Pei Yin took a deep look at Lu Shijin, relaxed a little from his tense expression, and showed a smile.

"Thank you for being willing to comfort me at this time."

Lu Shijin originally wanted to say "I didn't comfort you", but on second thought, it was reasonable for Pei Yin not to take his words seriously.

Because Lu Shijin's father, Prime Minister Lu, was a hero who strongly supported Peyin's uncle Deran Nippo's ascension to the throne.

If Pei Yin ascends the throne, the first thing to be liquidated is Nip's power, and the Lu family is the first to suffer.

Therefore, in order to safeguard the interests of the Lu family, the Prime Minister can only choose to oppose the future king.

In Pei Yin's eyes, I am afraid that their Lu family is synonymous with chaotic ministers and thieves.

So Lu Shijin said that he wanted to help him regain everything that belonged to him, which sounded extraordinarily ridiculous.

But this time with the blood owl, Nip didn't tell anyone except to tell his confidants, not even the prime minister.

After all, the lord of a country makes a deal with a murderer, which is not very pleasant to say.

Therefore, before Lu Shijin participated in the operation, he didn't know that this would be a trap, so he was eager to make contributions, so he slammed into it.

The two were speechless for a while, and the room fell silent for a while.

Lu Shijin is thinking about how to support the unfounded crown prince to regain the throne. This road is bound to be difficult.

And Pei Yin was curious about Lu Shijin's motive for pretending to be an Alpha even though he was an Omega.

Lu Shijin: "You..."

Pei: "You..."

The two suddenly spoke at the same time, and when they saw that the other had something to say, they stopped at the same time.

Lu Shijin pushed open the plate and cleared the table, "Your Highness, please speak first."

Pei Yin raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Shijin and lowered it again, "Is it hard to pretend to be an Alpha?"

In fact, you don't need to think about it to understand why Lu Shijin installed Alpha.

In this era, Omega is of low status and easy to be discriminated against.

Lu Shijin is such an excellent person, everyone thinks he is an Alpha, and can't imagine how the world will see him one day when his identity as an Omega is revealed.

From the favored son of heaven to a tool that lives only for reproduction.

Thinking of this, Pei Yin felt a pain in his heart.

He would never allow such a thing to happen to Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin didn't expect Pei Yin to ask this. After a moment of silence, he said lightly, "No, it would be harder if I lived as an Omega."

Pei Yin nodded in agreement: "That's why I can't let the blood owl's trick succeed. If you are really pregnant, everyone will know your secret, and I can't hurt you."

Feeling that the other party was thinking of him, Lu Shijin smiled sincerely.

"Thank you, Your Highness, but this is of my own accord, not only to help you, but also to help myself."

Pei Yin didn't listen. He thought that Lu Shijin said this just to make him feel better.

He couldn't help but feel even more throbbing. He and Lu Shijin didn't have much interaction before, and nodding was considered a friendship, but Lu Shijin is now willing to make such a big sacrifice for him.

He secretly made up his mind that if he could save this time, he would repay Lu Shijin's affection for him.

Pei Yin suddenly couldn't restrain his inner impulse, and boldly held Lu Shijin's hand.

In the deep blue eyes, there is an unconcealed enthusiasm, and Pei Yin said affectionately: "Major Lu, I am willing to swear to the spirit of my father and king, I will never disappoint your affection for me. I promise you , I will only have one Omega of you in this life, if I violate this oath, the sky will be struck by thunder."

Lu Shijin was taken aback by the sudden confession.

He wanted to give birth to Pei Yin, partly because of the mission, and partly because he knew that the soul in Pei Yin's body was "Huo Lian".

But Pei Yin and "Huo Lian" had completely different appearances and personalities, and Lu Shijin couldn't convince himself to treat them equally.

Although he didn't reject Pei Yin, he couldn't be counted as unswervingly affectionate.

Lu Shijin was in a complicated mood. He didn't understand how Pei Yin could see that he showed affection for him, let alone why Pei Yin suddenly fell in love with him.

Could it be because you rolled the sheets a few times? Is it really love for a long time?

