After accidentally stepping on the thunder on Huo Lian's side, Lu Shijin went to the bar several times to create a chance encounter, but he never met Huo Lian again.

Huo Qi stayed by his side Bai Yueguang wholeheartedly, and ignored Lu Shijin.

As an affectionate male partner who is infatuated with Huo Qi, Huo Qi ignores Lu Shijin, but Lu Shijin can't ignore Huo Qi.

The text messages to ask for warmth were sent according to the number of three meals a day, in exchange for Huo Qi's occasional perfunctory sentence or two.

However, Lu Shijin just sent it as if he had completed the task, and he never read the reply.

Lu Shijin's school has started the winter vacation.

In order to meet Lu Shijin conveniently, Huo Qi rented a small apartment for him near Lu Shijin's university.

Therefore, Lu Shijin does not usually live in the school dormitory, but lives in an apartment.

The students were supposed to leave school and go home for the New Year during the winter vacation, but Lu Shijin didn't want to go back.

The original owner's home was in a very remote place, and he had to take a bus for more than ten hours to get to his home town after getting off the plane.

Originally, he had no relationship with the original owner's parents, and Lu Shijin didn't want to bother to go here.

It was difficult to buy tickets for the Spring Festival, so Lu Shijin called and excused himself that he could not buy tickets.

Lu's father and Lu's mother have always been unable to be the master of their son, so after careful warning, they agreed.

There are ten days left until New Year's Eve, and the streets and alleys and every household are already full of New Year's Eve.

The timeline here is the same as the world that Lu Shi was in before his death. If there is no accident, he will be able to go home for the New Year in a week.

No one knows, tomorrow or the accident, which will come sooner.

"Convenience store, find out where Huo Lian is."

711: "You seem to be particularly interested in Huo Lian? Don't forget that Huo Qi is the one you should pay attention to."

Lu Shijin lowered his head to play mobile games, and said indifferently, "Okay, then you can check where Huo Qi is. If you think it's appropriate for me to get close to him now and disturb him and Ruan Siheng to kiss me."

711: "Actually, you don't have to do anything now, just wait for our part to come."

Lu Shijin's phone screen showed that the game failed, he threw the phone impatiently and stretched.

"No, I can't be free. If I don't have some fun, I'm going to get sick."

711: Are you sick all day without doing anything?

711 pinpointed Huo Lian's coordinates: "A golf course in the suburbs."

Knowing Huo Lian's location, Lu Shijin was going to squat.

There are caddies on the golf course. When Lu Shijin got there, he paid for a caddie inside and sneaked into the stadium in his place.

Relying on the real-time report of 711, Lu Shijin successfully blocked Huo Lian in the locker room.

"Hey," Lu Shijin pretended to be surprised when he saw Huo Lian, "It's a coincidence that we met again. Are you here to play golf?"

Lu Shijin was wearing a caddie's overalls, a simple blue and white tracksuit with a baseball cap to reduce his age. He looked like a high school student, but Huo Lian didn't recognize it for a while.

When he met those impressive eyes, he remembered who he was.

"It's you, why are you here?"

Lu Shijin lifted the brim of his hat so that Huo Lian could see his sunny and friendly smile.

"Work-study program, I work as a caddie here to earn money."

However, Huo Lian was not infected by Lu Shijin's smile, his eyes stayed on Lu Shijin for a short time before moving away, and walked out indifferently around Lu Shijin.

"Wait! Mr. Huo!"

Huo Lian stopped in his footsteps and snorted softly with his back to Lu Shijin.

"I remember, I don't seem to have ever told you that my surname is Huo."

Lu Shijin complained to 711: "Who said villains have low IQs? I think he's obviously a thief!"

711: "I warned you long ago that he is not easy to mess with."

Lu Shijin: "Don't mess with it? Very well, it's more interesting to mess with it this way."

711: Lord, I met a lunatic!

Huo Lian turned around with gloomy eyes, and asked coldly, "What is the purpose of approaching me?"

Huo Lian grew up in a wealthy family that eats people and doesn't spit out bones, and developed a suspicious and sensitive temperament.

After being betrayed by the person closest to him, as long as someone takes the initiative to approach, he will feel that they have ulterior motives.

Therefore, if you want to win Huo Lian's trust, you might as well confess that you have ulterior motives.

Lu Shijin lowered his head and pursed his lower lip hesitantly, as if he was struggling in his heart, "Okay, I admit... It's really something I want to ask for your help."

Huo Lian's eyes suddenly became sarcastic, as if to say that it was not what I expected.

"Who asked you to come, or what do you want from me?"

Hearing this, Lu Shijin raised his chin, his eyes filled with puzzlement and innocence, as if he did not expect Huo Lian to ask such a question.

"Mr. Huo, you misunderstood. No one asked me to come, and I didn't want to get anything from you."

"Really?" Huo Lian shook his collar and stepped forward with his long legs, "Then we won't waste time."

Lu Shijin hurriedly chased after him, "Wait a minute! Can you take me to see Huo Qi?"

Huo Lian held the doorknob's hand for a while, then slowly turned around, "Who are you talking about?"

"It's now! 711, give me a 'Glamour Halo Card'!"

711: "What? What are you talking about? My ancestors, there are only four free card usage opportunities left. You use it to seduce the villain? Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

Lu Shijin: "I'm not crazy, I'm very sober, don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

711 had no choice but to find the "Glamour Halo Card" card from the mall.

"Glamour Halo Card, used 1 times and lasts 2 hours. After using it, you will be the focus of the audience. The stage C is the most scintillating diamond in front of you, and everyone's eyes will be obsessed with you!"

Lu Shijin: "Wow, it sounds like a lot of fun."

711: Wow, that sounds like taking date pills.

