Lu Shijin took Huo Qi's money and never took the initiative to find Huo Qi again.

And Huo Qi also accompanies Ruan Siheng wholeheartedly, and has no time to think about Lu Shijin at all.

According to the timeline of the plot, it was three months later that Ruan Siheng's work exposed the plagiarism of Lu Shijin's creativity.

The pitiful thing is that although this is a virtual plane, time is not easy to speed up, and we can only wait for three months before it is Lu Shijin's turn to appear again.

Lu Shijin is not an idle person, with three million in hand, how can he be worthy of himself if he doesn't enjoy himself.

Huo Lian finds Lu Shijin, who is vacationing on a tropical island abroad.

Thinking it was boring to play alone, Lu Shijin spent money to hire a handsome blond guy to play with him.

There were many people sunbathing on the beach. Lu Shijin was lying on a beach chair and asked Tim, a handsome blond, to apply sunscreen to him.

Tim is very fond of this generous, young and handsome boss, and has hinted more than once that he can provide other services for free besides playing with him, but Lu Shijin laughed it off.

Tim has a lot of experience in playing with him. He is 100% sure that Lu Shijin must like men. If not, which man can endure loneliness when he goes out on vacation alone, and does not choose a hot girl with a hot body to play with and find him?

Tim is very confident in his looks. So far, no man he has seen can resist his charm.

If it's not that Lu Shijin's concentration is too strong, then it's that Lu Shijin is too slow and likes to play games to cultivate good feelings before going to bed.

After all, Orientals have always been more reserved in their feelings.

Tim squeezed out a large lump of sunscreen in the palm of his hand and spread it evenly on Lu Shijin's back.

Men's hand strength is stronger than women's, but just applying sunscreen normally, Lu Shijin is so comfortable being served by Tim's superb massage skills.

Tim deliberately lingered on Lu Shijin's sensitive waist and shoulders, trying to set fire on the man.

Lu Shijin knew what Tim's idea was, but as long as Tim didn't do anything excessive, he didn't bother to correct it.

It wasn't until Tim repeatedly tried to "accidentally" slip his hand into Lu Shijin's waistband that Lu Shijin slowly stopped him.

"Baby, this can't be done. Letting you put on sunscreen didn't let you pick up my pants."

Tim smiled lowly and asked in a **** magnetic voice, "What's the matter, is it my bad way of applying sunscreen?"

"No, that's fine." Lu Shijin rolled over and sat up, and lowered his head to reveal a pair of smiling eyes from behind his sunglasses, "But some things are beyond your responsibilities, what should be done and what should not be done, according to our contract It's clearly written."

Tim didn't feel embarrassed to be warned, but raised his eyebrows regretfully, "Am I not attractive enough to you?"

"You're great, but I don't like your type." Lu Shijin smiled.

Tim asked interestedly, "Then I don't know what type you like?"

Lu Shijin turned his head to the right and pointed to a man not far away, "Likethatman."

Tim looked over and saw that the man was wearing a simple white T-shirt and black beach pants. He had the perfect figure of a fitness trainer. His facial lines were stern and sharp, and he was able to catch the attention of others on the beach with many tourists. It was really good.

Tim whistled, "Goodtaste."

"He looks like he's looking for someone," Tim observed, before announcing, "he's coming towards us, maybe because I'm whistling at him?"

"Don't pay attention to him," Lu Shijin put on his sunglasses, picked up an unopened coconut on the small table, and said with a smile, "Have you seen how to open a coconut with your mind?"

Tim thought Lu Shijin was joking, and shook his head cooperatively.

Lu Shijin took off his sunglasses and stared hard at the coconut. After three seconds, he squeezed the top of the coconut and twisted it gently. The top of the coconut shell cracked neatly, as if someone had cut it with a very sharp knife. .

Tim's expression almost contorted, because he bought both coconuts on the table, and he's pretty sure they didn't speak.

"What's this? Unbelievable!"

711: I'm just an emotionless coconut-opening tool QAQ.

Under Tim's incredible gaze, Lu Shijin inserted the straw into the coconut and handed it to Tim, "Take it and drink it, don't disturb me for now."

Tim looked left and right with the coconut in both hands, still puzzled, and left with a shocked worldview that was shattered.

"Hello, Mr. Huo, so coincidentally I can meet you here?"

Lu Shijin was still lying leisurely on the beach chair, feeling Huo Lian's approach without raising his eyelids.

"What were you doing just now? Performing acrobatics?"

Huo Lian, who witnessed the whole process of "Opening a Coconut with Mind", said lightly.

Lu Shijin: "Yes, I don't have anything long, only this little trick to walk around the rivers and lakes. If Mr. Huo is interested, I will show you another one?"

Huo Lian was not surprised to hear the sarcasm in Lu Shijin's words.

After all, Lu Shijin has experienced so many blows. If he still doesn't grow at all, then such a waste is not worth the effort.

Huo Lian sat down where Tim had just sat, and straightened Erlang's legs.

"How can you have nothing, Huo Qi's three million?"

Lu Shijin looked at him sideways, "Aren't you here to ask for money for your nephew? It's not polite to go back if you give it to me."