In the original plot, the emotional entanglement between Lu Shijin, Pei Yin, Xue Xiao, and Mo Bo is a great point of the show.

If Lu Shijin accepted Pei Yin's confession at this time, it would not only collapse the character design, but also lose the following highlights, which would not be worth the loss.

So, Lu Shijin calmly withdrew his hand, and the expression on Zhang Li's face didn't change much.

"In the current situation, don't say such absolute words, you may be affected by pheromones..."

Before he could finish speaking, Pei Yin grabbed Lu Shijin's hand again.

In order to make Lu Shijin believe in himself, Pei Yin actually surrendered his identity and knelt down on one knee in front of him, putting one hand on his chest to make an oath.

Lu Shijin: "…"

The young man was obviously overwhelmed by love, and he couldn't listen to anything he said.

How about an Omega who is willing to give birth to a child for you and help you out of danger, isn't it worth loving?

Pei Yin's blue eyes are full of the shadow of Lu Shijin, "Don't doubt my sincerity, I will say these words not to deceive you and use you, nor to be influenced by pheromones, I really like you."

Hearing the fiery and straightforward declaration of love, Lu Shijin's whole body's blood boiled, and he almost mistakenly thought it was an upsurge and made a comeback.

Lu Shijin's heart was about to move: "Fuck, the attack launched by the little wolf dog is too fierce, I really can't stand it anymore, should I accept it or accept it or accept it!"

711 shouted anxiously: "Stop! Don't accept it! The villain is the one you should love!"

Lu Shijin: "But the villain is also me!"

711 said sternly: "So what! Isn't it delicious to attack yourself?!"

Lu Shijin: ...Gan! What a tiger's word!

Lu Shijin has nothing to do. According to his plan, he can't respond to Pei Yin's feelings yet.

If Pei Yin is a love-minded person, as written in the script, he escapes and comes back to save him desperately, and he loses his life in vain, that would be bad.

Therefore, he can only hard-heartedly refuse Pei Yin's courtship and give him no hope.

"But I don't like you." Lu Shijin stood up, ignoring Pei Yin, who was still kneeling on the ground, and sat back on the bed with a distant attitude, "Your Highness, you know now, I'm actually an Omega, the reason why I pretend to be Alpha, it's because I don't want to be a plaything in the hands of nobles. They are all the same people, but why are they divided into three, six or nine? I am not convinced. So, Your Highness, I am willing to help you, and you must also agree to a condition for me."

Pei Yin felt a little heartache when he heard Lu Shijin say he didn't like him.

He put down his sworn hand on his chest, stood up, and asked in a polite manner, "What conditions?"

Lu Shijin raised his jaw, and there seemed to be a jumping flame in his eyes.

The cold voice said unhurriedly: "If you have the opportunity to ascend the throne, order the repeal of all laws that are unfair to Omega, allow Omega to participate in politics, and at the same time, I will be the second most powerful person in the empire."

Under one person, over ten thousand people, this is a considerable ambition.

Pei Yin pulled his lips bleakly: "How can you be sure that I can get out of here?"

Lu Shijin looked at him and said decisively, "Because I will help you."

Pei Yin didn't believe that Lu Shijin had such great ability, but after thinking for a moment, he smiled suddenly.

"Okay, I promise you."

There is no worse situation than now, and it is good to have a little bit of good fantasy.

Pei Yin walked to Lu Shijin with elegant steps, looked down at him condescendingly, a shallow dimple floated on his cheek, and his smile was charming and evil.

"But the person with the second highest power in the empire is not only the prime minister, but also the queen of the empire. I don't know which one do you want to be?"

Pei Yin is promising him the queen's position, what is this? A marriage proposal in disguise? !

"Whoosh", Cupid's arrow hit the bullseye!

Lu Shijin wished that he could just abandon whoever is so reserved, and throw the little wolfdog who was suicidal and flirtatious directly.

Lu Shijin held back the boiling animal blood and didn't turn into a wolf, his white face was frosty, "His Royal Highness, instead of joking with me, might as well work harder and let me conceive a child sooner is the real thing."

