"What did you say?"

Although the profile faces are similar, Huo Lian and Huo Qi's voices are completely different.

The short words were as cold as frost and snow, making Lu Shijin see the reality clearly.

"Sorry, Mr. Huo." Lu Shijin hurriedly sat up straight, touched his face embarrassedly, glanced out the car window and found that he was downstairs in his apartment, "Thank you for sending me back, I'm leaving."

Huo Lian: "Wait."

The driver got Huo Lian's eyes in advance in the rearview mirror and got out of the car. Only Huo Lian and Lu Shijin were left in the compartment.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Lu Shijin said tiredly, "Is there anything I can talk about next time? I'm really tired today."

Huo Lian said lightly, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"I don't know." Lu Shijin put his face into his palm and said in a muffled voice, "What can I do? Even if Huo Qi lied to me, he is a rich and powerful young master. I'm just an ordinary student. He just plays with me. It's like playing with a bird, what can I do?"

Huo Lian: "It's really Huo Qi's fault. He can't help you. As Huo Qi's uncle, I apologize on his behalf. If you need any compensation, you can mention it to me."

Lu Shijin raised his head to look at him, his eyes mocking, "Is it true that in the hearts of you rich people, money can make up for everything?" He punched the back of the chair in front of him, his voice mourning, "Money can buy the feelings I have paid for the past three years. Can you buy my three years of life? Can you make these disgusting things go away from my life?"

Huo Lian sat there steadily, standing still, silently listening to Lu Shijin vent.

The car was quiet for a while, and only Lu Shijin's heavy breathing was heard, as if the suppressed pain forced him to breathe.

After a long time, Lu Shijin broke the silence with a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry Mr. Huo, this matter has nothing to do with you, I shouldn't be angry with you."

"It's okay." Huo Lian waited for him to calm down before looking at him.

The boy's appearance is indeed very similar to Ruan Siheng, but Lu Shijin's facial features are more beautiful, and some are feminine. If the image is slightly changed, it may not be able to beat Ruan Siheng.

"Do you hate Huo Qi?" Huo Lian asked suddenly.

Lu Shijin's tone trembled, "I don't know."

Huo Lian was not surprised by his answer and continued to ask, "Then do you still love him?"

Lu Shijin frowned and shook his head numbly, "I don't know either."

"I don't know", Huo Lian has heard it countless times in Lu Shijin's mouth today, not only is he not annoyed, but rather satisfied.

He likes people who have no opinion on things.

"Thinking about it now, it's all my fault for being stupid and naive." Lu Shijin said slowly, "In the three years that he and Huo Qi have been together, he has never said anything like 'like, love' to me. My wishful thinking. He didn't let other people know about our relationship. He said he wanted to protect me, so I foolishly believed it. He raised me like a bird in a cage. I'm so happy, don't even look at me... How can I be so stupid..."

"There's nothing wrong with love itself," Huo Lian said in a deep voice, "Huo Qi also thought wrong for a while. You and Ruan Siheng look so similar, he might think you are him."

"Lu Shijin is Lu Shijin! It won't be a stand-in for anyone else!" Lu Shijin roared out in a low voice.

"It's better if you can think so." Huo Lian patted him on the shoulder, "Too many things happened today, and what you need most now is rest. Go up, go home and have a good sleep. You can come to me with any ideas, and I will help you, understand?"

Lu Shijin retracted his shoulders, "Why do you help me? You are Huo Qi's uncle, and you must be on his side."

Huo Lian hooked his lower lip kindly, "Although I am his uncle, I don't like what he did this time. As Huo Qi's elder, I have the responsibility to help him correct his mistakes. You can rest assured that I will not be partial. ."

Lu Shijin stared at Huo Lian vigilantly for a while, but there was still distrust in his eyes.

"I am leaving, bye."

Lu Shijin didn't mention any compensation, and didn't say his plans, so he got out of the car.

Huo Lian's car quickly disappeared into the night.

As soon as the car left, all the sadness on Lu Shijin's face immediately disappeared.

If someone around him passed by and saw it at this time, he would be curious if the boy had learned to change his face.

Back at the apartment, Lu Shijin sat directly on the sofa and stretched.

"After a day of acting, my father is exhausted."

711 asked inexplicably: "Host, Huo Lian has already offered you an olive branch just now, why didn't you agree to him?"

Lu Shijin didn't answer and asked, "Do you know what is the most important thing when you want to hunt the best prey?"

711: "Marksmanship!"

"Wrong," Lu Shijin said, "it's patience. Huo Lian, an old fox, wants him to completely let go of his guard against me. It's not that easy. If I agree too quickly today and say directly that I want to retaliate against Huo Qi, it will definitely cause problems. His suspicions. Don't forget, I'm silly Baitian, and silly Baitian has the scheming of revenge."

711 suddenly realized: "So it is."

Lu Shijin: "Take your time and don't rush, you can catch big fish with a long line."

Lu Shijin took out his mobile phone and prepared to order a takeaway to solve the dinner problem, but he didn't expect to receive a call from Huo Qi.

