Everyone looked at the gun in Diffin's hand and talked a lot.

"Why did he take out the weapon, what did he want to do?"

"Gamble your life? Did you play too much?"

"Let's say a few words, no matter what they do, we'll just wait and see what happens when we're courtiers."

Diffin played with the revolver in his hand and provocatively provoked Pein: "You should have heard of the game of the revolver, right? One bullet, six chances, whoever gets shot will lose, do you dare? Bet with me?"

Prime Minister Lu disagreed and said: "We are just seeking the truth, why should the two highnesses risk their lives so rashly?"

Diffin glared at the Prime Minister dissatisfied, and said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, dare to slander His Majesty the King, don't you need to pay a price? At that time, anyone will dare to criticize the royal family, what's the face of the royal family?!"

"But the price is too high. In the end, no matter who is injured, it will be difficult to clean up the scene. What is the significance of today's banquet, how can there be blood?" Prime Minister Lu argued with reason.

Pei Yin ignored the quarrel between Di Fen and Prime Minister Lu, he kept thinking about what Gu Zhong said when he passed by him.

The Gu family has shouldered the responsibility of guarding the royal family for generations, and Gu Zhong is even more loyal to Nip and obeys orders.

But why did he deliberately remind him just now to let him make this bet with Diffin?

You must know that the "revolver game" is a bet on life, and the loser is not only losing the game, but when the gun is fired, the loser is life!

What's more, there is no need for Pein to make this bet with Diffin.

With suspicion in his heart, Pei Yin pretended to be casual, and glanced at Gu Zhong who was behind Nip again.

Gu Zhong noticed Pei Yin's gaze, lowered his head, raised his wrist, and touched a cufflink on the cuff of his uniform.

Pei Yin's pupils suddenly became larger, he knew the cufflinks!

It's the same style as the one Lu Shijin gave him!

If it weren't for a coincidence -

"Pein, do you dare to gamble?!"

Difen was impassioned over there alone, but found that Pei Yin was stunned, obviously he didn't listen to his words at all, and he couldn't help turning blue with anger.

He walked in front of Pei Yin aggressively, his face that could not be considered handsome was distorted by anger.

"I'm willing to vouch for my father's character with my life! What about you? Would you dare to vouch for what you said with your life? If you can't even do this, it will prove that you are guilty! Everything is a lie!"

"His Royal Highness! Your dignity cannot be taken at risk, and your subordinates are willing to fulfill the bet on your behalf with the Second Highness!" Mo Bo suddenly stood up, put his right hand on his left chest, and said firmly while looking at Pei Yin.

"Joke, what's your identity? Is there a place for you to speak here?" Diffin pushed Mopo in dissatisfaction, but Mopo stood still, Diffin looked embarrassed and said angrily, "Pein If you don't dare, then admit it! Kneel down and kowtow three times to apologize to His Majesty, maybe His Majesty can forgive you!"

Pein's eyes slowly swept across the faces of Nip, Cassia and Gu Zhong.

There was cunning in the king's shrewd eyes, the queen's face was full of pain, and the inner courtier's lower lip was slightly invisibly hooked.

"I bet." Pei Yin retracted his gaze and said solemnly.

Cassia stood up excitedly, "Don't!"

Mo Bo raised his head nervously, "Your Highness!"

Pei Yin glanced at Cassia in disappointment, waved his hand to signal Mo Bo to step back, pulled the white glove on his hand, and looked up at Difen coldly, "How to bet?"

Diffin was a little surprised that Pei Yin was so easily fooled, and then his slender eyes burst out uncontrollably with the joy of the trick.

Diffin couldn't wait to open the revolver's bomb bay to load a bullet, and turned the bomb bay a few times until it stopped rotating.

"There is only one bullet in this gun. Six chances, you can choose to shoot or give up, but as long as you give up, you will lose, and you will have a ghost in your heart! Do you understand?"

Pei Yin raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "Who starts first?"

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince!" Prime Minister Lu couldn't help but whispered and shook his head with a frown towards Pei Yin.

Although Pei Yin didn't understand what made the Prime Minister change his mind and stand on his side, he was very grateful that among so many ministers, only the Prime Minister was willing to stand up and speak for him.

