Not long after returning from the island, Lu Shijin moved out of the small apartment that Huo Qi had bought for him, and moved directly into Huo Lian's apartment.

Huo Lian, who never liked being intimate with people, actually acquiesced to Lu Shijin's lawlessness for the first time ever.

Anyway, in his heart, he and Lu Shijin were just using each other.

He used Lu Shijin to bring down Huo Yan and Huo Qi and his son, and Lu Shijin used him to retaliate against Huo Qi.

As for the rest, as long as Lu Shijin's demands are not excessive, he can satisfy them.

After all, the little stand-in also helped him meet certain needs. In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, it was regarded as raising a fixed bed partner.

After the new year and the beginning of the spring, Mr. Huo announced at the board of directors that he was about to step down as chairman.

However, the successor was not announced directly, which made all the senior management and shareholders of the Huo Corporation panic.

In addition to Mr. Huo's eldest son, Huo Yan, Mr. Huo's nephew, Huo Gang, also plays an important role in the Huo family.

Therefore, the most fierce battle between the two are the two major interest groups.

Because of Huo Lian's embarrassing status, no one thought that Mr. Huo would hand over the Huo family's future to a illegitimate son who had no foundation.

In the original play, Huo Lian's cousin, Huo Gang, promised Huo Lian that he would support him, so Huo Lian joined forces with Huo Gang.

But who knew that things were later revealed, Huo Gang put all the blame on Huo Lian, and Huo Lian became the initiator of all conspiracies.

Mr. Huo was very disappointed with Huo Lian's behavior of trying to split the Huo family, and swept Huo Lian out of the house in a fit of anger.

Close relatives who are related by blood can be said to turn their faces, and Huo Lian has no hope at all for such a family.

Lu Shijin doesn't know if Huo Lian has started to join forces with Huo Gang now, ready to deal with Huo Yan and Huo Qi and his son.

But he guessed that Ruan Siheng had already copied the inspiration from those paintings, and Huo Qi was about to come to him again because of the painting.

Sure enough, within two days, Lu Shijin received a call from Huo Qi.

It was Friday. Lu Shijin had just finished class. He had made an appointment with a few classmates for a dinner party in the evening. He was walking on the road when Huo Qi called.

Lu Shijin didn't avoid the others, and put the phone directly to his ear.

Lu Shijin: "Hello?"

Huo Qi: "Now?"

Lu Shijin: "You dialed my number, but you don't know it's me?"

In fact, what Huo Qi was surprised was Lu Shijin's indifferent tone, which was completely different from the joy he had received from him in the past.

But thinking about it, he hasn't taken the initiative to contact Lu Shijin for nearly three months since he met him a year ago.

Lu Shijin loves himself so much, and it is inevitable to be angry.

After all, this time it was because of him that Huo Qi was relieved.

"Of course I know." Huo Qi said warmly, "Did you just finish class? I heard it was noisy over there."

Lu Shijin: "Yeah, I'm going to dinner with my classmates, do you have anything to do? Tell me if you have something, just hang up."

Huo Qi was not angry, but chuckled lightly.

"What's wrong? Angry?"

"How dare I." Lu Shijin sneered, "Do I have that qualification? During this time, you haven't heard from you or even seen a single person. If I hadn't read the news every day, I would have thought you were kidnapped by aliens! "

"Of course you have." Huo Qi lowered his stance to coax him, "I'm sorry today, I'm really busy during this time. You should have heard that my grandfather will be leaving office soon, and now is a critical period, My father gave me a lot of tasks and I had to focus on my work first."

Huo Qi's eldest young master who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth is not easy to put down his posture to coax people.

But when he thought of what Huo Qi was for, and coaxing him in such a low voice, Lu Shijin felt nauseated.

bitch. Pack you up sooner or later.

"So that's how it is." Lu Shijin said, "Are you busy now?"

Huo Qi: "Not yet. It's just that I miss you, so I can't help contacting you. Are you free tomorrow? Let's have dinner together? What do you want to eat?"

Lu Shijin: "Okay, I want to eat steak."

