The background of this world is the future after 2000. Humans have already moved away from the ancient earth and went to outer space to open up new homes.

The planet where Lu Shijin is now is ruled by the Delan family.

Three hundred years ago, Derain I led his people to come here to establish a new regime. In just a few hundred years, this originally barren planet, under the rule of the Derain family, quickly developed into one of the most powerful countries in the interstellar space.

However, under the appearance of peace, what is surging is the conspiracy of various forces.

In the ABO world, the level of spiritual power is the symbol of strength and the most favorable ruling weapon.

Alphas with powerful mental powers don't even need to release pheromones to make Alphas and Omegas whose mental powers are lower than him surrender in fear.

And only the combination of the most powerful Alpha and the Omega with the best genes can give birth to the offspring of Alpha with strong mental power.

Omegas are rare in number, and Omegas with excellent genes are even rarer. Once they are discovered, they are the objects of looting by the upper classes.

As a result, Omega became a "reproductive tool" raised by the upper-level rulers in order to inherit their best blood and consolidate their status.

Lu Shijin's role in this play is a noble young master who still shares the same name as him.

When Lu Shijin was born, he did a genetic test, and all the indicators were excellent.

Everyone thought that this child would differentiate into a powerful Alpha in the future, but God's will, Lu Shijin not only came late in the differentiation period, he also differentiated into an Omega.

Even an Omega, Lu Shijin's spiritual power after awakening is much more than the average Alpha.

But Omega is always Omega. The status between Alpha and Omega is vastly different. The empire has laws that prohibit Omega from participating in politics, and must combine with Alpha after adulthood to assume the responsibility of reproduction.

This is almost equivalent to a death sentence for Lu Shijin's promising future.

Lu Shijin's father is a high-ranking prime minister in the empire. He will never allow his son to become a reproductive tool that will be scrambled by nobles in the future, affecting his power.

So the Prime Minister used methods to conceal his son's differentiation into Omega, and he kept claiming that Lu Shijin was an Alpha.

Although Lu Shijin is an Omega, he does not admit defeat.

He wants to prove that what Alpha can do, he can also do Lu Shijin, and he does not lose to anyone.

Lu Shijin has been waiting for an opportunity to make contributions, rewrite the world's prejudice against Omega, and fight for equal rights for all Omegas.

Now there is a good opportunity waiting for him.

Not long ago, the invincible marshal of the empire was assassinated. After investigation, it was the dark force "Blood Rose".

"Blood Rose" is a group formed by a group of violent extremists, all of whom are extrajudicial outlaws who kill without blinking an eye.

Their leader is a male Alpha nicknamed "Blood Owl".

No one has seen what the blood owl looks like, and no one knows the true identity of the blood owl.

But the blood owl has committed countless important cases, all of which are terrifying.

The reigning king of the Empire is Derain VII, Derain Nip.

Ten years ago, he usurped the throne from his own brother, Therese VI, and married Wang's wife as queen.

In order to appease the old ministers who supported Derain VI, Derain Nip announced the establishment of his nephew Derain Pei as crown prince after he succeeded to the throne.

How could a careerist easily give up the throne he had deliberately obtained.

The imperial marshal was assassinated, giving Nip a chance to play off the topic.

On the pretext of exercising the adult crown prince, the king ordered Pei Yin to personally arrest the blood owl and bring him to justice.

The blood owl is cunning, and a large-scale arrest operation is bound to arouse his vigilance, so Nip designated this operation as a secret operation, and only allowed Pei Yin to travel with three helpers.

Leading an army is not guaranteed to succeed in capturing the elusive blood owl. A small team of four sounds like a death sentence.

The truth is, it was nothing more than a deal between the king and the blood owl.

Nip loves Paine's mother deeply, and he swore to Paine's mother that he would never hurt Paine.

So, he paid fifty high-level combat armors and asked the blood owl to solve Pein for him.

As the king of the dark forces, the blood owl certainly wouldn't take the mere fifty mechas in his eyes.