Pein smiled calmly, "Nothing. I am willing to vouch for every sentence and every word I accuse Nip of with my life. I accept this bet to prove my determination!"

"Okay!" Diffin clapped his hands twice. "Since this bet was made by me, in order to show fairness, let me shoot the first shot! Lest others say that I deliberately harmed you!"

Payne: "Yes."

Diffin aimed the gun at his temple, and all the onlookers held their breath nervously at that moment.

Although I already knew that this revolver had already moved its hands and feet, and the sixth round could fire a bullet, when Diffin pointed the gun at his forehead, he couldn't help but his heart beat faster, and he was sweating coldly. He hesitated for a long time without pulling the trigger. .

Pei Yin looked at Diffin's performance with a playful look, and Nip was also utterly disappointed by this timid and cowardly biological son.

It wasn't until Nip deliberately coughed twice that Diffin closed his eyes hard and pulled the trigger with trembling fingers - "click", the first shot, an empty gun!

Diffin seemed to be wandering in front of the gate of hell, and hurriedly threw the revolver to Payne, breathing heavily to relieve his tension.

Pei Yin casually rubbed the **** of the revolver, without any hesitation, before giving others time to buffer, he directly raised his hand to his head and pulled the trigger.

Such a tense scene, everyone's scalp is numb, and the adrenaline is soaring like a roller coaster.

The second method is still an empty gun!

The revolver was changed to Difen again. After the first attempt, Difen was not so afraid anymore. The third shot was simply empty!

The fourth shot is Peyin's, empty shot!

All the ministers watched intently, wiping away sweat while watching, for fear that they had missed the wonderful place!

There are only the last two bullet bays, a 1 in 2 chance! In the end who is the son of destiny who is favored by God!

The answer was about to be revealed, and Nip sat back in the high seat with a calm expression, as if everything was under his control.

Cassia has been sitting and never left, staring at Paine below with a miserable face, looking like she is about to faint.

Nip patted her hand and comforted her softly: "The road is his own choice, if he is willing to give up now and admit his mistake to me, I am also willing to give him a chance, Cassia, the choice is in his own hands, No one else can help."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine glass on the table, looked at Pei Yin who was fighting the beasts below, and drank the wine in the glass happily.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Diffin gritted his teeth and buckled the fifth shot—the empty shot!

Hearing the expected empty sound, Diffin's face was instantly ecstatic, and he turned to smirk and threw the gun to Payne with a proud and happy expression.

"Pei Yin, it seems that even God is on my side today, what other last words do you want to say? Or, you can just admit defeat, kowtow to Your Majesty and admit your mistake, and it's better to survive than to lose your life, what do you think? "

"Pei Yin!" The queen finally couldn't help standing up, her delicate makeup was already wet with tears, at this moment she was not a noble queen, just a mother who couldn't bear to see her child die, "Don't continue!"

But Peiyin didn't stop, he slowly raised the gun, pointed the dark and cold muzzle at himself, and looked at Cassia with a sad smile: "Mother, I know your choice."

Cassia shouted "No!" hoarsely, trying to rush down, but was hugged tightly by Nip.

Pei Yin glanced at Gu Zhong, Gu Zhong was also looking at him, his usual rigid expression suddenly changed, and he actually blinked at Pei Yin.

Pei Yin no longer hesitated, closed his eyes, bent his fingers inward and pulled the trigger decisively!

Diffin was about to burst out laughing, glad that Pei Yin's thorn was finally removed, but he didn't wait for the deafening gunshot he had expected.

what happened? !


"My God!"

"Why are all empty guns?"

The crowd exclaimed one after another.

"Could it be that the late king appeared to protect His Highness Pei Yin?"

"What kind of fart are you doing, what age do you still believe in ghosts and gods?"

"Then how do you explain why not a single shot is fired?"

"Is the gun stuck?"

Seeing that Pei Yin was all right, Cassia fell on the seat with relief, while Nip was shocked, and immediately turned to look at Gu Zhong, his eyes fierce as knives.

Gu Zhong was equally shocked and said incredulously, "I don't know what's going on."

Even if Nip had doubts about Gu Zhong, he couldn't attack at this time, he could only hold back his anger and wait for the change.

