The next day, Huo Lian sent a driver to pick up Lu Shijin and sent it to Huo Lian's office.

Huo Lian's secretary took Lu Shijin upstairs to the door of Huo Lian's office, stopped and smiled to signal Lu Shijin to go in by himself, and then left.

Lu Shijin pushed the door open. Huo Lian was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. He was wearing a straight smoke-colored suit. From the back, he could see his perfect inverted triangle figure.

Lu Shijin resisted the urge to whistle, knocked on the door twice, and said hello in a soft voice: "Mr. Huo, I'm here, can I come in?"

"Come in." Huo Lian didn't look back.

Lu Shijin walked into the office and closed the door with his backhand. Huo Lian called him over and didn't pay much attention to others, which made him unpredictable and did not dare to rush forward.

"Mr. Huo," Lu Shi said, "When can I see Huo Qi?"

"Meet Huo Qi?" Huo Lian turned around slowly, the expression on his face was unclear, but he could hear the gloomy tone in his tone, "Why should I take you to see him?"

Lu Shijin widened his eyes in amazement: "But you promised me..."

"I promised you," Huo Lian approached Lu Shijin step by step, his stern face became clearer, he raised his lips and smiled, "but that's because you said you were Huo Qi's boyfriend."

Lu Shijin: "But I am indeed..."

"Enough, I don't want to hear your lies." Huo Lian interrupted him coldly, "You can't be Huo Qi's boyfriend, I have already investigated, he has never had a partner by his side, where did you come from? from?"

Lu Shijin was at a loss for words: "I..."

Huo Qi and Lu Shijin have taken confidentiality measures when meeting each other, and they have never brought Lu Shijin to the public, and Lu Shijin has always been strictly forbidden to tell outsiders about their relationship.

Except for a very few people, no one knew of Lu Shijin's existence.

So in the face of Huo Lian's doubts, Lu Shijin really couldn't explain it clearly.

Huo Lian seemed to have expected Lu Shijin's reaction long ago, and said sarcastically, "Can't tell?"

"I didn't lie... I really am..." Lu Shijin was so wronged that his eyes were covered with mist, "Huo Qi is really my boyfriend, if you don't believe me, you can take me to see him, and I can prove it to you! "

Huo Lian's tone became stern, "When you are the crown prince of the Huo family, you can see anyone casually? Besides, I know that Huo Qi already has someone he likes, and recently the two of them have been together for a long time. Together, you asked me to take you to see him now, do you want to alienate the relationship between our uncle and nephew? Tell me, what is your intention to approach me on purpose?"

"What did you say?!" As Lu Shijin was struck by lightning, he froze in place, "Who is Huo Qi with?"

"Heh, I'm still pretending, since you dare to pretend to be Huo Qi's boyfriend, didn't you investigate it beforehand?" In Lu Shijin's unbelievable eyes, Huo Lian continued, "Huo Qi has a young man from a teenage age. The person I have liked since the beginning, that man is Ruan Siheng, a well-known young painter. Now Ruan Siheng has returned to China, and the two of them meet almost every day. But you ran out and said that you were Huo Qi's boyfriend, you were me Huo Lian Can you be deceived and used at will?!"

"How could this be?" Lu Shijin took two steps back in despair, lowered his head and muttered to himself, "It's me who clearly associates with Huo Qi..."

"Do you admit that you are a liar?" Huo Lian's voice did not contain any emotion, "Now admit it, I can still pretend that nothing happened, otherwise, I will be at my own risk."

Lu Shijin choked for a moment, and loudly defended himself: "I'm not! Everything I said is true"

Huo Lian asked in a deep voice, "Where's the evidence!"

Lu Shijin took two short breaths, and lowered his eyes as if thinking about how to prove his relationship with Huo Qi.

"Secretary... By the way," Lu Shijin thought of something, and raised his head suddenly, "Huo Qi's secretary can help me testify! Usually he comes to pick me up to meet Huo Qi!"

