Early in the morning, the palace of Zhong Lougang over seven loud, Wang Houkaxiya have woke up, she was wearing luxurious silk robe, sitting in front of the dressing table by the maid to help her to freshen up.

Although already an eighteen-year-old child's mother, but in the mirror Ka Xiya queen still glamorous.

Payne looks largely inherited advantages queen.

Especially the two eyes, are the same dark blue night sky looks like the deep, like a vast sea, full of mysterious attraction.

"The Queen, His Royal Highness asked to see outside." Maid came hurriedly informed.

Ka Xiya a son's safe return, and unable to control themselves joy, quickly stood up:. "Just let him in."

Payne quickly into the rest room of the queen, first saluted neatly.

Ka Xiya Pingtui around, happy to give his son a hug, "My child, you finally come back, like nothing."

Payne just gently patted his mother's back, and did not give much enthusiastic response.

Ka Xiya looked up and looked Payne, blue eyes overflowing distressed, "how not seen only a few days, you're haggard so much?"

Payne said dismissively: "Because these days I have been detained in the **** rose dungeon, almost never come back."

Ka Xiya alarmed, Payne looked up and down excitedly asked: "?? How can so you do not hurt it."

"No, it was sacrificing himself to save me, I'm OK." Payne said, "his mother, I have something you want to say."

Ka Xiya will be pulled Payne sat on the sofa, kindly asked: "? Do you want me to say."

"This operation failed because someone betrayed me." Payne said bluntly, "That man is His Majesty."

Ka Xiya Wei Zheng big eyes, he tried to question, Payne interrupted her: "You do not doubt that I've caught him sent to spy around me, the spy confessed everything."

Ka Xiya look white, made a sudden heavy breathing again.

"How could this be?" Ka Xiya muttered in disbelief, "he clearly promised I will not hurt you, he and I have sworn ..."

Payne sneer, said: "He is not personally against me, he wanted to get rid of me under the guise of someone else's hand, so as not to violate your oath of."

Ka Xiya still can not believe that she firmly grasp the hand of Payne, "is not any misunderstanding? I know you've been unhappy for him, but for so many years, he has been very good to you ..."

"Queen, By now you are also willing to face the truth?" Payne coldly out of his hand, "the spies called Long Dayton, Imperial Army in a lot of people know him, I came back've put people back to the Neptune, if he has not been put to death, you can now go to Neptune dignitaries come over there for questioning. "

Payne would have said this on, Ka Xiya not believe even then, could not find an excuse to justify to Neptune.

One side is her husband, while the child, Ka Xiya know what to do, "how could this be ..."

"His mother, I have to ask you a question." Payne suddenly stood up.

Ka Xiya breathed and looked up, looked at his tall son, the heart suddenly did not feel the origin of the panic, "What, what?"

"My father died when I was younger, a lot of things you did and I said carefully." Payne face Lengsu, Chen Sheng asked, "Then I investigated, the father is at the time of inspection the south, take the aircraft thruster experience a failure, it will crash plane crash, right? "

Ka Xiya weeping eye, "Yes."

Payne looked down at her, continue to ask: "I think it is reasonable that the father of that patrol the southern, in accordance with past practice, should be accompanied by the queen, but why you did not accompany his father to go along?"

Ka Xiya face brush look white, looked shocked to see to Payne, the sound became acute.

"What do you mean?! You mean, I have to have on that aircraft accident aircraft, were killed along with your father that you just feel reasonable?!"

"Of course I do not mean it." Payne quiet eyes looked at the Queen, and asked, "I just want to know why, please tell me why you did not accompany his father to go along?"

Ka Xiya Xi lips together motility, "too old thing, I forgot ... I may be sick ... or is there something else I delayed ..."

Payne: "So the dead father is so important in your mind, you actually forgot?"

Ka Xiya: "Payne, my child, you are in doubt you doubt my own mother murdered your father??"

"Of course you will not, but can not guarantee that someone else will." Payne mouth coldly hook down, "I wonder if you remember a man named Olivia's maid? I remember her serve your long, can since his father's death, and I have not seen her. You say it happens, Two days ago, someone sent her to my mansion. "

"Oh, Li?" Ka Xiya heard the name, suddenly surface, such as ashes, "she still alive?"