"Are you the craze?" Pei Yin asked softly.

Lu Shijin looked up at him, "No."

Pei Yin sighed regretfully: "That can't be done."

"Why?" Lu Shijin was cold on the surface, but he was crying frantically in his heart: Come on, what can you do and can't do? Go! Don't pity me just because I'm a delicate flower!

Pei Yin raised his eyebrows, looking distressed, "If the craze doesn't come, the chances of conception will drop."

Lu Shijin sneered, "Can't think of another way?"

"There is a way." A childish smile appeared on Pei Yinjunmei's face, "Alpha can use pheromones to induce a boom in Omega, Major Lu, are you ready?"

Wow! Stimulate! Can you still play like this?

Lu Shijin didn't answer, he fell back and lay on the bed, the meaning could not be more obvious.

Pei Yin let out a low laugh, and then, a vast and turbulent wave came up from all directions...

At night, Lu Shijin pulled his consciousness away and returned to Xue Xiao.

The place where the blood owl hides is an underground military base.

The strength of the organization "Scarlet Rose" far exceeded the estimates of the empire.

Lu Shijin checked the situation in the base through a remote monitor. The weapon resources in reserve alone are enough to destroy a planet.

As for the blood owl's subordinates, the backgrounds are also extremely complicated. Apart from the notorious villains known on the surface, there are even more who secretly work for the blood owl.

People with low status are like beggars wandering on the streets, people with high status may even be ministers who hold important positions in the empire, and all the people you can’t imagine may be the eyeliners of blood owls.

Lu Shijin sighed that such a powerful force, if it could be used by him, it would be easy to support Peyin's ascension to the throne.

However, although the blood owl is the leader of the Scarlet Rose, many small leaders are dissatisfied with the domineering and tyranny of the blood owl for a long time, and have many different hearts.

Scarlet Rose has been fighting against the government before, and it is not easy to convince this group of vicious criminals to support the crown prince of the empire.

711 read the information of Scarlet Rose to Lu Shijin, and Lu Shijin rummaged through Xue Xiao's desk.

When I turned to the bottom drawer, I turned out a thick book from the inside.

Lu Shijin took it out with great interest and opened it, but he couldn't understand a single word written on it.

"Which language is this?" Lu Shijin asked.

711 stopped and said, "It's interstellar text."

Lu Shijin: "You can translate it."

A faint layer of white light appeared on the book, and Lu Shijin took a closer look, and the crooked interstellar characters became the Chinese he knew.

It turns out that this is a diary, the author Xue Xiao.

The pages of the diary are yellowed and look old.

Lu Shijin turned down page by page, and turned out an unknown past.

The diary was probably recorded by the blood owl when he was a teenager.

The biological father of the blood owl was a fallen noble in the empire, and his mother was an Omega woman raised by the noble family.

When the blood owl was born, a genetic test found that his genetic excellence exceeded 95% of newborns.

This means that this child is likely to become an Alpha with peak mental power in the future.

The blood owl's father was ecstatic, and if so, this child would be the hope of reviving the family.

Good fortune can make people, after the blood owl differentiates, it does differentiate into an Alpha, but the glands are born defective and cannot release pheromones.

Alpha's mental power and pheromones are equally important. The mental power is used to control the mecha to fight, and the pheromone is used to suppress the enemy.

And an Alpha without pheromone empty, no matter how strong the mental power, is still a disability.

Xue Xiao's father was very disappointed. With such a child, he would become the laughing stock of other nobles, so he ruthlessly expelled Xue Xiao and his mother from the house.

Since then, the blood owl has hated those nobles in the empire who regard genes as extremely important.

No wonder the blood owl wanted to create the most powerful Alpha to help him usurp power.

He wanted to take revenge in this way and hit the old stubborn faces of the empire.

"I can suddenly understand why the blood owl is such an anti-social personality," Lu Shijin said with a sigh, "Isn't this the interstellar world after 2000? Bloodline inheritance is so important?"

711 said: "There is no way, resources are limited, this is a society where the weak eat the strong, and the weak do not deserve to talk about rights."

