Huo Lian's words made other people who heard it couldn't help looking at each other.

Is the little ball boy called Huo Lian "Uncle" according to his seniority?

Obviously it looks like a few years old, what is the age?

A bunch of people will understand after a little thought.

There is only one person in this world who can call the second young master of the Huo family "Uncle".

Isn't it Huo Qi, the future prince of the Huo family?

Could this boy be someone from Huo Qi?

The eyes of everyone looking at Lu Shijin suddenly became complicated.

Although dressed as a caddie, he looks really good, with that handsome face, it's almost killing men, women, young and old!

It is reasonable to be seen by Huo Qi.

President Chen stared at Lu Shijin suspiciously for a while, and suddenly laughed disdainfully.

"Huo Lian, don't confuse me! Who doesn't know that the young master of the Huo family is the most clean in this circle, you can just bring someone over and tell him what you have to do with him, thinking that we will believe it and throw dirty water on him. ?"

Huo Lian raised his eyebrows lightly: "Believe it or not is your business."

President Chen asked Lu Shijin again, "You know Huo Qi?"

Lu Shijin frowned, his expression was very tangled, and he gently pulled Huo Lian's sleeve.

Huo Lian glanced at him, "Just say what you want to say."

Lu Shijin shook his head and said pitifully, "No, he won't let me mention my relationship with him."

Huo Lian looked at President Chen with a half-smile, "Did you hear? Someone wouldn't let him say, is President Chen going to have a hard time with a child?"

The corner of Mr. Chen's mouth sank, glared at Huo Lian fiercely, and left with a wave of his hand.

Although this caddie suits him in every way, but this kind of thing, it is better to believe it or not.

If the other party is really Huo Qi's person, he must not touch.

He can ignore Huo Lian, but Huo Qi can't afford to offend him.

"Thank you for helping me out." Lu Shijin whispered to Huo Lian, "This is the second time you have helped me, I am really grateful."

"It's okay, since Huo Lian is your boyfriend, I should take care of you."

Huo Lian tilted the corners of her mouth at Lu Shijin, she wanted to make a kind smile like the elders look at the younger ones.

However, he usually seldom smiles, and his expression management is not in place, which is almost like a sneer in Lu Shijin's eyes.

Lu Shijin swallowed and complained to 711: "I think he's more pleasing to the eye when he's not smiling. His smile is so **** infiltrating, and he always feels cold on his back."

711: "So what do you want to do when you approach him?"

Lu Shijin: "I can't tell you right now, but don't worry, I won't trouble Huo Qi and his concubine."

711: I believe in your evil! Bad old man is very bad.jpg

When they were far away, Huo Lian asked Lu Shijin coldly, "Are you really a caddie here?"

Lu Shijin nodded quickly.

Doubts flashed in Huo Lian's eyes: "Why, he's already with Huo Qi, and he will let you go out to work to earn money?"

Hearing this, Lu Shijin raised his head suddenly, his eyes were a little angry, as if he was offended by what Huo Lian said.

"I'm with him because I love him, not for any other reason! I know he's rich, but that's none of my business! I won't ask for his money!"

Huo Lian's eyes when looking at Lu Shijin changed subtly, from suspicion to inconceivable.

How old is this, and there are still fools who believe in true love and don't want money?

It's so heartless, it's no wonder that he was coaxed around by his good nephew, and he was sold and paid for the number of people.

But if you don't mind, it's easier to fiddle with.

"What's your name?" Huo Lian asked.

"Lu Shijin, the land of the land, the present of today."

"Well," Huo Lian said, "you don't have to react so much, I'm just asking casually, don't take it to heart."

"Can you play golf?" Huo Lian took out a club from the barrel on Lu Shijin's back and weighed it in his hand.

Lu Shijin shook his head, "No."

Huo Lian frowned: "No? Then how did you apply for the caddie here?"

Lu Shijin bowed his head shyly: "The manager said it doesn't matter if I can't fight, as long as I smile at the guests."

