The guard blindfolded the three of them with black cloth, took them out of the cell, pushed them onto an aircraft, and locked them in the flight cabin.

The aircraft is set with an automatic flight program, and the flight cabin can not be opened until it reaches the designated location.

The location of the Scarlet Rose Base could not be exposed, so the situation outside could not be seen in the flight cabin, but fortunately, the freedom of movement of the three of them was not restricted.

Not knowing how long it would take to fly, Mo Bo found some food in the flight cabin and brought it to Pei Yin.

Pei Yin's mental state looked very bad, it could even be said that he was in a trance.

Not only did this operation end in failure before it even started, but when the team of four set out, there were only three people left.

In order to save him, Lu Shijin was willing to stay as a hostage of the blood owl, and he was pregnant.

When Pei Yin thought of this, his heart clenched.

"His Royal Highness, eat something." Mo Bo handed the water to Pei Yin and looked at him worriedly.

Pei Yin took a sip of the water and suddenly grabbed Mo Bo's hand, "Mo Bo, let's fly the aircraft back! Major Lu is still in their hands, we have to save him!"

Mo Bo was stunned, recalling Xue Xiao's order yesterday, ordering him not to let Pei Yin turn back no matter what happened.

At that time, he didn't understand why Xue Xiao gave such an order, but now he understands, Xue Xiao must have expected that Pei Yin would go back to save people.

"His Royal Highness, we finally had a chance to leave, and now we are going to die." Mo Bo discussed in a good voice, "We can go back first, and then let the imperial people come to negotiate with the blood owl in exchange for Major Lu. Your Highness, Major Lu He sacrificed himself to make Xue Xiao promise to let us go, so I can't live up to his painstaking efforts!"

Of course Pei Yin understands that now is not the time to be blindly impulsive, but as long as he thinks that Lu Shijin is staying there, his life and death are uncertain, he can't help but want to turn the aircraft.

"I want to go back to you," Longton, who had been silent, said suddenly gloomily, "I don't want to go back to that horrible place again."

Longton is a small Alpha with a flexible body and is good at mecha combat, but without the mecha, his combat power is not even comparable to a strong Beta.

Moreover, he was originally under Nip's order to monitor Pei Yin, and of course he did not want to follow Pei Yin's adventure.

Mobo raised his head and glanced coldly in Longton's direction. Longton was stunned by Mobo's icy gaze, and he touched his nose and stopped expressing his opinion.

Before leaving, the guards returned them the weapons and communicators they brought, and now they are all scattered on the barn.

Longton walked over and picked up his matching wooden warehouse, carefully wiped the wooden warehouse with a towel, inserted it into the wooden warehouse cover around his waist, and went to the bathroom.

"Your Highness, something is wrong with Longton." Mo Bo said in a low voice, "I suspect Longton is a spy. I'm afraid he will be detrimental to us."

Pei Yin glanced in the direction of the bathroom and was suspicious: "Long Dun is a spy? Why do you have such doubts?"

Mo Bo said: "I overheard what the guard said. He said that thanks to someone passing on information, they were able to catch us so quickly. Your Highness, you can rule out Major Lu first, then the remaining suspects are me and Longton. Of course, Your Highness, you can also suspect that it is me. After all, I can't prove my innocence."

Pei Yin looked at his adjutant with complicated eyes, and then patted Mo Bo's shoulder with a light smile, "Of course I believe you, we have fought side by side so many times, if even you and I can't believe it, I really I don't know who else I can trust."

Mo Bo's tense heartstrings loosened, and he smiled gratified.

"Thank you for your trust, I swear that I will always be loyal to you!"

Mo Bo vowed to show his loyalty, but Pei Yin's expression was indifferent after listening to it.

He said: "If Longton is really a spy, then we have to find a way to make him show his fox's tail."

Mo Bo nodded in agreement, "There is still time before landing, I will keep an eye on him to see if he will make any move."

The automatic flight time set on the aircraft is twelve hours. After twelve hours, the aircraft will land on the outskirts of the capital.

Four hours before the landing, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night.

At two o'clock in the morning, people are the most sleepy, and their alertness to the outside world will be minimized.

