Chapter 25: Talented Painter (End)

Ruan Siheng turned his head back in horror and saw Huo Qi's livid face, his legs softened and he fell to the ground.

"Huo" Ruan Siheng didn't dare to look Huo Qi's eyes directly, he hung his head and mumbled, "Didn't you go to a meeting? Why... why didn't you make a sound when you came back..."

Huo Qi's eyes were full of disappointment, "Am I disturbing your good deeds?"

Ruan Siheng swallowed, hurriedly closed the safe, got up from the ground, grabbed Huo Qi's arm, and said earnestly, "Don't get me wrong, listen to my explanation."

"I saw it with my own eyes! How do you explain it?" Huo Qi shook off Ruan Siheng and asked angrily, "You still want to lie to me now? What do you think I am, Ruan Siheng? tools?!"

Ruan Siheng looked sad, "Huo Qi, why do you think so? I have always regarded you as my best friend, but this time I really have nowhere to go! You don't know how ugly it is to scold me on the Internet now, they They exposed my photos and even my work address, they forced me to apologize and forced me to quit the painting world, but I couldn’t, what’s the difference between this and killing me?”

"Desperate? Did I say I would help you find a way?" Huo Qi sneered, "but you chose to betray me without hesitation."

"Lu Shijin doesn't care about you at all! What can you do?!" Ruan Siheng covered his face with a wry smile, "I have no choice but to agree to his conditions..." Suddenly thinking of something, he raised his head suddenly, "No, How did you know?"

Huo Qi looked at him mockingly, as if he was looking at a moth that was smashed into a cobweb and was still struggling.

Ruan Siheng figured it out after a little thought. Huo Qi could not have known that he was going to steal the documents in the safe unless someone told him in advance.

And this matter is known only by heaven and earth. He knows that Lu Shijin knows, so it can only be Lu Shijin who told Huo Qi!

He should have understood long ago, how could Lu Shijin let him go so easily.

So this is a game set up by Lu Shijin, the purpose is to divide him and Huo Qi! Let Huo Qi disappoint him and let him fall into isolation!

This **** little double! How dare he!

"Huo Qi, listen to me, both of us have been tricked." Ruan Siheng gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Lu Shi made it right this morning, he first left me a number on your painting, he guessed When the matter cannot be resolved, I will definitely contact him, so that he can set up a situation to divide us. Maybe even those who frame me for plagiarism are arranged by him, and his purpose is to destroy me! "

"What painting?" Huo Qi frowned and asked dubiously.

"It's the "Walking on the Sea" picture you gave me! Do you still remember it?" Ruan Siheng thought he had found evidence of Lu Shijin's troubles, and gestured excitedly, "He wrote the number on the painting with special paint, and I first He found out when he saw it! This is his plan, his conspiracy! He already knew what we were doing, and he was taking revenge on us! So Huo Qi, you must not be deceived by him, I I didn't really want to betray you, I was bewitched by him!"

"The seaside, strolling, pictures..." Huo Qi figured out the cause and effect, and muttered to himself for a while in despair, then he suddenly laughed up to the sky, the more he laughed, the more desolate the tone became, like crazy, not knowing whether he was laughing at others or at himself.

When Ruan Siheng saw Huo Qi like this for the first time, he was a little terrified.

"Huo Qi... What's wrong with you?" Ruan Siheng tried to approach Huo Qi, showing a sad and guilt look, "Don't laugh, I know you're sad, this time it's my fault, it's my fault, I apologize to you, okay? Okay? I know what you think about me. In fact, I also like you in my heart. It's just because so many things happened to me during this time, I'm not in the mood to think about emotional issues. But after this incident, I understand, what works No reputation can compare to a person who truly loves me, Huo Qi, are you willing to give me a chance, can we come back again?"

Ruan Siheng's words were sincere, and hot tears rolled down from his red eyes. There was a smile in his tears, and he was affectionate. Who could not bear to look at it.

After hearing Ruan Siheng's words, Huo Qi really stopped laughing.

However, his face became expressionless, and he stared into Ruan Siheng's eyes gloomily.