Lu Shijin patted the table angrily: "Omegas are weak, so they are not human? Why can't they have things like freedom, equality, justice, and the rule of law? It doesn't conform to the core socialist values ​​at all!"

711: "Don't get excited, this is acting, not real."

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "Fortunately, I'm here, this unequal world is about to change."

711: …Why do you suddenly have a sense of sight in the late stage of the second-stage disease?

In order to avoid the exposure of Mobo's spy's identity, the blood owl still kept Mobo's and Nip's eyeliners together and did not release them.

Lu Shijin summoned him in another dungeon in the base as a blood owl.

Maybe it was because he felt guilty for betraying Pei Yin, Mo Bo's mental state didn't look very good, and there was always a look of remorse in his eyes.

Mo Bo's life experience is also very tortuous. Like the blood owl, he is an Alpha whose glands are naturally disabled.

The family felt that the existence of Mo Bo was a scandal, and wanted to deal with Mo Bo secretly.

Fortunately, Mo Bo escaped with his life, and the homeless became a wandering beggar on the street.

Later, Mo Bo met the blood owl, maybe the blood owl felt that Mo Bo was very similar to himself.

The big devil who has always been cold-blooded actually moved his heart of compassion and brought Mo Bo back to the base for careful cultivation.

The relationship between Xue Xiao and Mo Bo is both a teacher and a friend. Xue Xiao gave all his skills to Mo Bo, and wanted to cultivate Mo Bo into another self.

Although Mo Bo was grateful for the life-saving grace of the blood owl, he did not like the blood owl ignoring his wishes and forcing him to do things he didn't want to do.

Later, Mo Bo was sent by the blood owl to the royal army as an undercover agent and became Paine's adjutant.

The young Crown Prince is handsome, gentle and courteous, with an excellent demeanor.

Getting along with each other day and night, Mo Bo couldn't help but fall in love with his superior.

So when he received Xue Xiao's order to betray Pei Yin, he was very resistant in his heart.

It is a pity that the regulations of the organization, those who do not obey the order will die, and Mobo can only obey.

After Pei Yin was captured, Mo Bo endured the torment in his heart all the time.

If he could go back in time, he would rather die himself than help Pei Yin escape the trap!

"Mo Bo, tell me, what are you thinking?" Xue Xiao stood in front of Mo Bo, the silver eyes behind the mask staring at him like torches.

Mo Bo guiltily lowered his head and dared not look directly into Xue Xiao's eyes, "No, no."

Xue Xiao waved his hand to let the guard leave, walked around behind Mo Bo, and said coldly, "You may not even know a lie. You have this problem since you were a child. When you lie, you dare not look me in the eyes."

There was a cold sweat on Mo Bo's forehead, and his hands clenched into fists unconsciously because of the tension.

Xue Xiao suddenly grabbed Mo Bo's wrist, forcing him to open his palm, and his hand felt sticky and wet.

"What are you nervous about?" Xue Xiao's voice suddenly dropped to gloomy and cold, "Let me guess, do you regret betraying Pei Yin?"

Mo Bo raised his head immediately, and his gray eyes were filled with the horror of being peeped out, "No!"

Xue Xiao laughed lowly, obviously not believing it, and suddenly asked, "Are you trying to save him?"

Mo Bo's eyes widened, and he didn't know how to answer, as if he was a transparent person in front of Xue Xiao, and Xue Xiao could see through all his thoughts at a glance.

He knew that the blood owl could not tolerate betrayal the most. He had seen the fate of those who betrayed, and without exception, the fate was tragic, and death was the lightest punishment.

Mo Bo instantly regretted that he had thoughts that he shouldn't have.

"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Xue Xiao hugged Mo Bo's head, and put the cold iron mask on Mo Bo's face.

Mo Bo felt the coolness on his cheeks, and couldn't help his scalp tingling, but he didn't dare to move, for fear that if he moved, his neck would be twisted in the next moment.

