Lu Shijin lay down beside Huo Qi before dawn, keeping an eye on Huo Qi's movements.

When Huo Qi showed signs of waking up, he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, creating the illusion that he had been sleeping beside Huo Qi.

Huo Qi woke up slowly. He had a splitting headache because of the hangover. He completely forgot how he got back, and of course he didn't remember the questions Lu Shijin asked him.

I don't even know what kind of lively show was staged on the sofa in the living room that was separated from him by the wall last night.

"Now?" Huo Qi patted Lu Shifu on the back, trying to wake him up.

Lu Shijin pretended to be woken up, rubbed his sleepy eyes before slowly opening them, he yawned and said, "What's the matter, what time is it?"

Huo Qi took out his mobile phone and saw that it was almost eight o'clock in the morning. He and Yankee had an appointment to meet at nine o'clock, and it was too late to make it there.

Huo Qi didn't even bother to ask Lu Shijin what happened after he drank the video last night, so he got up and hurried to wash up.

But when he lifted the quilt, he realized that he was still wearing yesterday's clothes and smelled of alcohol.

Huo Qi was suddenly dissatisfied, "You let me sleep like this?"

Lu Shijin sat up and looked at him innocently.

"People also want to help you take a bath, but you are too heavy for me to drag, and you were lying on the bed and refused to wash yourself. By the way, you kept talking about 'soft' in your mouth last night. , what is 'soft'? Is it a person's name?"

Huo Qi looked embarrassed, **** it, why didn't he know that he had the problem of drinking too much and talking nonsense.

"You heard it wrong, I mean this mattress is too soft to sleep comfortably."

Lu Shijin suddenly realized and nodded: "So it is."

There is no way, it is impossible to meet people in such a drunken state, Huo Qi can only go to the bathroom to take a shower.

While taking off his clothes, he pretended to be casual and asked, "I drank too much last night, what happened to that guy Huo Lian?"

Lu Shijin said, "He drank too much. After leaving the bar, I don't know where he went. Husband, you don't have to work so hard for me. I know you have me in your heart."

Huo Qi had a headache when he thought of Huo Lian, and said bitterly, "It's really cheap for him not to drink to death." After a pause, he looked at Lu Shijin and said, "Today, I didn't mean to deny our relationship last night. Although Huo Lian is my uncle, he and I have never dealt with each other. If I admit our relationship, there is no guarantee that he will not go back and tell my father and grandfather. I am afraid that you will be embarrassed by them and that they will break us up. Do you understand my good intentions?"

Lu Shijin nodded with a moved face, "I can understand, I trust your husband."

"As long as you can understand," Huo Qi smiled, unbuttoned his shirt, and suddenly said coldly, "Did I say anything else after I was drunk last night?"

Lu Shijin: "No, you were noisy for a while when you came back, and then fell asleep. What's the matter, why are you asking this?"

Lu Shijin's eyes were magnanimous, and there was no evasion, which made Huo Qi believe eight or nine points.

Huo Qi's frowning frowned, "It's nothing, I'm just afraid that it will affect your sleep. Well, I have something to do in the morning. You should stay in the hotel obediently and come back to accompany you when I'm done."

Lu Shijin naturally agreed happily.

When Huo Qi left the door, the smile on Lu Shijin's face immediately disappeared.

Huo Qi was taking a shower in the bathroom, and Lu Shijin was lying on the bed in the bedroom sending WeChat to Huo Lian.

Lu Shijin: [The affairs over Ruan Siheng can be arranged. 】

Huo Lian: [It's 2:00 a.m. domestic time. 】

Lu Shijin: [Congratulations, it's cheaper to buy hot searches at this time. 】

Huo Lian: [Who pays for the hot search? 】

Lu Shijin: [? ? ? How many times have you slept with Lao Tzu? Dare to withdraw money? It's really like I don't charge for it, right? 】

【Huo Lian transfers 52000.00 to you】

Lu Shijin: [? ? ? 】

Huo Lian: [Will your deposit be paid daily or monthly? 】

Lu Shijin: […]

Okay, Sao is still your Sao, but Sao is not Sao.

Huo Lian: [That guy hasn't gone out yet? 】

Lu Shijin listened attentively to the movement outside the door, as if he heard Huo Qi coming out of the bathroom.

Lu Shijin: [It is estimated that he will be leaving soon. 】

Huo Lian: [I ordered breakfast, come to my room to eat together? 】

Before Lu Shijin could return, Huo Qi opened the door and came in. He had already changed his clothes and came in to get his watch.

Huo Qi was standing beside the bed, but Lu Shijin didn't put down his phone, and continued to send messages to Huo Lian without changing his expression.

He found that he was being led by Huo Lian, and fell in love with this kind of excitement like "cheating" more and more. After a few tries, he became addicted.

Lu Shijin: [I went over, do you want to eat breakfast or eat me? 】

Huo Lian: [Can't we eat together? does not affect. Come here and I will feed you. 】

Lu Shijin curled the corner of his lower lips. When Huo Qi saw it, Huo Qi asked curiously, "Who are you chatting with, smiling so happily?"

