As expected of the villain, his mind is treacherous and moody.

Before Lu Shijin said a word, Huo Lian had already made countless guesses in his mind.

According to the original plot, the two had never met before Lu Shijin was stabbed to death by Huo Lian.

So 711 is very worried that now the two meet in advance, it will have an impact on the next plot.

711 made a dog-legged idea: "Master host, Huo Lian is a sensitive person, and he's not easy to mess with, so let's withdraw."

Lu Shijin asked with interest: "What do you mean he is more sensitive?"

711: "...Of course it's character!"

Otherwise what else could it be! People are just a pure little system, don't break it for Lao Tzu!

It's a pity that before Lu Shijin could react, the inch-toed man first choked with Huo Lian.

"Who are you? Who are you going to let go?"

Maybe it's because Huo Lian's eyelids drooped when he spoke.

Neither Lu Shijin nor the short-headed man.

But the man with an inch head did something wrong, and in his guilty conscience, he took it for granted that Huo Lian's word "go away" was aimed at him.

Lu Shijin blinked twice, hey, there's a good show to watch.

In fact, Huo Lian had already noticed what happened just now.

The group of men with an inch head obviously saw that Lu Shijin was alone, and deliberately came to look for Lu Shijin's stubble to get some benefits.

This kind of fat sheep slaughtering is not uncommon in bars, Huo Lian looked on and did not want to intervene.

But since the inch-headed man has no eye for eyeballs and turned the gun on him, Huo Lian is not a soft temperament.

Besides, whether the little sheep sitting on his lap deliberately seduced him is irrelevant.

This face alone can arouse people's desire for protection.

The inch-headed man saw that Huo Lian had been silent, and his arrogance became even more vigorous, "Don't dare to speak, right? If you don't dare, just walk away and don't interfere with Lao Tzu's drinking!"

Huo Lian raised her thin eyelids, and glanced at the inch-headed man.

The inch-headed man was swept away by him, and the back of his neck couldn't help but feel a chill, and he came back to himself and blamed himself for making a fuss.

It's just a little white face. Are so many of them still afraid of him?

The inch-headed man stared, "What are you looking at? I warn you not to meddle in your own business. If you want to stand out for others, you should measure your own skills first!"

"I'll take care of it, what can you do?"

After all, Huo Lian was a young master raised in a wealthy family since childhood.

Even if he is not very popular with the Huo family, his noble temperament is obviously different from those around him, which can still be recognized at a glance.

Huo Lian's eyes are long and narrow, and the ends of the eyes are slightly upturned.

He also had an unruly ruthlessness.

The inch-headed man immediately realized that this man was a difficult master.

But as a big brother, you can't lose if you lose. If you shrink now, how can you stand in front of your younger brothers in the future.

The inch-headed man raised his finger and pointed at Huo Lian, "Okay, you want to take care of it, then you drink this wine for him!"

Huo Lian tapped her fingers on the bar, "I don't want to drink."

"Don't drink? Then you can't do it!" The inch-headed man turned his wrist with a smirk, and reached out to catch Huo Lian, "I will teach you today. If you want to be a hero, you have to pay the price!"

"How long do you want to sit? It's time to get up."

Huo Lian breathed in Lu Shijin's ear, and then Lu Shijin was pushed by Huo Lian and slipped off his thigh.

At the same time, Huo Lian didn't turn his head, but quickly and accurately grabbed the outstretched arm of the inch-headed man.

He stood up slowly, and squeezed the elbow of the one-inch man with a tactful force and buckled it out.

The pig-like howl of the inch-headed man instantly overwhelmed the loud music in the bar.

"Hand-on-hand! Hey! My hand!"

Huo Lian pinched the Majing on the elbow of the inch-headed man, and the pain caused his eyes to shine, and he secretly regretted that he underestimated Huo Lian.

He looked like he was just an ordinary dude, but he didn't expect to be an old and ruthless King of Hell.

"Hurry up and let go of our boss!" Seeing that the boss was being controlled by Huo Lian, the little brother of the inch-headed man rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush up to beat him.

Huo Lian's expression didn't change, "One step further, and his hand will be useless."

"Get out! Get out of here! Don't come here!" The inch-headed man ordered his younger brothers not to act rashly, and smiled at Huo Lian, "If you have something to say, I won't bother that little brother. Can you let it go?"

Huo Lian twitched the corners of her mouth and stared at the one-inch man with a sneer: "I don't care who you are looking for to trouble me, but didn't you just say that you want me to pay the price?"

"Just kidding, I'm kidding!"

The inch-headed man was sweating coldly from the pain, and he didn't want to be so cowardly in front of his younger brother, but he didn't know what moves the man used.

Obviously he just pinched his elbow, his entire arm was numb, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

Huo Lian snapped the inch-headed man's elbow a little further, "Then who said that he wanted me to drink?"

The inch-headed man lost consciousness in his entire arm. If Huo Lian exerted any more force, his hand would definitely be useless.

So he didn't care about his face, and forced an ugly smile on his pale face, "Brother, misunderstanding! I want to invite you to drink! Someone pour me a glass of wine, I want to salute this little brother!"

Huo Lian: "No need, it's not some kind of wine offered by cats and dogs, I'll drink it."

The inch-headed man wanted to cry but had no tears: "Then how do you want to let go?"

Huo Lian glanced at Lu Shijin: "Can depth charges be adjusted?"

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up: "Yes!"

A depth charge is a cocktail made with ice cold beer and high levels of vodka with a lot of staying power.

