After drinking at the bar last night, Lu Shijin forgot how he went home with Huo Lian, and how he stripped himself and slept in the same bed with Huo Lian.

But he quickly adapted to the environment he was in now, and as soon as he came, he was at ease.

Before Huo Lian was awake, Lu Shijin got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

711 chattered about last night.

"After I left last night, what did you and Huo Lian say in the bar?"

"Nothing, just chatting."

In fact, Huo Lian's temper is colder than Lu Shijin imagined, and most of them are Lu Shijin actively looking for topics to talk about.

It's rare for Huo Lian to give an "um" or "oh" response occasionally.

"Then why did you go home with Huo Lian?"

"Forget it, I've stopped drinking."

711 stopped talking for a while, and asked carefully, "Are you sure, you didn't have a relationship with him?"

Lu Shijin squeezed a shower gel into his palm and wiped it on his body expressionlessly.

"Sure and sure."

711 didn't believe it: "How can you be sure? Did you stop drinking the film?"

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "I don't have any traces on my body, my waist is not sore and my legs are not numb, what can happen?"

711 breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good."

"What a shit." Lu Shijin wiped his face, "I remember that in Huo Lian's character introduction, the sexual orientation is male, right?"

711: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Lu Shijin: "Then I'm a superb Xiaoshou with fair skin and beautiful skin, long legs and thin waist lying next to him. How could he not be jealous of me and not touch me?"

After a pause, he added, "I still have only a pair of underwear left. Am I not attractive enough?"

"How could it be!" 711 cheered, "The host's charm shines everywhere, I can hardly open my eyes!"

"Haha." Lu Shijin washed away the foam on his body and picked up a bath towel to surround the key parts, "That's why Huo Lian can't."

711: "...There is a possibility."

"By the way, has the original owner ever had a relationship with Huo Qi?"

Lu Shijin walked to the sink and looked in the mirror.

The cheeks full of collagen were a little reddish by the heat, and the wet eyelashes made the peach blossom eyes more hydrated and energetic.

The red lips are slightly open, and there is a full lip bead in the middle of the upper lip, with a hint of temptation in the innocent.

No matter how you look at it, it is a face that attracts people to commit crimes.

711 answered truthfully: "No."

Lu Shijin's eyebrows twitched: "??? Huo's men are not good? Are you sure they don't have any family-hereditary hidden diseases?"

711: "No! Because Ruan Siheng is the male protagonist, and most audiences now prefer CP characters with only each other in body and mind, so Huo Qi can only regard the original owner as a spiritual partner, and cannot have a substantial relationship with the original owner. Protect Ruan Siheng like a jade."

Lu Shijin sneered, it turned out not that he was not attractive enough, but because he didn't have the aura of the protagonist, so naturally he couldn't be as attractive as the protagonist.

Lu Shijin: "By the way, I forgot to ask, is the audience you're talking about the real audience in the real world?"

711: "It's like this, the world we live in is a virtual plane of different dimensions, and the so-called 'audience' is not a human group in the real world. This play will be transmitted to all different dimensions through various media. The 'audience' of this play will generate various thoughts, and the thoughts condense to form spiritual power. Through the promotion of the plot, the fluctuation of spiritual power is strengthened from weak, we draw energy from spiritual power, and after accumulating a certain value, we can leave the plane ."

Lu Shijin pondered for a while, and probably understood the rules of the game here.

With a single thought of the Three Thousand Realms, this world can be maintained only by the power of will.

The audience's expectation for the development of the plot is the force of will, and it is also the force of will to be satisfied after seeing the plot that they like to hear.

Lu Shijin: "In other words, as long as you draw enough energy from your mental power?"

711: "That's understandable."

Lu Shijin: "What if I don't follow the plot?"

711 is facing the enemy: "All the scripts are the plot trends that are the easiest to obtain mental power after repeated tests. If you don't follow the plot, you will definitely not be able to complete the task!"

Lu Shijin: "Don't be nervous, I'll just ask."

711 breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't a complete moth.

"One more question, how do I know what the audience has in mind about the plot?"

711: "It's simple, we all have real-time monitoring!"

A device similar to a display screen appeared in Lu Shijin's mind, and it happened to play the picture of Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng meeting after a long absence.

Huo Qi finally saw Bai Yueguang, whom he had been thinking about all day long. After not seeing him for many years, Ruan Siheng changed into more handsome and charming than Huo Qi's impression. With every frown and smile, every move made Huo Qi's heart beat.

Huo Qi looked at Ruan Siheng's eyes, and there was a light that Luan had never seen before.

At this time, a lot of text like a barrage appeared on the screen.

[The two male protagonists seem to be online, and their acting skills are also good, so I will chase them]

[Ruan Ruan looks so cute, I like it~]

[It's this kind of affectionate tyrant attack again, I'm tired of watching it, there's nothing new, I give up at the beginning]

[I just want to see the protagonist fall in love, don't let any coquettish **** interfere]

[Agree with the sisters in front, all the third parties who obstruct the protagonist from falling in love should be damned! 】

Lu Shijin: Excuseme? "The coquettish bitch" is saying that he is just under me?

711 saw that the plot had just begun, and the barrage began to attack Lu Shijin, who had not yet appeared, and was so frightened that he quickly turned off the monitor.

711 comforted Lu Shijin: "Actually, don't mind what they said, we just need to complete the task."