Lu Shijin said calmly: "He and my classmates, they knew I was coming to Hawaii, and they were clamoring for me to help them bring special products. Someone actually asked me to buy a grass skirt for him. Do you think it's funny?"

Huo Qi had no doubts, put on his watch and tie, knelt on one knee on the bed, caught Lu Shijin and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm going out, you're good."

Lu Shijin smiled and nodded obediently.

When Huo Qili opened the bedroom door, he immediately wiped the place that Huo Qi had touched with the back of his hand with disgust on his face.

Huo Qi held a meeting all morning, and it was twelve o'clock noon when the meeting ended.

At this time, the people on the other side of the Pacific Ocean had just woken up from their sleep.

In the era of the popularization of smartphones, people are used to touching the mobile phone beside their pillow when they open their eyes, swiping Moments, Weibo, and various forum videos to see what new things happened overnight, which can be used as conversation during the day.

The major social networking sites and news sites invariably push a piece of news.

"Seventeen-year-old famous and talented painter suspected of plagiarizing other people's works"

There is no other discussion news today, so the topic of Ruan Siheng plagiarism has quickly risen.

Now people's thinking about "maintaining originality and supporting genuine" is becoming more and more mature.

Once a plagiarism scandal occurs in an industry related to creation, righteous netizens will quickly rush over to punish the plagiarists.

Hot searches with big names have appeared directly on Weibo.

#Genius painter Ruan Siheng plagiarism#

#Genius painter plagiarizes the works of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts#

#17 years old to become famous, 27 years old Jiang Lang is exhausted#

The first blogger to question Ruan Siheng's plagiarism was a well-known big V on Weibo who focused on combating plagiarism and piracy.

Many writers of novels, singers, and screenwriters of TV dramas have plagiarized Shizui before, and Weibo has many die-hard fans.

As soon as the big V made a sound, some netizens spontaneously went to collect Ruan Siheng's works, and also found drawings that even Lu Shijin himself forgot when to submit to unknown magazines in the early years, and compared the two people's works.

The soul of the work is the artist's unique personal style. Ruan Siheng's recent works obviously do not match the style of his published works.

On the contrary, there is a heavy imitation of the works of this little-known Academy of Fine Arts student.

But Lu Shijin's drawings were published before Ruan Siheng didn't know how long. It was impossible for Lu Shijin to travel to the future, copy Ruan Siheng's works and wear them back.

So, there is only one truth.

A talented painter who is famous and famous all over the country and became famous at the age of seventeen, plagiarized the works of an art academy student who has not graduated yet!

This is simply a great disgrace to the art world, because just the day before yesterday, the Painting and Calligraphy Association invited Ruan Siheng to give a symposium to young painters.

Most people who play art are arrogant, and a person with plagiarism smudges them to give them a forum. Isn't this slapping them in the face?

The public opinion was led to Gao Chao by these young painters, who forwarded Weibo to condemn Ruan Siheng's behavior and demanded Ruan Siheng to come out and apologize.

Secondly, the most violent are the students of the major art academies in China.

From oneself to others, famous painters plagiarize small transparent students. If someone hadn't discovered it first, how would these anonymous and nameless students defend their rights and interests?

How many people like Ruan Siheng, relying on their position in the industry, are doing dirty things of plagiarism and plagiarism behind their backs?

Ruan Siheng is not an entertainment star, and he has no fans to help him speak.

The comments are almost one-sided, and they are all asking him to come forward and apologize, and even ask him to close the pen.

After the meeting, Huo Qi received a call from Ruan Siheng across the ocean. Ruan Siheng was very anxious on the phone, and Huo Qi felt distressed and blamed himself.

I feel distressed that Ruan Siheng has suffered so much online violence, and I blame myself for not being able to accompany Ruan Siheng at the moment.

Huo Qiwen comforted Ruan Siheng quietly for a while, and finally assured Ruan Siheng that he would definitely help him solve this matter.

At the same time, Lu Shijin was lying comfortably in Huo Lian's arms, enjoying the treatment of someone feeding fruit without having to do it himself, and commenting on Weibo.

Lying on the bed and eating fruit, there is a super handsome guy to serve, it is a fairy life.

Lu Shijin would be even happier if the dejected voice of 711 hadn't come out to spoil the mood.

711 first showed the real-time barrage to Lu Shijin.

[The protagonist plagiarized? real or fake? If the editor dares to make it up like this, does he think plagiarism is justified? 】

[Is it still the cannon fodder substitute? Behavior is too low, right? 】

[Magic, this kind of character can also be the protagonist, Ruan Siheng is not worthy of our Huo Qi! 】

"Host, I have to remind you," 711 said dryly, "Because Ruan Siheng was exposed to plagiarism, the genius character collapsed, the audience was very dissatisfied with the protagonist's character and the aggrieved plot, the coolness value has almost been cleared, you know What does this mean?"

"I know, it means," Lu Shijin said lightly, "it's time for the protagonist to be replaced."

As soon as Lu Shijin finished speaking, several eye-catching barrages floated past.

