In the Scarlet Rose base, the major leaders gathered in the command room and quarreled endlessly.

The newly enthroned king of the empire sent someone to negotiate a day ago, and wanted to take back Lu Shijin, who was detained in the Scarlet Rose Base.

According to the messenger sent by the little king, as long as the people can be sent back and the conditions are as they wish, the major leaders will of course not miss this good opportunity.

"At least we have to give us the resources of an iron mine before we can release people!"

Iron ore is an important material for making weapons, according to the leader in charge of making weapons.

"What's the use of those cold iron lumps? As I said, if you want people, you can exchange the tax revenue of City B for the next fifty years!"

City B is the largest economic center on the planet, and fifty years of taxes are enough to build a small country.

"Everything is a gun and money, you are not ordinary? What is the most important thing these days? People! Doesn't the little king want that Omega? Then we will use fifty Omegas with excellent genes in exchange! Then we will Select the most powerful Alpha in the organization to combine with those Omegas, and give birth to offspring, and our Scarlet Rose will prosper forever!"

The last person to speak was the leader of the organization in charge of spy network intelligence, a female Alpha named Fran.

Any bells and whistles that happened on this planet, as long as she wanted to know, there was nothing she couldn't inquire about.

After everyone expressed their opinions, they looked at Xue Xiao in unison, waiting for their leader to speak.

Lu Shijin's face was hidden under the mask, and he pressed his voice to imitate Xue Xiao's tone and said: "The new king's ascension to the throne, with an unstable foundation, is indeed a good opportunity for us to strengthen our power. But I heard that this new king, although young, But it seems that the means are ruthless..."

"The beginning and the end are ruthless! I heard that he killed the king in front of all the ministers at the banquet held in the palace! He also killed his own mother and drove his brother crazy!"

"Hey, your news is out of date, what I heard is. The little king was poisoned at the banquet that day. Anyone who opposed his ascension to the throne was poisoned to death! It's insidious and vicious!"

Lu Shijin: "..." Where did you all hear the gossip?

Fran sneered disdainfully, and raised her slender hand with bright red nail polish and shook it, "I told you, if you don't know the truth, can you stop spreading the truth here?"

Lu Shijin thought that there was someone who understood at last, and turned to look at the intelligence boss, expecting her to continue talking.

Fran played with her fingers casually and said, "According to the reliable information I got from my eyeliner in the palace, the situation that day was like this. Followed personally, forcing the king to give up the throne to himself, but the king refused to agree, so Pei Yin and the queen poisoned the king, and later forced the queen to commit suicide. Another prince wanted to avenge the king, but was shot to death by Pei Yin, And those ministers who supported the king were also taken care of by Pei Yin, the blood in the palace that day was like a river, the blood stained the floor tiles in the palace, and the servants washed the blood with clean water for three days and three nights!"

Lu Shijin: "..." It seems that the intelligence of the intelligence boss is not necessarily accurate.

People who didn't know the truth sighed after hearing it.

"You have such skill and courage at a young age, you can't underestimate it!"

"The king who stepped on the blood all the way to the throne, the empire will probably fall into a **** storm tomorrow."

"I'm not soft on my relatives. If we offend him, what if he takes revenge on us like crazy?"

"I'd rather offend a gentleman than a villain, I'd rather offend a villain than a lunatic! The old saying is not wrong, I think we might as well return the man directly to him, and treat him as a favor. If you don't commit the river water, the two are irrelevant, okay?"

"That's right!"

"Makes sense."


Lu Shijin was very speechless. He wanted to ask these people, all of you are frightening underworld gangsters, how can you be scared by an eighteen-year-old yellow-haired boy?

Besides, his little prince, how could it be so scary as these people say?

It is obviously gentle and elegant, warm-hearted and loyal dog!

It is to see the power of three people to become tigers.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but say, "You guys are making too much of a fuss. The other party is just a little emperor who has just ascended the throne. Everyone here, who is more famous than him?"

"Boss, you can't say that. When I was eighteen, I didn't dare to kill the king and kill my mother!"