"Ruan Siheng, do you think I'm a fool? Huo Qi can be tricked by you again and again? You say you like me? No, you just like me to solve troubles for you, once I lose the value of use If you do, you will immediately abandon me. You are the most selfish person, and you will always love yourself." Huo Qi's voice was as cold as frost in the middle of winter, "Do it again? I can Fuck you."

Ruan Siheng was like falling into the ice cellar, he couldn't help but took two steps back. He couldn't believe that Huo Qi, who had always been gentle and elegant in front of him, would swear at him.

"Are you crazy? How can you think of me like that? I've said it all, it's all Lu Shijin's conspiracy!" Ruan Siheng clutched his chest in pain, "Huo Qi, do you prefer to believe our friendship for more than ten years? He also doesn't want to believe me? That Lu Shijin, he just looks like me, so you're willing to look at him more! What is he?!"

"What are you?" Huo Qi approached Ruan Siheng step by step, Ruan Siheng was frightened by his cold eyes and stepped back, Huo Qi sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Ruan Siheng, do you really think those dirty things you do will last forever? Will it be unknown? Why can't you draw? Do you need me to help you recall the reason? This is not the first time you have plagiarized. You copied your friend's work when you were abroad. He asked you to publicly apologize to him, and you pretended to agree, but then you deliberately caused a car accident to kill him. What did you say to go back to China to find inspiration, in fact, you are afraid of staying there and having nightmares every night, right?"

Ruan Siheng was so frightened that his voice trembled, "You...this did you know?"

Huo Qi said indifferently: "The foreign police have received a report and have found clues. They should find you soon. You can do it yourself."

Ruan Siheng's face was ashen, and finally his body shook, his tall and straight figure fell to the ground like a collapsed mountain.

"You're wrong about one thing, Lu Shijin is not your substitute, because you can't even match a strand of his hair." After Huo Qi finished speaking, he didn't want to look at Ruan Siheng on the ground, turned around and walked out.

Of course, Lu Shijin will not miss such a wonderful drama of Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng breaking up.

While watching the live broadcast with relish, he asked 711 to read the audience's barrage to him.

[Fuck, this drama just subverts my understanding of the **** dramas I've watched in the past, can it still be filmed like this? Aren't these two main characters? Being played around by a supporting role? 】

[Gan, I like Lu Shijin so much! Who said that a supporting role can only be a supporting role, tearing the protagonist's foot on the C position, turning the head against the wind and rushing to the duck! 】

[You don’t need a protagonist like Ruan Chaochao, and I strongly request the screenwriter to replace Ruan Chaochao! Hold Jin Jin to the top! 】

[The protagonists are going to change together, Huo Qi is not worthy of our present! 】

[Yes, Huo Qi is not worthy! Change attack! Change attack! Change attack! 】

Lu Shijin had heard enough, so he asked 711 to turn off the monitor and asked, "Where is Huo Qiren?"

711: "It's almost at the door. By the way, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Shijin stood up and straightened his clothes, "If nothing else, this should be my closing performance."

Lu Shijin made a bet with Huo Qi, in Ruan Siheng's heart, whether Huo Qi was more important or his career was more important.

If Huo Qi loses, then come to their former love nest to find him.

On the way Huo Qi came, he thought through a lot of things.

Lu Shijin should have found out about Ruan Siheng long ago. The painting he sent was a test for himself.

Huo Qi remembered that when Lu Shijin sent him the painting, he once warned that this painting was specially painted for him and could not be given to others.

But he actually turned his head and gave it to Ruan Siheng, which failed Lu Shijin's heart and chilled his heart.

That's why Lu Shijin retaliates against him by sleeping with Huo Lian, and wants him to taste the feeling of being betrayed.

Huo Qi believes that only when Lu Shijin loves him can he hate him. As long as Lu Shijin still loves him, even if Lu Shijin has done something wrong to him, he can forgive him.

Along the way, Huo Qi thought about how to convince Lu Shijin to reunite with him.

If Lu Shijin still complained about him, he was even ready to lower his stance to coax people.

It's a pity that Lu Shijin didn't give him this chance at all.

