Lu Shijin walked to the living room. There were two cups on the coffee table in front of the living room sofa.

I walked over and saw that there was some cold tea left in the cup. It was obvious that a second person had come to Huo Qi's house.

Lu Shijin knew who had been there, but he didn't say anything, so he didn't know.

Lu Shijin sat down on the sofa, raised his head and still looked at Huo Qi with love on his face.

"Is it hard to travel on business? It's less than a week before the Chinese New Year. How come there is still so much work?"

"Well, the end of the year is the time when things are most busy. It's good to wait for a while."

Huo Qi also noticed that he forgot to put away the tea cup he had drank on the table, he put the cup aside without changing his expression, took out two new cups, filled it with water, and handed it to Lu Shijin.

Where did Lu Shijin enjoy Huo Qi's treatment of delivering water to the tea, he quickly accepted it flattered, "I'll just come here for this kind of thing."

Huo Qi smiled slightly, "It's just a glass of water, why did you come to me?"

Lu Shijin took a sip of water with emotion and pursed his lips with a smile, "Thank you husband."

The two chatted casually for a while, and Lu Shijin stuck on Huo Qi's body, lying on his back on Huo Qi's lap, looking at his sweetheart with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. I found out that your husband has become handsome again. I really love you."

Huo Qi smiled and stroked Lu Shijin's hair as usual.

Before meeting Huo Qi, Lu Shijin dyed his dull blue hair back, and now he still has short black and smooth hair, which looks very good.

Huo Qi said, "I called you over today because of two things."

Lu Shijin sneered in his heart, the scumbag man, can't help it at last.

"What's the matter?" Lu Shi blinked his eyes innocently today.

"The first thing, I haven't seen you for so long, I really miss you a little bit."

Huo Qi's words are indeed sincere. After all, he is a canary who has been raising for three years. It would be too heartless to say that he doesn't want to.

Lu Shijin felt sick in his heart, but he pretended to be overjoyed, staring at Huo Qi affectionately, "Me too."

Huo Qi was very satisfied to see that Lu Shijin's eyes were full of himself.

"Anything else?" Finally got to the point.

"The other thing is this," Huo Qi took out a stack of drawing paper from under the coffee table, "this is the painting you left here unintentionally last time, do you remember?"

Lu Shijin sat up and took it in surprise, "I also said why I couldn't find it, it turned out to be with you!"

Huo Qi clenched his fists and began to ponder how to speak the following words.

Lu Shijin waited for a while, but before Huo Qi could speak, he put down the painting in his hand and said deliberately, "Since I found it, I'll take it back later."

"Now, do you sell these paintings?" Huo Qi finally spoke up.

"What? Selling?" Lu Shijin pretended to be surprised and laughed at himself, "Who do you sell to? I'm still just a student, I'm not famous, who would buy my paintings. I usually draw illustrations for magazines. , they've all been rejected."

"That's because they don't know how to appreciate it," Huo Qi casually took out a drawing, spread it out and pretended to praise, "I think you draw very well, you have talent, and you will definitely achieve your goals in the future."

Lu Shijin couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong with you today? Haven't you always been interested in painting, why did you suddenly mention my painting?"

Huo Qi said without changing his face: "I plan to set up a cultural company, and I want to train some writers and painters of my own. If you want, I can buy your paintings at the asking price of first-class painters."

Lu Shijin frowned: "You want to set up a cultural company? Why haven't I heard of you before?"

"It was also determined recently," Huo Qi staggered Lu Shijin's gaze, "How is it, would you like it?"

Lu Shijin answered decisively, "I don't want to."

Huo Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise, as if he didn't expect Lu Shijin to refuse him so simply.

He had already promised to send these paintings to Ruan Siheng, and he would deliver them tomorrow. He promised Ruan Siheng that he would never break his promise.

But if Lu Shijin is not willing, he can't **** other people's paintings, right?

"Why?" Huo Qi casually threw the painting back on the table. This was the first time that Lu Shijin had rejected his request. Huo Qi's tone was already filled with displeasure.

Lu Shijin stared at him for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's the matter, I said I didn't want you to be angry?" Lu Shijin hugged Huo Qi's arm and leaned his head up, "Just kidding, you like my paintings, it's too late for me to be happy, why would you want to? Let you buy it? As long as you like it, all of my works can be given to you." After speaking, he raised his eyes and added affectionately, "Me too."

Hearing what Lu Shijin said, Huo Qi's face turned cloudy to sunny.

"How could I be angry with you," Huo Qi smiled lightly, "but I should give you a lot of money, so I can't let people know that I took advantage of you."

Lu Shijin leaned to the side and took off his sweater, "Come on, I beg you to come and take advantage of me, I can't wait!"

Huo Qi hurriedly held his hand, and said in tears, "Be honest, don't act like a child."

"What happened to the child?" Lu Shijin broke free from Huo Qi's hand, put his hands around his chest and raised his chin, "Who is not a baby anymore."

Huo Qi suddenly felt that today's Lu Shijin was a little different from before.

In the past, when Lu Shijin was with him, he seemed to have no ego, and all his joys, sorrows and sorrows revolved around him.

He was careful in every move, for fear of making him unhappy. He was obviously not someone who was good at dancing, but he always clumsily tried to please him.