The reason for this, without Lu Shijin saying it, Huo Lian also knew it by heart.

"You won't be here to work in the future." Huo Lian said lightly, "If you want to be with Huo Qi, you have to pay attention to your identity."

Lu Shijin was a little aggrieved: "But..."

Huo Lian interrupted him: "I'll introduce you to other jobs, what are you good at?"

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up, "I can draw, I'm a student of the Academy of Fine Arts."

"Can you draw?" Huo Lian pondered for a while, vaguely recalling that Huo Qi's first love seemed to be a painter too.

Oh, interesting.

"What's wrong?" Lu Shijin noticed that Huo Lian was distracted, and asked cautiously, "Is there no suitable job?"

"It's alright." Huo Lian shook the club in his hand, "I'll let you know if it's suitable."

Huo Lian looked at Lu Shijin with a rare smile in his eyes.

How could Lu Shijin not understand that Huo Lian must look at herself like a fool now.

But that's what I want. If I want to get close to the suspicious Huo Lian, how can I not pretend to be a fool.

"You don't know how to play, do you?" Huo Lian handed the club to Lu Shijin, "I'll teach you."

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, before he thought how Huo Lian would teach him, Huo Lian had already stood behind him.

Huo Lian stretched out his long arms, and Xu Xu surrounded Lu Shijin's body.

Then, big palms were placed on Lu Shijin's hands holding the club, and a low magnetic voice sounded in Lu Shijin's ears.

"Grip the club like this, aim the ball at the hole in front of you, and hit it like that."

Huo Lian's figure is very good, with strong muscles, Lu Shijin felt as if he was leaning against a wall.

At the same time, I could feel the tremor in the man's chest when he spoke, which made his back sweat and his scalp tingle.

"Mr. Huo?" Lu Shijin pretended to be uncomfortable and protested in a low voice, "This is not good?"

Huo Lian asked coolly, "What's not so good?"

Lu Shijin's body was too stiff to move, "Posture, too, too..."

Huo Lian pretended not to understand: "Too much? I'll take you to see Huo Qi, you can play golf with me, didn't you agree just now?"

Lu Shijin had to bite the bullet and pretend to be stupid: "No, nothing, let's continue."

Huo Lian sneered silently, looking down at Lu Shijin's ears that were turning a little bit red, if the boy wasn't very good at acting, then he was really innocent.

Although Lu Shijin told him the reason for finding him, Huo Lian didn't fully believe it.

He clearly understood in his heart that in the past few years, his father's intention to cultivate himself has made many people feel like they are on pins and needles.

The number of eyeliners that have been sent to him secretly and secretly is even more uncountable.

He was afraid that Lu Shijin's appearance would be a game set up by Huo Yan and Huo Qi's father and son.

Father is very old, and he is about to step down as chairman. At this time, he must not make a mistake.

Huo Lian converged his thoughts and focused on golf teaching.

"Do you understand what I just said? Let's try to fight."

Huo Lian's warm breath sprayed behind Lu Shijin's ears intentionally or unintentionally, causing him to shudder uncontrollably.

711 shouted anxiously: "Don't hold back!"

Lu Shijin: "Where do I want to tremble, I blame the original owner's body for being too sensitive. Come on, Huo Lian, did he do it on purpose? It's so close."

It's not over yet, after Huo Lian taught Lu Shijin how to hit the ball, he patted Lu Shijin's lower back, neither lightly nor heavy.

Luckily, Lu Shijin finally couldn't bear it anymore when he was photographing Lu Shijin's most sensitive waist fossa.

Lu Shijin didn't know that Huo Lian was testing himself. If so, let Huo Lian see what he wanted to see.

Lu Shijin bounced away from Huo Lian like a frightened rabbit, glaring at Huo Lian in anger.

Huo Lian was quite satisfied when she saw Lu Shijin's reaction, and there was a light playfulness in her eyes.