[Passing by weakly and asking, is there anyone standing in the cp of Xiaodou and Huo Qi? I think the little stand-in looks good too, and he is so infatuated with Huo Qi, I am very good at attacking the weak~]

[The sister in front is waiting for me, I actually wanted to stand in a cult for a long time! Now it seems that a plagiarized dog like Ruan Siheng can be the protagonist. ! 】

Lu Shijin said indifferently: "Listen, the voice of the masses."

711 disagreed: "The opinions of very few people do not represent anything."

Lu Shijin: "Then turn it into the majority."

Huo Qi's phone number found Lu Shijin earlier than anyone else.

When they happened to answer the phone, Lu Shijin and Huo Lian's after-dinner exercise was almost over.

Huo Lian tossed so hard that he forced Lu Shijin to call him to listen to him. As he went to the back, Lu Shijin's voice was full of tears, crying intermittently and scolding upside down.

That's how Lu Shijin answered Huo Qi's call. Before Huo Qi could speak, he was so wronged that he choked up.

Lu Shijin was lying on the bed, physiological tears wet the pillow, "Husband~ um!"

Just said two words, Lu Shijin almost couldn't hold back his cry. He turned his head and glared at the mischievous man behind him, warning him not to mess around, and then continued to "cry" with Huo Qi.

"You, have you seen Weibo hot search? Hey ... mine, the work is plagiarized, this, 思 恒 恒 恒 不 不, why should he copy me? Husband, when are you coming back? Do it?"

Huo Qi only felt that Lu Shijin's voice was panting, thinking that he was crying like this.

Huo Qi said, "I'll be at the hotel soon, don't worry, can I explain this to you later?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back, ah!" Huo Lian increased his strength maliciously, Lu Shijin couldn't help but whispered, and Huo Qi heard something strange.

Huo Qi asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with you now?"

"It's okay," Lu Shijin said in a steady voice, "I wanted to pour water to drink, but accidentally spilled boiling water on my hands."

Even Huo Qi can't guess that Lu Shijin is flirting with his uncle in bed at the moment, so he can only believe what Lu Shijin said.

Near the peak, Lu Shijin hung up the phone in a hurry, "Husband, I'll hang up first, come back soon."

Huo Qi: "Wait!"

The **** is endless, Huo Qi won't let him hang up, Lu Shijin can only bite his lips desperately and listen.

Huo Qi: "Nowadays... Actually Ruan Siheng is my friend."

Lu Shijin pretended to be surprised: "What?!"

Huo Qi: "Nowadays, there is something I want to tell you. Promise me, don't get angry after you hear it."

Huo Qi must have felt shameless to talk to Lu Shijin face to face, so he called first to stabilize him.

Lu Shijin knew very well, "You said."

Huo Qi was silent for a while before opening his mouth: "Ruan Siheng and I are high school classmates. Once he came to my house and accidentally saw your painting. I saw that he liked your work very much, so I agreed to lend it to him to watch. Later He said that the things expressed in your works gave him a lot of inspiration, and asked me if I could apply the inspiration he received to his paintings. I didn't know the rules of your business, so he agreed casually, and he thought he got it. With the authorization of the original author, that's why..."

The good one was "unclear", so I chose myself completely. I wanted to exonerate Ruan Siheng, but I didn't want to take responsibility myself.

Huo Qi didn't wait for Lu Shijin's response for a long time, and couldn't help but ask, "Jin, are you still listening?"

"Yes," Lu Shijin said in a hoarse voice, "keep talking."

Huo Qi: "So don't blame Ruan Siheng. If you want to blame, blame me. I kept things simple. Ruan Siheng didn't mean to plagiarize. Nowadays, the public opinion is very bad for him. He is very broken. As a friend, I should help him... …”

Huo Lian slowed down after hearing Huo Qi talk about the key points.

It happened that Lu Shijin was also tired. He rolled over on his back, took a deep breath, and asked Huo Qi on the phone coldly, "Then what do you want me to do?"

Huo Qi still felt a little guilty towards Lu Shijin, but in contrast, his distress towards Ruan Siheng still prevailed.

"Nowadays, I hope you will stand up and help Ruan Siheng explain."

Lu Shijin: "Explain what?"

Huo Qi: "...You can say that the painting is done together by you, or you can say that you have sold the copyright of the work to Ruan Siheng, so that there will be no misunderstanding of plagiarism. It's good for everyone, can you say it? ?"

Before Lu Shijin could answer, Huo Lian grabbed the phone from Lu Shijin one step ahead of him.

"I heard that most artists treat their works as if they were their lovers. Huo Qi, if I put your people to sleep and you can forgive me, Lu Shijin can forgive you and Ruan Siheng."

"Who are you?!" Huo Qi was extremely shocked when he heard this familiar voice, and the calm male voice rose several times, "Huo Lian?! Why are you?! What the **** are you two doing?!"

Huo Lian hooked her lips and looked at Lu Shijin who was lying on the bed with red cheeks.

It wasn't over yet, Lu Shijin guessed what Huo Lian wanted to do, so he stopped suppressing himself and cried out in coordination.

Ignoring Huo Qi's hysterical roar on the phone, Huo Lian's voice was cold and cruel: "What am I doing, can't you hear it?"