Lu Shijin just pursed the corners of his mouth, noncommittal.

Huo Lian still hadn't woken up when he left the bathroom after washing up.

I don't know what will happen to me in the future, so I can sleep so deeply.

Lu Shijin laughed, not knowing whether he was laughing at Huo Lian or self-deprecating.

Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind, the surging malice spread unscrupulously like a flood that had opened the gate.

Lu Shijin asked quietly: "Convenience store, although I can't change the plot, can I have a general understanding of all the characters?"

711 thought that Lu Shijin finally thought about it, and decided to work hard, and he was glad to know that he had nothing to say.

"Of course! Who do you want to know?"

Lu Shijin: "Huo Qi, what are his hobbies?"

711 searched and reported the answer: "Everything about Ruan Siheng. During high school, the time when he had a crush on Ruan Siheng was his most cherished memory."

Tsk tsk, it is really very affectionate.

"What about Huo Lian?"

"Uh..." 711 kept his mind, "Why ask Huo Lian?"

Lu Shijin said lightly: "I died at his hands in the end. It's not normal to know the murderer who killed me in advance? What if I don't need to die in the end to complete the task?"

711 felt that what Lu Shijin said also made sense.

"Huo Lian's preference is crucian carp soup."

Lu Shijin thought he had misheard, "What soup?"

711: "Crucian carp soup, the kind you can drink."

Lu Shijin: ...what kind of fancy.

711 explained: "Because Huo Lian ran away from home when he was a child, he found his biological mother. The first meal that his biological mother made for him included crucian carp soup, so Huo Lian could not forget it for a long time."

Lu Shijin expressed his understanding. For a child like Huo Lian, any little bit of love from others in his life can be remembered for a long time.

The crucian carp soup that his biological mother made for him should be the warmest memory of his childhood.

Lu Shijin put on his clothes and left the bedroom lightly.

This should be Huo Lian's apartment, but it doesn't look like it is often lived in, and the furnishings are very simple.

The apartment has a kitchen. Lu Shijin went in and took a look. All the pots and pans are new. Maybe they haven't been fired since they bought it home.

711 saw Lu Shi swaying around Huo Lian's house and felt strange: "Why don't we leave soon before Huo Lian wakes up?"

"Don't worry, people kindly took me in for one night, and I have to express my gratitude to them."

Lu Shijin was picking and choosing among a pile of kitchen utensils, picked out a pot that was easy to use, and tried to turn on the gas stove, and it worked.

He opened the refrigerator again, and as expected, except for mineral water and beer, there is no ingredient for cooking.

So Lu Shijin took out his mobile phone and ordered delivery from a nearby supermarket on the APP.

The errand brother was very efficient. In less than a quarter of an hour, he delivered the ingredients and condiments that Lu Shijin needed.

711 was silent when he saw the fresh big crucian carp whose tail was still twitching just after he was killed. Could it be that Lu Shijin wanted to cook for Huo Lian?

Lu Shijin skillfully made three cuts on the front and back of the crucian carp belly, sprinkled with shredded **** and pepper, and marinated for a while.

Then turn on the oil and put in the **** and scallions to sauté until fragrant. Fry the crucian carp in the pan until both sides are golden brown, add boiling water, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes.

Then add the seasoning, sprinkle with fresh green chopped green onion, and a milky white, fragrant crucian carp soup is out of the pot.

711: "Host, you are amazing, you can cook!"

Although it's just a system, you can't smell or taste the fish soup, but just by looking at it, you know it must be delicious.

Lu Shijin wiped his hands and was very satisfied with his work.

It just so happened that he heard noises outside the kitchen, so he knew that Huo Lian had woken up, and hurriedly went out with the crucian carp soup.

"You're awake!" Lu Shijin greeted Huo Lian with a bright smile, and put the fish soup on the table, "I made you a stewed crucian carp soup with shredded ginger, come and try it!"

Crucian carp soup?

Huo Lian was stunned for a moment. He had smelled food outside in the bedroom just now. He thought it was his own delusion, but he didn't expect that someone was actually cooking.

He looked at the smile on Lu Shijin's face, it was a very warm and bright smile.

Huo Lian was a little dazed, and couldn't help but overlapped Lu Shijin's smile with someone in his memory.

Someone once smiled at him like that and made him crucian carp soup, but then...

Huo Lian's eyes instantly turned cold, "Who asked you to make fish soup?"

Lu Shijin pretended to be a little restrained: "No one asked me to do it, I just thought that stewed crucian carp with **** is very hangover, and it's just right to drink it after a hangover, so I made it for you..."

"Go away." Huo Lian interrupted Lu Shijin, his voice was freezing cold, and his brows surrounded him, "Don't let me say it a second time."

Lu Shijin was swept out mercilessly. After the door of Huo Lian's house was closed, he was still stunned.

Is this person playing cards out of the way?

Lu Shijin: "What's the matter, didn't you say that Huo Lian likes crucian carp soup?"

711 was also full of question marks: "Wait a minute, I'll check, oh, I found it! It's true that Huo Lian likes crucian carp soup, but what he hates most is crucian carp soup."

Lu Shijin: "what? Why?"

711: "...Because Huo Lian's biological mother put sleeping pills in the fish soup she made for him, and then took Huo Lian back to Huo's house while he was asleep, and made a fortune by the way."

The author has something to say: since ancient times, the deep feelings have not been retained, and the most common way is to win people's hearts.