Huo Lian sneered: "Are you trying to make another plan? If I really went to the secretary to ask you about it, wouldn't the secretary tell Huo Qi? What do you think Huo Qi would think of my uncle? "

Lu Shijin's eyes were red, and his boyfriend who had been in love with him for three years was very likely to have a new love, but he couldn't prove his relationship with Huo Qi.

It was like a lamb who was lost and abandoned by the world. A deep sense of powerlessness grabbed him, forcing him to feel tight in his chest and short of breath, and his face was pale, as if he was about to faint.

"I have to say, your heartbroken appearance is really good." Huo Lian said indifferently, "You said that you are a student of the Academy of Fine Arts, I don't think so, from the Department of Acting of the Film Academy?"

Lu Shijin pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and calmed down, "Mr. Huo doesn't need to mock me, I can't help you if you don't believe me, but I forgive you that Huo Qi is with other men. already."

Huo Lian's eyes were gloomy, "Interesting, do you think I'm lying to you?"

Lu Shijin straightened his back and raised his chin stubbornly, "I believe in Huo Qi."

Huo Lian didn't get angry but smiled, her cold eyes narrowed with interest, "Very good, I appreciate your character that doesn't shed tears without seeing the coffin."

Lu Shijin stared back unconvinced, "Unless Huo Qi admits it himself, I won't believe anyone's words! If you don't talk too much, Mr. Huo, if you ask me to come here just to humiliate me, then I don't think I'll stay any longer. It's necessary, see you later."

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, but silently said in his heart: "Three, two..."

Before "one" could be counted, Huo Lian really stopped him: "Wait."

Lu Shijin's hand was already on the doorknob, "Does Mr. Huo have any other advice?"

Huo Lian casually touched the cufflinks and walked towards the door, "Didn't you want to see Huo Qi? I'll give you this chance. I hope that after you meet him, your trust in him will be so firm."

Finally got into Huo Lian's car and set off to look for Huo Qi. Lu Shijin sat in the back seat and tried his best to lean his body against the car door on his side to keep a distance from Huo Lian, as if Huo Lian was some kind of beast.

Lu Shijin ignored Huo Lian, and of course Huo Lian couldn't take the initiative to talk to him. The two of them kept zero communication.

However, Lu Shijin has another person to speak to, "Convenience store, how was my acting just now?"

711: "It's perfect, it's superb, it's the pinnacle!"

Lu Shijin: "The same goes for your ability to flatter yourself."

711: "But Huo Lian will take you to Huo Qi now. If Ruan Siheng bumps into you when you meet, and you know of your existence in advance, what should you do?"

Lu Shijin: "No, Huo Lian will not let me appear in front of Huo Qi yet."

711 puzzled: "Why?"

Lu Shijin: "Because they haven't turned around yet."

711: "Yes, I just heard Huo Lian's tone, and it seems that he still cares about his relationship with Huo Qi."

"Heh." Lu Shijin sneered, "If he really cares about his relationship with Huo Qi, he can just ignore me. Why bother to call me over and tell me this. After talking so much, he is testing me."

711 was even more puzzled: "Then why did he do this?"

Lu Shijin said eloquently: "He first told me about the relationship between Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng, which made me suspicious, but during this process, he always stayed out of the way, he seemed to be just a good uncle who cared about his nephew, and would not make people think he was a good uncle. You have ulterior motives. Now take me to see Huo Qi. On the bright side, he wants me to see the truth, but if I see the truth and hate Huo Qi, then he can just use me to deal with Huo Qi. That's Huo Lian's real purpose."

Huo Lian thought he could play with others, but he forgot an old saying.

Those who deceive others are always deceived.

It depends on who is better than who and who can act.

The car drove for a while and stopped at the entrance of a gallery in the downtown area.

Lu Shijin pretended not to know why and asked, "Why did the car stop?"

"Didn't you want to see Huo Qi?" Huo Lian looked indifferent and had nothing to do with herself, and slid her fingers on the tablet, "Just wait here."

It didn't take long for Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng to walk out of the store.

The two of them chatted and laughed all the way, and Ruan Siheng put on Huo Qi's shoulders affectionately from time to time, and they seemed to have a very close relationship.

