Huo Qi returned to the hotel angrily, but Lu Shi had already left the room, no matter how angry or angry he was, there was nothing he could do.

He made numerous calls and sent numerous text messages to Lu Shijin, all of which fell into the sea, without any news.

During this period, Ruan Siheng also called him, Huo Qi was upset and pinched him directly.

At this time, he was thinking about Lu Shijin and Huo Lian, how could he still want to get his promise to Ruan Siheng.

When exactly did Lu Shijin hook up with Huo Lian?

Airport? on the plane? Or in a bar?

The two didn't seem to know each other at the airport. Could it be that they were at the bar last night?

But didn't Huo Lian ridicule Lu Shijin? How did the two of them get together?

Huo Qi wanted to break his head and only thought of one possibility.

Lu Shijin must be taking revenge on him. He didn't admit the relationship between the two in front of Huo Lian last night at the revenge bar.

While he was drunk, he got together with his uncle!

So when he and Huo Lian were drunk and unconscious in order to help Lu Shijin out.

But Lu Shijin betrayed him and was happy in bed with Huo Lian? !

Huo Qi was so angry that it seemed that the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney were twisted together in pain.

He had raised his lover for three years, and before he could touch it, Huo Lian fell asleep. After sleeping last night, he went back to sleep this morning while he was away!

He felt that his head was covered by a green cloud, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were not as green as him!

What a shame!

Huo Qi now feels that anything green is a silent irony to him.

He threw all the green vases, plants, and decorations in the room into a smash and was not relieved enough. He just wanted to strangle the dog man and man to death with his own hands.

Over there, Huo Lian was so angry that he was surfing and riding a motorboat on a small island in Hawaii.

In the sunny afternoon, the blue water, the golden sandy beach, the two of them had a lot of fun.

Two days later, Huo Qi, who could not find Lu Shijin, returned home angrily.

At this time, the criticism of Ruan Siheng from all walks of life in China has become stronger, but Ruan Siheng has never stood up to make a statement.

Neither clarification nor apology, it just dragged on.

Ruan Siheng heard that Huo Qi had returned to China, and went directly to the office of Huo Qi's company. He was surprised to find that Huo Qi was a lot haggard when they met before going abroad.

But Ruan Siheng himself was too devastated, and naturally he was not in the mood to ask Huo Qi what was going on.

"Huo Qi, have you contacted the person who sold the paintings to you? What did he say? Did you tell him that I am willing to pay twice the price to buy his paintings, as long as he is willing to stand up and speak for me? ?" Ruan Siheng sat down and didn't even care to drink his saliva, and said anxiously, "These days there are always some strange people shaking at the door of my studio, and some people send me **** clothes and blades. What? Do you want to kill me?"

Huo Qi listened to Ruan Siheng's constant complaints, lowered his head and brushed his phone irritably.

He was looking at the text messages he sent to Lu Shijin these days.

【Where are you Lu Shijin? Give me a call now! 】

[You're good at it, Lu Shijin, if you're green, I'm missing, right? What kind of pot goes with what kind of lid, only a broken pot like Huo Lian likes you! 】

【Where are you? ! Answer the phone! 】

[I will give you a chance now, as long as you are willing to admit your mistake and promise to make a clean break with Huo Lian, I can consider forgiving you. 】

[As for Ruan Siheng, if you don't want to help me, I won't force you to call me back, okay? 】

[If you have the ability, never let me find you! 】

But no matter how he threatened or even gave in later, Lu Shijin never replied to him.

"Huo Qi?" Ruan Siheng patted the sofa dissatisfied when he saw Huo Qi's lost face, "Are you listening to me?"

Huo Qi came back to his senses, his throat was a little hoarse because of the dryness, "I'm listening."

Ruan Siheng: "You said you would help me solve this matter, but it has been three or four days. Have you thought of a solution?"

Huo Qi said lightly, "I'm thinking about it."

Ruan Siheng was in a hurry, "What do you mean by thinking? Then you haven't thought about it yet? Then were you talking big with my promise that day? I didn't take action because I trusted you and waited for your news. Tell me now that you haven't. What do you want me to do? Don't forget, you gave me those paintings and said I could do whatever I want!"

Huo Qi was already full of irritability because of Lu Shijin's affairs, and Ruan Siheng was bothering him again now, and he wanted to put all the responsibilities on him, which made him even more annoyed.

Huo Qi suddenly lost his patience with Ruan Siheng, and said with a cold face, "You mean it's all my fault? How did I know that you would copy other people's paintings? I gave the paintings to you, but I didn't follow you. Your hand forces you to copy."

Just like Huo Qi couldn't hear the word "green", Ruan Siheng would fry like a cat whose tail was stepped on when he heard the word "copy" now.

