On Saturday, Lu Shi had no classes all day, and Huo Lian had to go to the company to accompany him, so he played games alone in the apartment.

When it was almost the time to meet Huo Qi in the afternoon, Lu Shijin got up from the sofa.

He rubbed his hair, which was messy like a chicken coop, and went to the mirror to start flicking himself.

The original owner actually looks no worse than Ruan Siheng.

But being by Huo Qi's side did not replace Ruan Siheng's position in Huo Qi's mind for three years, for two reasons.

First, the character is unpleasant, the more humble you are in the relationship, the less the other party will take you seriously.

Everyone has the mentality of being cheap, and the more they can't get it, the more they want it. Huo Qi has been thinking about Ruan Siheng for so many years, and that's why.

As for the original owner who was careful to please him, he was used to being aloof, and there were many such people around him, so he naturally dismissed it.

Second, I don't know how to make good use of my advantages to tie a man's heart.

After washing and drying his hair, Lu Shijin casually grabbed his hair twice and made a hairstyle.

The handsome young man in the mirror is indescribably handsome, with fair skin that can be broken by blowing a bullet, just like a tenth-level filter.

Lu Shijin smiled evilly at himself in the mirror.

With just his face, as soon as he stood at the door of the bar, he didn't know how many pretty girls wanted to come up and talk to him.

He can handle even the hard-hearted Huo Lian, but is he afraid that he won't be able to handle a Huo Qi?

After washing up, Lu Shijin was about to open the bathroom door and go to the cloakroom to change clothes.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Huo Lian leaning against the door with his arms around his chest, which almost didn't startle Lu Shijin.

"When did you come back? Why are you standing here silently?"

Lu Shijin patted his chest and looked like he had seen a ghost. Huo Lian is a workaholic. It's only 5 o'clock in the afternoon, does he get off work early?

"It's well organized, it's what it's like to see an old lover." Huo Lian didn't answer Lu Shijin's question, but looked at Lu Shijin from top to bottom and commented, "Is it painted on my face? It's so white?"

Lu Shijin smelled another sour smell, but he hurried out the door and didn't have time to pay attention to cholera's nervousness.

"I just applied water and lotion, nothing else, I've always been so white."

Huo Lian and Lu Shijin entered the cloakroom, and leaned against the door to watch Lu Shijin change his clothes with that look of immortality.

Lu Shijin didn't hesitate, under Huo Lian's gaze, he took off only a pair of underwear.

Then he picked out clothes in front of the closet while asking Huo Lian for his opinion.

"Do I look better in white or blue? Shirt or sweater?"

Huo Lian said indifferently, "I think you look best when you're not wearing anything."

Stinking rogue.

Lu Shijin turned his head and smiled at Huo Lian, "I'm afraid that won't work. He and I are going to eat western food, and we won't be able to enter if we don't dress properly."

The corner of Huo Lian's mouth twitched coldly, but he didn't speak, the air pressure around his body seemed to drop a little again.

Without realizing it, Lu Shijin took a sweater and jeans and put them on.

The white hooded sweater doesn't make people look pale at all, and makes him glow in white.

Low-waisted skinny jeans are worn on the body, which fits perfectly to the rounded buttocks and the straight and slender legs.

Thinking that Lu Shijin was dressed like this to meet Huo Qi, sparks slowly appeared from the bottom of Huo Lian's frozen eyes.

He thought it was ridiculous that he didn't want Lu Shijin to meet Huo Qi.

But sometimes people are so unreasonable, they know it is wrong, but they can't restrain the emotion called "jealousy".

Especially after rushing back and seeing Lu Shijin dressed up carefully, it seems that he attaches great importance to this date.

The surging jealousy is like vines with claws and claws, entangled in Huo Lian's heart.

Lu Shijin opened the drawer, pulled out a bottle of men's Eau de Toilette, pulled down his collar and sprayed it on his neck, and twice on his wrist.

"Come here and smell it for me. Does my new perfume smell good?"

Huo Lian walked over silently, stood behind Lu Shijin, lowered his head and took a deep breath.

The elegant and fragrant citrus smell is very in line with the temperament of a young man in his early twenties like Lu Shijin.

"It smells very fresh." Huo Lian asked in a low voice, "Is it Huo Qi's favorite smell?"

Lu Shijin originally wanted to say that it was his favorite scent, but he didn't know what kind of perfume Huo Qi liked, and he didn't even know if Huo Qi liked men spraying perfume.

