"Go, go to Hawaii?" Lu Shijin didn't react for a while, and was a little dazed.

Huo Qi nodded, he thought that Lu Shijin was so happy that he couldn't even speak, and he couldn't help but believe in Lu Shijin's love for him.

"I remember that you have been to the United States before, and your visa has not expired, right?"

Lu Shijin shook his head blankly.

Huo Qi: "That's good, get ready, we'll set off the day after tomorrow."

"After, the day after tomorrow?" Lu Shijin said, "So suddenly?"

Damn, I was ignoring my love before, and suddenly we are going to travel together, so I have no mental preparation at all.

"Is it too early or too late?" Huo Qi smiled, "If you want to stay with me one more day, I can change the ticket to tomorrow night."

Lu Shijin: "..." Is this the **** point? The point is that the person who accompanies you to Hawaii is wrong!

"Little assistant! Little assistant!" Lu Shijin urgently called 711, "Has Huo Qi changed the role? Or is his brain broken?"

711 said lazily: "Neither. The data shows that Huo Qi's favorability toward Ruan Siheng has dropped slightly, while his favorability toward you has skyrocketed."

Lu Shijin understood, "It turns out that the dog thing wants to sit and enjoy the blessings of everyone!"

I haven't seen each other for three months. Naturally, he feels fresh, especially after hitting a nail on Bai Yueguang's side, he feels that he is better in control.

711 reminder: "Don't forget your mission."

Lu Shijin sneered: "Of course I didn't forget, where is the plot now?"

711: "It's already halfway through, and it's about to enter a small climax. Ruan Siheng was framed for plagiarism, and then he counterattacked and slapped his face. When the story is over, the audience's progress bar will be almost half-full."

"Wait a minute, what did you say?" Lu Shijin said, "I'm afraid the word framed is the wrong word?"

711: "...Anyway, you have to cooperate when the time comes. Ruan Siheng is the protagonist. If the protagonist's character is broken, the show will be scrapped."

Lu Shijin said that there was nothing to do, but he was dismissive.

Huo Qi saw that Lu Shijin had been letting him dry, and he didn't say yes or no, his face turned cold.

"Don't you want to go?"

Lu Shijin returned to his senses, concealed his unhappiness, and showed a bright smile, "Of course not, I want to go, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy wherever I go!"

The smile returned to Huo Qi's face, "That's it, I'll send a car to pick you up at the apartment on the plane the day after tomorrow afternoon."

It seems that Huo Qi didn't know that Lu Shi had moved out of the apartment he bought this morning. Lu Shijin said quickly, "Don't be so troublesome, let's meet at the airport?"

Huo Qi did not suspect him, "Also."

"Then... I'll go back first?" Lu Shijin felt that there was something wrong with Huo Qi's words today, and planned to slip away before thinking of countermeasures.

If it wasn't for Ruan Siheng's urgency, Huo Qi would go to see him soon, and Huo Qi really didn't want to let Lu Shijin go so soon.

Still feel at ease when staying with Lu Shijin.

Huo Qi stood up rarely and diligently wanted to send one off to Lu Shijin, "I'll send a car to see you off."

Lu Shijin waved his hand and refused: "Farewell, it's convenient to take a taxi here. I'll go back if I stop a car on the side of the road. Why waste your time and specially send me off. I'm leaving. Call me if you have anything."

Seeing that Lu Shijin insisted, Huo Qi didn't insist any more, and felt that Lu Shijin was sensible and considerate, thinking of him.

After leaving the restaurant, Lu Shijin was thinking about his thoughts. When he was walking, his head was sullen, and he accidentally bumped his shoulder with a passerby.

The passerby was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, and his entire face showed a pair of eyes.

I don't know if I just like this kind of dress, or I'm afraid of being recognized by others.

Passersby and Lu Shijin looked up at the same time, and said "sorry" at the same time.

