After listening to Xue Xiao's words, the expression on Pei Yin's face became a little incredible.

The big devil caught him, did he just want to enjoy a restricted-level performance of Alpha and Omega?

Pei Yin's snow-white skin turned red because he felt insulted, and his good self-discipline made the young prince's vicious words very limited.

In the end, he just cursed through gritted teeth: "You devil!"

The blood owl placed one hand on his chest, bowed gracefully, and said briskly, "Thank you for your compliment."

Pei Yin's face became more and more ugly, he was not good at fighting saliva, and it seemed that Xue Xiao didn't take his curse to heart at all.

This is simply a devil without humanity and no shame.

The blood owl snapped his fingers, and the wall lamps on the surrounding walls turned on, illuminating the entire secret room.

"Lu Shijin" on the ground has been controlled by the craze and started to tear his clothes unconsciously.

The button on the placket of the uniform was torn off, and the neckline was open to reveal the white shirt.

Now the button of the shirt is also crumbling, and it is faintly visible that the white and delicate skin that belongs to Omega is unique.

The blood owl ignored the undressed puppet and paced leisurely in the cell, the hem of the long cloak dragging back and forth on the ground with his movements.

Under the dim light, it could be found that the cloak on the blood owl was not pure black, but was embroidered with complicated rose flower patterns with dark red silk threads, which was mysterious and strange.

Xue Xiao stood in front of Pei Yin, his silver eyes behind the mask were full of jokes, "How is it? Little prince? Have you made a choice?"

"Dream! I will never be at your mercy!"

Pei Yin stared at Xue Xiao fiercely, all the muscles in his body were mobilized, ready to fight to the death.

There is no fourth person here now. Pei Yin is confident in his own strength, and he may not lose to Xue Xiao in a heads-up match.

Alpha's pheromone is released, the vast and majestic ocean breath, with an irresistible momentum.

If it is an Alpha or Omega with low mental strength, I am afraid that at this moment, I can only kneel on the ground and can't stand up.

But Xue Xiao was always standing upright, and he didn't seem to be affected by Pei Yin's pheromone at all.

He just snorted to express his regret: "I know that you are one of the most powerful Alphas in the empire, with superior mental power, but your pheromones are useless to me, so I advise you not to make unnecessary struggles. On the contrary, look at the Alphas on the ground. This one seems to like your taste very much."

"Lu Shijin" lay on his back on the ground, gasping for breath, the clothes on his chest were completely torn off, and his thin chest rose and fell with his breathing.

White snow and red plum, beautiful scenery.

Pei Yin just glanced at it, and his blood rushed straight into his head, quickly looking away, and restraining his pheromones.

He forgot that Lu Shijin was in estrus now. When stimulated by his pheromone, I am afraid that the symptoms of estrus will only get stronger.

Originally, I wanted to release the pheromone power to suppress the blood owl, but I didn't expect that the loss outweighed the gain and affected "Lu Shijin".

Pei Yin felt extremely regretful.

Xue Xiao laughed proudly: "Look at his uncomfortable appearance. At this time, he needs your help the most. Don't you have the heart to let it go and let him die like this?"

Pei Yin heard the strangeness in Xue Xiao's words, even if Omega's estrus period is not satisfied, he won't die, Xue Xiao must have moved his hands and feet.

"What did you do to him?"

Pei Yin suddenly took a step forward and quickly shot towards Xue Xiao's neck, but Xue Xiao's reaction was faster than his, and he moved out of Pei Yin's attack range in a flash.

"Young man, you must consider the consequences of your actions, don't be so impulsive." Xue Xiao shook off the sleeves of his wide cloak and said casually, "Don't worry, he will be fine for the time being, I just fed him a special medicine to urge him. The estrus period has come early. If there is an Alpha willing to help him get through the estrus period, that's fine, if not, then he may be in estrus all the time, and finally collapse and die. This medicine was developed by me not long ago. Yes, you say, isn't it amazing?"

Wonderful ghost!

It was the first time in his life that Pei Yin had seen such a person who could show off shamelessness as honor.

If it weren't for being controlled by others, he really wanted to break the neck of the big devil in front of him!