Pei Yin put down his hand, looked at the revolver in his hand and laughed lightly, "It seems that the gun is stuck and the bullet didn't come out, so let's go to the second round, this time I will go first." He turned the bomb bay again, Raise the gun to the head and shoot it, empty gun!

"It's your turn, cousin." Pein threw the gun to Diffin and smiled very gently.

Diffin's wild smile, which he didn't have time to restrain, froze on his face, and his eyes gradually became terrified.

Pei Yin fired the first shot, and if he didn't get stuck this time, the sixth shot would be his!

The cold sweat on his forehead rolled down, and the cold revolver in his hand was now a hot potato, and Diffin didn't even have the strength to lift the gun in his hand.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yin raised his brows pretending to be surprised, "Difen, why are you trembling? What about the awe-inspiring righteousness just now?"

Diffin turned his head to look at Nip for help. Nip's face was stiff and he didn't say a word.

Pei Yin walked over, raised Difen's arm, helped him put the muzzle of the gun on his temple, and said warmly: "You mentioned the bet, you weren't very confident in the first round? Why did you stop at the second round? Don't you dare? Didn't you say you were willing to use your life to vouch for Nip's character?" Peiyin's voice suddenly became stern and shouted, "Then shoot!"

Alpha's powerful pheromone was released, and Difen's heart immediately flooded with panic and fear, his hands and feet were weak, and he couldn't think of any more bets, hurriedly threw away the pistol, knelt on the ground and crawled in the direction of Nip, "Father King help me!"

It's a pity that he didn't crawl fast enough, and Peiyin picked up the gun on the ground, pacing to catch up with Nip.

Nip looked back and saw that Payne had pointed the gun at him, and was running around in fright.

Pei Yin pulled the trigger, but one, two, three, four, four shots failed to fire.

The last time the trigger was pulled, a huge gunshot rang out in the empty banquet hall!

And Diffin's piercing screams!

The last shot hit Dieffen in the back, and the wound was not fatal, but the deterrence of the first four shots made Dieffen, who was originally timid, scared to the ground.

Everyone could see Diffin's trousers, and the color of the trousers was a lot darker.

After watching a good show, the ministers shook their heads and sneered at Diffin's embarrassment.

A dignified Alpha, who was so frightened by the sound of empty gunshots that he lost his incontinence, it was ridiculous and generous!

How could such a cowardly and cowardly person allow him to inherit the throne of the empire and rule the country!

"Pein! You are so courageous! How dare you openly wound someone with a gun!" Seeing that the trick failed, Nip was too lazy to continue acting, stood up and roared, "Call the Guards in!"

Gu Zhong stood still, and Nip couldn't wait for Gu Zhong to move, so he turned his head to stare at him angrily, "I said to call the Janissaries in, are you deaf?"

Gu Zhong: "Your Majesty, I heard it."

Nip: "Then why are you still standing here!"

Gu Zhong said calmly: "The Guards, like the ministers, only serve the empire and the king."

Nip's face was ugly: "I am the king!"

Gu Zhong raised his chin and smiled contemptuously, "I'm talking about a king who is justifiable, not a traitor who usurped the throne."

Nip kicked down the chair in a rage, his eyes were splitting, "How dare you betray me!"

"Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Lu stood up, "Everything that happened just now is obvious to all. Your Majesty is so determined that he is not afraid of life and death. If you want to come to the death of the late king, there must be other inside stories. "

"No need!" Cassia wiped the tears from her face, stood up, and raised her chin arrogantly, "Just ask me what you want to know."

Nip was shocked and grabbed the queen's arm, "Cassia! Are you even going to betray me?"

Suddenly, he felt an unbearable burning sensation in his internal organs, a fishy sweetness appeared in his throat, and a strand of blood slowly slipped down from the corner of his mouth.

Nip immediately wanted to understand what was going on, covered his chest, pointed to the wine on the table, and looked at Cassia in disbelief, "You poisoned the wine?!"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers were all in danger, and some people who were still holding wine glasses hurriedly threw the glasses away, fearing that they would also be poisoned.