"Hey, husband~" Lu Shijin quickly changed his mood and entered the role, pretending to be surprised when he received a phone call from his sweetheart, "You finally know to call me! I thought you forgot me and didn't want me! "

"How could it be." Huo Qi actually endured Lu Shijin's numbness and warmed up, "Is the school on winter vacation? Have you returned to your hometown for the New Year?"

Lu Shijin: "I let it go, but unfortunately I didn't buy a ticket to go back to my hometown. I couldn't go back during the New Year, so I had to stay in this city for the New Year. Husband, are you done with work? I miss you so much, I'm here to celebrate the New Year alone. Lonely, when can you accompany me?"

Huo Qi: "My family has a lot of rules during the Chinese New Year, so I may not be able to drive. But I came back from a business trip today, and I just have time. I'll send a car to pick you up, okay?"

Huo Qi called Lu Shijin in person today, uncharacteristically, with a rare patient and gentle tone.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and Lu Shijin has already guessed why Huo Qi called him in the past.

On the phone, Lu Shijin excitedly agreed to Huo Qi's request to meet, but hung up and gritted his teeth.

"Convenience store, do you have the function of ordering songs?"

711: "…Yes."

Lu Shijin sneered: "Play me "Love Business", this is tonight's BGM."

Huo Qi still sent Secretary Hao to pick him up. When Lu Shijin got in the car, he glanced at Secretary Hao who helped him open the door, and keenly found that Secretary Hao looked at him differently from last time.

Last time at the gate of the school, Secretary Hao looked at him with disdain in disguised respect, but now he looks a little more deliberately friendly.

Sure enough, not long after the car drove out, Secretary Hao started chatting with Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin felt strange. The former Secretary Hao looked down on Lu Shijin as a little stand-in. He always cherished his words like gold. Why did he talk so much today?

Even after arriving downstairs in Huo Qi's apartment, Secretary Hao diligently got out of the car and opened the door for Lu Shijin, and told Lu Shijin that if something happened, he could call him, and his family lived nearby.

"Something's wrong." Lu Shijin thought while taking the elevator upstairs.

711: "What's wrong?"

Lu Shijin: "Secretary Hao's performance is not right today. He is too enthusiastic to me, and what he said at the end, let me call him if there is something, as if he already knew that something would happen to me."

711: "Maybe it's what Huo Qi meant?"

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "Isn't Huo Qi's intention when he came to pick me up? Huo Qi doesn't care about Lu Shijin at all, and naturally he doesn't care about the attitude of his subordinates towards Lu Shijin. Secretary Hao thinks what will happen when I come to Huo Qi today, the only one It's possible—he already knows."

711: "What do you mean?"

Lu Shijin: "On the surface, he is Huo Qi's person, but in fact the real master behind him may be someone else. Of course, it's just a guess, I don't have any evidence yet. But don't worry, it's a fox, and there will always be a day when its tail is exposed."

When Lu Shijin arrived at Huo Qi's house, he didn't ring the doorbell. He entered the password on the lock according to his memory, but was prompted that "the password is wrong".

Heh, when Bai Yueguang came back, he even changed his password. This is using him as a thief defense.

Lu Shijin rang the doorbell, and Huo Qi soon opened the door for him.

Huo Qi was wearing a set of gray home clothes, and the loose home clothes could not hide the man's strong figure.

As soon as Lu Shijin entered the door, he acted as if nothing had happened, and threw himself on Huo Qi enthusiastically, hanging on Huo Qi's neck like a koala.

"Husband, I miss you so much, do you miss me?"

Huo Qi looked at the top of Lu Shijin's head and frowned, indicating that he did not like to have physical contact with Lu Shijin.

But he held back and didn't push Lu Shijin away, because tonight, he had an important matter to discuss with Lu Shijin.

Huo Qi said "thinking" gently, patted Lu Shijin's arm, and said gently, "Okay, come down first, go in and talk, don't stand at the door."

"By the way, husband, why did you change the password on the door?" Lu Shijin let go of his hand and flattened his mouth unhappily, "If I miss you in the future, can't I come and see you? What are you doing? To prevent me from making a surprise inspection? Isn't there someone hiding in the house?"

Huo Qi: "Of course not. It's my habit to change passwords regularly. I'll just tell you the new password."

Lu Shijin nodded: "Okay, what's the new password?"

Hodge paused for a moment before saying, "930928."

Lu Shijin held his cheeks and thought for a while, staring at Huo Qi suspiciously, "Whose birthday does this string of numbers sound like? But it's not yours and it's not mine. Whose is it?"

Huo Qi flickered his eyes unnaturally, "It's the birthday of a dog I used to keep, and it died when I was a teenager, just to commemorate it."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Shijin, who seemed to have dispelled his doubts, became heartless and happy again, and pushed Huo Qi's back forward, "Okay, I believe you, come in quickly."

Behind Huo Qi's invisible side, Lu Shijin twitched the corners of his mouth coldly, scumbag, think he is as fooled as the original owner.

It's just that Ruan Siheng's birthday is said to be the birthday of a dead dog. It seems that Huo Qi doesn't love Ruan Siheng as much as he thinks.