To be honest, although he is not disgusted by Lu Shijin's attachment to him, he is definitely not fond of him.

A person who lives without self is no different from a puppet.

But today's Lu Shijin gets along. Although he still looks at him with the same eyes as before, his frown and smile are extraordinarily vivid.

Will joke with him, will boldly and enthusiastically show his love to him.

The original Lu Shijin and Ruan Siheng were somewhat similar, but today, Huo Qi did not see Ruan Siheng's shadow on Lu Shijin again.

Huo Qi calmed down and looked at Lu Shijin with a little pity in his eyes.

"Okay baby," Huo Qi didn't forget his business. After he rolled up the pictures on the table and put them away, he pinched Lu Shijin's face, "I accept these pictures, but I still want to give you the money, I'm a man, don't Is it difficult for me to do well?"

Lu Shijin raised his mouth, looking unhappy, suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up again.

"Husband, tell the truth," Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, "Did you do this on purpose?"

"What on purpose?" Huo Qi was inexplicable.

Lu Shijin clapped his hands and said, "I understand, you actually just wanted to give me New Year's money, that's why you just excused yourself to buy my paintings, right?"

Huo Qi didn't expect that Lu Shijin would find such a reason for him, but if it can make him feel at ease and make Lu Shijin happy, why not follow Lu Shijin's meaning?

"Yes, you are so smart." Huo Qi took his hand and put it in his palm, "I just want to give you some lucky money, so don't refuse, okay?"

Lu Shijin raised his excited face, "Then how much are you going to give?"

Huo Qi thought about it and raised three fingers.

Lu Shijin exclaimed in a low voice and held Huo Qi's three fingers tightly, as if he was afraid that he would take it back.

"Three million? That much? Thank you husband! You are so kind! I love you so much!"

Lu Shijin was secretly happy, either don't want it, or want to die, see how the scumbag reacts.

It has always been Lu Shijin's life creed to be a human being and not to lose oneself.

Huo Qi's expression changed subtly. He actually meant 300,000 yuan. After all, Lu Shijin was just a student, and these few paintings were not very skillful. 300,000 yuan was far beyond the original the value of.

But Lu Shijin was wrong, thinking he meant three million.

Although three million means less money for Huo Qi to buy a sports car, Huo Qi still inevitably guesses whether Lu Shijin did it on purpose.

Lu Shijin was still moved by himself and said ramble: "Husband, you are really kind to me. No one has ever recognized me so much. You are my confidant, my mountain and water!"

Huo Qi looked at his foolish appearance, and secretly thought that he was worried.

Lu Shijin had never taken the initiative to ask himself material requirements before, even this time, he took the initiative to give Lu Shijin money.

But he is a stupid kid who has no concept of money. Maybe 300,000 and 3 million are similar in his eyes. It should not be intentional.

Forget it, just treat Lu Shijin with him for three years and give him the breakup fee of the best youth.

Huo Qi smiled and rubbed Lu Shijin's hair, and said, "Okay, don't be silly." He glanced at the time, "It's getting late, you should go back."

Lu Shijin asked reluctantly, "Can't I stay tonight?"

Huo Qi looked at Lu Shijin's face that looked exactly like Ruan Siheng, but he was younger and more delicate than Ruan Siheng, and his clear and ignorant eyes could easily arouse a man's possessiveness.

Originally, the determination not to have a relationship with Lu Shijin to avoid being sorry to Ruan Siheng was shaken for a moment.

However, the long-cherished thoughts of Ruan Siheng still prevailed, and Huo Qi quickly stabilized his mind.

"Go back, darling."

Finally, after dealing with Huo Qi and returning home, 711 happily and Lu Shijin reported the news.

"Congratulations to the host! At present, the audience for this show has exceeded 100, and the plot completion rate has reached 20%!"

Lu Shijin's heart has no hesitation, "Can it be exchanged for rewards?"

711: "Yes, 100 points of coolness can be exchanged for 100 reward points, and 20% of the story completion rate can be exchanged for 200 reward points!"

Lu Shijin felt incredible: "Just like that? I think the mall will have thousands of reward points to redeem any card!"

711 said weakly: "No way, the game rules."

At this time, Lu Shijin received a transfer message on his mobile phone. Huo Qi really said what he said, and 3 million went to Lu Shijin's account overnight.

However, in Lu Shijin's eyes, the originally cute Soft Girl Coin is no longer cute.

"Damn, and I can't live here all the time, what's the use of me asking for this money?"

711: "Uh... it's actually useful, the currency of each world can also be exchanged for reward value!"

Lu Shijin: "You didn't say it sooner! What percentage?"

711: "1:100."

Lu Shijin made a quick calculation, and all of a sudden it was a reward value of 30,000! I rely on, developed!

711 did not expect that Lu Shijin would knock so much money from Huo Qi.

The host he brought before was full of tasks and had little thought of making money. After all, no matter how much money was earned in one world, it could not be brought to the next world.

They have also been unaware that currency and reward value are interchangeable.

Lu Shijin, who became rich overnight, smiled happily, "I suddenly felt that it would be not bad to be a shooter for Ruan Siheng all my life!"

711: ORZ, do you want to play the game of making money again?