There was only one bed in the flight cabin, and it was a matter of course for Paine to rest, while Mau Bo and Longton sat on the ground against the wall to take a nap.

Until he heard Pein and Mo Bo's breathing became long and clear in the dark, Longton suddenly opened his eyes in the corner, and his eyes flickered.

He stood up very lightly, walked quietly to the bed where Pei Yin was sleeping, took out the wooden warehouse on his waist, and aimed at the unaware Pei Yin.

In addition to letting Longton monitor Pein's every move, Nip also gave Longton an order.

"If Pei Yin comes back alive, then it's up to you to kill him and blame Pei Yin's death on Xue Xiao."

The king's order was that the crown prince could not be allowed to return to the capital alive.

With a single pull of the trigger, Longton's mission is complete.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly felt something cold and hard hit the back of his head.

"Longdon, you can't help it anymore."

Mo Bo's ghostly voice sounded behind him, and Longton's cold sweat dripped down.

Mo Bo: "I'll count to three, put down the wooden warehouse, or I'll cut a hole in your little head."

Long Dun thought that his identity as a spy had been exposed. It would be death to put down the wooden warehouse and let Pei Yin go back alive. He did not complete the task assigned by His Majesty the King, and he was also dead.

He gritted his teeth and ignored Mo Bo's threat. He bent his fingers and was about to pull the trigger, but suddenly all his strength seemed to be taken away, the wooden warehouse fell from his hand, and the man fell to his knees.

While sitting up leisurely from the bed, Pei released his own pheromones to mentally suppress Longton.

This world is like this, the strong are respected, and the weak can only kneel on the ground and obey.

The young Crown Prince has experienced too many things in a few days, and his temperament is no longer as gentle and humble as before, and more and more in line with the domineering power that an Alpha should have.

Pei Yin's brows were frosted, and there was no warmth in Longton's blue eyes, "Who sent you?"

Longton kept his mouth shut, Pei Yin released more pheromones, and this time even Mo Bo was affected, and he almost couldn't hold back his knees.

Alphas are extremely repulsive of each other's pheromone, because other Alpha's pheromone is a kind of mental torture to them.

When you encounter an Alpha whose strength is stronger than yourself, and smell their pheromones, you will be uncontrollably fearful and panic.

Ronton was completely prostrate on the ground, except that his back was still heaving to prove that he was breathing, and the rest looked no different from a dead dog.

"You don't want to talk now, I have the means to get you to speak." Peiyin stood up, stepped on Longton's fingers, and lowered his head to look down at him, "I heard that you are most proud of these hands, if I put It crushes, can you still use it to control the mech?"

Longton clenched his teeth tightly and did not speak.

Pei Yin chuckled in the dark, and continued in a low tone: "Or, destroy your glands, you are already short, if you don't have glands, even the weakest Omega can't compare, do you think How?"

What Peyin said was like a poisonous snake biting Longton's dead end, and what he cared most about was someone talking about his body.

Although those tall and mighty Alphas looked down on him, there was no denying that he was a real Alpha.

But if there is no fig leaf like Alpha, even Omega can't match, then he might as well die!

Is this still the Crown Prince he knows well? It was said that Derain Payne had inherited the modesty and courtesy of the previous king, and was a personable gentleman.

Longton struggled to raise his head and looked at Peiin, Peiin's face was blurred against the light, but Longton seemed to see something terrible.

His body trembled, and he didn't know if it was fear or fear.

"You devil!" Longton finally spoke, his voice hoarse and gritted his teeth lowly.

Pein's toes pressed **** Longton's fingers, and Longton screamed in pain.

As if he hadn't heard Longton's screams, Pei Yin said coldly, "It's good to know it hurts. Since you've already spoken, then tell me everything you know."

Before the aircraft landed, Longton poured out everything Nip had instructed him to do, like pouring out beans one by one.

Including the shady deal between Nip and the Blood Owl.

Pei Yin understood that his uncle, the careerist who robbed the throne that should belong to him, betrayed him to another demon.

Therefore, their operation is destined to fail, and he is destined to become the prisoner of the blood owl.

But how innocent is Lu Shijin! He should have stayed there as a hostage, not Lu Shijin!