After that, Lu Shijin continued to walk forward without thinking, while the passerby stared at Lu Shijin's back thoughtfully for a long time.

After Lu Shijin walked away, he took off his hat and mask and walked into the western restaurant where Huo Qi was.

"Siheng, you are here."

Huo Qi laughed awkwardly. He lied to Ruan Siheng today that he had an appointment with an artist to meet and discuss cooperation. Just now Ruan Siheng asked him which restaurant to eat at, and he casually reported the name of the restaurant.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Siheng said that he was nearby. He also wanted to chat with the painter. Before Huo Qi could find an excuse, Ruan Siheng had already arrived at the door of the restaurant.

I can only be glad that Lu Shijin had already left at that time, otherwise Huo Qi could imagine how tragic the rollover scene would be if they were hit by them.

Ruan Siheng responded lightly, and sat down in the place where Lu Shijin had just sat. The plate that had been eaten on the table was taken away by Huo Qi's waiter, and he only put two glasses of water.

Ruan Sihengsheng's skin is fair and clear, and his eyes and nose are especially similar to those of Lu Shijin, but if you look closely, you can see the difference.

Ruan Siheng's eyelids are thin, and there is a small mole under the end of his eye. When he is not smiling, the end of his eye is draped, and he looks especially cold-hearted.

"Where's the painter?" Ruan Siheng asked directly.

Huo Qi: "Unfortunately, he just left when you sent the message to me, saying that something happened at home."

Ruan Siheng took a deep look at him and took Huo Qi's heart a little.

But he could only force himself to remain calm, and continued to say as if nothing had happened: "Maybe you encountered it when you came in."

Ruan Siheng picked up the cup and took a sip, "I didn't meet anyone."

Huo Qi heard the words secretly relieved.

Ruan Siheng asked again, "What about painting?"

Huo Qi couldn't help but smile bitterly. From coming in until now, everything Ruan Siheng said only revolved around the painting he was thinking of, and he didn't care about him a word.

But he is used to it. In Ruan Siheng's life, the pursuit of art is always above everything else.

But he didn't know if he would suddenly become unbearable.

He is the future heir of the Huo family, the burden of the family rests on him, and those old antiques will never accept him to be with a man.

Huo Yan knew that his son liked men, and he could turn a blind eye when he was on the scene.

But if Huo Qi dares to come out publicly and let the Huo family end, Huo Qi is sure that his father and grandfather will cancel his inheritance.

Ruan Siheng would not understand these pressures, let alone take them to heart.

Huo Qi didn't want to tell him about his difficulties, because maybe telling him would only make Ruan Siheng feel useless.

Disappointment and resentment are accumulated little by little, and when they accumulate to a certain point, they will collapse and explode.

Of course, now Huo Qi still has expectations for Ruan Siheng, feeling that helping Ruan Siheng find inspiration, Ruan Siheng can focus on him.

"Here, are you satisfied with your look?"

Huo Qi took out the paintings and gave them to Ruan Siheng, and when Ruan Siheng received them, he remembered what Lu Shijin said.

The "Wandering on the Sea" was a gift from Lu Shijin.

Huo Qi immediately wanted to take the painting back from Ruan Siheng, but Ruan Siheng took the painting one step ahead of him.

And he seems to be very interested in this painting, and has been scrutinizing it in his hands.

At this time, if you want to return to the painting, it may make Ruan Siheng suspicious.

Huo Qi's determination to take back the painting was shaken in an instant. It was just a painting anyway, and there was no need to make trouble with Ruan Siheng because of this.

After a long time, Ruan Siheng raised his head, his face was a bit solemn, "This painting was also painted by the artist?"

Huo Qi felt a sense of emptiness in his heart, but his face remained silent, "Yes, these are all from his own hands."

Ruan Siheng didn't ask any more questions, put away the painting and smiled at Huo Qi, "Thank you Huo Qi, I made you worry about me."

Hearing Bai Yueguang's smile, Huo Qi felt a little smug.