When Huo Qi and Lu Shijin were together, they rarely smiled. Lu Shijin always thought that Huo Qi's character was like this.

But when he saw the happy smile on Huo Qi's face, he realized that some people don't smile, they just can't smile at you.

Lu Shijin rested his forehead against the car window, trying to see more clearly, because he couldn't believe his eyes.

Huo Lian said slowly, "Did you see it? Did you give up?"

Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng were about to leave, and Lu Shijin tried his best to open the car door and wanted to get out of the car and chase after him to find out what happened.

But Huo Lian seemed to have anticipated his actions long ago, and asked the driver to lock the door ahead of time.

"Let me get out of the car!" Lu Shijin turned his head, his eyes were red, like an angry and sad trapped beast.

"Let you get off the car and ask you to find Huo Qi?" Huo Lian threw the tablet computer in his hand onto the seat unmoved, "Seeing that the original match played on the street, my Huo family's face is not worth it. ?"

Lu Shijin clenched his fists tightly, restraining his emotions on the verge of collapse, "Just go shopping together, they may not have anything. If you let me out of the car, I promise not to mess around."

Huo Lian snorted and said: "As you said, Huo Qi has been in love with you for three years, so why does he avoid you when he is free to go shopping with others? You have seen it with your own eyes, do you still want to deceive yourself? ?"

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth: "Don't you believe that I'm Huo Qi's boyfriend?"

"I had doubts before," Huo Lian twitched her lips, "but after seeing what the man with Huo Qi looked like, I believed it."

"What?" Lu Shijin asked.

Huo Lian lightly pointed to the tablet on the seat, "Look at it yourself."

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and stared at the computer screen. It was a photo of a man. When he saw the man in the photo clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Does it look familiar?" Huo Lian's thin lips pursed together, and what he said was like a sharp knife stabbing in Lu Shijin's heart, "He is the first love that Huo Qi has always been obsessed with, and the one you just saw."

Lu Shijin lowered his head and pinched his fingernails into his palms, but the ups and downs of his chest became more and more violent.

"Huo Qi," Huo Lian turned around and stared at Lu Shijin, and said word by word, "it's just taking you as Ruan Siheng's stand-in."

Big tears rolled out of Lu Shijin's eyes without warning.

Huo Lian didn't know how many years he hadn't seen anyone cry in front of him, so he was a little startled when he saw Lu Shijin crying.

The boy wept silently in the small carriage, obviously sad to the extreme, but still bit his lower lip with his teeth and said nothing.

Seeing that Lu Shijin was crying so miserably, Huo Lian finally found out in conscience, softened his voice a little, and comforted Lu Shijin unskillfully.

"It's not your fault. If you want to cry, cry out and feel better."

Lu Shijin's whole body was drained, and he collapsed on the back seat weakly, staring blankly at the distant back of his sweetheart.

Huo Lian asked the driver to drive Lu Shijin back. Along the way, Lu Shijin kept his head against the window and silently wept until he fell asleep.

The car accidentally ran over a stone, there was a jolt, and the body of Lian Shi Jin swayed, changed direction, and leaned towards Huo Lian without noticing it.

Huo Lian instinctively wanted to push Lu Shijin away, but when he lowered his head, he saw the boy's swollen eyes from crying, and the eyelashes that were trembling in his sleep, and he held it back.

Forget it, since you want to win over people, the relationship must not be too stiff.

Huo Lian persuaded herself.

At the destination, when the car stopped steadily, Huo Lian tried to wake up Lu Shijin, who was sleeping soundly with his head resting on his shoulder.

"Wake up."

Lu Shijin's tightly closed eyelids moved and slowly opened his eyes.

Looking up, he met Huo Lian's profile.

That side face that looked like Huo Qi made Lu Shijin's already unclear vision even more confused.

In a trance, Lu Shijin thought that Huo Qi appeared in front of him.

Tears filled his eyelashes again, and when he opened his mouth, his voice was soft and waxy, resentful and resentful.


The author has something to say: Huo Lian: The longest road I have traveled is the routine of my wife.