Lu Shijin was in danger only to save him, and even gave up the secret that he was an Omega for more than ten years, and conceived a child for him!

Anger rose in Pei Yin's blue eyes, and a surging hatred rose in his heart.

Deran Nipp, you will pay for what you do!

Four hours later, the aircraft landed in a desolate suburb of the capital.

At this moment, it was just dawn, the sky was only half lit, and the other half was still dark.

"His Royal Highness, where are we going now?" Mo Bo escorted Long Dun and walked out of the flight cabin.

Pei Yin faced in the direction of the still dark night, his handsome face cast a shadow, "Go to the Prime Minister's house."

At the same time, Lu Shijin, who was behind the aircraft that Pein and the others were riding in, had been secretly observing the situation in the flight cabin.

I was very relieved to see Pei Yin's ruthless and decisive handling of Longton.

The little wolf dog has grown up.

Early in the morning, Prime Minister Lu was about to leave for office in the Prime Minister's Office, but an unexpected guest was welcomed at home.

It was the first time that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince visited in person.

His Excellency the Prime Minister hurriedly invited His Royal Highness the Crown Prince into the door. When he saw that only Pei Yin and two other subordinates had arrived, his heart sank.

"Didn't His Highness go to catch the blood owl?" Prime Minister Lu asked, "When did you come back? Is the mission completed?"

Pei Yin had a sad face, and looked guiltily at the white-haired old man who had dedicated his life to the empire.

"Mission... failed."

Prime Minister Lu swayed slightly and asked eagerly, "That dog?"

Pei Yin supported him, "Don't worry, Major Lu's life is not in danger for the time being, but he was held as a hostage by Xue Xiao. This is the case, listen to me and tell you slowly..."

Pei Yin told Prime Minister Lu the ins and outs of the matter, but now there are so many people talking, Pei Yin concealed the fact that Lu Shijin's Omega's identity had been discovered, and also filtered out the fact that he and Lu Shijin were forced to have children by Xue Xiao. humiliation.

After listening to the silence for a long time, Prime Minister Lu slowly sat down on the chair, "As a minister, it is his duty to sacrifice for His Royal Highness. The matter has come to this point, His Highness does not need to blame himself too much."

Pei Yin: "Major Lu is in prison because I am in prison, please believe me, I will definitely save him back."

Prime Minister Lu glanced at him lightly, "Then thank your Highness first."

Prime Minister Lu was originally on the side of Nip, so Pei was not surprised by his attitude.

Payne: "There's one more thing you might need to know."

Prime Minister Lu: "What's the matter?"

Pein asked Mo Bo to bring Longton to his front, "This is the Royal Army's mecha division Longton, one of our team members in this operation, and he will tell you why we are in the blood owl. The blood owl knows it when you show up on the site, say it, Longton, repeat what you just told me on the way back, and repeat it to the Prime Minister."

Longton drooped his head, and without the suppression of pheromones, he became dead and unable to speak.

Pei Yin smiled gently towards Prime Minister Lu, "He is a little stubborn, and he may need some little help before he is willing to speak."

After saying that, he winked at Mo Bo, and Mo Bo kicked Longton's knee, and Longton knelt on the ground in embarrassment. Then Mo Bo took out the wooden warehouse and shot Longton's calf.

In the quiet living room, there was a heart-piercing mourning sound.

When Prime Minister Lu heard the sound of the wooden warehouse, he immediately bounced off his chair and stared at Pei in horror, not understanding what he was trying to do.

"Are you willing to speak now?" Peiyin asked Longton softly, still with that gentle and polite look on his face, his smile unabated.

Longton was pressed to the ground by the expressionless Mobo, and a blood hole was punched out in his leg, which quickly stained the precious carpet.

Ignoring Prime Minister Lu's suspicious eyes, Pei Yin asked, "Who sent you to my side?"

Longton: "Yes... Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Payne: "What did he ask you to do?"

Longton: "Watch you!"

Pei Yin: "What else?"

Longton took a deep breath, "Pass the message."

Pei Yin unbuttoned the top two buttons on his uniform, obviously losing his patience with such a question and answer method: "For whom?"

Longton was already trembling, "Give it to the blood owl."