If you can't make a single blow, it is impossible to make a sneak attack while Xue Xiao is unprepared.

The despicableness of Xue Xiao has exceeded Pei Yin's imagination. If it angers him, it may only make his situation even more unfavorable.

Pei Yin said coldly and sarcastically, "I thought that although you were all evil, you were still a hero and a person. I didn't expect you to act so filthy."

"Thank you for the compliment." Xue Xiao was indifferent to Pei Yin's ridicule, walked to Lu Shijin's side, bent down, raised "Lu Shijin"'s chin with one finger, and traced his eyebrows with the other hand.

The poor Omega shook sensitively with a slight touch, and groaned like a hungry kitten in his throat.

"Tsk tsk, what a delicate Omega, it seems that it was born for an Alpha like you." Xue Xiao took a deep breath of the air and said intoxicated, "It smells so good, little prince, you really Are you not at all tempted? Even I can't control such a delicious Omega."

"Take off your dirty hands, don't touch him!" Pei Yin pushed Xue Xiao away, grabbed "Lu Shijin" from his hand, and protected him behind him.

Xue Xiao Jie laughed: "What's the matter, don't you want to touch him? He will die if he doesn't marry him. If you don't help him, you won't allow me to come? You almost strip yourself off without seeing him feeling so uncomfortable. ?"

Pei Yin raised his hand and pointed it casually, his blue eyes showed scarlet, and he had endured to the edge of anger.

"Get out of here!"

"Okay." Xue Xiao clapped his hands, tidied up his cloak and walked to the wall, opened the trap and walked out of the secret room, and before leaving, he threw a sentence, "I don't need to urge me anyway, I don't believe you can hold back."

In the huge secret room, only Pei Yin and "Lu Shijin" were left.

In the airless space, the smell of pheromones became stronger and stronger, like an invisible net, which surrounded Pei Yin from all directions.

Alpha was originally a carnivore, and an Omega in heat was like a piece of delicious and tender meat placed in front of a hungry wolf. No matter how powerful an Alpha was, it couldn't resist this temptation.

The corners of Pei's mouth were tensed, and his willpower was under a huge challenge.

He reminded himself to stay awake, but his mind kept reminiscing about the half-waisted image of Omega he just saw.

Lu Shijin and Pei Yin both studied at the Royal Military Academy. Lu Shijin was two years older than Pei Yin and was Pei Yin's senior.

Lu Shijin concealed his gender and entered the Royal Military Academy, which only Alpha can enter.

Noble birth, handsome appearance, strong spiritual power.

Such a perfect person, almost all the students in the military academy regard Lu Shijin as a learning model.

Although Pei Yin is the crown prince, he also admires this senior.

Lu Shijin entered the Royal Army two years earlier than Pei Yin, and was already a major at a young age.

Pei Yin knew his senior, he was arrogant, and his temperament was frosty and extremely strong.

But now, Xue Xiao told him that Lu Shijin was actually an Omega and was still in estrus.

It was difficult for him to accept it for a while.

Suddenly, Pei Yin felt someone grabbed his thigh, looked down, and the flushed "Lu Shijin" had already knelt down at his feet.

"Lu Shijin" stared at Pei Yin obsessively, but there was no light in his dark eyes.

Pei Yin's heart was greatly impacted.

The menacing estrus period turned "Lu Shijin" into another face.

He still looks like the senior that Pei Yin is familiar with, but now there is still the usual arrogant and cold attitude.

"Lu Shijin" knew that he was holding an Alpha, but no matter how he released the pheromone, he never got a response from the Alpha.

His eyes were red with grievance, and he moved more actively.

Pei Yin had seen Omegas raised specifically to please Alpha on the black market before, and the current demeanor and actions of "Lu Shijin" are no different from those Omegas.

At that time, he only felt that those Omegas were frivolous and frivolous, and other than that, there was no turbulence in his heart.

But now that the object was changed to Lu Shijin, he felt a surge of emotions that could not be restrained.

The senior who used to be the "Flower of the High Mountains" is now crawling at his feet with a flushed face, constantly releasing pheromones to signal him an invitation.

The tighter and tighter the rationality is, the more it will break when it exceeds a certain limit.

