Huo Qi searched around and couldn't find Lu Shijin, so he had to go back.

When he returned to the business class, Lu Shijin sat there upright.

"Where did you go just now?"

Huo Qi asked Lu Shijin angrily because he was in a bad mood because he couldn't find anyone.

Lu Shijin said in a low voice, "I went to the bathroom. I don't know what I ate and had diarrhea."

Huo Qi said suspiciously, "I just found one and didn't see you back and forth. Where did you go to the bathroom?"

"I went to the economy class, the one behind us, I don't know who has been hiding inside and can't get out, so I can only go to the economy class."

Huo Qi became even more angry when he thought of Huo Lian's nasty bastard.

Anyway, Lu Shijin has already found it, so there is no need to investigate where he went.

"Tell me before you do anything in the future. Do you know how anxious I am to find you?"

Lu Shijin said with a smile: "We are on the plane, we can't get on the world or the ground, where can I go? Besides, I didn't call you when I saw that you were asleep. Well, don't be angry, I won't call you next time. ."

Huo Qi pinched his face, "Dare to have a next time?"

Lu Shijin puffed up his cheeks in cooperation, and shook his head aggrievedly, "I don't dare."

Just now in the bathroom with Huo Lian, the blush that was biting out of Lu Shijin's lips hasn't faded yet, like a tempting strawberry.

Because of the afterglow of the G tide, the eyes are full of spring, the lips are red and the teeth are white, and the eyes are good. This painful appearance makes Huo Qi's heart itch.

How on earth did he think before that, he actually kept such a superb person by his side for three years? Really blood loss.

But it's not too late, this trip will earn back all the losses in the past three years.

Huo Qi turned his head to forget the unpleasantness, and looked forward to the next trip to Hawaii with Lu Shi.

Huo Qi lowered his voice and said to Lu Shijin: "Wait for the landing, it's still morning in Hawaii, I have to go out to talk business, you stay in the hotel and wait for me to come back, do you know? If I know you dare to sneak out to play, see what I do at night. Pack you up."

If Lu Shijin didn't understand such an obvious hint, he would be a fool.

It seems that this trip, Huo Qi, is determined to sleep with him.

In fact, Lu Shijin is not at ease about this kind of thing. Anyway, his body is not his own. After the task is completed, the world will be changed.

But with Huo Lian following along, things would be difficult to handle.

Huo Lian dared to do such a thing just on the plane. If Huo Lian, a big vinegar altar, knew that he and Huo Qi had slept, he might have gone crazy.

When the uncle and nephew get into trouble, all his plans will be ruined.

The plane landed at Honolulu Airport. After getting off the plane, Huo Lian said hello and left without fighting Huo Qi.

Huo Qi was so happy that he finally left, but only Lu Shijin knew that Huo Lian sent him a text message not long after he left, asking him to send him the name of the hotel he was staying at.

Hawaii is composed of many islands, with a warm climate and beautiful scenery all year round. It is a famous tourist resort.

It's a long journey, and it's a waste of time if you don't go out and have fun.

But Huo Qi has a strong desire to control. He doesn't worry about Lu Shijin going out alone. He deliberately sends Lu Shijin to the hotel first, and tells him to stay in the hotel and not go out casually, and then set off to talk business with the Yankees.

In fact, Lu Shijin didn't have the heart to go out and wave. Huo Qi left, and Huo Lian looked at him to death. It would be better to stay in the hotel and sleep clean.

Lu Shijin slept until noon, just opened his eyes and wanted to get up, when suddenly the bedroom door opened, Lu Shijin hurriedly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Of course the person who came in was Huo Qi. He found that Lu Shijin was sleeping and his movements were very light. .

Lu Shijin closed his eyes and felt Huo Qi standing beside his bed for a while, as if to make sure he was awake or not, and called his name softly.

Lu Shijin felt that Huo Qi's behavior was a little strange, so he kept his sleeping position without moving.

After confirming that Lu Shijin was still asleep, Huo Qi turned around and walked into the small cubicle in the bedroom.

In addition to storing luggage for guests, there is also a password box to store valuables for guests.

Huo Qi came out not long after entering, and left the bedroom without waking Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin waited until he heard the sound of the door of the suite closing outside, and then opened his eyes after a while.

He went out and looked around, but found no figure of Huo Qi, as if he had never come back.