"Huo Qi! So you see me that way, don't you?" Ruan Siheng's fair skin turned red with anger, and his voice trembled as he said, "You also believe those slandering me on the Internet? Yes, I saw those paintings, but I just borrowed some of the ideas from it! borrowing is not plagiarism! He Lu Shijin is not even an unknown person in the painting world, so I will copy him? Who do you think of me? "

In fact, Huo Qi was just a momentary anger, and he immediately regretted those words.

He was really obsessed, how could he say such heavy words to Ruan Siheng.

"I'm sorry Siheng, I've been very irritable these days because my work is not going well, so I don't want to say anything, don't be angry." Huo Qi reluctantly apologized, "Don't worry, I've been thinking about the way, and I am also I'm already in contact, I'm definitely on your side, can you trust me?"

Ruan Siheng shook his head in disappointment, "Forget it, I was too naive. I thought you were my confidant, but I was wrong. You should know what kind of person I am, I have my pride, mine Dignity is not allowed to be trampled on by anyone. Originally, it doesn't matter to you much. Since you are busy with work, I can solve it by myself, so I won't bother you. "

After speaking, he pushed the door and walked out of Huo Qi's office.

Huo Qi stood up and chased a few steps, trying to keep someone, but a sudden feeling of powerlessness filled his heart, which made him stop.

After all, it was Ruan Siheng that he and Lu Shijin got to where they are today.

How could he be so stupid, obviously Lu Shijin is better than Ruan Siheng in every aspect, but why did he turn a blind eye to Lu Shijin at first, so persistently pursue a Ruan Siheng who doesn't love himself and has no affection for him?

If Ruan Siheng didn't exist, he would not have given Lu Shijin's paintings to Ruan Siheng, and he would not have discovered such a thing today.

Except because he refused to admit the relationship between the two, Lu Shijin must still blame himself for asking him to stand up and help Ruan Siheng clarify.

Obviously now is the victim, what did he think at the time to make such a despicable request to him?

Huo Qi has five tastes in his heart, both regret and guilt, what have you done, Huo Qi!

The two protagonists Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng had an unhappy break up, and Lu Shijin could see it clearly on the screen.

Lu Shijin casually glanced at the barrage, all of which were dissatisfied with Ruan Siheng.

Of course, there are also a few barrages that feel sorry for Huo Qi's wrong person, support Huo Lu CP, and hope that Lu Shijin can change his mind and forgive Huo Qi.

Lu Shijin also asked 711 to post a barrage for him.

[I'm sorry, it's the Holy Father's business to forgive him, and my task is to send him to see God. 】

Ruan Siheng left Huo Qi's company and returned to the studio. After hesitating, he took out the "Walking by the Sea Picture".

He held up the painting and pointed it at the light. A series of numbers were vaguely reflected in the blue paint of different shades. It was a mobile phone number.

Unless you are someone who is naturally sensitive to the color matching of paint, no one will find out that there is still a mystery hidden in this painting.

Ruan Siheng dialed the number, and after three rings, a young and lazy voice answered the call.


"Hello, I'm Ruan Siheng."

Lu Shijin was not surprised at all: "You finally remembered to call me. I thought Huo Qizhen listened to me and didn't give you the painting."

Ruan Siheng was slightly startled, and asked subconsciously, "What do you mean?" After three seconds of silence, he suddenly realized, "So you already knew?!"

Lu Shijin sneered: "Yes, I knew it when he first proposed to buy my paintings. Didn't you already know my existence?"

Ruan Siheng was stabbed at the center by Lu Shijin, and was speechless for a while.

He really knew about Lu Shijin's existence a long time ago. At first, he was just curious about what kind of person the author of the painting was, but Huo Qi kept secret and refused to let him know, so Ruan Siheng became suspicious.

That day, Huo Qi had an appointment with Lu Shijin at the western restaurant, but Ruan Siheng had been pretending to wait there long ago.

When he saw Lu Shijin's face that looked exactly like him, he had a lot of guesses in his heart.

Later, he received an anonymous text message, and the person who sent the text message told him that Huo Qi had regarded Lu Shijin as his stand-in.

After reading the text message, Ruan Siheng felt disgusted and disgusted besides being surprised by what Huo Qi had done.

No one is willing to be someone else's stand-in, and no one will think that there will be someone in this world who can replace him.

It's not that Ruan Siheng doesn't understand Huo Qi's thoughts towards him, but because of the existence of Lu Shijin, he and Huo Qi are no longer possible.

He even hates Huo Qi sometimes. If it wasn't for Huo Qi's deliberate concealment, how could he find inspiration from the paintings of a humble stand-in.

I hate myself, I lose my inspiration, and the things I draw can't even compare to a stand-in.

But one step has been taken, and there is no turning back.

When you look back, you will be ruined, and you will never turn around.