However, his expression and tone couldn't be more serious, as if a conscientious teacher was seriously educating his students.

"Don't hunch back, keep your chest out, your **** up, the ball can be missed, golfing posture is the most important. Go on."

No matter what, at least Huo Lian believed Lu Shijin by five or six points.

Lu Shijin announced confidently, "I think it's at least ten percent."

711 wondered: "What ten percent?"

Lu Shijin: "The villain strategy plan."

711 collapsed: "Boss, have you misremembered our system name? 'Affectionate Male Supporter' is not a 'Villain Strategy'!"

Lu Shijin dismissed it: "Calm down, no matter what system, there is a big brother to take you to fly."


After "ran into" Huo Lian on the golf course, Huo Lian disappeared from the world and never contacted Lu Shijin again.

It was as if he promised Lu Shijin that he would help him meet Huo Qi, just to coax children to play on a whim.

According to Huo Lian's temperament, he is definitely not someone who likes to meddle in his own business, but he also won't make promises easily.

So Lu Shijin prefers that Huo Lian is still testing himself, waiting for him to contact him.

After all, Lu Shijin is eager to see the mood of his sweetheart now, Huo Lian can sit still, but Lu Shijin shouldn't hold his breath.

Lu Shijin waited for three days and called Huo Lian.

On the phone, Little White Rabbit timidly asked Big Bad Wolf when he could take him to see his sweetheart.

Huo Lian really pretended to have a lot of things, forgot the promise of Lu Shijin, and then asked Lu Shijin to meet tomorrow.

"It's really not easy to win Huo Lian's trust." After hanging up, Lu Shijin sighed.

711: "I really don't understand what you're doing."

Lu Shijin: "Naturally, it's for happiness. Being a human being, the most important thing is to be happy. By the way, what is Huo Qi doing recently?"

711 didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he turned on the display and let Lu Shijin see it himself.

Ruan Siheng became famous at a young age. When he was 16 years old, his paintings won the prize of foreign youth art exhibitions, and he was hailed as a "genius painter" by the domestic media.

But Ruan Siheng suffered a car accident when he was abroad, and after seeing his friend die in front of him, he has had a demon since then.

Insomnia all night long has consumed his creative inspiration. When he picks up a brush, his brain is blank.

The former "genius painter" can no longer paint a single stroke of oil. Under the advice of a psychiatrist, Ruan Siheng temporarily left the place where he stayed for eight years and returned to China to relax, hoping to forget those unpleasant experiences and find inspiration.

However, domestic galleries do not know what is going on with the talented painter they have touted for many years, and they are eager to cooperate with Ruan Siheng.

Numerous invitations to invite Ruan Siheng to co-organize art exhibitions were sent to Ruan Siheng like snowflakes, which became Ruan Siheng's new nightmare.

It seems to be mocking Ruan Siheng for not being able to create any more works, forcing Ruan Siheng to have nowhere to escape.

At this time, only Huo Qi stayed by Ruan Siheng's side, and took care of him without abandoning him. In order to accompany Ruan Siheng, he even turned off a lot of entertainment at work and took Ruan Siheng out to relax.

After Huo Yan learned that Huo Qi was not doing his job properly, he was furious and gave Huo Qi a lesson, ordering him not to communicate with Ruan Siheng again.

[Huo Qi is so affectionate, Ruan Ruan quickly understands his intentions! Stay together! 】

[Huo Qi's father is really annoying, we Ruan Ruan are so pitiful, and we want to break them up, hurry up and go offline! 】

[I feel sorry for Ruan Ruan, Ruan Ruan quickly regain her self-confidence, I believe that Ruan Ruan is the best! 】

[The car accident is not your fault, there is no need to blame yourself so much! Our Ruan Ruan is still too kind.]

Lu Shijin coldly watched the various barrages of distressing Ruan Siheng brushed on the screen.

Counting the time, it was almost time for Ruan Siheng to go to Huo Qi's house and discover Lu Shijin's paintings.