I feel that no matter how much pressure I have to endure, it is worth it.

But since this is a public place, it is not a place to express your sincere feelings.

He had to lower his voice and express his feelings to Ruan Siheng implicitly: "Why do you need to thank me? It's all I am willing to do for you."

Lu Shijin walked to the side of the road and was about to wave for a car when suddenly a silver sports car stopped precisely in front of him.

It was Huo Lian's car.

Lu Shijin opened the car door and went straight to the co-pilot, leaning his hands on the window and tilting his head to look at him.

"What? You haven't left the whole time?" Lu Shijin asked amusingly, "Are you stalking? Are you afraid I'll put a cuckold on you?"

Huo Lian stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the sports car jumped out. Lu Shijin was so frightened that he quickly fastened his seat belt.

Seeing Huo Lian's tense facial expression, Lu Shijin knew that the man was in a very bad mood right now.

However, Huo Lian was the one holding the steering wheel. Lu Shijin's life was in the hands of others, so he could only whisper, "What's going on?".

Indeed, as Lu Shijin suspected, after Huo Lian sent him off, he did not immediately drive around and wandered around.

After a few laps, I also thought a lot.

Although Huo Lian and Huo Qi are uncles and nephews, in fact Huo Lian is only one year older than Huo Qi.

However, the environment in which the two grew up is very different.

As the grandson of Huo's family, Huo Qi has been loved in every way since he was a child.

It is said that in the next generation, Mr. Huo is a kind grandfather in front of his grandson.

But in front of Huo Lian, his own son, he was always strict, and he always felt that Huo Lian was not motivated enough and worked hard.

Huo Qi has never been short of playmates, and flattered him.

Huo Lian could only stand by himself and watch others play. He didn't understand it before, and he wanted to work hard to get involved.

But when he heard those children laughing at him behind his back as a "wild child without a mother" or "illegitimate child", he would understand that children's malice is sometimes no less than that of adults.

Huo Lian and Huo Qi have been in the same grade and school from kindergarten to high school. No matter where they go, Huo Qi is the most dazzling presence.

The teachers love him and the classmates love him.

Later, someone found out that Huo Lian and Huo Qi looked alike, and both of them were surnamed Huo, guessing whether the two might be brothers.

Thinking that Huo Qi is so good, then Huo Lian is definitely not bad, so some students tried to make friends with Huo Lian, which made Huo Lian happy for a long time.

But later, I don't know who was talking too much, and said Huo Lian's identity as the illegitimate child of the Huo family.

Since then, no one wants to approach Huo Lian anymore, replaced by all kinds of strange eyes and pointing.

It was not until he and Huo Qi were admitted to different universities that he finally didn't have to live in the shadow of Huo Qi.

So he hates the Huo family and everyone in the Huo family. One day, he will make those who despise him pay the price.

The reason why Huo Lian agreed to Lu Shijin to be his boyfriend's absurd bet at first.

On the one hand, he wanted to use Lu Shijin to deal with Huo Qi, on the other hand, only he knew the reason.

Lu Shijin once loved Huo Qi so fervently, Huo Lian wanted Lu Shijin to understand that he loved the wrong person and wanted to prove that he was not lost to Huo Qi.

Thinking that if Huo Qi knew that his little lover would cry and beg for mercy under him every night, Huo Lian couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in his heart.

Little stand-in he doesn't love you anymore, he loves me now.

But he was also worried about whether there would be another possibility for Lu Shijin to be with him.

The car came to an open road and suddenly braked to the side to stop.

Lu Shijin scolded in horror, "Huo Lian, are you crazy?"

Huo Lian suddenly unbuckled his seat belt, leaned over, pinched Lu Shijin's chin and forced him to look at herself.

Huo Lian's eyes were gloomy, his lacquer eyes were deep, and there was no light in his eyes. .

"Lu Shijin, tell me, who are you thinking when you look at me?"