Huo Qi heard that Lu Shijin agreed to the appointment tomorrow night, thinking that Lu Shijin had forgiven him, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"By the way, the paintings you gave me last time, I showed them to people in the industry, and they all think your paintings are good. Do you still have completed works by your side?" Huoqi said after a while. , "Maybe I can hold a solo exhibition for you."

Holding an art exhibition for a nameless and unremarkable art academy student can make a fool of the original owner happy.

Lu Shijin sneered silently, then pretended to be interested and said, "Really?"

Huo Qi smiled and replied, "Of course it's true."

Lu Shijin: "Okay, but I have to go back and have a look. Since it's an art exhibition, I have to pick a few that I can get my hands on."

Huo Qi immediately said, "This is the best."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, what a mama!

"Then let's do this first, I'll hang up first, my classmates and I are going to get in the car."

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Huo Qi on the other side of the phone didn't have time to respond and was stunned.

This is the first time that Lu Shijin has taken the initiative to hang up his phone.

"Little Lu, who called you just now? I heard your voice on the phone, it seems that something is wrong!"

The classmates around him waited for Lu Shijin to hang up the phone, and laughed and coaxed to inquire about gossip.

Lu Shijin shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "It's nothing, a fool who sells insurance."

Of course they didn't believe it, "Xiao Lu, have you been in a relationship recently?"

Lu Shijin: "No."

"Che, don't hide it from us, haven't you looked in the mirror? Recently, you have been red-faced and proud of the spring breeze. If it weren't for the nourishment of love, who would believe it!"

Lu Shijin smiled disapprovingly, "Okay, don't gossip around there and go to eat. I'll invite you today, will this always stop you from talking?"

Hearing that Lu Shijin was going to invite him to dinner, the others were too embarrassed to make fun of him again, and the topic quickly shifted to something else.

Listening to their chatter, Lu Shijin suddenly thought of something, lowered his head and shook it.

The nourishment of love is not there, the red face is only because of the nourishment of X life.

Huo Lian usually looked cold as frost, but she was quite enthusiastic in bed, tossing Lu Shijin in different ways every night.

If it weren't for his young body, he would have been tossed to pieces long ago.

And Huo Lian has the most speechless place.

That is, since Lu Shijin called him "Uncle" for the first time on the bed, every time the two of them did AI, every time they went to key places, Huo Lian had to force Lu Shijin to call him "Uncle".

Lu Shijin was originally a person with no morals, but it would be too shameful to be called "Uncle" or something.

I refused a few times, was made to cry a few times, and then I agreed to be honest.

The villain is worthy of being a villain, really, it's too perverted!

After returning to Huo Lian's apartment after the dinner, Lu Shijin told Huo Lian exactly what Huo Qi was looking for him to paint.

Huo Lian asked him, "Do you still want to give it to him?"

Lu Shijin smiled slyly, "Give it, why not."

Huo Lian thought that Lu Shijin still had an unforgettable relationship with Huo Qi, and his face sank at that time.

Lu Shijin sat on his lap, put his arms around his neck, and sighed in Huo Lian's face.

"Why are you unhappy?"

Huo Lian turned his face in disdain, and wiped away the saliva on Lu Shijin's face in disgust.

"I just think you're stupid. You don't know what he wants your painting for, and you want to give it to him. What's not stupid?"

Lu Shijin didn't take Huo Lian's ridicule seriously, "Are you afraid that I will be sold by him? Don't worry, no matter how stupid I am, I won't be sold twice by the same person."

Huo Lian gave him a cool look, "That might be the case."

Lu Shijin stood up and was going to take a shower, "By the way, he invited me to dinner tomorrow night, and I'll be back later."

"Have you misunderstood the relationship between the two of us? You are not my lover, so you don't have to explain the itinerary to me," Huo Lian half-smiled, "but you are quite busy to accompany your uncle after dealing with your nephew."

Lu Shijin turned his head and smiled at him, "Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Huo, the smell of vinegar in this room is overwhelming, can't you smell it?"

Huo Lian also seemed to realize that what he just said was out of place. Lu Shijin went to see Huo Qi for the next plan, so he shouldn't be sarcastic.