Lu Shijin said slowly: "When I gave this painting to Huo Qi, I told him not to give it to others, but he turned his head and forgot, and gave the painting to you anyway. Sure enough, in his heart, you are the most important. In this case, I can't waste my heart when I painted this painting, painter Ruan, don't you think?"

"Since you have already expected that I will come to you, I will not say anything extra, and now no one can help me except you," Ruan Siheng said calmly, "You can make any conditions, as long as I can do it. Knowing that you love Huo Qi very much, when this matter is over, I can guarantee that I will never appear in front of him again in the future."

"Hahahaha..." Lu Shijin seemed to have heard some joke, and laughed uncontrollably, before he stopped laughing after a while, "You are wrong, I don't love that kind of scum. But now, I really need your help, How about a deal?"

Ruan Siheng was also desperately ill and went to the doctor, so he agreed without thinking about it: "You say it."

Lu Shijin: "In Huo Qi's office, there is a safe with a document in it. You can get it for me, and I will help you clarify the plagiarism."

"What document?" Ruan Siheng said cautiously, still sensible, "If it's illegal..."

"Painter Ruan," Lu Shijin interrupted him with a smile, "don't you really think this is a deal and you have bargaining capital? Do you still have a choice now?"

Ruan Siheng felt that he had no confidence at all, yes, now he can only be held in his hands by Lu Shijin, and he has no choice.

Ruan Siheng clenched his fingernails hard to keep his voice from trembling.

"Since it's a safe, how do I know the password?" Ruan Siheng objected.

Lu Shijin said in a faint tone: "No, you know, think about it. Also, you can only know about this matter, and you can't tell a third person. Don't try to fool me. What is in the safe is better than you? Clear. Painter Ruan, there is not much time left for you, I only give you one day."

Ruan Siheng had no choice but to agree.

The next day, Ruan Siheng called Huo Qi and apologized to Huo Qi. Yesterday, he was too impatient, so he had a bad attitude. I hope that the relationship between the two will not be affected by one unpleasantness.

Now that Ruan Siheng has put down his self-esteem, Huo Qi will naturally not give him this face, and turn the matter down the steps.

Immediately afterwards, Ruan Siheng proposed that he would like to come to Huo Qi's company in the afternoon to talk about how to solve the problem.

On the phone, Huo Qi hesitated for a few seconds, but finally agreed.

Ruan Siheng has been thinking about the safe password. Huo Qi has never told himself about the safe. Why does Lu Shijin say he knows the password?

Is the password related to him?

Ruan Siheng suddenly remembered that he had been to Huo Qi's apartment. Standing at the door that day, Huo Qi also asked himself to guess the password of his combination lock. Ruan Siheng felt inexplicable at first.

It wasn't until Huo Qi said that the password was his birthday that he understood that Huo Qi was hinting to himself about his intentions.

Huo Qi likes him. Could it be that the password for the safe is also set to his birthday?

Ruan Siheng went to Huo Qi's company in the afternoon with all kinds of doubts.

Huo Qi's attitude towards him is obviously not as affectionate as before, and occasionally he will look at him with deep eyes.

But Ruan Siheng was eager to complete the task, even if he noticed that Huo Qi was different, he had no time to take it into consideration.

After sitting in Huo Qi's office for a while, an assistant informed Huo Qi to go to a meeting.

Huo Qi asked Ruan Siheng if he wanted to go first, but Ruan Siheng said that he had nothing to do anyway, so he might as well stay and wait for Huo Qi to have dinner together in the evening.

Huo Qi stared deeply at Ruan Siheng.

Ruan Siheng had a ghost in his heart and felt guilty when he saw it like this, so he forced himself to say calmly, "Isn't it okay? If you really don't have time, then I can go."

Huo Qi smiled: "If you are free, I will go to the meeting first. You are free here."

Then Huo Qi left the office, and before leaving, he told his assistant that no one could enter the office without his permission.

After Huo Qi left, Ruan Siheng began to search the office for the location of the safe.

Finally, he found traces of the safe in a cabinet under Huo Qi's desk.

Ruan Siheng couldn't help but his heart beat faster, he looked up at the door with a guilty conscience, and when he was sure no one came in, he slowly crouched down in front of the safe.


Ruan Siheng shivered and pressed down the string of numbers that he was very familiar with.

The sound of the password button sounded like a death knell, beating in his ear.

From this moment on, he is not only a shameless copycat, but also a despicable villain who betrays his friends.

He used to be the arrogant son of the sky that everyone envied. How did he get to where he is today?

Unfortunately, there was no time for him to regret it. After the last digit of the password was entered, the safe was opened.

At the same time, behind Ruan Siheng, a ghostly voice sounded coldly.

Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, it slammed into the back of Ruan Siheng's head.

"Ruan Siheng, why are you doing this to me?"