When Huo Lian knew that Lu Shijin was going to Hawaii with Huo Qi, he neither agreed nor opposed.

It's just the way he looks at Lu Shijin, which often makes Lu Shijin feel that he has been caught in bed.

But Lu Shi now has a clear conscience.

Reluctant to let the child fall for the wolf, how can I gain Huo Qi's trust without making some sacrifices?

What's more, just going on a trip together is not a sacrifice at all for him.

Lu Shijin arrived at the airport at the appointed time, and Huo Qi was already waiting there.

They were in business class with a separate lounge.

An hour before the plane took off, Huo Qi asked Lu Shijin to wait in the waiting room, and he went out to make a phone call.

The call was to Ruan Siheng, and Huo Qi said on the phone, "Siheng, I'm going to fly to Hawaii soon, and I may not be back until a week later.

Ruan Siheng said lightly, "I see, I wish you a smooth journey."

Huo Qi waited for a while, but he didn't get the words of concern he wanted to hear, and he was a little annoyed while disappointed.

He deliberately said: "Is there nothing else to explain except a smooth journey? There are so many handsome guys in Hawaii, are you not afraid that I will be lonely on my journey and be hooked up by others?"

Ruan Siheng paused, "Huo Qi, we are best friends. If you have someone you like or fall in love, I will be happy for you."

Huo Qi said dryly: "Do you really think so?"

Ruan Siheng: "Well."

Huo Qi's heart tightened for a while.

He has done so much for Ruan Siheng, and what he got in return was just "best friend"?

Ruan Siheng, Ruan Siheng, what do you want me to do so that you can understand my intentions?

Or maybe you don't know it at all, but just don't want to accept it?

Back in the waiting room, when Huo Qi saw Lu Shijin's face that resembled Ruan Siheng, when he looked at him, his eyes were full of his appearance, and he couldn't help feeling a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Ruan Siheng didn't love him, but many people loved him.

Just like Lu Shijin, who loves him to the core.

"Why did it take so long to make a phone call?" Lu Shijin muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Is it boring to wait alone for work?" Huo Qi sat down and took Lu Shijin's hand and rubbed it in his palm.

Lu Shijin's attachment to him made Huo Qi temporarily forget the unpleasantness that Ruan Siheng brought him.

Huo Qi asked with a smile, "Are you looking forward to this trip?"

Lu Shijin opened his eyes wide and nodded, Huo Qi looked at him a little emotionally, suddenly put his arms around Lu Shijin's shoulders and pulled him into his arms.

There are only the two of them in the waiting room for the time being. Even if the two do something intimate, no one will find out.

Just when Lu Shijin's body was stiff and he was struggling to pat open Huo Qi's mouth, the door of the waiting room was suddenly opened.

A tall and tall figure walked in from the outside. Seeing the ambiguous postures of Huo Qi and Lu Shijin, he coughed.

Huo Qi paid attention to his image and let go of his hand as soon as he noticed that someone came in.

When he turned around, he was astonished.

"why you?!"

This is what Lu Shijin wanted to ask, because it wasn't anyone else who walked in, it was Huo Lian!

"Why can't it be me?" Huo Lian half-smiled, "Hawaii is not someone's private territory, you can't go to me?"

Huo Qi and Huo Lian maintain the illusion of peaceful coexistence on the surface, but in private they have long disliked each other.

"What are you going to do?" Huo Qi said coldly, "You have no business in the North American market."

Huo Lian asked back, "Who said I went on a business trip? I can't take a vacation to relax?"

Huo Qi snorted and turned his head, "Of course you can."

Huo Lian sat down opposite them. Lu Shijin pretended to be curious, pulled Huo Qi's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Who is he? He looks like you."

Huo Qi said calmly: "No one, a boring guy."

With the light bulb Huo Lian by his side, Huo Qi lost his affection for Lu Shijin.

And Lu Shijin also noticed that Huo Lian had been squinting at him intentionally or unintentionally, worried that if he became too intimate with Huo Qi, he would anger Huo Lian and affect his next plan.

Fortunately, Huo Lian behaved normally until boarding the plane.

Huo Lian also booked a business class ticket, and the seats were right in front of Huo Qi and Lu Shi.