Huo Lian twitched the corners of his mouth, "Don't worry, I'm not here to ask for money, I'm just curious. You don't always think that love is priceless, so why would you ask for Huo Qi's money?"

Lu Shijin said confidently: "He bought my paintings, isn't it right for him to give me money? Besides, Huo Qi cheated on my feelings. I'll make some money from him and trade it fairly."

He paused and gave Huo Lian a malicious look, "Speaking of which, only Huo Qi and I know about the three million things. How did Mr. Huo know about this?"

Huo Lian's expression didn't change: "Isn't it right to be concerned about your nephew?"

Lu Shijin sneered, "Then why did Mr. Huo come to me?"

Huo Lian said slowly, "Do you know that Huo Qi bought your painting, who did it give it to?"

"The painting has already been sold to him. As for who he wants to give it to, it has nothing to do with me." Lu Shijin said indifferently, took a drink and took a sip.

Huo Lian: "What if that person is Ruan Siheng?"

Lu Shijin's action of sucking a drink fell into Huo Lian's eyes, and Huo Lian knew that Lu Shijin had not passed the hurdle of Ruan Siheng.

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth, "That has nothing to do with me."

Huo Lian: "What if Ruan Siheng copied the idea in your painting and claimed to be his inspiration?"

Lu Shijin put down the cup, took off his sunglasses again, and stared at Huo Lian coldly.

"Just say what you want to say."

Finally, he couldn't hold his breath anymore, Huo Lian smiled slightly, "I want to cooperate with you."

Lu Shijin: "Cooperation? What cooperation?"

Huo Lian followed suit: "Don't you hate Huo Qi? Don't you hate Ruan Siheng? One of them deceived your feelings and the other copied your work, so you don't want revenge? Don't want them to get the punishment they deserve?"

"What if you think about it?" Lu Shijin was unmoved. "Huo Qi has the support of the Huo family. As a student with no background, can I beat him?"

"I can help you." Huo Qi said seriously.

Lu Shijin glanced at him mockingly, "Mr. Huo's role of 'good uncle' is finally over, right? You help me? It sounds nice, but you just want to use me to help you deal with Huo Qi. Huo Qi put me As a stand-in, you want to use me as a chess piece, you two really deserve to be uncles and nephews, and you have the same style of behavior."

Huo Lian smiled instead, looking at Lu Shijin behind the sunglasses with some appreciation.

"It seems that Huo Qi has made you grow up a lot. The current you is different from the obedient Lu Shijin I saw a month ago."

"Of course, Lu Shijin was already dead at that time, have you forgotten? You killed him yourself." Lu Shijin raised his chin and said coldly, "Now in front of you is Niu Hulu Shijin."

"What did you say?" Huo Lian was stunned, he couldn't understand a word Lu Shijin said.

711 hurriedly reminded in a low voice, "Hey!"

Lu Shijin coughed lightly, "Just kidding."

Huo Lian: "..."

Lu Shijin stood up and shook his hand lightly, "I'll make it easier. If Mr. Huo is willing to wait, he will continue to wait. If he can't wait, he will not send it far."

Huo Lian looked at the back of Lu Shijin's dashing away, and sighed slightly. This little stand-in has really become different, and it seems to be more interesting to play.

He glanced at another intact coconut on the table, and studied it carefully in his hand.

He didn't believe in the nonsense that a mind could open a coconut, and it would also be able to deceive ignorant ghosts.

There must be something in the coconut.

But after tossing for a long time, he couldn't find where the coconut's mechanism was, so he had to put it down angrily.

Lu Shijin didn't come back, Huo Lian thought that Lu Shijin was testing his sincerity, so he could only wait patiently.

Also received a phone call.

Huo Lian: "I saw someone. But the little double is not as easy to fool as before. He guessed that I want to use him."

"Actually, it's very simple to get a small double, that is, you may have to sacrifice a little, Mr. Huo."

Huo Lian: "How do you say?"

"When the little double fell in love with Huo Qi, he gave up on Huo Qi. Huo Qi said that he would never go west, so..."

Huo Lian understood, "You mean, let me fall in love with him?"

"Of course it's not a real talk! With your charm, Mr. Huo, it's not easy to attract Lu Shijin, who has no vision, to fall in love with you? As long as you make the little stand-in fall in love with you, can he still not listen to your instructions?"

Huo Lian coldly interrupted the person who came up with the idea on the other end of the phone, "Okay, don't talk about it, although I want to use him, I also have a bottom line. He believed in my sincerity."

"What sincerity?" Lu Shijin's voice suddenly came out from behind Huo Lian.

Huo Lian hung up the phone calmly, "It's nothing, how can you believe that I really want to cooperate with you instead of using you?"

"It's simple." Lu Shijin didn't know where to get a durian and threw it on the sand, "Come on, as long as you open this durian with your bare hands, I'll believe it!"

Huo Lian: "..."

Looking at the durian covered with thorns on the ground, Huo Lian suddenly felt that it was easier for the little double to fall in love with her.

The author has something to say: Lu · Return of the King · Niu Hulu · Shi Jin: Oh, you don't dare to open durian with your bare hands, and you dare to soak me?