When Huo Qi entered the door and saw Lu Shijin, who had been missing for many days, all kinds of feelings filled his heart, and he didn't know where to start.

He suddenly realized that as long as Lu Shijin was willing to see him, no matter what Lu Shijin did, he wouldn't care.

"Now, you are finally willing to meet me." Huo Qi stepped forward and wanted to hug Lu Shijin, but was stopped by Lu Shijin's hand.

Lu Shijin frowned in disgust, and took a step back to the sofa: "No, we're not that familiar, so don't do anything."

Huo Qi didn't mind, but his tone became more and more gentle: "Still getting angry with me? I have already recognized my mistake, can't you give me a chance to make up for it?"

"What to make up for?" Lu Shijin thought about it and said, "Do you mean using me as Ruan Siheng's stand-in, or do you mean that you sent my paintings to Ruan Siheng to copy?"

Huo Qi looked embarrassed and said dejectedly, "All."

Lu Shijin said with a smile: "Then there's no need. For the former, I'm not sincere to you, and for the latter, you also gave me a lot of money. It belongs to both money and goods, and no one suffers."

Huo Qi was taken aback, "What do you mean by not being sincere to me?"

Lu Shijin sat down, put his legs on the coffee table, raised his eyes and smiled at him, "You are playing with me, and I am playing with you, understand?"

Huo Qi's face turned pale: "Are you still having a tantrum with me?"

Lu Shijin asked back, "Do you think I look like me? Huo Qi, ask yourself, what is there in you worthy of my love?"

711 was surprised to find that the coolness value, which had dropped to a low value, was increasing, and he was busy opening the barrage to see what was going on.

【I love this kind of love-hate character! Scum go to death, never forgive! 】

[This is the first time that I have no expectations for the wife-chasing crematorium! Jinjin did a good job, refuse to attack, we are beautiful alone! 】

711 is stunned: ? ? ? The **** can it?

"I'm not worthy of your love?" Huo Qi became angry and pointed his hands excitedly, "What about Huo Lian? Is he worthy of your love?"

Lu Shijin replied without changing his face: "Of course."

"Okay, how long have you known him? You fell in love with him after only a few sleeps?" Huo Qi laughed angrily, picked up the cup on the table and threw it on the ground, "Lu Shijin, are you blind? ? You love an illegitimate son of unknown origin, a bastard!"

"Bastard?" Lu Shijin sneered, "Young Master Huo, don't forget, you both have the same blood on your body, he is a **** and what are you? What qualifications do you have to say to others, you thought of me when you were attentive for Ruan Siheng. Did you? You thought about me when you gave my painting to Ruan Siheng? You thought about me when you asked me to stand up and help Ruan Siheng clarify? Huo Qi, Ruan Siheng is selfish, why aren't you?"

"Nowadays, I know that I have made a very serious mistake. I am willing to admit it. Whatever you want me to do, you can say whatever. I will make sure that I will make you satisfied." Huo Qi's face was gray and he was no longer in high spirits, and he left. He slowly squatted down at Lu Shijin's feet, stared deeply at Lu Shijin, trying to impress him, "But I don't believe you haven't loved me, the words you said about loving me before, yes, and you painted for me. You said that you still dreamed of us going to the beach together, these can’t be all fake, right?”

"It's really fake," Lu Shijin touched the top of Huo Qi's head with a sympathetic smile, "I said I love you, I lied to you, as for the painting, I lied to you, the person in the painting is not you It's actually Huo Lian. You must never have dreamed of it. When did I get together with your uncle? Just when you ignored me because of Ruan Siheng, Huo Lian and I were in bed. happy."

Huo Qi heard the shock of his body, stared at Lu Shijin's eyes, and scolded "Bitch!"

Then he pounced on Lu Shijin, with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he wanted to strangle Lu Shijin to vent his anger.

However, Lu Shijin didn't give him a chance to touch him. He avoided Huo Qi's attack nimbly, and threw the man to the ground with a neat over-the-shoulder throw. stand up.

"Stupid." Lu Shijin spat on the ground, clapped his hands and said triumphantly, "Fortunately, I have prepared an experience card for the ninth dan black belt in Taekwondo in advance."