"That's right, what does age mean? Just what he does now, I'm optimistic about him, and he will definitely be a famous interstellar tyrant in the future!"

Fran sighed: "It's not that I want to grow other people's ambitions to destroy my own prestige, but according to my information, the ministers and nobles of the empire now talk about this new king, and they all change their color. If we openly oppose him now, I'm afraid that when he develops his power, he will turn around and deal with us."

Lu Shijin: "...that iron ore?"

"No more!"

Lu Shijin: "Taxes?"

"Money is as important as life!"

Lu Shijin looked at Fran, "Fifty Omegas?"

Fran said with a smile: "I was joking, what is the age, slavery has long been abolished."

Lu Shijin: "..." He is a bunch of pig teammates, and he is too timid to be a bad guy!

"No!" Lu Shijin was afraid of getting up from the table and said solemnly, "It's impossible to let people go so easily."

Everyone's eyes focused on the blood owl's mask.

Lu Shijin pondered for a while, and said hesitantly, "At least 50 combat armors must be exchanged!"

Everyone's eyes revealed worship, the boss is the boss, dare to bargain with the tyrant, not afraid of power!

"Add 20 more military reconnaissance planes!" Lu Shijin pointed at Fran, "I'll give it to you to deploy."

He deeply felt that there was still a lot of room for improvement in their organization's intelligence inquiries.

Fran cheered and blew a kiss to Lu Shijin, "Boss, I really love you! I often regret that I'm not an Omega, why don't you think about it?"

The silver eyes behind the iron mask swept coldly at Fran, who immediately lowered her head and raised her eyebrows, whispering, "I'm joking."

After negotiating the conditions, Pei Yin soon ordered someone to bring the mecha and the plane over, and on the side of Scarlet Rose, at the order of the blood owl, Lu Shijin was also brought back to the person who handed it back to Pei Yin.

Lu Shijin's consciousness still remained in Xue Xiao's body and did not go back with him.

Because he prefers Alpha's body to an Omega who can't control himself when he is in estrus at any moment.

Moreover, controlling the power of the blood-colored rose can also facilitate him to plan the next step.

Not long ago, Fran's eyeliner heard an interstellar businessman chatting in the bar, saying that the next door Gamma Star secretly sold a lot of arms to Insect Star.

The resources of the worm star are depleting day by day, and the barbaric zerg have always been belligerent. They have long coveted the resources on this planet and are ready to invade here.

But this news was only heard while drinking and chatting, and the authenticity cannot be confirmed, so it should not be publicized until the truth is found out.

So Lu Shijin stayed and told Fran to continue to pay close attention to the Zerg movement, and report to him whenever there is any news.

Although he is not interested in protecting this country that has nothing to do with him, the master of this country is his little prince.

The body of "Lu Shijin" was brought back to the capital, and Pei Yin personally got on the aircraft and took him down.

The person he was thinking about finally returned to his side, and Pei Yin felt an indescribable sense of the passage of time.

He stared at the pale and fragile Omega in his arms and asked distressedly, "Why has he been in a coma?"

Mo Bo, who was in charge of bringing people back, said, "It may be that the people over there injected Major Lu with a tranquilizer or something."

"Damn, they dare to abuse him!" Pei Yin hugged "Lu Shijin" tightly, his blue eyes were frosty, and he said gloomily, "One day, I will make them regret what they did today."

"Your Majesty, let's take Major Lu to check his body as soon as possible." Mo Bo advised.

"Well, you should inform the Royal Hospital to prepare and ask for the best doctor." After a pause, Paine added, "It is best to be a doctor who is proficient in obstetrics."

obstetrics? Mo Bo was secretly surprised, and subconsciously glanced at the lower abdomen of "Lu Shijin".

Pei Yin noticed Mo Bo's sight, and with a cold face, closed the arm holding "Lu Shijin"'s body, and blocked Mo Bo's gaze with a possessive side.

"Come on." The young monarch ordered indifferently, with impatience in his tone.

Mo Bo has become accustomed to Pei Yin's changes during this period. He stayed by Pei Yin's side and witnessed the process of Pei Yin's ascension to the throne.

