Huo Lian's eyes were terrifyingly gloomy, like a deep pool, with a vicious beast lurking under the water.

Lu Shijin felt inexplicable, but he didn't like Huo Lian questioning him in such a tone, so he couldn't help but get angry.

Lu Shijin looked at Huo Lian calmly, not struggling, but the tone of his words became colder.

"let go."

Huo Lian has been overwhelmed by jealousy now, eager to hear the answer from the substitute's mouth since he was a child, ignoring the coldness in Lu Shijin's eyes.

Huo Lian squeezed Lu Shijin's chin slightly, "Speak."

"Are you intimidating me?" Lu Shijin laughed instead of anger, "What can you do with me if I don't say anything? Drive me out of the car or just strangle me in the car?"

Huo Qi's eyes were dark, and he couldn't figure it out.

However, if Lu Shijin dared to say, "Huo Qi is what he thinks in his heart", he can't guarantee that he can control his hands and not pinch Lu Shijin's slender neck.

"Isn't it loose?" Instead, Lu Shijin raised his chin and put it in Huo Lian's hand, "Come on, I'll pinch you, don't pinch your chin, this is the correct way to try a prisoner. Uncle, do you think I Who are you thinking of when you look at it?"

"I'm asking you."

Huo Lian still didn't dare to exert himself, for fear of hurting Lu Shijin.

He slowly let go of his hand and leaned back behind his seat, half of his face hidden in the shadows, his emotions indistinguishable.

Lu Shijin rubbed his chin and sneered: "I know what you're thinking, do you think I'm also playing a stand-in game?"

Huo Qi's lips pursed into a straight line, and every word that Lu Shijin said struck his heart.

"If that's what I think," Lu Shijin paused, lowered his voice and said, "then what's the difference between me and that scumbag Huo Qi? Every time I think about it, when he looks at me, what he might be thinking is Others, I'm sick to the core."

Huo Lian seemed to be persuaded by Lu Shijin, her eyelids moved and she lifted it up a little.

"You are you, Huo Qi is Huo Qi, I can tell the difference." Lu Shijin continued, "I don't need to be obsessed with someone who doesn't love me or cherish me, this is punishing myself."

The jealousy slowly subsided, and Huo Lian actually regretted what he had just done impulsive.

But he couldn't contain the anxiety of worrying about gains and losses, like a ghost.

He never wanted to experience the feeling of living under Huo Qi's shadow again.

Huo Lian's voice was a little hoarse because he hadn't spoken for a long time, "It's best if you have this consciousness."

Lu Shijin laughed, "Okay, I'll tell you what I said. You suddenly fired at me today, I'm afraid this suspicion didn't arise for a while, right? What made you think I took you as Huo Qi's stand-in. ?"

Huo Lian had a hunch that what Lu Shijin said next would definitely not be good words, and pressed the start button of the car, pretending to be busy driving and refusing to talk about this topic with Lu Shijin.

"I don't want to tell you that right now."

"But I think." Lu Shijin hugged his arms and said leisurely, "Let me guess, you have no confidence in yourself and feel that you are not as good as Huo Qi, so you are afraid that I will use you as Huo Qi's substitute, right?"

Huo Lian sneered disdainfully, "Joke, I can't compare to Huo Qi? He didn't earn everything he owns now, thanks to him investing in a good tire! What would he be without these?"

Lu Shijin heard the resentment in Huo Lian's words, and said, "You are about the same age as him, his surname is Huo and you are also Huo, but you don't have anything he has, family friendship or even love. Your hard work is your talent. You have been covered up by his light since you were a child, you are not reconciled, that is why you hate him so much and want to see him ruined, right?"

Lu Shijin's tone was understated, but his words were cruel, like a sharp knife slashing Huo Lian's perfect appearance, revealing a heart twisted by jealousy and resentment.

The dark side of Huo Lian's heart was pointed out mercilessly by Lu Shijin. His blood was on top, and his breathing became heavier.

"Enough said?!"

Lu Shijin was not afraid of death and said, "No."

Huo Lian's voice was gloomy, "Did I condone you too much during this time, so that you dare to talk to me like this?"