Pei Yin tried his best to endure, and at the same time fell into a war between heaven and man.

—Lu Shijin is in estrus, and his behavior can’t be controlled. If you can’t control it, you’re taking advantage of others’ danger!

- But if you don't help him, he will die, you are just saving people!

Pei Yin squatted down slowly and restrainedly tried to pull away "Lu Shijin" who was holding his thigh, but he was caught by "Lu Shijin" and took the initiative to put himself into Pei Yin's arms.

Cold lips fell on Pei Yin's face indiscriminately, and even the kiss had the smell of daffodils.

The string in Pei Yin's mind was completely broken, and he was instinctively controlled to give "Lu Shijin" an eager response...

Lu Shijin, who had been watching the live broadcast outside, couldn't stand it anymore, and complained to 711: "Damn, why is this puppet so rambunctious? My personality is broken!"

711: "There's no way, once Omega enters estrus, his behavior and consciousness are out of his control, and there is only one thing in his mind, which is to have **** with Alpha."

Lu Shijin: ... I often feel out of place in this world because I am not perverted enough.

There are a lot of barrages on the screen. Self-castration is too serious these days. Even a little bit of colorful scenes can arouse the enthusiasm of the audience.

[Aw, ooh, I really like this kind of plot that comes up and does it! 】

[Don't pity him just because he is a delicate flower, go on Pei Pei! If not, you are the eunuch! 】

[Fuck, turn on the light again at a critical moment, and give me a look under my neck and I will die! 】

[If this drama is not broadcast on Jinjiang TV, the broadcast volume has already exceeded 500 million! 】

The audience couldn't see what happened in the secret room, but Lu Shijin's side was different. He watched the high-definition version without horses.

Of course, Pei couldn't resist the temptation of an Omega that matched his pheromone highly.

Only five minutes after Xue Xiao went out, he and "Lu Shijin" kissed fiercely.

Tsk tsk tsk, although the picture is very beautiful, but the little prince's kissing skills need to be improved.

Question: How does it feel to watch your own little movie?

The ruthless Blood Owl Lord: There is no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wants to sleep because of boredom.

However, Pei Yin's figure is really good, only seeing one back, the large solid muscles and smooth muscle texture are enough to make people's blood flow.

Lu Shijin yawned behind the mask, and was about to tell 711 to turn off the monitor, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Pei Yin's shoulders.

Looking closely, it turned out to be two rows of crescent-shaped marks!

Lu Shijin opened his eyes wide and stared at Pei Yin's shoulder.

Although they are two different bodies, the shape and position of the imprint are familiar to him.

The top is darker and the bottom is shallower, because Lu Shijin in the last world had a tiger tooth, so there is a place where the mark on the top row is particularly deep.

The mark on Pei Yin's shoulder is exactly the same as the one he bit on Huo Lian's shoulder!

The joke that Huo Lian said at that time suddenly sounded in Lu Shijin's ear.

"This is the brand you gave me. If we get separated in the future, you can recognize me by this."

Lu Shijin's heart was pounding, could it be such a coincidence? Will it really be him?

The broadcast screen became more and more restricted, and 711 couldn't help but ask: "Host, do you want to continue watching? Isn't this not good?"

Awakened by a word, Lu Shijin immediately pulled his consciousness out of Xue Xiao's body and returned to his original body.

He wanted to take a closer look at the tooth mark to confirm whether Pei Yin was Huo Lian.

But Lu Shijin forgot that his body was in a menacing estrus period, and as soon as his consciousness entered, he was almost dizzy by the high heat.

After finally regaining some sobriety, Lu Shijin climbed on Alpha's strong arms and tried to sit up.

Pei Yin is young and has always kept himself clean. He has never had any experience in this area before, and his behavior depends entirely on instinct.

Alpha was born with a strong physique, and Pei Yin was the best among them, and he was naturally gifted.

So Lu Shijin didn't feel very good.

"Major Lu," Pei Yin found that Lu Shijin seemed to be a little sober, and called his name at a loss, looking at his blue eyes full of guilt, "I'm sorry, I don't want to. But if you don't do this, you will die."