The reason why he agreed to deal with the king was because he fell in love with Paine.

Every king of the Empire is the son of the previous king combined with the most genetically superior Omega.

On the other hand, Pei Yin had the purest royal blood, and as soon as he became an adult, his mental strength was detected to exceed 90% of the Alpha of the entire empire.

An Alpha like Pei Yin may not be able to meet one in a hundred years. If it is used as a war machine, it will be invincible.

But Pei Yin could not be controlled by Xue Xiao, so Xue Xiao wanted to cultivate a powerful Alpha who only obeyed his orders by combining an Omega with excellent genes with Pei Yin to give birth to Pei Yin's children.

Even if the blood owl can support the child with royal blood to become the new king of the empire, then the entire planet will be brought under his control!

Pei Yin's staff saw that this was a conspiracy and asked Pei Yin to refuse the mission.

But Pei Yin is a soldier, and the nature of a soldier is to obey. If he can't solve even a blood owl, how will he inherit the throne and rule the country in the future.

What's more, the assassinated imperial marshal was Pei Yin's most respected teacher, and he should seek revenge for the blood owl for both public and private purposes.

Pei In selected three people in the army as teammates to help him capture the blood owl together.

One is Lu Shijin, who is eager to make contributions through this action and volunteered to join.

One is the Empire's most outstanding mecha fighter, Longton, a male Alpha.

There is another person, he is Pei Yin's adjutant, Mo Bo who is proficient in various martial arts, male Alpha.

Among these people, except for Lu Shijin's purpose and Pei Yin's, the other two are all pregnant.

Longton was King Nip's eyeliner and was ordered to monitor Paine's movements.

As for Mo Bo, he was a spy who had long been placed in the imperial army by the blood owl, and regularly passed on Pei's news to the blood owl.

Pei Yin didn't know yet that at the very beginning of the operation code-named "hunting", he fell into the trap of the blood owl.

Through Mo Bo's message, Pei Yin and the others were caught by the blood owl as soon as they entered the sphere of influence of the blood owl.

The blood owl locked up Pei Yin and searched for a suitable Omega to combine with Pei Yin.

In addition to good genetic inheritance, the higher the pheromone fit between Omega and Alpha, the higher the chance of having excellent offspring.

However, Omegas with excellent genes have almost all been raised by the nobles of the empire, and it is difficult to find a blood owl that is completely satisfied for a while.

Of course, Lu Shijin was also arrested. He was a real Omega, and he usually used blockers and odor blockers to hide his true gender.

But these things wouldn't be available to him in the dungeon, and he couldn't hide that he was an Omega.

The blood owl was pleasantly surprised to find that Lu Shijin was not only an Omega with excellent genes, but also had a 99% fit with Pei Yin's pheromone!

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. Lu Shijin is the most suitable Omega!

The blood owl immediately arranged for Lu Shijin to combine with Pei Yin, and use drugs to make Lu Shijin's estrus come earlier.

An Omega in estrus, his behavior and reason are out of his own control, and there is only one thing in his mind, he needs an Alpha.

And the pheromone smell exuding from them will also make Alpha lose his sense of reason.

During the long estrus period, Lu Shijin and Pei Yin were kept together until Xue Xiao determined that Lu Shijin was pregnant and stopped taking medicines to Lu Shijin.

The plot develops here and enters a turning point.

In the process of serving as an adjutant to Pei Yin, Mo Bo couldn't help but admire the young and handsome Crown Prince.

He couldn't let go of his love for Pei Yin, and finally chose to betray Xue Xiao and sneaked into the dungeon to release Pei Yin.

Although Pei Yin was rescued, he was still worried about Lu Shijin, who was controlled by the blood owl.

Not only because Lu Shijin was still pregnant with his child, but also because after more than a month of getting along day and night, he fell in love with Lu Shijin for a long time.

After Lu Shijin woke up, he hated that out of control memory.

He has always been arrogant and arrogant and refused to admit defeat to anyone.