"Yes, the sin originated from me, let me end it all." Cassia's voice was sad and tired, "I couldn't stop you from being bad to the late king, but now I can no longer watch you hurt me. Boy. We have committed an unforgivable sin, and after all these years, I have been blaming myself for sleepless nights, and now I am finally free."

Nip's eyes widened and he wanted to say something, but blood rushed from his throat, making him speechless.

In the end, Nip fell heavily, his upper body fell on the wine table, his eyes widened, and he left the world full of unwillingness.

With tears in her eyes, Cassia leaned over and kissed the face of her beloved one last time. Suddenly, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of her mouth, and she fell backward weakly.

"Queen Mother!" Seeing this, Pei Yin immediately strode forward and hugged his mother, "Hold on! I'll have the doctor come over immediately!"

Cassia shook her head weakly, "It's too late, I used the most powerful poison, and no one can save me."

Pei Yin's eyes were red, "Why? Why did you do this?"

Cassia smiled lightly, "I can't watch my two favorite people kill each other. No matter who wins or loses, I won't be able to live, and I don't want to continue to live in guilt. I A sinful woman, if it wasn't for me, Nip wouldn't be able to kill your father, and I'm killing him with my own hands, all the wrong causes are me, let me go with all my sins Go underground and atone for the two of them."

"No... No, you are the best mother in the world..." Pei Yin couldn't bear the heartache and couldn't say a word.

Cassia raised her hand with difficulty, stroked Paine's face tenderly for the last time, and said weakly: "My child, this path is yours to choose, then go down bravely. But you have to remember... Assuming this throne, don't trust anyone...except yourself..."

This vigorous farce finally came to an end. The king's family of four, the king and queen died of poisoning, and the second prince was frightened. Today's events were spread out, but I don't know what kind of version it would be passed on.

It is very likely to invent a story of a ruthless prince who poisoned his biological mother and stepfather, scared his younger brother crazy, and ascended the throne with blood on his hands.

But no matter what, Pei Yin got his revenge and successfully inherited the throne. Lu Shijin was very happy to see such an ending.

Lu Shijin still looked like Gu Zhong, and slipped out quietly while the banquet hall was chaotic.

"Convenience store, convenience store," Lu Shijin boarded Gu Zhong's aircraft and returned to his own appearance, "How about the completion of the plot and the coolness of the audience?"

711: "After your revised plot, the completion rate is 70%, and the audience coolness value is 50%."

Lu Shijin was astonished: "Why is that so? Why? How cool is the plot of the prince's revenge? Can the audience get it?"

711 turned on the monitor, "See for yourself."

Lu Shijin looked at the barrage seriously.

[yjgj, isn't the actor's play a bit too much? Are you poisoned and can talk so much? 】

[Don't think I can't see it, this is another version of Hamlet, the difference is that the prince in this show is not dead. 】

[Can the screenwriter be a little new? I'm tired of watching the same routine dramas. 】

[I think it would be better to design the protagonist to die, and it would be more tragic. 】

Lu Shijin: ? ? ? Are there not enough people who think they are dead? Are these audiences the devil?

711: "I told you, this drama, what the audience expects is not the plot of the prince's revenge."

Lu Shijin: "What is that?"

711: "A four-cornered love, Pei Yin loves you, you love Xue Xiao, Xue Xiao loves Mo Bo, and Mo Bo loves Pei Yin. All kinds of requests are impossible and entangled."

Lu Shijin: "Isn't that a dog-blood abuse drama like "Thunderstorm"? Can you still feel good about watching abuse these days?"

711: "The more abuse, the more sour, haven't you heard of it?"

Lu Shijin: "I am ignorant."

711: "So, I suggest you still have a child."

"Go away, am I the one who gives in so easily to fate?!" Lu Shijin started the aircraft and flew away from the palace, saying angrily, "Isn't it just sour, you little goblins wait for me."

The country cannot live without a king for a day, and when Nip dies, Pei Yin takes over as king.

There are many things to prepare for the new king's enthronement ceremony. First, the funerals of Nip and Cassia must be held, so the ceremony is scheduled to be held three months later.

Peiyin did not announce the crimes of Nip and Cassia to the world, but only said that the king and queen died of a sudden illness, which was considered to save Cassia's face.