At this point, what else can Lu Shijin say, he can't stop by shouting "ka" after the play is over.

I can only plead softly: "Take it easy, please..."

However, the word "beg" deeply stimulated Pei Yin.

Lu Shijin is begging him, and the always so cold and arrogant Gaolingzhihua is begging him...

Alpha's genes were born with a passion for aggression. When Pei Yin listened to Lu Shijin's plea, an indescribable sense of satisfaction rose from Alpha's heart.

Lu Shijin felt that Pei Yin didn't listen to his words at all. He was so powerful that he seemed to be his father's enemy.

Pei Yin's appearance is completely different from Huo Lian. Pei Yin has just come of age. Although his sturdy facial features have not completely separated from the outline of a teenager, they are already angular, and his eyebrows are sharp with Alpha's aggressiveness.

Lu Shijin couldn't equate the two, and couldn't convince himself to replace Huo Lian with Pei Yin.

So he moved his gaze to Pei Yin's shoulder, and his eyes couldn't help but fill with a little tenderness. It was the mark he bit out and engraved in his heart, and he would never admit his mistake.

The pheromones of Omega and Alpha are intertwined, the refreshing ocean breath dilutes the rich daffodil fragrance, the sea water nourishes the delicate daffodils, and the daffodils float up and down in the boundless ocean.

Alpha is like a tireless perpetual motion machine. While Lu Shijin sighed at Pei Yin's developed waist, he was worried that his waist would break.

In a daze, Lu Shijin looked at Pei Yin with lost eyes, and unconsciously called out Huo Lian's name.

When Pei Yin heard an unfamiliar name coming out of Lu Shijin's mouth, he couldn't help but pause.

Who is Lu Shijin calling? Are you still thinking about people other than him at this time?

Pei Yin's blue eyes darkened, as deep as the calm sea level before the storm.

Before he completely lost consciousness, Lu Shijin felt Pei Yin bit his neck, and his sharp teeth pierced the tender skin.

Pei Yin injected a stream of pheromones into Lu Shijin's glands, as if to imprint his mark on every cell of Omega.

Pei Yin just made a temporary mark for Lu Shijin to help him reduce the discomfort during estrus.

But the process of being marked by Alpha was very long, and the poor Omega couldn't help sobbing because of the uncontrollable fear of being suppressed.


Omega's estrus period lasted for a week, and Lu Shijin took the medicine developed by the blood owl, and the time had to be extended.

Of course, Lu Shijin didn't forget to change to a more comfortable place to spend his estrus.

As early as when he woke up for the first time, he switched his consciousness to Xue Xiao, and gave himself and Pei Yin a comfortable cell with a bed and a bathroom.

On the fifth day, the symptoms of estrus were significantly relieved, and the craze stopped visiting frequently. Lu Shijin was finally able to think of other things besides having **** with Pei Yin.

He woke up from the bed that day, and Pei Yin just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Alpha's messy brown hair fell uncontrollably on his forehead, and only a bath towel was wrapped around his waist, showing his mermaid line and well-developed abdominal muscles without hesitation.

After rolling the sheets for four or five days, and also confirmed that the other party was another "Huo Lian", Lu Shijin's mentality changed when he saw Pei Yin again.

"There is still hot water, do you want to take a bath?" Pei Yin asked.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Lu Shijin opened the quilt and got up. The red marks on his slender and fair body were crisscrossed, all traces left when Alpha lost control.

It was just a joke, but after Pei Yin heard it, a blush appeared on Jun's face.

Although the two of them have been together for a few days in the past few days, the newly recruited Alpha still can't let go after leaving the bed.

Seeing that Pei Yin blushed, Lu Shijin would want to whistle if he had to maintain his high-cold personality.

He hasn't forgotten the "humiliation" of being forced to call "Uncle" on the bed in the previous world. Maybe this world can be reversed?

At the thought of coaxing Pei Yin to call him "brother" in the future, Lu Shijin couldn't be more excited.

Oh! I can really be a pure-hearted little wolf dog!

"The two of you are too boring, it's just a joke." Lu Shijin put on his pajamas and passed in front of Pei Yin to the bathroom with a cold expression.