Huo Lian adjusted his breathing, and quickly ignored the frustration in his heart, and said with a cold face, "I'm just afraid that some people will see an old lover, their brains will become hot, and they will fantasize about the revival of the old love, and they will put the original love. Forgot the purpose. After all, you used to love him so much."

Lu Shijin stretched his waist, turned his back to Huo Lian and took off his shirt, revealing a smooth and white back.

There are still some unresolved traces on it, often the old ones have not faded away, and new ones have been added.

Lu Shijin carelessly exposed himself to the man's fierce and burning gaze, pointed to the marks on his body, and raised his lips with a smile.

"Have you seen it? These and these are all given to me by you. I want to rekindle my old love, but I'm afraid I can't bear it."

Huo Lian had never seen someone like Lu Shijin.

He clearly has an innocent face like an angel, but sometimes what he says and does is more seductive than a fairy.

But he just eats this one, and when Lu Shijin hooks him, he can't stop the fire.

You have to torment people until you beg for mercy, and let the little stand-in know that he, Huo Lian, is definitely not someone he can afford.

Thinking of this, Huo Lian's eyes gradually became dark and dangerous when he looked at Lu Shijin.

After a period of time between the two of them, Lu Shi was quite familiar with Huo Lian's look.

Of course, Lu Shijin, who is hedonistic, will not miss the opportunity. He points back in the direction of the bathroom, tilts his head and smiles, "Wash together?"

Huo Lian actually took a shower before Lu Shijin came back, but she still agreed to Lu Shijin's proposal.

It's been an hour since the two of them came out of the bathroom.

There was water everywhere on the tiled floor in the bathroom. Huo Lian didn't bother to clean up, so he wrapped Lu Shijin in a bath towel and threw it onto the bed.

Lu Shijin sank into the soft quilt, his eyes were empty, and his body twitched slightly.

Huo Lian lay down beside him, raised the boy's small chin, and raised his thin lips, "What about the strength that just provoke me? It's not enough for just one time?"

Lu Shijin scolded the dog man secretly, closing his eyes and ignoring Huo Lian.

But Huo Lian didn't really want to let him go. In the end, Lu Shijin was the first to cowardly, avoiding the man's wanton hand and sitting up with support.

"Wait a minute, I have something to show you."

Huo Lian: "What?"

"The work I just finished." Lu Shijin rolled off the bed and dragged Huo Lian to the study.

With Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, Huo Lian was actually not interested in what Lu Shijin painted, but since the little stand-in was eager to show him, he didn't want to discourage the little stand-in.

Huo Lian's study had been occupied by Lu Shijin in a grand manner, and was temporarily converted into a studio.

The painting Lu Shijin had just painted was placed on the easel and covered with a white cloth.

"Pull it down and have a look." Lu Shijin motioned to Huo Lian to tear off the white cloth.

Huo Lian did as he said, pulled it down and saw that it was an oil painting.

The night shrouded in the sky and the deep blue sea water formed one piece. Under the moonlight, two people were walking, and two parallel footprints were stepped on the beach behind them.

The idea of ​​the whole painting is general, but it is better than the delicate brushwork and precise coloring.

What's even better is that the beach seems to be coated with a layer of moonlight, glowing with a lustrous luster.

"What is this?" Huo Lian didn't know much about painting appreciation, but he could feel that the painting was very good.

Lu Shijin pointed to the oil painting and said, "This is the island we visited last time, you forgot? Didn't we go for a walk by the sea the next night?"

Huo Lian: "So these two people?"

Lu Shijin said as a matter of course: "I, you."

Huo Lian was silent. He didn't expect Lu Shijin to draw the two of them into the painting. This feeling was very subtle.

Huo Lian doesn't like taking pictures, let alone taking pictures with others, because no one likes to be involved with illegitimate children.

Huo Lian didn't have a photo with his father until he was six years old, so on his sixth birthday, he proposed to take a photo with his father.

However, he was criticized by Mr. Huo for not putting his mind on his studies, and he always thought about some things.