But the super-high mental power he is proud of is vulnerable in the face of physiological instincts. When the estrus comes, he becomes like other Omegas, blinded by affection, and willingly crawls under Alpha's body.

He worked hard to improve the status of Omega, and his dream of pursuing AO equality was completely shattered, and he even hated Pein who made him pregnant.

Lu Shijin's life and death is in the hands of Xue Xiao, and because Lu Shijin is pregnant with his most important child, the always cold-blooded and ruthless big devil, occasionally shows a rare touch of warmth to Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin's mental state has experienced a collapse and is close to distortion.

In this case, as a victim, he became dependent on the blood owl.

Whenever Xue Xiao was a little bit nicer to him, he could magnify it a hundred times to be moved, and even felt that he fell in love with Xue Xiao.

Lu Shijin suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.

Luckily, good luck makes people, what Xue Xiao likes is that he was raised from a young age, and he spent all his efforts to cultivate Mo Bo, another self-cultivation in his heart.

Mo Bo's betrayal made him extremely angry, and he ordered his men to search for Pei Yin with all their strength, and then hurry up if they wanted to kill him.

So far, the relationship between the four has formed a deformed four-cornered love.

Lu Shijin was constantly being cut, and the relationship between the characters was messed up.

He pinched his tangled eyebrows, "Wait, let me stroke it, Pei Yin likes Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin likes Xue Xiao, Xue Xiao likes Mo Bo, and Mo Bo likes Pei Yin, is it such a quadrangular relationship? A **** single arrow?"

711: "Yes."

Lu Shijin woke up suddenly and pointed to the corpse of the masked man on the ground, "You just said he was the villain, so who is he?"

711 answered honestly: "He is the blood owl."

Lu Shijin: "..."

"I take back what I said just now that I played two roles." Lu Shijin expressed that he was very sad.

711: "Who will play the villain?"

Lu Shijin: "I can't play anyone, hey, figure it out, I like the blood owl in this play, if I play the villain part-time, wouldn't it be that I love myself? I'll have a split personality, okay! "

711 was angry: "Then who asked you to kill him!"

Lu Shijin was righteous and slammed: "Who told you to go online later than me! If you came earlier, wouldn't these things be gone?!"

711: "...Okay, I can't say enough about you, but now that the blood owl is dead anyway, we must find a way to make this plot come back."

Lu Shijin: "What else? I've been with me for so long. Do you think I'm a person who likes to follow the plot? You think I'll give it to the male protagonist..."

Lu Shijin really found it hard to say the words "have a child". When he thought of a man's belly getting bigger or something, his scalp tingled and he had goosebumps all over his body.

711: "This is what I want to warn you next. This world is different from the last world. You can do whatever you want. You must fulfill your mission of giving birth to Pei Yin."

"Why?!" Lu Shijin felt incredible.

711: "Because you and Pei's children are the real male protagonists of this drama."

Lu Shijin was stunned by Lei's outer coke and inner tenderness.

"Am I not an affectionate male partner? Why is the protagonist my... son?"

711: "There is no hard rule that a male supporting role can only love the protagonist. Blood Owl is the most popular and most popular **** villain. Is it normal for a male supporting role to like it? The following plot is like this, In order to save you and your child, Pei escaped and returned to try to assassinate the blood owl, but he was killed by the blood owl. Later, the blood owl planned the civil strife in the empire and overthrew the rule of Nip. He supported you as the regent minister. With Paine's child ascending the throne, the empire entered a period of eighteen years of dark rule."

"Eighteen years later, you and Peyin's child will grow up. Like his father, he is also an extremely powerful Alpha. The blood owl is worried that one day the little king will be out of his control, so he has the idea of ​​replacing it. At the same time, the young king also knew that the blood owl was his father-killing enemy, and he was unwilling to be his puppet, and planned to kill the blood owl to regain his power. One side is the lover and the other is the child. In the end, you still choose to stand on the side of the righteousness and help your child defeat the blood owl, the blood owl was executed, you also committed suicide, the shadow shrouded in the blood rose finally disappeared, and the empire ushered in light again!"