"What, she should die?" Payne mouth formed sarcastic, "Is it because she knows you and Neptune having an affair, she **** it?"

Ka Xiya eyes filled with tears, tried to catch the hand of Payne, Payne was dodged, poor Queen did not stand fell to the ground, scattered waist blonde draped over his face, covered her face shame on.

Pei because of abnormal cold voice: "You and Neptune affair is that his father, then he intended to make a final decision on the crime committed by the two of you after patrol south, but Neptune can be the first step in moving the hands and feet on the aircraft It killed him and stole the throne! truth, is not it?! "

Ka Xiya painfully sobbing loudly, embarrassed covered his face.

"Do not, I beg you not to mention ..."

This buried in the heart of Ka Xiya secret is that she can never get rid of the nightmare.

Eighteen years ago, her first love and Midlands · Neptune, but then he was the father of Payne Crosses.

The man is the king of the empire, Ka Xiya not resist, unwilling to marry only with the Midlands VI.

But after marriage, she and Neptune failed to restrain heart of love, often taking advantage of the absence of the Midlands VI affair after the palace.

But Murder, adultery Ka Xiya and Neptune was eventually found Midlands VI.

Mother VI endless wrath, but because of the man's face and royal dignity, he did not quiet the scandal.

Intended to come back again after a patrol in southern ruling on Ka Xiya and Neptune, Neptune did not think the first step hands-on than he tampered with the aircraft, causing the plane crash Midlands VI.

And Neptune, with the help of Ka Xiya, forgery Testament, took the throne.

"An unfaithful woman, and a despicable careerist, killed a generation of elite wise king," Payne can not be suppressed sneer aloud, pointing Ka Xiya palace in the bed, Nu Sheng asked, "Queen, you are slept in it every night and had to sleep with his father's bed, you do not have nightmares do?! "

"Stop it!" Ka Xiya screamed, disheveled climb up and over his chest, and cry, "You think I want that right? But I had no choice! I love people who are not your father Wang! but he because I'm the kind he needs to be able to give birth to his offspring Omega excellent, despite my resistance, I marked for life! in your eyes, he is a great father, but in my heart, he is a shameless rapist! "

"In memory of my childhood, an excellent father to you, no matter what you want, he will meet you, even if you are indifferent to him again." Payne was finally unable to maintain a calm expression, eyes showing the pain and grief, "but you can not only betrayed him, and also teamed up with the scumbag killed him!"

Ka Xiya sobbed: "I did not ... I absolutely did not want to kill your father."

"What now, Neptune finger of blame has been pointed at me," Payne pointed to his chest, "her husband and son, only a live, who you choose to stand aside? If you still choose to love, I do not You will hate, I am willing to go immediately in front of Neptune, so he killed me. "

"No!" Ka Xiya mad hugged Payne, looked up to see the tears Lian Lian Payne, do not know when her child has more resemblance kings, not only the looks, the more even temper be more like.

Yes ah, Payne, after all, the lifeblood of kings, and kings, as mild appearance, hidden in a chilled overbearing heart.

Ka Xiya Payne tried to touch the face, deep blue eyes full of sadness, "I will never let anyone hurt you! You are my children, my pregnant woman who fell off the meat, I could see how for you to die yet! "

"But I now know the truth! Do you think our Majesty will let me do?" Payne face tight but resolute, cold channel, "even if he is willing, I do not want to forgive him! I will personally taking him, under their lives and sent him to repent his father has done! "

Ka Xiya been crying into tears, no longer the usual dignified and elegant, broke down in tears and said: "? Why must so that I can persuade him not to hurt you ..."

"Three days later the palace banquet will be held, I will be hands-on in the banquet." Payne hold Ka Xiya shoulder, smiled at the bleak, "I have my plan will tell you, want her husband or son, You decide by yourself. "

Payne left the queen's palace, while another palace at the palace, the official chamberlain Ku Chung His Majesty the King and Neptune are reporting these days Payne's every move.

Driving a hologram desk, these days out of the official residence of the Crown Prince of human appearance and identity are displayed above.

Neptune did not look at the screen, head down and rubbed a casual style is very old revolver with sassafras wood storage warehouse cloth.

"He came out right from the queen palace?" Asked Gu Neptune weight.