Huo Qi lay on the ground, panting heavily, cursing incessantly: "Bitch... slut..."

It looked like he had lost his mind with anger.

Lu Shijin asked 711: "How is the coolness value?"

711 said excitedly: "It's over halfway! The audience seems to like the plot twist now, and they all say it's very exciting!"

"Really?" Lu Shijin said, "then show them something more exciting."

711 understood and immediately edited what happened between Lu Shijin and Huo Lian into a reminiscence scene for the audience to understand the cause and effect.

[Ah, ah, this plot is so BT! But I like it! 】

【Too Su is too sweet and too cool! Awei is dead! Awei is alive and dead! 】

[My day, I can't imagine that one day I will be addicted to this kind of ntr love and can't extricate myself! 】

[Damn, why do you turn on the lights at the critical moment? Director, do you dare to film the whole thing for me? Am I missing that bit of traffic? ! 】

【Huo Lian kills me! I fell in love with this villain uncle, he is so good woo woo ~]

[In addition to the airplane hotel, we also have outdoor hot springs in the kitchen and living room! We are still children today, uncle, don't let him go! 】

711 screamed excitedly: "The coolness value is about to reach the maximum value!"

Lu Shijin asked calmly, "What about the completion of the plot?"

"Because your performance is too good, the Lord God deliberately changed the plot for you!" 711 said, "The completion of the plot is still one step away. As long as there is no problem with Huo Lian, we will be done!"

At this time, the shareholders' meeting was being held in the Huo's group building.

Huo Lian made public the evidence of Huo Yan's misappropriation of public funds to invest in overseas private stocks. Mr. Huo was furious. In order to explain to all shareholders, he announced on the spot that Huo Yan and Huo Qi were removed from all positions in the Huo family!

Huo Yan made a principled mistake and lost the trust of Mr. Huo. Huo Lian took over Huo Yan's job temporarily and became the hottest person in the Huo family at once.

Huo Yan and Huo Qi's father and son fell, Ruan Siheng was sure that his reputation was ruined, and it was almost time for the curtain call for this good show.

Of course, Huo Qi must know such good news. After hearing Lu Shijin's words, Huo Qi rolled his eyes and fainted.

Lu Shijin sighed and expressed his regret: "Young people, your psychological endurance is still a little bit worse."

711: "Congratulations to your host! The plot completion and audience coolness values ​​have reached the requirements. You can immediately leave the current plot and enter the next plot to complete the task!"

At this time, Lu Shijin received a text message from Huo Lian on his mobile phone, asking him to have dinner together in the evening to celebrate the victory.

Lu Shijin stared at the text message for a long time, but didn't reply, and suddenly asked 711: "What will happen if we don't deviate from the current plot?"

711 said embarrassedly: "The Lord God expects that the host will be reluctant to leave the world in the plot, so after completing the task, the host will be forced to transmit the rules of the current plot."

Lu Shijin: "I've always wanted to ask you, in this plot, am I the only one with self-consciousness? Everyone else is just a virtual NPC?"

711: "No, most actors are independent souls, but in the play they don't have their own consciousness, they will only act according to the needs of the plot, and after completing a certain number of tasks, they also have the opportunity to regain consciousness and change. Become a thinking 'person'."

"Then Huo Lian..." Lu Shijin asked, "Do I still have a chance to meet him again?"

711: "This is not certain...because other than the host, other 'people' are like dragon actors in the real world, and there are a lot of them. When this plot is over, 'Huo Lian' will not know which plot will be put into it. "

Lu Shijin: "So it is."

711: "How about... I'll help you delay the time and let you see Huo Lian for the last time?"

Lu Shijin held the phone tightly, his knuckles turned white, and then he released his hand, and the phone smashed to the ground.

Lu Shijin spread his arms and closed his eyes with a faint smile: "No need, since we are not sure whether we will meet in the future, why should we hold on to hope? If there is no hope, you will not be disappointed. Let's go and send me out of here."

Consciousness is covered with a layer of white light, and Lu Shijin can feel that he is being stripped away from this concrete...