Lu Shijin: "...This magical plot, do you think I can't see that it is a mixed version of "Thunderstorm" and "Hamlet"?!"

"So, the blood owl can't die," 711 said without emotion, "child, child, must, must, live."

Lu Shijin calmly thought about what he was going to do next.

First of all, he wants to give him a baby with a stranger XXOO he doesn't know.

Secondly, he wants to pretend to be the villain to kill the child's father.

Then, as a single father, he has to raise his son to grow up, while also pretending to be the villain against his own children.

In the end, in addition to helping his son kill the villain he pretended to be, he had to sacrifice himself for love.

Surprised or not? Are you surprised? Not irritating?

【I am too difficult.jpg】

Lu Shijin lay down on the ground and simply played boredom: "I'm quitting, whoever the child loves will be born, and whoever loves it will act!"

711 persuaded earnestly: "Master, calm down, in fact, the task is not difficult, and we are acting, it is all fake, as long as you let go, there is nothing that can't be overcome."

Lu Shijin sneered: "Is this a Kan? This is obviously a pit! And it is a giant pit! Tiankeng! I have to play the male supporting role and the villain, can I be busy? I am not Monkey King, I can become a monkey by plucking my hair! "

711: "Who said you can't change?"

Lu Shijin: "???"

711 laughed and said: "Because I am on the line at night, I am indeed a little responsible for the death of the blood owl, so let me arrange a puppet substitute for you!"

Lu Shijin was dubious: "What do you mean?"

711: "Just to arrange another body for you, your consciousness can be switched between the two bodies at will. For example, your current body is 'Lu Shijin', when you need 'Xue Xiao' to appear, you can attach your consciousness to the body. On the body of 'Xue Xiao', and 'Lu Shijin' is a puppet, there is only simple thinking, do you understand?"

One person with two bodies, sounds interesting?

After hearing 711's words, Lu Shijin suddenly felt a little moved, but there was still a tangle, "The role problem has been solved, what about having a child? I can't have a child for him if I kill that Pei Yin!"

711 said cheerfully: "It's simple, host, you already have two bodies. When you perform indescribable actions and give birth, you can transfer your consciousness to another body, right? It's like it has nothing to do with you."

That seems to make sense.

"Okay, let's do this for the time being, there's no other better way." Lu Shijin pointed to the corpse of the blood owl on the ground, "What should I do with this?"

"It's just a bunch of data, I'll make him disappear." 711 paused, "By the way, should we take off his mask and see what he looks like, so we can be an identical puppet."

Lu Shijin pondered for a while and asked, "Has anyone in this world seen the true face of the blood owl?"

711: "No, everyone who saw him is dead."

Lu Shijin said lightly: "Since no one has seen it, then you don't need to watch it."

711 doesn't understand: "Why?"

Lu Shijin: "Keep some sense of mystery and suspense. In case the mask is revealed, and the faces of Zhang Degang and Baoqiang are below, wouldn't it be very disappointing?"

"Then who am I going to be a puppet?" 711 asked embarrassedly.

"Me, just do as I am now, anyway, no one knows what a blood owl looks like." Lu Shijin stood up, Omega's delicate facial features changed into a cold and bloodthirsty expression, "From this moment on, I am The new owner of the Scarlet Rose, the king of the dark forces!"

711: "..." Why does it feel like he's taking his words again!

Lu Shijin was excited about a new way to play, and suddenly felt that something was wrong with his body.

Slowly, I started to feel hot all over, and my heart was very empty, and I was madly screaming at the idea of ​​being filled.

It's like what I've seen in martial arts novels, describing the symptoms of someone taking chun medicine.

"Convenience store, what's wrong with me?"

Lu Shijin fell to the ground weakly, his consciousness became muddled due to the high fever, and he clearly felt that his body had undergone a change that he had never experienced before.

It's like... something... it's coming out of the back? !

Fuck, is this the difference between Omega and normal human physiology?

what is this? Are you talented?

711 immediately checked Lu Shijin's physical condition.