Who knows, Xue Xiao whispered in his ear: "Don't be afraid of the child, I'm not here to settle accounts with you. I can let Pei Yin go and promise not to hurt him, as long as you do as I say. Otherwise, Xue Xiao raised his head and said sullenly, "Do you remember Daru?"

Mo Bo certainly remembered the Alpha who leaked the organizational information and was sent to the Insect Star.

That punishment was carried out by Mo Bo, who saw Dalu being sucked out of his brain by the savage Zerg and turned into an inhuman monster.

"Yes, I will do as you ordered." Mo Bo agreed tremblingly.

He just wanted to slap himself hard now, how could he be so naive, thinking of betraying Xue Xiao?

Who is the blood owl? The most cold-blooded and tyrannical king of the dark forces in this galaxy!

Even if he escapes from the galaxy, he cannot escape from his palm!

"Very good." Xue Xiao gently stroked Mo Bo's face, his cold fingers wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead for him, looked at Mo Bo's fearful expression with satisfaction, and said, "Child , living is the most important thing, don't seek death by yourself."

After instructing Mo Bo what to do, Xue Xiao left the dungeon.

Lu Shijin recalled Mo Bo's expression just now and felt a little guilty, "Did I frighten the child too hard?"

711: "It's more than ruthless, I think he almost fainted from fright."

Lu Shijin insisted: "If you don't act like it, how can you deter him?"

711 silently complained: You are not like a devil, you are a devil.

On the morning of the sixth day, Lu Shijin was taken out of the cell where he and Pei Yin lived by Xue Xiao's men.

Pei Yin didn't know where Lu Shijin was taken, and was full of worry when the door of the cell was suddenly opened.

Two guards stood outside, holding Mauble and Longton.

"His Royal Highness!" Mo Bo saw Pei Yin, who he hadn't seen for many days, and was very surprised that he was okay, "It's great that you're okay!"

"Who are you?" Pei Yin suddenly saw two subordinates, a little unclear.

A guard said blankly: "Master Blood Owl is alive, the three of you can leave now."

Pei Yin didn't feel the joy of the rest of his life, and asked anxiously, "Why are there three people? Is there another one?"

The guard said: "Master Blood Owl only said that the three of you can leave, and we don't know anything about the others."

Of course Pei Yin didn't want to leave Lu Shijin behind, "Where's Lu Shijin? What happened to him? I want to know his condition!"

The guard ignored Pei Yin, and just kept urging: "I advise you to leave quickly before Lord Xue Xiao changes his mind. This is not a place to bargain."

Pei Yin was about to have a seizure with a livid face, and Mo Bo hurriedly advised: "His Royal Highness! Don't be impulsive! It was Major Lu who sacrificed himself, and Xue Xiao let us go! You didn't leave at this time, didn't you live up to his heart? "

When Pei Yin heard the words, his face was pale, his body swayed, and he dared not say anything: "What did you say?! What happened to him?"

Mo Bo knew that Pei Yin had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Don't worry, he is very safe, and there is no danger of his life, and he asked me to give this to you."

Mo Bo took out a cufflink and handed it to Pei Yin.

Pei Yin took it, and the color of pain gradually surfaced between his brows.

This is the agreement between him and Lu Shijin. If Lu Shijin confirms that he is pregnant, he will find an opportunity to give him something personal.

It must be because the pregnant Lu Shijin voluntarily stayed as a hostage, so Xue Xiao was willing to let them go!

Pei's grief was unbearable, and he wished he could take his place, but he remembered Lu Shijin's warning before he left.

It will be a long time to come to Japan, and only by leaving here can we find a way to rescue him in the future, and we must not be impulsive.

Pei Yin's expression was nothing more than a dead heart. He followed the guards out of the cell, clutching the cufflinks in his hands all the way. The cufflinks ripped through his palms, and blood seeped from his palms and flowed all the way.

When Lu Shijin saw Pei Yin on the monitor so sad, he couldn't bear it.

He sincerely asked 711 for advice: "Convenience store, what do you think if a prince knew that the devil who kidnapped his lover was actually the same person as his lover, what would he do?"

The author has something to say:

711: Of course it will turn black!

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!