Gu re-open the terminal on the wrist glanced individual, "he has left."

Neptune stopped wipe, silent child, faint smile and said: "? You guess, he would say and what the Queen."

Ku Chung: "I go now to find out."

"Well, do not guess I know, children grow up, grown up they want to find my revenge for his father." Neptune waved, mouth mocking his mouth, did not mind Leng Heng, "This back how long, but also see the Prime Minister is to see the queen, for fear that other people do not know what he wanted to do. he already knew how his father was dead, and will definitely want to tell the world running out of patience, I expose the crimes of the Qin Shushu. three days later the palace party, nobles and royal relatives going to come, then, is the best time of his hands. "

Chamberlain officer loyal to the king immediately asked: "Has Your Majesty have countermeasures?"

Neptune the revolver in his hand wooden warehouse rolled, re-Gu smiled and asked: "? You know what it is you"

Gu heavy things by the book replied: "revolver wooden warehouse, filled with multiple non-automatic mechanical wood barn a long time behind the weapon to be eliminated."

Neptune after the open bomb bay, loaded a bullet, turned down several wooden bomb bay hatch suddenly pointed at his temple.

Ku Chung too late to stop the screams, pulled the trigger against his forehead fired five shots!

But just listen to five sound crisp "click" sound, and no bullets among the expected play out.

Revolver wooden warehouse a total of six rounds of ammunition, actually sent five bullets did not hit, Neptune luck is good.

Ku Chung scared cold sweat coming out, alarmed and asked: "?! This is Your Majesty"

Neptune easily shrugged his shoulders, hand flick bomb bay open, remove the inside of the bullet, pinch at your fingertips.

"Do not worry, this is my gun has been improved too, no matter how many times the rotation, the bullet will be the last to play out."

Ku Chung took a deep breath, "So this is, minister just scared."

Neptune sound chuckle, "You've heard it a game?"

Gu heavy confused, "What?"

To "a life of gambling games, put a bullet in the revolver, aimed at his head, you shot, I shot, who shot dead, also lost." Neptune heavy gun throw Gu " in the banquet that day, I will make a man Payne gambling gun, when you took it out of the wooden warehouse. "

Gu thought heavy gun, hesitated to ask: "? But how do you determine Majesty Highness will agree to play this game Bet"

Neptune confidently lob the eyebrows, her voice cold and biting, "No, I do not let him play the game, but put him a way out. But, this way out, I have been blocked."

Ku Chung took the king gave him something to leave the palace, Neptune also confessed his other tasks, he boarded the aircraft was preparing to take off suddenly sank consciousness, fell into deep chaos, collapsed at the wheel .

Narrow control cabin, when the land here this morning re-Gu waited a long time.

He drilled out from underneath the main driving seat, patted the face of heavy Gu Gu re no response.

"This card is also good to use hypnosis ah, but also cheap, only 500 achievement points a, another day in exchange for a few out."

When this land was seized from the revolver heavy body care, Dian Ledian in his hand.

Gu content closeted Neptun and heavy, he knew that crystal clear, but the gun in the end what role, Neptune did not say it.

"The sixth bullet shot to the next," when this land thought for a moment did not come up with a clue, snappily Tucao, "This son of a **** in the end the old idea what to play."

711: "Anyway, it is not a good idea."

When this Pieliaopiezui land, "that is also."

He put away the gun, the Ku Chung moved from his seat down, drag the toilet cabin in flight, his hands clasped together in front thanks to a re-Gu worship.

"Sorry big brother wronged you sleep for a few days here."

Then commanded the 711 pairs of their own use of a "face-lift card," Gu transformed into a re-appearance.

When Gu wore a heavy face of this land and hook the hook lips, bright smile, "No matter what the idea of playing the old bastard, is three days after his death."

Three days later, the palace is open once a year, the day held a grand feast to celebrate the National Day of the palace.

On this day, all the prestigious status of nobles and aristocrats are invited to the palace for dinner.

It can be said that this is an imperial power control of them gathered in the banquet.

Huge dressing room belonging to the king, the Neptun has just put on uniforms, casually finishing ribbon chest.

Nuns Ku Chung took the initiative to help pull the ribbon behind the flat, while the probe report to the message: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Crown Prince who has been in the banquet hall, and his embattled pro-Guard is now outside the palace."