But as soon as his mind moved, the words came to his lips, "Yeah, he likes it. He likes this kind of small and fresh thing. In order to gain his trust and realize our plan, I don't have to cater to him now. Like to please him, don't you think?"

Huo Lian's eyes darkened, "What time did you have an appointment with him?"

"It's half past six," Lu Shijin glanced at the electronic clock on the table next to him, "there's still an hour and a half."

"It's still early." Huo Lian stretched out his arms and trapped Lu Shijin between his chest and the wardrobe, "Before seeing your old lover, do you want to do something first?"

Lu Shijin touched the closet in front, "Don't make trouble, I've cleaned it up, I have to do it again if it messes up. Besides, it's only an hour and a half left, and it'll take me an hour to get there by subway, and I'm not like you. Big boss, there is a special car to pick you up when you go out."

Huo Lian, regardless of Lu Shijin's innocuous objection, has already put his hand into Lu Shijin's clothes and set fire everywhere.

"My car is downstairs, I can take you there." Huo Lian kissed his earlobe and lowered his voice to tempt, "Before meeting my nephew, do it with his uncle, don't you think it's very exciting?"

Hemp egg! Does Huo Lian, a humanoid estrus machine, still have integrity? ! What kind of wolf word is this?

But I have to admit that when Lu Shijin heard Huo Lian's remarks, he had an inexplicable sense of tension behind his "husband" and would meet with his "husband" soon?

This kind of tension quickly extended to excitement and excitement. Lu Shijin forgot about the sore back and lack of legs that he was done last night, and what Huo Lian said was a little heart-wrenching.

"It's only an hour and a half left, are you sure you're done?" Lu Shijin raised his head and kissed Huo Lian, panting.

Huo Lian laughed hoarsely: "If you're afraid of being late, then you should do your best, don't let me work hard all by myself."

Lu Shijin was tormented by Huo Lian's **** voice to the point of going crazy, and he bit Huo Lian's lips viciously, venting his anger is also venting his anger.

It's terrifying that a hooligan can be so handsome.

"Go into the bedroom." Luckily, Lu Shijin was still sensible at this time and asked.

Huo Lian shook his head and said firmly, "It's right here."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

While zipping his jeans, Huo Lian pointed to the full-length mirror in front of him, and said against his ear, "I want you to watch..."

Huo Lian's voice became lower and lower, but the fire in Lu Shijin's heart became more and more vigorous.

Whether Huo Lian simply wanted to be a AI with him, or because of Huo Qi's jealousy, it was Lu Shijin who was cool anyway!

When the nonsense was over, the full-length mirror in the cloakroom could no longer be seen, and I didn't know what water stains had been splashed on, and there were dots everywhere.

Lu Shijin had just been forced to do a lot of shameful actions and said a lot of shameful words. Now that he saw Huo Lian's face, he just wanted to bite this rogue to death.

"Fuck," Lu Shijin cursed in a low voice, picked up the jeans on the ground, they were wrinkled and wet and could no longer be worn, "It's all your fault, my good pants..."

Huo Lian casually took a pair of loose pants and threw them to Lu Shijin, "It's the same with this one."

Lu Shijin looked at the slacks with fat legs in his hands, and the thickness of his legs could not be seen when he put it on. He reasonably suspected that Huo Lian suddenly pestered him for love, did he just want him to change his pants?

After finally packing up and going out, I rushed to the restaurant that I had made an appointment with Huo Qi, just at 6:30 in the evening.

Huo Lian didn't break his promise and drove Lu Shijin to his destination in person.

Lu Shijin opened the door and got off, "I'll go back by myself at night, you don't have to pick it up."

"Let's see then." Huo Lian waited for him to close the door, without even rolling down the window, he stepped on the accelerator and galloped away.

Lu Shijin could only smell the car exhaust in one nose, and scolded: "Come on, just leave, it's really ruthless."

Entering the restaurant, Huo Qi was already sitting by the window and waiting.

Lu Shijin skillfully put on an impeccable smile and took a seat in front of Huo Qi.

"I've been waiting for a long time, I'm sorry, the road is stuck in traffic, and the driver doesn't recognize the way, so I'm late."

"It's okay, I just arrived." Huo Qi smiled lightly and pushed the menu to him, "What do you want to eat, let's see."

This is a high-end western restaurant. A piece of steak can easily cost hundreds of oceans. Of course, Lu Shijin would not be polite to Huo Qi. He ordered a wagyu beef that was delivered by air, and then returned the menu to the waiter.