Now that's all right, Huo Lian can conduct all-round surveillance on Lu Shijin in a grand manner.

The journey lasted ten hours. After the plane flew smoothly, the flight attendant brought the plane meal.

Huo Qi didn't know what the wind was blowing and suddenly wanted to have fun, and asked Lu Shijin to feed him fruit, of course Lu Shijin could only obey.

It's just that there are two cool eyes staring at him behind him, like knives, Lu Shijin is like a light on his back.

Fortunately, Huo Qi fell asleep on the seat crooked not long after the plane meal.

Lu Shijin rested for a while, and felt a tap on the shoulder.

When he opened his eyes, Huo Lian stood next to his seat and looked down at him condescendingly!

His expression was playful, but his eyes were cold.

Lu Shijin's heart almost didn't come out, and he quickly looked at Huo Qi inside. Fortunately, Huo Qi seemed to have fallen asleep and did not notice Huo Lian.

Lu Shijin turned and glared at Huo Lian, his eyes said "what are you doing"!

Huo Lian cupped the corners of her mouth disapprovingly, glanced forward, and motioned Lu Shijin to go to the bathroom with him.

Lu Shijin was afraid that Huo Lian would go crazy and wake Huo Qi, so he had to endure his anger and get up and go with him.

Fortunately, the other business class guests were already asleep, and the flight attendant was not around. No one noticed that two men entered the bathroom.

"What are you trying to do with me?! Don't ruin my big business!" Lu Shijin was so angry that he just wanted to roll his eyes.

The bathroom space on the plane was cramped, and it was already reluctant to put two big men in. Lu Shijin and Huo Lian were almost next to each other.

Huo Lian had a gloomy face and snorted coldly, "What's the big deal? If I didn't come, would you let him kiss you in the waiting room of the airport?"

"So what?" Lu Shijin said indifferently, "If you want to get out of Huo Qi's mouth, there is always a price to pay. Do you know why he went to Hawaii this time? Huo Yan privately misappropriated Huo's funds three years ago to invest overseas for private purposes. Share, lost a lot of money, this time he sent his son to deal with the aftermath. If you can grasp the evidence that Huo Yan is using the public for personal gain, are you afraid that they won't be able to bring down their father and son? "

"How did you know about this?" Huo Lian frowned, obviously he didn't know it, and doubted what Lu Shijin said was true or false.

Can I know all the plots?

In the original plot, Huo Lian only learned about this later. He originally wanted to collect evidence and report it to Huo Yan, but the deficit was blocked by Huo Yan long ago, and finally Huo Lian was defeated by this incident.

So this time, Lu Shijin decided to strike first and take advantage of this opportunity to speak out from Huo Qi's mouth.

Lu Shijin: "Don't worry about how I know, I just know anyway."

Huo Lian pondered for a while, "Even if your news is true, how could Huo Qi tell you the inside story?"

Lu Shijin: "I naturally have my own way."

Huo Lian sneered, "The solution also includes going to bed with him? Can you believe what a man says in bed?"

"I can't believe it, but it's better for men to talk when they're in bed, right?" Lu Shijin looked at him with a light smile, "I'm still Huo Qi's person now, even if Huo Qi wants to do something to me, can you talk to me? Did he turn his face?"

"I can't turn against him, but I can take care of you."

Huo Lian's hand suddenly pinched on Lu Shijin's back waist, lifted his chin, and his sharp eyes were on Lu Shijin's attractive lips, "I don't like to share with others what belongs to me, you dare to let him Give you a try."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and corrected him: "First of all, I am not an object, and secondly, I do not belong to you."

"No, you belong to me." Huo Lian touched Lu Shijin's lips stubbornly, and moved his hand down slowly.

Lu Shijin was wearing loose trousers today, without a belt, as long as the trousers were pulled lightly, it would be gone.

What the fuck? This man doesn't want to have a haircut with him on the plane!

Lu Shijin immediately sensed the danger, grabbed the waist of his trousers and said in a low voice, "What do you want!"

"Don't do anything, Huo Qi just asked you to feed him, didn't he?" Huo Lian pushed Lu Shijin to the wall forcefully and hooked his lips evilly, "I want you to feed me too."