Lu Shijin cautiously sent a message to Huo Qi first to ask how long he would be back.

Huo Qi came back and said that there was still something to do in the afternoon, and he could only come back at night. If Lu Shijin was hungry, he would ask the hotel to deliver the meal, and don't go out alone.

Hearing Huo Qi say that he can only come back at night, Lu Shijin is relieved.

He entered the cubicle that Huo Qi had sneaked into just now, and there was a safe on the table, which seemed to be able to be opened only with a password.

If you enter the wrong password three times, the safe will automatically call the police. The place is prosperous, and the police can arrive within five minutes.

So if you want to know what's in the safe, you can't force it.

Lu Shijin asked 711 for help: "Convenience store, can you open the safe?"

711: "This system is a harmonious system. You can't do anything against crimes. Opening someone else's safe is embezzling other people's property. It's not allowed."

Lu Shijin: "I just look at it and don't keep it for myself, how can it be considered to be embezzling other people's property?"

711: "It's not okay to peep at other people's privacy."

Lu Shijin: "It's unreliable at the critical moment, what's the use of me asking you!"

Lu Shijin knew that the safe had a recording function, so he didn't try it rashly. If Huo Qi found out that he had touched the safe, the trust he had accumulated before would be lost.

It seems that if you want to know what Huo Qi put in the safe, you can only rely on outsmarting.

After thinking about it, Lu Shijin decided to use the simplest and rude way to extract the password from Huo Qi's mouth.

Drinking and seduction, hehe, no one can stand it.

As soon as Lu Shijin decided on the plan, Huo Lian called and asked him to come over.

When Lu Shijin thought about it, he had to discuss this with Huo Lian. He happened to be a little hungry after sleeping all morning, so he and Huo Lian made an appointment to meet at the hotel restaurant.

After meeting, Lu Shijin briefly explained to Huo Lian about the safe, and then told Huo Lian his plan for tonight.

Of course, it only talked about drinking, not seduction.

In the morning, Huo Lian also called the domestic eyeliner to check the real purpose of Huo Qi's coming to Hawaii.

As Lu Shijin said, on the surface it is a tolerance, and secretly it is preparing to help Huo Yan sell the overseas private stocks he invested in.

Mr. Huo resigned immediately, and Huo Yan wanted to take over as chairman. At this time, there was no room for mistakes.

Huo Lian: "If, as you guessed, Huo Qi put the evidence of his father's sale of private shares in the safe, then this safe must be opened."

Lu Shijin was complacent that he was about to grab the pigtails of Huo Yan and Huo Qi's father and son so soon, and said proudly, "How is it, my partner didn't let you down, right?"

Huo Lian wiped his mouth gracefully with the napkin, "But you said that getting Huo Qi drunk and then extracting the password from his mouth is too simple? In case he is not so easy to get drunk, or If you are drunk and refuse to talk, what are you going to do?"

"..." Lu Shijin thought for a while and said, "I have to try it first, and then think of other ways if it doesn't work."

Huo Lian snorted coldly, "You can drink him if you don't drink it yourself? I'm afraid he's not drunk yet, so you should get drunk first, and then something happens after you get drunk. Does it happen to fulfill your wish?"

Lu Shijin was drinking juice. He almost choked when he heard the words. He put down the glass and said dissatisfiedly, "What do you say? Am I so stupid? I want to feed him, can I get drunk myself?"

"That might be the case," Huo Lian looked up at him with a half-smile, "you forgot how the first time with me happened? Do you want me to remind you? You were drunk and mistook me for Huo Huo. Qi."

Lu Shijin bowed his head angrily, feeling guilty and guilty, and couldn't think of a way to refute for a while.

Huo Lian continued to laugh and said, "What about this time? Are you planning to recognize him as me again?"

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth and whispered, "Can you stop talking about this in public! Shame?"

"So," Huo Lian said slowly, "I will give Huo Qi the task of getting drunk, and give you the task of asking for the password."

"I'm fine," Lu Shijin said worriedly, thinking of their bad uncle and nephew relationship, "I'm afraid Huo Qi might not be willing to drink with you."

Huo Lian: "Then it depends on your ability."

Lu Shijin: "?"

Huo Lian said sarcastically, "Look at how much he cares about you in his heart."