The steak was fried quickly and served. Lu Shijin just picked up the knife and fork to cut the meat and eat, and didn't take the initiative to say a word to Huo Qi.

Huo Qi had no appetite, so he put down his knife and fork after eating only two pieces of meat.

In the past two days, he had to deal with the problems that Ruan Siheng threw him, and he was very busy.

It's rare to have a quiet meal like this.

On the opposite side, Lu Shijin buried his head in the food, his mouth was full of beef, bulging like a cute little hamster.

He didn't care when the sky was falling, and he infected Huo Qi.

Huo Qi suddenly realized the benefits of Lu Shijin.

"Is it delicious?" After Lu Shijin finished eating, Huo Qi asked him with a smile.

Lu Shijin wiped the food residue on his mouth with a napkin and nodded, "It's delicious, why haven't you eaten much?"

"I have no appetite, it's fine, don't worry about me." Huo Qi suddenly said, "Now, how long has it been since we met?"

Lu Shijin said without thinking, "96 days plus 21 hours."

Huo Qi was a little surprised that Lu Shijin could record the time so clearly, and then smiled clearly, "How many hours can be counted so clearly, it seems that you really miss me."

Lu Shijin also laughed: "Yeah, I miss you." That's weird. It's true that you're dead.

Huo Qi was slightly moved, and looked at Lu Shijin with a little warmth in his eyes.

After not seeing him for many days, Lu Shijin's appearance seems to have suddenly lost his immature student spirit, and his facial features begin to show the charm of a mature man. Walking on the road will definitely attract many people to turn back.

Before, Huo Qi always thought that Lu Shijin was too young. No matter in terms of appearance or personality, he was incomparable with the personable Ruan Siheng.

But now it appears that being young also has its perks.

At least Lu Shijin won't show him a cold face after he digs his heart out to please him.

Nor will he yell at him like a lunatic when he is not inspired, as if all the faults are his fault.

No matter how deep the love is, it will deteriorate after experiencing countless quarrels.

It's not that Huo Qi doesn't love Ruan Siheng anymore, but occasionally he gets tired of Ruan Siheng's bad temper as an artist.

Therefore, he is very pleasing to the eyes of Lu Shijin now.

"By the way, I brought the paintings to you." Lu Shijin pushed aside the dinner plate he finished eating and took out the paintings from his schoolbag, "There are nine paintings in total, all of which I painted in the last six months, and have not been published elsewhere. pass."

Huo Qi took it and threw it on the seat without taking it apart.

When Lu Shijin saw Huo Qi's behavior towards the paintings, he sneered in his heart.

He kept saying that he loved Ruan Siheng, but Huo Qi didn't understand and didn't like art at all.

What he loves is only Ruan Siheng, who has the artistic temperament he imagined. Can such two people who have no common language really love each other?

Lu Shijin pretended to be unhappy, "Why don't you even look at it?"

Huo Qi: "It's troublesome to take it apart and put it back together. I'll look at it when I go back."

Lu Shijin said: "The rest are fine, but the top one is what I drew for you, you can't give it to others."

Huo Qi heard the words, picked up the painting with interest and opened it, "Give me? Which one?"

Lu Shijin pointed to the "Walking by the Sea" picture, "It's this one, look, this is you, that is me."

Huo Qi glanced roughly and frowned, "But we don't seem to have been to the beach before?"

Lu Shijin held his chin, stared at Huo Qi resentfully, and said aggrievedly: "Of course I know you haven't taken me to the beach, or you haven't even taken me anywhere. This is the picture I dreamed of, I woke up. After that, I drew it down."

There was a strange ripple in Huo Qi's heart, and the darkness in his deep Zhan eyes changed for a long time.

I love him so much now that I even think of him in my dreams.

It's a pity that he can only live up to this deep affection in this life.

However, maybe it would be good to leave some good memories for the other party before the official breakup?

Huo Qi put away the painting carefully, and thought to himself that Ruan Siheng would devote himself to the creation for a while, so he probably wouldn't have time to see him.

So Huo Qi held Lu Shijin's hand on the table and said affectionately, "Since you want to go to the beach with me so much, it just so happens that I'm going on a business trip to Hawaii the day after tomorrow. Can I take you with me?"

"Ah?" Lu Shijin choked for a moment, but he didn't expect the sudden turn of events.

Huo Qi is going to have a tryst with Ruan Siheng behind his back? Is he out of his mind?

The author has something to say: I have a Maserati in my head, you can only smell the car exhaust ^_^