After speaking, Huo Lian squatted down and understood what Huo Lian was trying to do, Lu Shijin's scalp felt numb.

It's just that his strength is not comparable to others, and the space here is small. If two people push each other and make a noise, it will definitely attract the attention of others, and the scene will be difficult to clean up.

The key is controlled by others, and Lu Shijin can only endure it silently by biting his lower lip.

But misfortunes do not come singly, and 711 suddenly flashed a red light in Lu Shijin's mind.

"Alarm! Alarm! Huo Qi is awake! Looking for you everywhere! I'll find the bathroom soon!"

! !

Damn those **** uncles and nephews! Is this the rhythm to force him to death? !

"You... stop..."

Lu Shijin pleaded softly.

Huo Lian turned a deaf ear.

711 kept reporting Huo Qi's movement route outside.

"Leaving business class and walking towards the bathroom!"

"Five meters!"

"Four meters!"

"Three meters!"

"Approaching the door!"

"He's out now!"

The eyebrows are already burning outside, but Huo Lian still refuses to let Lu Shijin go.

"Is there anyone inside?" Huo Qi patted the bathroom door twice.

Hearing Huo Qi's voice, Lu Shijin's brain jolted, he grabbed Huo Lian's hair reflexively, lowered his head and begged him to stop.

How could Huo Lian do what he wanted, he was a lunatic, the more thrilling he was, the more crazy he became.

Huo Lian raised her eyes, winked at Lu Shijin maliciously, and pressed her cheek with the tip of her tongue.

Lu Shijin couldn't bear it any longer, his scalp suddenly numb, he raised his head and stared at the white ceiling above his head, lost for a while.

In the narrow space, only the two of them were breathing shallowly and then thickly, and then there was a clear swallowing sound from Huo Lian.

Lu Shijin reacted and looked down at this daring man in disbelief.

Huo Lian stood up slowly, licked her lower lip, and whispered, "It's only been three minutes, are you too fast?"

I'll make you X size up!

Huo Lian seemed to guess that Lu Shijin was scolding herself in her heart, and raised her lips viciously.

He suddenly clasped the back of Lu Shijin's head, tightly sealed his lips, separated after a while, and asked in his ear, "How about your own taste?"

Lu Shijin was speechless, if his eyes could be used as a weapon, Huo Lian would have been poked all over by him at this moment!

Outside, Huo Qi was still patting the door relentlessly, attracting the stewardess.

Through a thin door, Lu Shijin could clearly hear the conversation between Huo Qi and the flight attendant.

"Sir, do you need any help?"

Huo Qi said, "Why can't the door of this bathroom be opened?"

Stewardess: "Maybe someone is using it. If you need to use the bathroom, you can go to the back. The back is empty."

"Someone?" Huo Qi said, "but I asked if there was anyone inside, but there was no sound inside."

Stewardess: "Really? Then wait a moment, I'll find the flight attendant over here."

Lu Shijin was in a cold sweat. If the flight attendant helped Huo Qi open the door, unless he could stealth, he would definitely be exposed!

In his urgency, he remembered that there are still 711s that can be rescued.

"Convenience store! Is there a stealth card?"

711: "This kind of supernatural science thing, the system mall will not sell... host, I can't help it this time."

"Damn, your system even has martial arts secrets from the Cultivation Collection. What kind of supernatural science is a stealth card?!"

711: "...Maybe I can make a proposal with the system's R&D team to see if they can design one next time."

Lu Shijin scolded a swear word, and 711 automatically blocked it as if he couldn't hear it.

Far away can't quench near thirst, and you can only rely on yourself to save yourself from danger.

Lu Shijin put on his trousers, his brain was racing, he wanted to make up a speech that sounded perfect, and came to explain to Huo Qi outside why he stayed in the same bathroom with his uncle, and nothing happened to them.

Unfortunately, one step later, Huo Lian had already opened the bathroom door.

Lu Shijin hurriedly stood against the inner door panel. Fortunately, Huo Lian was tall and the door was small. He stood at the door, and people outside could not see what was inside.

"What's the noise?" Huo Lian tidied up her clothes, walked out and closed the door of the bathroom, naturally blocking the door to prevent anyone from approaching.

Huo Qi frowned when he saw that the person who came out was Huo Lian.