"Host, you seem to be in heat!"

Only then did Lu Shijin remember the unknown pill that Xue Xiao had fed him before he died. It should be the medicine that could make Omega come into estrus earlier.

Lu Shijin scolded weakly: "Damn, I'm going to shoot another hundred holes in this bastard!"

711 was really afraid that Lu Shijin would do what he said, and hurriedly disposed of Xue Xiao's body, "Support the host, I'll make another body right away!"

"Hurry up..." Lu Shijin's voice changed. The originally cold voice became soft and sticky, and it sounded like he was acting like a spoiled child.

I'm afraid that any Alpha will have a change of heart after listening to it.

711 sighed silently, as expected of the rare and best Omega in the world, just listening to the sound makes me ecstatic.

Lu Shijin felt a scent of flowers emanating from the back of his neck, and the fragrance of daffodils made his temples jump.

The closed chamber was slowly filled with Omega's sweet pheromones.

Suddenly, the man who had been lying still on the ground since Lu Shijin woke up moved his hands and feet, as if he had a reaction.

711 made a puppet "Blood Owl" before that person woke up. Both the height and figure and the cloak mask were perfectly copied. There was no difference, except that the face under the mask was Lu Shijin's.

Lu Shijin immediately separated his consciousness from his original body and attached himself to the "Blood Owl".

The process during this period is like a soul out of the body and a soul possessed, but there is no pain, it is much simpler than imagined.

The man in the corner was fully awake and slowly got up from the ground.

Lu Shijin asked 711 at a loss: "Who is he?"

711: "He's Derain Payne!"

Lu Shijin: "!"

Alpha's visual ability is beyond that of ordinary people, and can see things clearly even in the dark.

At a glance, Pei Yin found the blood owl wearing a black cloak that blended with the darkness, and "Lu Shijin" who was lying on the ground because the fever could not be relieved and could only hug him helplessly.

Pei Yin was in danger, but he was not flustered. He said coldly, his voice was calm and strong, and he didn't sound like an Alpha who was only eighteen years old at all.

"Xue Xiao, what you want is me, it has nothing to do with others, let him go!"

Lu Shijin hasn't gotten used to the sudden change of roles, and he doesn't know how to answer for a while.

711 anxiously reminded: "Quick, it's your two rivalry now, hurry up and say your lines!"

Lu Shijin: "Say, what did you say?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a teleprompter appeared in his mind, scrolling the lines he should read now.

Lu Shijin, now Xue Xiao, read according to the lines: "Let him go? Let him go, where can I find a more suitable Omega to combine with you?"

Pei Yin was stunned for a moment: "What?"

The blood owl quickly entered the role, opened his arms to hold up the wide cloak, raised his head and took a deep breath, and said slowly:

"Can't you smell it? Such a strong pheromone smell comes from your subordinates. The subordinate you get along with day and night, Lu Shijin, is actually an Omega, his genes are extremely good, and his pheromone match is also very high. Does it smell good when you smell him? Did it make you want to shred his clothes, take possession of him, mark him?"

Of course Pei Yin smelled it, but he didn't react at first. After Xue Xiao's reminder, his body almost immediately responded to Omega's pheromone.

Where did the young crown prince experience such a thing, he shouted angrily at the blood owl: "Shameless! What the **** are you trying to do!"

Xue Xiao laughed lowly, his laughter was gloomy.

"The fate of your subordinates is in your hands now. If you want him to survive, help him through the estrus period, and I will release him until he is pregnant with your bloodline. If you don't want to, then I will let him go now. For those Alpha subordinates who were thrown out and rewarded to me, what would happen to a rutted Omege who was thrown into the Alpha pile, you should know?"

Damn, Lu Shijin scolded silently after finishing his lines. Who the **** designed these lines? Too **** perverted!

And now it comes out of his mouth, as if he is instigating others to violate him, even more perverted!

But he is so excited now!

The author has something to say:

Jin Jin: Metamorphosis...

Author: I am not! I do not! Don't talk nonsense!