When he opened his eyes again, he was lying on the ground with darkness in front of him. Lu Shijin was just about to adjust his hands and feet to get used to his new body when suddenly a cold hand grabbed his chin.

Then the owner of that hand put a pill into Lu Shijin's mouth, poured cold water on him and forced him to swallow the pill.

Lu Shijin was choked and coughed violently. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he raised his head and saw a man whose whole body was wrapped in a black cloak.

The man wore a black iron mask on his face. Through the icy mask, Lu Shijin met a pair of icy silver eyes, looking at him like a hungry wolf staring at its prey.

After the masked man gave Lu Shijin the medicine, he stood silently aside, as if observing Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin was horrified by him, aware of the danger, and frantically called 711 in his mind: "Are you there at the convenience store? What the **** is the plot? Who is this person? What does he want to do?"

However, 711 didn't know what was going on and never responded.

The masked man seemed to think that the effect of the medicine should work, so he walked towards Lu Shijin step by step, and reached out to untie Lu Shijin's belt directly, as if he was going to strip his pants!

The alarm bell in Lu Shijin's head rang loudly, and he subconsciously decided to fight back. He made a fist with his right hand, and the silver-glowing metal armor quickly wrapped his arm. He raised the mechanical arm, and a strong red ray burst out from the palm of his hand!

"Fuck you to death!"

The man never expected that Lu Shijin would still have a weapon on his body. Before the silver eyes behind the mask showed a hint of surprise, a hole was shot through his chest!

The corpse of the masked man fell to the ground, with his eyes wide open.

Lu Shijin was sure that there was no other danger around before he put away the mechanical arm, and got up from the ground panting to look around.

It seemed like a secret room, with walls everywhere, and it was dark and no light could be seen.

In addition to the corpse of the masked man on the ground, there is a person lying not far away, silently distinguishing life and death.

Lu Shijin didn't go to check it, and he didn't want to kill them all. Anyway, he was confident that he could kill anyone who came.

Fortunately, before entering the new plot, he used the reward value to exchange a lot of good things in the system mall, otherwise he would be lying on the ground now!

Shit, what the **** is this place?

"What are you doing, host? Oh my God!" 711's startled voice finally sounded, and he shouted in despair, "I've only been online for a while at night, and you killed the villain?!"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes: "How do I know he is the villain, he wants to **** me, I can't resist?"

711 collapsed: "The villains are dead, how can this play go on?"

Lu Shijin didn't take it seriously: "Isn't it because the villain died, what's the fuss about? It's a big deal, I'll just play two roles."

711: "...This is what you said, you can't go back!"

Lu Shijin heard the pit in Chapter 711, and said alertly: "Wait, tell me what the plot of this world is first?"

711 laughed dryly: "It's actually very simple, you know about Prince's Revenge, right? It's similar to that. But the background setting of this plot is not the same as before. I'll send you the information first."

This is a futuristic sci-fi drama with an interstellar ABO background.

Of course, Lu Shijin's role is still a male supporting role, but also an Omega.

The worldview that has never been touched, the mentality is as strong as Lu Shijin, and it is not so easy to accept at once.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega? Isn't this a **** trigonometric function? You told me it's a new species?" Lu Shijin felt unbelievable and suddenly looked solemn, "Wait, what gender do you think I am?"

711: "O, Omega..."

Omega, the rarest and weakest of the three genders.

Both female Omegas and male Omegas have good fertility and can reproduce the best offspring of the blood, and are generally regarded as reproductive tools.

"Reproductive tools..." Lu Shijin glanced down and didn't notice anything unusual about him. He muttered to himself, "Men can have children too? Is this world crazy or am I crazy?"

711 paired his fingers: "That host, there is good news and bad news, which would you like to hear first?"

Lu Shijin: "Good news."

711 said cheerfully: "Our role in this plot is very simple, and it can be done easily!"

Lu Shijin believed it and there was a ghost, "What's the bad news?"

711 said carefully: "As long as you have a child, it's fine~"

"..." Lu Shijin got angry and summoned the mechanical arm again, "Where is the male lead? I'll kill him now!"