"Were you in there just now?"

Huo Lian glanced at him contemptuously, "Did you see the second person entering?"

Huo Qi was suspicious: "Then I asked if there was anyone, why didn't you answer?"

Huo Lian: "I don't want to go back? Don't you like chatting with people when it's convenient?"

Huo Qi: "..."

"Are you in a hurry?" Huo Lian stepped aside and said mercifully, "I've run out, I'll let you use it."

Huo Lian had an indifferent tone, but Lu Shijin wanted to hit someone.

Although I know that Huo Lian is deliberately aggressive, what if Huo Qi is a big nerve and really comes in?

At that time, there can only be a "surprise"!

Lu Shijin silently grinded his teeth twice, imagining that what was biting in his mouth was the flesh of that **** Huo Lian.

Fortunately, Huo Qi didn't plan to go to the toilet, and he was also dissatisfied with Huo Lian's alms-like tone, and snorted coldly, "Whoever wants to use it, I'm here to find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who is it?" Huo Lian recalled and suddenly realized, "Oh, is that the little boy you brought?"

"Yes, do you know where he went?" Huo Qi looked at him and thought that Huo Lian had seen Lu Shijin.

Huo Lian said slowly, "I don't know."

Huo Qi: "..." You don't **** know what you are? Waste my feelings!

Huo Qi was too lazy to continue wrangling with Huo Lian, and walked forward to open the bathroom door.

At that moment, Lu Shijin's heartbeat almost stopped.

"Since Shao Huo doesn't want to use the bathroom, is he going in to find someone? Do you think your little lover will be in there? Is it convenient to stand side by side with me?" Huo Lian leaned lazily in front of the sink opposite, not in a hurry open mouth.

Huo Lian's words successfully caused Huo Qi to push the door open.

Of course Huo Qi didn't think so. Lu Shijin and Huo Lian met for the first time and they didn't know each other. How could they go to the bathroom together.

But he couldn't tell why he thought about pushing the door, like a ghost.

Huo Qi was very upset when he saw Huo Lian's half-smile expression, and glared at him impatiently: "Are you bothered?"

Huo Lian's eyes turned cold, and she said coldly: "I can't look down on people, so I'm angry with me. Come on, does your old man know that you are on a business trip with a lover? Huo Shao does not forget to be happy in his work. This example should be Well done."

Huo Qi's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he threatened without imposing: "Don't be yin and yang here, I warn you, don't meddle in your own business, and don't tell my dad you know?"

Huo Lian snorted, turned around and calmly turned on the faucet to wash her hands. By the way, she took the water with her hand and rinsed her mouth.

Seeing Huo Lian gargling, Huo Qi quickly seized the opportunity to sneer: "Fresh, this is the first time I've seen gargling after going to the toilet. Did you just steal something in there? How does it taste?"

Huo Lian wiped the water droplets from the corners of his mouth, and slowly wiped his hands with a piece of paper.

Huo Qi couldn't understand, but Lu Shijin knew what Huo Lian was talking about.

This guy is just... so **** perverted.

But what happened when he found out that he actually liked Huo Lian's pervert?

Is he also a pervert?

"Forget it, you like to eat it, keep it for yourself and eat it slowly, I don't have your unique hobby."

Huo Qi frowned and shook his hand in disgust, and walked far away from the wall, as if Huo Lian had an infectious disease, so he was afraid of avoiding it.

When Huo Qi was far away, Huo Lian patted the bathroom door, "Come out, people have already left."

Lu Shijin was not frightened to death, but was almost suffocated, and as soon as he came out, he gave Huo Lian a fierce look.

"Looking at your eyes, you want to eat people?" Huo Lian smiled cynically, "Don't worry, wait for the plane to land, and I'll give you something to eat at the hotel at night."

"Get out of your way. If the plane lands, get out of the way for me." Lu Shijin raised his foot and wanted to put it on Huo Lian.

If it weren't for him being a bastard, he would be so aggrieved to hide in the toilet in fear?

Now I'm still in the mood to flirt, I'm really mad at Dad!

Huo Lian easily grabbed one of his legs, pushed him against the door, and said sullenly, "I'm not joking with you, Lu Shijin, listen, if you dare not come to my room at night, you will be at your own risk."

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