The bathroom door was closed, leaving only the fragrance of the room,

Pei Yin could not imagine that such a cold and arrogant man, the pheromone would be the fragrance of flowers.

But the image of Narcissus does match Lu Shijin very well.

In the myth of the ancient earth, there is a story of a beautiful boy who fell in love with himself because he saw his shadow in the water, and finally became a daffodil.

Pei Yin never liked flowers and plants, he thought those things were too squeamish.

But now he is thinking, if he can get out of here, he will raise a pot of daffodils by the bed in the future.

It seems good to be able to fall asleep with the fragrance of flowers every day and wake up in the fragrance of flowers.

Or, Pei Yin's eyes moved to the closed bathroom door. What he wanted more was the Omega inside.

Pei Yin remembered the name "Huo Lian" again.

Although Lu Shijin only called when the two of them did it for the first time, but to make him remember at that time, that person must be very special.

That's all, Pei Yin laughed at himself, he might not even be able to wait until tomorrow, so why should he expect so much.

After Lu Shijin came out of the shower, he was already hungry.

On the table is the food sent by Xue Xiaoming's subordinates, including meat, vegetables and fruits, which are very rich.

But Pei Yin didn't move at all. He was afraid that the blood owl would move his feet in the food. These days, he only maintained his physical strength by injecting nutrient solution.

Lu Shijin knew that there was no problem with the food, so he went straight to the table to feast on it, and invited Pei Yin to eat together.

Lu Shijin: "Do you want a piece of the freshly baked salmon sandwich?"

Pei Yin admired it at such a time that Lu Shijin could still eat.

If it's not heartless, then it's true peace of mind.

Pei Yin shook his head, "You eat."

Lu Shijin took a mouthful of milk and licked the foam on his lips with the tip of his bright red tongue, "It's not poisonous, I've tasted everything, and it tastes pretty good, but I can't keep up with the nutrient liquid alone."

Pei Yin smiled bitterly: "Don't worry about me, I just have no appetite."

Lu Shijin glanced at him and knew that in this case, it was normal to not be able to eat, so he didn't force it.

Pei Yin walked to the table and sat down, bowing his head with concern.

"Major Lu, I have decided."

Lu Shijin swallowed a piece of roasted tender salmon, "What to decide?"

Pei Yin looked up at him with a firm expression on his young face.

"The blood owl wants the child born by the union of the two of us. No matter what his conspiracy is, I can't let him do so."

"Wait," Lu Shijin put down his fork and asked Pei Yin solemnly, "Your Highness means you don't plan to have children with me?"

Lu Shijin's question was too straightforward and bold, and Pei Yin blushed again.

"It is irresponsible for you to have a child in this situation, and you may be controlled by the blood owl forever."

Lu Shijin didn't listen to his explanation. He couldn't conceive a child, so how could the plot continue.

Isn't all the sheets rolled in vain these days? !

Lu Shijin patted the table angrily, "You don't want to have a baby with me, so what are you doing these days?"

Pei Yin's blushing deepened, "Help you through the estrus period, if you don't do this, you will die."

Lu Shijin: "But if we can't conceive a child, we will always be trapped here! What's the difference between death?"

Pei Yin said solemnly, "So I think as long as I die, Xue Xiao might let you out."

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, the development of things seems to be different from what he imagined?

In the original plot, Pei waited for an opportunity to take revenge because he could survive, but he made "Lu Shijin" pregnant without any hesitation.

What exactly changed Pei's current thinking?

However, Lu Shijin still felt a touch of emotion in his heart. After all, this was a man who was willing to give his life for him.

Lu Shijin has never been like this before. Thanks to fate's arrangement, he met "Huo Lian" again.

Therefore, he will never allow anyone to hurt Pei Yin.

Lu Shijin said lightly: "Don't talk about life and death casually, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must live, because as long as we live, there may be hope."

Pei Yin: "But..."

Lu Shijin interrupted him with a smile: "No but. Your Highness, don't worry, we will not die. Not only that, but I want to help you get out of here and take back everything that belongs to you."

The author has something to say:

The author who has never written New Year's Eve: Little Wolf Dog is really fragrant!