Lu Shijin sighed indifferently, "Ha, I'm sorry, Mr. Huo, I'm not your subordinate, and I don't expect to get anything from you, why would I not dare?" After a while, he said, "Oh no , the advantage is still a bit, at least you served me comfortably in bed."

Very good, the courage of the little stand-in is getting bigger and bigger. Does this make him a free duck?

Huo Lian's hands trembled with anger, and he clearly felt the body shake, and drove an "S" on the road.

Huo Lian's character is sensitive and suspicious, because he was betrayed by his biological mother when he was a child, which made him not believe in anyone.

If someone treats him well, he will feel that the person has ulterior motives, and if someone wants to approach him, he will doubt the intentions of others.

Around such a person, there is no shortage of unwarranted suspicions and speculations.

Be careful with every move, because you don't know which words or actions will touch his inverse scales.

Therefore, it is better to clarify the words so that he can completely dispel his doubts.

"Okay, don't rush to get angry with me first, I know what you're thinking, you want Huo Qi to lose his reputation, and I also think, you want to see him fall from the cloud to the mud, so do I. I can help you," Lu Shijin put it away Cynically, he raised his head and looked at Huo Lian in the rear-view mirror, "But if you doubt that one again, then I think we may not need to continue working together. I don't need a partner who doesn't trust me."

just a partner?

The knuckles of Huo Lian's hand on the steering wheel protruded and turned white due to the force.

For a moment, he wanted to ask Lu Shijin another question.

"You're only with me to get revenge on Huo Qi, is there no other reason?"

But he didn't ask.

What he was afraid of was an affirmative answer, and he would be humiliating himself after all.

Lu Shijin poked Huo Lian's arm, gave him a slap and then a sweet jujube, and played with a soft tone to coax him.

"Okay, don't pull your face. You were the one who was suspicious first. My jaw hurts, and I'm not angry yet."

Huo Lian said blankly, "Shut up, don't interfere with my driving."

Although his tone was still not good, his face finally calmed down.

After that, the two returned to the apartment without a word.

After taking a shower and going to bed, Huo Lian didn't keep with Lu Shijin as usual, and Lu Shijin didn't take the initiative to lean over to stick to him.

The two of them were holding their breath, planning to spend a night of simply sleeping under the quilt.

But Huo Lian lay with her eyes closed for almost two hours without falling asleep.

During this time with Lu Shijin, he had to toss one or two times almost every night before he could fall asleep happily.

As a result, if I don't do anything now, I feel as if there is a piece missing in my heart.

Looking at Lu Shijin again, he was heartless and slept soundly.

Huo Lian suddenly felt unbalanced. He tossed and turned so hard to fall asleep here, how could he fall asleep now?

Don't you usually look like a grinder who wants to squeeze him dry as soon as he touches the bed?

Why was he suddenly not interested in his body tonight?

Could it be because he met Huo Qi and remembered his old lover?

Huo Lian stared at Lu Shijin's quiet sleeping face, the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and the evil fire in his heart rose again.

In his dream, Lu Shijin felt like a hot and hard wall was pressing against his chest, and he couldn't push it away, and finally woke up because of lack of oxygen and suffocation.

The culprit who interrupted his sweet dreams was still stirring his lips in his mouth. Lu Shijin was speechless and could only curse people "woohoohoo".

I don't sleep in the middle of the night, and I'm still in the cold war, and I suddenly have a wild beast, and the dog things are too moody!

No lights are turned on in the bedroom, no vision and other senses are infinitely magnified.

... Gradually, Lu Shijin was also aroused and began to cater to men's actions to make him feel better.

"Take it easy, you..."

"Didn't you like me to be rough before and say don't have fun?"

Lu Shijin took a breath and said intermittently, "The day after tomorrow... I'm going to accompany Huo Qi to Hawaii, please be gentle... don't make a mark and let him find out..."

Huo Lian moved for a while, and the fire that filled his mouth was suddenly extinguished.

He hasn't died yet, so dare to hook up with Huo Qi in front of him?

Little liar, dare to lie to him that he has no feelings for Huo Qi!

The author has something to say: Happy New Year's Eve! It's too dangerous outside, everyone should stay at home and watch us travel to the Shura Field in Hawaii with Huo's uncle and nephew today, hehe~