From then on, Huo Lian hated taking pictures.

Lu Shijin suddenly said, "I'll give this painting to Huo Qi, can you tell me?"

My heart, which had just started to warm up, was suddenly chilled by the ice water.

Huo Lian stared at Lu Shijin silently for a while, only to see a heartless smile on the face of the little stand-in.

"As you like." After saying that, he opened the door of the study and strode away.

Lu Shijin's mouth curled slightly, and he quickly followed Huo Lian.

"You seem a little upset?"

Huo Lian said firmly, "No."

"Yes." Lu Shijin followed him into the bedroom, pushed the person onto the bed, and sat on top of him, "Did you hear me saying that I would give the painting to Huo Qi, so I am not happy? Don't worry, the painting cannot be given for nothing, he If you want it, you have to pay for it.”

Huo Lian ignored Lu Shijin's tricks, just at this moment Lu Shijin's cell phone rang, and Lu Shijin turned to the bedside to answer the phone.

When I saw the caller, he said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, but it was Huo Qi.

Lu Shijin shook the phone screen at Huo Lian to let him know that it was Huo Qi's call before answering.

Huo Qi greeted gently: "Now, are you asleep?"

Lu Shijin: "Not yet, it's so late, what are you calling me?"

Huo Qi: "I told you about buying paintings in the afternoon... How are you thinking about it?"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, it seemed that Ruan Siheng was pressing hard, and he couldn't wait in the middle of the night before Huo Qi called.

"Oh, painting?" Lu Shijin glanced at Huo Lian, "Yes, but I forgot to tell you in the afternoon that a few paintings I painted recently have been packaged and sold to a collector, he said. He liked my paintings and bought them all."

Huo Qi was speechless for a while. Which blind collector would buy a painting collection of an unknown person?

Huo Qi: "How much does he pay? I can pay more than him."

Huo Lian stretched out his five fingers, and Lu Shijin immediately said, "Five million."

Huo Qi: "..." Are you really not a lion?

Lu Shijin pretended to apologize: "I'm sorry, husband, I shouldn't have asked you for money, but five million is really important to me, don't I want to study abroad? With this money, I can rely on myself Dream fulfilled."

Huo Qi was a little angry, but there was nothing he could do. Ruan Siheng pointed out that he wanted Lu Shijin's painting. Even if he was angry, he would get the painting.

Otherwise, he couldn't do such a simple thing well, how could he raise his head in front of Ruan Siheng.

"It's okay, I understand." Huo Qi gritted his teeth, "Eight million, I'll give you eight million, you give me the picture."

Lu Shijin suddenly exclaimed, because Huo Lian, the bastard, suddenly acted like a hooligan. He stretched his hand to the place where he shouldn't, and stuck to Lu Shijin's other ear, and asked in a deep voice, "Who was your husband just called? ?Um?"

Lu Shijin, who couldn't have an attack, could only glare at Huo Lian, didn't he just shout wrongly?

Fortunately, Huo Qi had no doubts about his voice, and Lu Shijin quickly picked up: "Is this too much?"

Huo Qi could only laugh dryly: "It's alright, I'll give you my money, but it's just from one pocket into the other, what else is there to share between you and me."

Scumbag, the account is calculated clearly.

Lu Shijin said, "Then... I'll ask the collector tomorrow if he can cancel the transaction. Will I give you an answer tomorrow?"

Huo Qi agreed, and the two hung up after saying good night to each other.

At this time, Lu Shijin was almost stripped away by Huo Lian, and the arrow was ready to go.

Lu Shijin raised his foot and kicked people unceremoniously, "Damn, when you're in heat and you don't pick on it, if Huo Qi finds out that I'm stealing men, 8 million will be lost!"

Huo Lian easily blocked, "I will help you sit on the ground and raise the price for you to get 8 million at once, how much are you going to share with me?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and asked in dissatisfaction, "I will help you fight for the Huo family's property. How much are you going to share with me?"

Huo Lian's black eyes tightly grasped the person under him, and her thin lips hooked lightly: "Then it depends on how much your performance is worth."