People who are light drinkers pour it in one drink, so few people in the bar will order this kind of wine.

Lu Shijin and the bartender asked for a bartender tool, put two-thirds of the beer in the wide-mouth glass, and poured a small glass of vodka.

Lu Shijin glanced at the inch-headed man, the corners of his mouth curved into a sarcastic arc, and his fingers holding the wine glass loosened.

As the name suggests, the "depth bomb" was poured into the beer together with the wine glass, the glass splashed a lot, and the yellow-white liquid slowly dissolved into one.

Lu Shijin brought the wine to Huo Lian, Huo Lian took it and handed it to the inch-toed man.


In order to protect his hands, the inch-headed man didn't dare not drink it, so he took a sip of the wine glass and suffocated it. The spicy spirits were so spicy that his facial features were distorted.

"Drink, drink up!" The inch-headed man's tongue got bigger.

Huo Lian also did what he said and let go of the one-inch man.

I saw the inch-headed man's arm as if it had no bones, hanging limply on the side of the body, unable to move.

The inch-headed man who was freed also retreated to the midst of the younger brothers, looking at Huo Lian with a terrified look in his eyes.

"Boss, do you want to beat him up?" The younger brothers rubbed their hands indignantly.

The inch-headed man had already learned how powerful Huo Lian was, and knowing that Huo Lian was someone he couldn't afford to offend, he kicked his younger brothers one by one to vent his anger.

"Beat your mother, hurry up and take me to the hospital!"

After watching the whole good show, Lu Shijin silently applauded Huo Lian.

"I don't think the villain is hopelessly bad either."

711 also sincerely praised: "Yeah, it is very powerful to defeat the enemy with one move."

Lu Shijin: "For the sake of him helping me tonight, I decided to win him over."

711: "People didn't want to help you at first, don't forget, he told you to 'go away'... Wait, what did you say?"

Lu Shijin smiled but said nothing.

After everyone dispersed, Lu Shijin sat next to Huo Lian, "Thank you for helping me."

Huo Lian didn't look at him, and called the bartender to bring the wine, "I didn't want to help you, they messed with me."

"Thank you for that too. You are amazing, there are so many of them, and you drove them away by yourself."

Lu Shijin's tone was sincere, and with his serious expression, it didn't sound like he was flattering at all.

Huo Lian's tone was lukewarm: "What else do you want to do?"

Lu Shijin smiled: "I didn't want to do anything. You helped me. Can I have your drink tonight?"

Huo Lian finally opened his eyes to look at Lu Shijin.

[Could it be that I want to play the trick of making promises? Oh, it's a pity, not just anyone can crawl on my bed. 】

Lu Shijin: ...I really don't have that.

Huo Lian brought him a glass of wine, "You don't need to invite me, I really want to thank me, just have two drinks with me."

[Although the routine is very old-fashioned, but for the sake of being pleasing to the eye, it is not...]

Not what? Why don't you keep thinking about it?

Lu Shijin asked 711: "Why can't Huo Lian's mind be read?"

711: "Oh, the mind-reading card has expired."

Lu Shijin: "Can I renew the card?"

711 slander: It's easy to say, when you renew the card, it's a refill!

711: "No way."

Lu Shijin: "Don't I have four more chances to use the card for free?"

711's voice suddenly became intermittent and mixed with electric sounds: "Hello? Hello? Can you hear it, host? My signal is faulty and needs urgent repairs. I will be offline for a while, and I will be back soon!"

Lu Shijin: ... God **** no signal!

711 escaped, and Lu Shijin could only deal with Huo Lian on his own.

However, Huo Lian turned a blind eye to Lu Shijin's favor, and just kept clinking glasses and drinking with him.

Lu Shijin forgot that the current body belongs to the original owner. The original owner was a good baby. Not to mention coming to the bar.

Before finally getting dizzy and almost drunk, Lu Shijin finally realized that Huo Lian is a person with different opinions.

You can't believe what you say, let alone what you think!

Early the next morning, before Lu Shijin had woken up from a hangover, he heard the scream of 711 in his head that was comparable to the sound of a dolphin, which almost pierced his cerebral cortex.

"Su Su Su host! What have you done!"

Lu Shijin had a splitting headache. When he opened his eyes, he saw nothing but the ceiling above his head.

He sat up, covering his face with his hands for a while.

"Do you have a lower voice, what's your name? Aren't you afraid that I will die of a myocardial infarction?"

711 said anxiously: "No, I left for one night, and you and Huo Lian slept together?"

Lu Shijin moved his hand away from his face, blinked his eyes twice, and then looked around when his vision became clear.

First of all, this is a bedroom, look at the furnishings, not a hotel.

Second, he slept in a bed of which he did not know who the master was.

In the end, he was wearing nothing but a pair of underwear.

At this moment, a man lay beside Lu Shijin's right hand.

The man was lying on his side with his back to him, the quilt was covering his waist, revealing a back with tight and smooth muscles, and he didn't need to look at other parts.

He must be a handsome guy with a first-class figure, one of the kind who can sleep well once and earn blood twice.

711 is still roaring and screaming: "Oh my god, he is Huo Qi's uncle, you actually slept with him, your affectionate male supporting character is broken!"

"Shut up the convenience store for me."

Lu Shijin lifted the quilt and glanced at himself. There was no mark. He twisted his waist again and found that there was no soreness as he expected.

"Damn, it's a loss." Lu Shijin cursed in a low voice.

711: ? ? ?