Neptune: "The Queen of it?"

Ku Chung: "Still getting dressed."

Neptune Lengheng voice: "A woman is dressed up trouble, people look to go after him, banquet began immediately, let her look at two of his sons," paused, seemed to be in a good mood mouth twitched. " after all, the future will see him again. "

Neptune hat and took photos in the full-length mirror, very satisfied with their tall and mighty image.

"I let you explain Dieffenbacher him to do, he will remember that clear? Do that time has gone wrong."

Dieffenbacher is Neptune's son, Wang Houkaxiya not born, but Neptune and another female Omega born children.

"His Royal Highness have been clear," Gu heavy respectfully said, "believe that the wisdom of His Highness, will certainly not let you down."

How much trust Neptune did for his son's IQ, Who he can have only one son.

Although Dieffenbacher qualification Payne worse than not know how many times, but finally seized the throne, it can not easily hand over to go back.

Neptune think the disappointing son headache, impatiently wrinkled brow, "I hope so now."

Neptune all dressed up, go outside the locker room, he walked half stopped, and commanded weight behind Gu: "Yes, wait a minute riot banquet will definitely happen, when you go to the Prime Minister to get rid of disarray."

Ku Chung-leng, "You mean Miss prime minister?"

Nip: "That's right, he has been in the position of Prime Minister for so many years and it is time to replace him. His son fell into the hands of the blood owl, and I can't save it and I can't save it. It's better to take this opportunity to eradicate it directly."

Gu Zhong blinked his eyes twice, lowered his head and said decisively, "Yes!"

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the king and queen entered the banquet hall on time accompanied by a solemn ceremony and music, and everyone quieted down and bowed to the two most noble people in the empire.

As Nip's personal follower, Gu Zhong has been following behind Nip every step of the way.

He quickly looked around in the banquet hall and saw Payne in a white uniform in the crowd on the right.

The little prince put on a neat and handsome royal uniform, which made him more personable and valiant, especially among the Alphas.

The obvious contrast is another prince, Derain Dieffen, who is also of royal blood, but Dieffen is not only mediocre but also incompetent.

Not many nobles are optimistic that this prince can inherit the throne, so there are very few people around Diffin.

Difen has been jealous of Peiin since he was a child. He is obviously Nip's biological son, but Peiin has been favored many times more than him.

However, thinking that Pei Yin might not survive today, and that he will be the crown prince of the empire in the future, Diffin couldn't help feeling happy, and raised his chin proudly.

King Nip and Queen Cassia took the seat hand in hand. Nip stood up with a toast and was about to make a speech to announce the start of the banquet.

Pei Yin suddenly stood up from the crowd and slowly stepped forward with a firm pace.

"A person who usurped the throne by insidious means is not worthy to stand in a place where only successive kings are qualified to stand."

Nip raised his hand and looked at Payne with a smile, "Son, what did you say?"

Cassia's face was pale, she held on to the armrest of the seat tightly, and looked at her child pleadingly, "Pein... Please, don't..."

Payne turned to face the crowd, "I said, Derain Nipp, he doesn't deserve to be here, to be king of this country! Because," he pointed back, and clattered on the floor, "you are the murderer of the old king. !"

There was a sudden burst of murmurs in the crowd.

"My God, what is His Highness the Crown Prince talking about? Is he crazy?"

"A **** storm is coming, God bless!"

"Stay away, I don't want to be affected."

"Son, why did you get drunk before the banquet started?" Nip put down the glass, his thin face continued to smile, and his tone was gentle, "The late king died in a plane crash, and we investigated it at the time. It was an accident."

"Whether it's an accident, you know best," Pei Yin said sternly, "It was you who sent someone to do something on that aircraft, and it's all your conspiracy!"

"Where's the evidence?!" Diffin rushed out and pointed at Pei Yin angrily, "You said that my father killed your father, you can show the evidence! Who do you want to convict with just a few words of yours? I see You are out of your mind!"

"Go back, Diffin." Nip stepped down, stood in front of Peiin, and patted Peiin on the shoulder, "I know you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, and you have many doubts about the death of the late king, but Peiin, you I'm eighteen years old, I'm not a child anymore, adults should be responsible for their actions, understand?"

"Of course I understand," Pei Yin shook off his hand, "of course I have evidence."