A hint of surprise flashed in Prime Minister Lu's eyes, but the wily man quickly calmed down, and instead he asked: "Why did Your Majesty let you pass the news to the blood owl?"

Longton glanced at Peiyin, Peiin's expression was warm, but Longton quickly lowered his head as if he had seen an evil spirit, "Your Majesty...think, borrow the hand of the blood owl...get rid of His Highness...I have already done everything. I explained, can you let me live?"

Pei Yin ignored Longton's plea and looked at Prime Minister Lu, "Did you hear that? Our king actually colluded with the dark forces. This action was originally a dead end for me, but it affected Major Lu. I really It is very sad. Your Majesty, has your Majesty never mentioned this to you?"

Prime Minister Lu: "...No."

Pei Yin frowned, "So, he just watched your son get involved in danger and didn't stop him? You have always been loyal to him."

Prime Minister Lu finally understood Pei Yin's purpose this time.

The young crown prince finally couldn't hold back his dissatisfaction with the king, and came to him to sow discord.

Prime Minister Lu straightened his back and said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "Your Majesty always has his own intentions for doing this, and a courtier dare not speculate on the thoughts of His Majesty. It is his honor that the dog can participate in this operation, and it is also his honor to save His Highness. His duty, I have no complaints."

Pei Yin nodded with a smile, his blue eyes revealing his appreciation, "Your Excellency the Prime Minister, it is a blessing for the empire to have a minister like you."

Prime Minister Lu: "Is there anything else your Highness has to do? If not, I have to go to the Prime Minister's Office to handle official business."

This is an order to evict guests, and Pei Yin is not annoyed, so Mo Bo picks up Longton, who is like a dead dog on the ground, and intends to leave.

"I'm very sorry for soiling your carpet today. I'll order someone to bring a new one to my house."

How could Prime Minister Lu care about the carpet with Pei Yin, he just wanted to send away this evil spirit who committed murder in front of him as soon as possible.

After sending Pei Yin away and knowing the truth of this "hunting" operation, Prime Minister Lu had no intention of going out.

The housekeeper came in and saw the blood all over the floor, shocked, "What's the matter, my lord? Are you alright?"

Prime Minister Lu waved his hand wearily, "I'm fine, wait for someone to clean up."

Seeing the wrong expression on his lord's face, the housekeeper asked worriedly, "Does your lord have any troubles?"

"Nowadays, he was held hostage by the blood owl."

Prime Minister Lu is the only son of Lu Shijin. Although he is an Omega, he has high hopes for him since he was a child.

Although he just didn't show his dissatisfaction with Nip in front of Pein, but his only son is in the hands of a vicious thug, how could he not worry about being a parent.

Prime Minister Lu was on fire, but Fannip revealed to him a little bit of wind before he acted, and he would not allow his son to take risks!

It seems that the king he supports wholeheartedly does not take his son, or even himself, seriously at all!

The housekeeper was shocked: "What should I do then?"

Prime Minister Lu sorted out his uniform, "Prepare the car, I want to go to the palace to meet His Majesty and ask him to find a way to save people."

But as soon as he stepped out, he hesitated again, and suddenly slapped his forehead.

"This little prince is very refined!"

The housekeeper didn't understand, "Sir, what did you say?"

Prime Minister Lu had an ugly face and muttered to himself, "He didn't go anywhere when he came back and came to me directly. My son was arrested. His Majesty will doubt whether I will hold any resentment in my heart, and even doubt that I will because of Dissatisfied with him, betrayed him and colluded with Pei Yin, after all, our majesty is extremely suspicious. His trick is really clever!"

The housekeeper listened in a fog, "Sir, what are you talking about?"

Prime Minister Lu sneered: "I underestimated him. I didn't expect that the cat would grow into a tiger after taking a nap."

"Then are you still in the palace?" the butler asked.

Prime Minister Lu kept his face calm and did not speak.

Presumably now that the news of Pein's coming to his house has reached Nip's ears.

He now enters the palace and asks Nip to save his son. If Nip agrees, it will be fine.

He had been the Prime Minister for ten years, and it was hard to guarantee that Nip had never suspected him.