The Royal Palace, where the Derain family has lived for generations, has welcomed its new owner.

The king, who was only eighteen years old, already had the majesty of a king of a country.

All the ministers who have witnessed the scene of gun gambling in the banquet hall still have lingering fears, and they dare not be arrogant in front of this young Alpha.

When Pei Yin handled the funeral of the king and his wife, the first person to call was Prime Minister Lu.

"Sir Prime Minister, please take a seat, and you don't have to bow in front of me in the future." Pei Yin waved his hand and ordered someone to serve tea to Prime Minister Lu. "There have been too many things recently, and I haven't had time to thank you for being willing to stand up for me that day."

Prime Minister Lu lowered his head and took the teacup with both hands, "Thank you, Your Majesty, I didn't deliberately want to help anyone that time, but chose to stand on the side of justice."

Paine: "I understand. But it's not just this thing that I want to thank you for."

Prime Minister Lu raised his head in confusion, "What else?"

Pei Yin looked at him with a smile and said, "You taught your son well and raised a good son."

Prime Minister Lu said humbly: "It is an honor for the dog to be appreciated by His Majesty."

"Not only do I appreciate him," Pei Yin took the teacup to his lips, took a sip of tea, and said after a pause, "I also like him very much."

Prime Minister Lu was stunned for a moment, and Pei In looked at him with a surprised look and smiled lowly, "You heard right, it's like, the kind of like you understand, the kind of like Alpha has for Omega."

The cold sweat the size of soybeans rolled down on Prime Minister Lu's forehead, the hand holding the cup shook, and the cup fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Prime Minister Lu stood up as if waking up from a dream, "Your Majesty! This minister did not deliberately conceal..."

"You don't have to be nervous, although there is a law in the empire that Omegas are not allowed to participate in politics, but I don't want to settle this account with you." Pei Yin waved his hand to signal Prime Minister Lu to sit down, "At that time, I was in danger and could not protect myself, Major Lu. But willing to sacrifice myself for my freedom, I promised him that if I ascend the throne one day, I will make him the second most powerful person in the empire after me."

Prime Minister Lu was so shocked that he couldn't speak clearly, "He, he, he is so audacious to make such a request!"

Pei Yin said with a smile: "It's okay, don't blame him, I'm happy to give him this promise. And I will definitely save him at any cost and honor my promise."

Prime Minister Lu was restless, "What do you mean by Your Majesty?"

Pei Yin: "One person is less than ten thousand people. Now the person with the highest power in the empire, besides me, is you."

Prime Minister Lu swallowed hard, "This minister is frightened, and the power of this minister is bestowed by His Majesty!"

Pei Yin: "Actually, the son inherits the father's business, which can be said to be a good story, but if the prime minister's seat is given to Major Lu, he is still too young, and I am afraid that other ministers will not accept it."

Prime Minister Lu: "What Your Majesty said is very true."

"But since I made a promise, I have to fulfill it," Pei Yin said slowly, "I still have an vacant position with the power second only to me. I think Major Lu is very suitable. I don't know what Prime Minister Lu thinks. ?"

Prime Minister Lu: "What position?"

"The queen of the empire." Pei Yin glanced at him with a light smile. "You may not know that Major Lu is pregnant and is my child. So he is the queen."

Prime Minister Lu, who heard that his son was pregnant, almost dropped his jaw in surprise.

Pei Yin still remembered that when he was locked in the Scarlet Rose Base, Lu Shijin kept saying that he didn't like him.

Whether Lu Shijin said the truth at that time or just deliberately said it to reduce his guilt, Pei Yin could not care. Now he just wants to save people and be with Lu Shijin forever.

So Pei Yin told Lu Shijin's father about this and put pressure on the Lu family.

Even if Lu Shijin refuses to be his queen, I believe his father will force him to agree.

Pei Yin looked out the window thoughtfully, and his azure blue eyes could not see happiness and anger.

In this world, I only have one of your closest friends. As long as I can keep you by my side, no matter what the means and the price, I will do it.

Trust me, I will be fine with you.

The author has something to say:

Pei Yin: Father-in-law, I'm going to be a father, and you're going to be a grandfather.

Jinjin: Children? what kid?