Payne glanced in Cassia's direction, but Cassia just sat with a terrified face, and didn't mean to stand up to speak for him.

Pei Yin closed his eyes in disappointment and ordered to the guard at the door: "Bring people in!"

The guard brought a middle-aged woman into the banquet hall, and the ministers made way for the middle-aged woman to walk in front of the king.

"Your name." Pei Yin asked the woman.

The woman said in a gnat-like voice, "Oli."

Pei Yin: "Identity."

Oli looked up at Cassia tremblingly, and lowered her head in a hurry, "Once she was a maid serving the queen."

Pei Yin: "Since you are the queen's maid, why did you become a fugitive?"

Ollie lowered her head deeply and said with a trembling voice, "Because I know a secret of the queen."

Difen suddenly sneered disdainfully, "Pein, don't you think that just relying on the confession of a lowly maid can convince us? Who knows where you got this maid from, or if it is? You have already made offerings!"

Pei Yin said in a low voice, "Whether Ollie's identity is true, the queen should know better than me."

"Son, you are too much," Nip said in a bitter voice, "I can understand your resentment towards me, and I can understand your absurd behavior today, but now, are you forcing your mother to lie with you? You What do you want your mother to say? If she helps you, she will be unfaithful to her husband, and if she doesn't help you, she will be unkind to you. You can hate me and blame me, but you can't hurt the mother who loves you deeply! "

With tears in her eyes, Cassia looked at Pein and shook her head slightly, silently begging Pein to stop talking.

"If you want your mother to be a disgraced slut, you should let Ollie tell the secret." Nip lowered his head and finished speaking in a voice that only he and Pein could hear, then raised his head and scolded Pein with a serious face. , "Son, I have a clear conscience to you over the years, I have done everything a father should do, I don't expect you to be grateful to me, but I can't condone your willfulness, you know that you are What are you doing? You are not only slandering me personally, you are slandering the ruler of a country!"

Pei Yin looked at Nip's fake face with disgust, "You're still pretending, Nip, don't you think your acting is too disgusting?"

Nip's face sank, "I have finished what I should say. Since you are still obsessed, I have no choice. There are family rules and national laws. Pei Yin, you can make up a lie and say that I killed the late king, but I hope you can also bear the consequences of your lies being exposed! Ministers, Pei has no respect for his superiors, offends the emperor, and lacks virtue. What do you think should be done?"

"I think," said Prime Minister Lu suddenly and loudly, "It's okay to listen to this maid's testimony!"

Nip was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Prime Minister Lu with a half-smiling smile, "Is the Prime Minister serious? You go crazy with him too? This maid is a fugitive, what can't the fugitive say in order to survive? Any filthy words that come out will only pollute our ears!"

Prime Minister Lu lowered his eyes and said humbly: "It is about the death of the late king, and I thought that I should be cautious. No matter what the testimony of this maid is, I should let all the ministers listen to it and distinguish it. If what this woman said is true There are many loopholes, and after the identification, the innocence of His Majesty can be returned, and I believe that there will be no such remarks slandering His Majesty's reputation in the future."

"Prime Minister Lu!" Difen walked up to the ministers with his head held high and raised his chin proudly, "What you said is wrong, how can you just allow a fugitive to pour dirty water on the king of a country? Pei Yin , you slandered my father for murdering your father, do you dare to vouch for what you said?"

Pei Yin looked at Difen like a clown jumping on the beam, "Of course I dare."

"It's good to dare!" Difen snorted, "I also dare to vouch for my father's character. Since it is vouching, I have to mortgage something, Pei, you dare not dare to talk to me. Make a bet and use your life as a mortgage?"

Pei Yin didn't understand what Diffin meant, and frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Pei Yin is familiar with his cousin. He has always been timid and mediocre. Today, his behavior is suddenly so aggressive, which is really unusual.

Di Fen rolled his eyes in disdain, hooked his fingers towards Gu Zhong, Gu Zhong obediently walked over, took out the revolver around his waist and handed it to Di Fen, then stepped back.

When passing by Pei Yin, Gu Zhong lowered his head and moved his lower lip quickly while everyone's attention was on the gun in Difen's hand.

Pei Yin heard Gu Zhong say three words to him.

"Gamble with him."