Pei's actions are equivalent to planting a seed of mistrust between the prime minister and the king, a mine that could be detonated at any time.

Pei Yin came out of the Lu family, did not enter the palace for an audience, and returned to his mansion directly.

At noon, Nip's inner courtier personally came to invite Pei Yin to enter the palace, but Pei Yin coldly refused.

Pein threw Longton directly to the inner courtier and asked him to take it back to Nip, claiming that what His Majesty the King wanted to know, just ask Longton directly.

It was obvious that he wanted to oppose Nip.

But when he did this, Nip didn't dare to act rashly for the time being.

With so many eyes watching, if something happens to the crown prince, the king will be the biggest suspect.

Pei Yin has been tense for a long time, and for many days he has only relied on nutritional supplements to maintain his physical strength. No matter how strong his body is, Alpha can't bear it.

In the dead of night, although Pei Yin was still worried about landing now, he couldn't resist his body's instinct and finally fell asleep.

Suddenly, in the dark night, a figure escaped the countless sentries and monitors in the Crown Prince's mansion, and sneaked into Peyin's room as if it appeared out of thin air.

"Hey, this teleportation card is quite useful." Lu Shijin stabilized his body and communicated with 711 about his experience in using the new card, "But don't you think teleportation cards are anti-scientific? It seems to be more suitable for the magical world? Why Interstellar? A background too?"

711 said calmly: "Haven't you heard a word? Indecisive, quantum mechanics."

Lu Shijin: ...God TM quantum mechanics!

"But I have to thank this card so that I can see my little prince." In order to avoid being discovered, Lu Shijin was dressed like a blood owl, wrapped in a black cloak, blending with the darkness in the room.

He walked to Pei Yin's bed and quietly watched his sleeping face.

Lu Shijin saw what Pei Yin looked like when he was angry today, and there was bloodthirsty and cruelty hidden under the gentle and harmless appearance.

This is like an Alpha about to become a king.

But now Pei Yin has a peaceful sleeping face, long and thick eyelashes cover his azure blue eyes, and the center of his eyebrows wrinkle from time to time because of a dream.

Lu Shijin carefully stretched out his fingers, smoothed the folds between his foreheads, and said in a very soft voice, "Sleep well my little prince, we will meet again soon."

He pulled out a red rose from behind and placed it beside Pein's pillow, looking at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

The little prince or something goes best with roses.

Lu Shijin stayed in Pei Yin's room for a while, and did not leave until 711 reminded him not to leave when Pei Yin woke up.

As soon as he walked outside, he heard a low voice in the corner making him stop.

"Stop! Who!"

Lu Shijin looked at the man nonchalantly, and saw Mo Bo unsurprisingly.

It was Mo Bo's turn to be on duty tonight. When the inspector saw the familiar mask and cloak, he was very surprised: "Lord Blood Owl?"

"It's me," Lu Shijin continued to walk out, "Go out and say."

Mo Bo led Lu Shijin to a corner of the unmonitored garden, and asked respectfully, "Are you here to find me? If you have any orders, you can actually convey them to me through the personal terminal."

Lu Shijin didn't explain, he couldn't say, I came to visit your Highness's boudoir at night, and I happened to be met by you.

Lu Shijin: "You pushed Longton out today to clean yourself up. Well done, Pei Yin should have dispelled your doubts about you."

Mo Bo: "It's the adults who see things clearly."

Mo Bo still felt guilty for betraying Pei Yin, but he didn't dare to show it in front of Xue Xiao.

Lu Shijin: "Stay by Pei's side to protect him. I will inform you about what to do next."

Mo Bo did not dare to ask more questions, and answered mechanically: "Yes."

Lu Shijin: "Go back, I'm leaving."

Mobo: "Don't you need me to send you? There are sentries and monitors everywhere."

Lu Shijin laughed softly behind the mask: "Do you think these things can beat me?"

Mo Bo stared blankly at the figure of the blood owl suddenly disappearing into the vast darkness.

He didn't notice that behind him, there was a figure standing in front of the bedroom window on the second floor, holding a rose in his hand, staring thoughtfully at the night outside the window.

The author has something to say:

Little wolf dog blackening progress: 50%