish it. Don't think of this door today!"

Lu Shijian still sits steadily like a mountain, and even takes a sip of wine in the mood.

"Convenience store, I remember that you seem to have a Wing Chun master experience card at your place. Put down these shrewd three, is it enough?"

711: "They're just unarmed ordinary people. Isn't it a bit cruel to do so?"

Lu Shijin: "Do you have a better way to get them out?"

711: "Should I help you call the police?"

Lu Shijin: "When the police arrive here, the daylily will be cold."

"Isn't it pretty good just now? Why don't you talk now? Continue to be crazy with me!" The inch-headed man thought he had frightened Lu Shijin, and said triumphantly, "I don't eat a toast or a fine drink, I tell you, this wine You have to drink today, and you have to drink if you don't!"

Lu Shijin sneered, put down the cup in his hand and stood up just as he was about to teach these hooligans a lesson, when he inadvertently glanced at the man who was sitting drinking two seats away from him, and couldn't help but startled.

"Do you think that man is a little familiar?" Lu Shijin asked 711 in his mind.

711 said calmly, "No."

Lu Shijin: "Tsk tsk, it's not good for children to lie."

711 kept silent and pretended to be dead.

Lu Shijin: "Do you think I can't guess if you don't tell me? Just looking at the profile makes you look like that **** Huo Qi. If they don't matter, I'll screw my head to you."

711: "...Why do I want your head?"

Lu Shijin smiled: "So you admit that they are related? Who is he?"

711 was silent for a while, then said with difficulty, "Yes... Huo Lian."

Huo Lian, the only villain in the show, Huo Qi's uncle.

Huo Qi's grandfather, Mr. Huo, has two sons. The eldest son, Huo Yan, was born to his first wife and is Huo Qi's biological father. The other son is Huo Lian.

Huo Lian is actually the product of Mr. Huo's momentary confusion and a romantic relationship with a certain 18th-tier star.

The little star has a dark knot in her bead, and for the sake of her prosperity and wealth for the rest of her life, she secretly gave birth to Huo Lian without the knowledge of the Huo family.

At that time, Mr. Huo was nearly half a hundred years old, and he belonged to the old son, and naturally he was reluctant to let his blood and blood fall outside.

After using a sum of money to get rid of the little star, Mr. Huo took Huo Lian back to the Huo family to recognize his ancestors.

Huo Lian was just a baby when he returned to Huo's house, and Huo Yan was already in his thirties.

Even with the protection of Mr. Huo, no one in the Huo family would take an illegitimate child in their eyes.

Huo Lian grew up with cold eyes and cold words, lacking maternal love, and developed a paranoid and sinister character when she grew up. Except for Mr. Huo, almost no one in the Huo family was willing to pay attention to this second young master Huo.

The more people are suppressed, the easier it is to go to extremes. Huo Lian is unwilling to live such a life of admiration forever in the future.

However, how could Huo Lian fight against Huo Qi, who has the aura of the protagonist? In the end, Huo Lian's conspiracy was exposed by Huo Qi. Mr. Huo was furious at what his younger son did, and swept Huo Lian out of the house.

As the saying goes, it's not that enemies don't get together.

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth: "It turns out that I died at the hands of this person."

711: "...people are also excusable."

Lu Shijin: "You said that if I killed him first, wouldn't I not have to die in the end?"

711: "Calm down, murder is against the law!"

Lu Shijin felt a little regretful, "Yeah, it's not worth losing your life, let's do something else."

711 panicked: "...what do you want?"

Lu Shijin: "He didn't have a choice before, but now it's different, because he met me."

711: "…"

"How about talking to you, do you hear me?" The inch-headed man pushed Lu Shijin impatiently when he saw that Lu Shijin had been silent.

The inch-headed man obviously didn't exert much effort, but Lu Shijin took advantage of his strength to take a few steps back, and "just happened" to sit on Huo Lian's lap behind him.

Huo Lian instinctively stopped Lu Shijin, and when she reacted, she lowered her head in displeasure.

Lu Shijin also looked up at Huo Lian, his wet eyes were full of helplessness, like a little sheep that accidentally broke into the wolf pack and panicked and asked for help.

Anyone who sees it will feel pity and love, and want to help him.

But the man in front of him, with a cold look in his eyes, only looked at Lu Shijin and looked away.

The tight jawline and tight thin lips showed how much he despised this daring ghost who suddenly bumped into him.

However, the mind-reading technique was only a few minutes short of its expiration date.

In Huo Lian's eyes, Lu Shijin read a heartfelt voice that did not match his indifferent expression.

[The waist is so soft. 】

[Ass is very elastic. 】

[Hey, I touched it, I almost reacted. 】

Lu Shijin: …

Mind reading gone wrong?

Lu Shijin maintained the posture where Huo Lian supported his waist and sat on his lap, and did not stand up for a long time.

[He is definitely seducing me. 】

After thinking about what was going on, Huo Lian's eyes were cold, and when he opened his mouth, his voice was cold and thin.


The author has something to say: don't guess the old attack's mind.