Lu Shijin looked at Huo Lian with a lingering desire to speak, his eyes were clear, as if there was a stream of water in it, and his veins were full of affection.

The face that was so tender that it could be squeezed out of water seemed to be coated with a layer of lustrous brilliance, which made people unable to take their eyes off.

A slight wrinkle of brows made one want to give everything to ease his sorrow and make him smile.

"Huo Qi, I want to see him very much." Lu Shijin's brows were covered with a hint of sadness, "The first time we met at the bar, I thought you were very similar to him. Later I found out that you are Huo Qi's uncle, right? ?"

Lu Shijin pinched his thighs hard, and forced two tears from the corners of his eyes, sticking them on his long eyelashes.

"Huo Qi is my boyfriend, but I don't know why. He has been avoiding me recently. I can't find him. I really have no choice. Can you take me to find him?"

If it were someone else, Lu Shijin, who was shrouded in the halo of charisma at the moment, would have inspired an unprecedented desire for protection.

But now Lu Shi is facing the coldest and most ruthless man in the whole play.

Under the influence of the aura of fascination, Huo Lian just didn't leave immediately, and didn't have much affection for Lu Shijin.

Huo Lian indifferently refused: "You're looking for the wrong person, I'm not that familiar with Huo Qi."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Lu Shijin stepped forward and grabbed Huo Lian's arm in a hurry.

"Mr. Huo, please, take me to see him! I really love him, I just want to see him once and ask him why he is avoiding me, don't worry, if he really doesn't love me anymore, I won't pester him!"

Huo Lian lowered his eyes and stared at Lu Shijin's hand that grabbed him.

The boy's hands were beautiful, with well-defined joints, slender fingers, and well-manicured nails.

The owner of these hands, at first glance, has never experienced any kind of human affection.

Huo Lian knew his nephew, and Huo Qi liked this kind of clean, pure, ignorant little boy.

However, Huo Lian narrowed her cold eyes slightly, remembering what the eyeliner he had buried beside Huo Qi had reported to him not long ago.

Huo Qi has been accompanying a man named Ruan Siheng recently, who is said to be Huo Qi's first love.

Huo Lian finally looked at Lu Shijin, the boy's eyes were foggy, helpless and confused.

"Huo Qi is really your boyfriend?"

Lu Shijin nodded vigorously: "Yes, we have been together for three years."

Huo Lian felt that things seemed to be getting interesting.

Perhaps, he can use this boy to make a fuss about Huo Qi.

"Okay, I can take you to see him." Huo Lian rarely showed an expression other than sarcasm, and said with a faint smile, "However, you have to promise me a few things."

Lu Shijin couldn't wait to agree: "Yes!"

Huo Lian sneered inwardly, love is really a blind thing, and the boy readily agreed before he said anything.

It seems that he really loves his nephew.

Sometimes love for a person can also become the sharpest knife.

Huo Lian quietly broke free from Lu Shijin's hand, "Okay, accompany me to finish this round of golf first."

Huo Lian opened the door and walked out, and Lu Shijin quickly followed him.

There were already a lot of people standing in the arena.

Among them was a middle-aged man with a fat head and ears.

Judging from the respectful expressions of others when they chatted with him, men should have the highest status among these people.

"Why did Ershao Huo come?" The man greeted Huo Lian, "The big guys have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Huo Lian: "There is a delay for something, let President Chen wait for a long time."

Mr. Chen said with a smile: "Hey, it's okay, just don't be afraid. I often play golf with your eldest brother and Mr. Huo, both of whom are good at golf. Presumably, Ershao Huo, as a family member of Huo, will not be too bad. go, right?"

The man was talking about football skills, but no one could tell that he was deliberately belittling Huo Lian.

The people next to him chatted and laughed to themselves, as if they didn't hear the man's sarcastic words, and no one came out to help Huo Lian.

Huo Lian's life experience has long been no secret in this circle.

Mr. Huo is getting older, and his eldest son Huo Yan will definitely be in power in the future.

So there are many snobbery people who want to please Huo Yan by stepping on Huo Lian.

Huo Lian leads the position of vice president in Huo's company, and usually entertains a lot.

Asking him to meet today, Mr. Chen and Huo Yan have a very good personal relationship, and he used to be a stumbling block for Huo Lian.

I had long expected that the other party had nothing good to say, and Huo Lian would not take him seriously.

Lu Shijin was dressed as a caddie. Although he followed Huo Lian in, others just thought he was just a staff member in the stadium.

However, he is now covered with a halo of fascination, and even if he wears ordinary clothes, he will attract the attention of others.

As soon as Mr. Chen's eyes fell on Lu Shijin, he couldn't move his eyes.

Lu Shijin had just cried, the drooping eyelids were still pink and tender, and the tip of the nose was very delicate, and the lips were like cherry blossoms.

Oh, how can there be such a cute boy in the world?

President Chen stared straight at Lu Shijin, with undisguised greed in the small eyes squeezed by the fat pile, raised his hand and pointed at Lu Shijin.

"Just be me as a caddie. Well done, the tip will not be short of you."

After he finished speaking, he was going to hug Lu Shijin, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to wipe the oil.

Huo Lian stood in front of Lu Shijin in time and helped him fend off President Chen's greasy and salty hands.

"Probably not, he's not a caddie, he's someone I brought here."

"You brought it here? But he's clearly wearing a caddie's clothes!" President Chen glared at Huo Lian with triangular eyes, and snorted in dissatisfaction, "Did Huo Ershao also like this kid and want to grab someone from me? Bar?"

The corner of Huo Lian's mouth moved, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Mr. Chen said carefully, according to seniority, this child has to call me uncle, and I naturally have to help take care of it."

The author has something to say: Now let people call him uncle, and I am afraid that I will regret it in the future.