From a gentle and easy-going prince to a ruthless king with supreme power.

He could no longer love Pei Yin like this, and he even missed the person who smiled gently at him in the past.

Mo Bo finally bowed his head respectfully, "Yes."

The arrival of the new king made the Royal Hospital panic.

Lu Shijin was pushed into the ward to check his body, and Pei Yin was standing outside waiting for news.

The young king was wearing the king's exclusive uniform. The dark blue uniform was very spirited. A golden belt loop tied his thin and narrow waist around his waist, which made him tall and long, with wide shoulders and long legs.

He is obviously quite a handsome guy, but no one of the doctors and nurses who come and go dares to look up at him.

They have all heard the story of how the new king took the throne, for fear that they would accidentally anger the new king and be punished.

After a while, the doctor came out tremblingly to report the situation.

"After the examination, all the indicators of Major Lu's body are normal, but we found out..." The doctor swallowed, raised his head and looked at Pei Yin's face carefully, wondering whether to continue talking.

Pei Yin said lightly, "What did you check?"

Doctor: "Major Lu's gender seems to be different from the one entered in the identity system. He, he has the gender characteristics of Omega."

"I know about this," Pei Yin looked at the paper report in his hand, all of which were special terms. He didn't understand it very well, and his brows could not help but wrinkle, "What else?"

"Anything else?" The doctor touched the sweat on his forehead and asked in surprise, "What else? There's nothing special about it."

Pei Yin flipped the paper for a while, raised his eyelids and looked at the doctor with anger, "How could there be nothing else, child?"

"Child?" The doctor was frozen by the king's eyes, and stammered, "Wh-w-what child?"

Pei Yin's voice dropped to freezing point: "He's pregnant, didn't you find out?"

A bead of sweat rolled down the doctor's forehead, "We checked Lu Shao's blood, and we didn't find that he had symptoms of pregnancy."

Pei Yin's face turned from white to black in an instant, and he stood up and walked towards the ward, "Did anyone else wake up?"

"Not yet."

Pei Yin's tone already contained anger: "How do you do things? Why is he still in a coma?"

The doctor was about to cry when he heard the voice, "This... we don't know, obviously all the indicators are normal, but Major Lu just can't wake up..."

"I don't know?" Pei Yin stopped in front of the ward and sneered, "It seems that you have made your life too comfortable, you are useless waste."

The doctor's face was pale, and he was worried about his future when suddenly the nurse's surprised voice came from the ward.

"The patient is awake!"

When Pei Yin heard this, he didn't care about talking nonsense with the doctor, and immediately opened the door and walked into the ward.

The others in the ward also left wisely, leaving only Pei Yin and Lu Shijin in the room.

Naturally, Lu Shijin's consciousness returned to his original body and woke up.

He woke up leisurely, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw an enlarged handsome face leaning in front of him.

Deep blue eyes, high nose bridge, full lips neither thick nor thin, very suitable for kissing.

Who would be the little prince who wasn't him.

"you're awake?"

Pei Yin's cloudy face has returned to its original tenderness.

Alpha's eyebrows and eyes were sharp, but when he looked at Lu Shijin, he gathered his edge.

Seeing that Lu Shijin was struggling to sit up, Pei Yin personally helped him up and put a pillow behind him to make him sit more comfortable.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay? Is there any discomfort?"

"No." Lu Shijin didn't speak for a long time, his throat was a little hoarse, he closed his eyes and rubbed his sore temple, opened it again, and a glass of warm water had been handed to his lips.

Lu Shijin lifted his thin eyelids and looked at Pei Yin's affectionate attention. In an instant, a peach blossom was born in his heart.

What is this rare in the world, handsome, rich, handsome, unrivaled, affectionate and dedicated, the best old attack!

I can, I really can!

"No! You can't!" 711's voice suddenly came out, shaking Lu Shijin's soul, which was almost taken away by Pei Yin, back into his body, "Look at the audience's reaction! Be awake!"

[Oh, we met, is it the finale? 】

[It’s so boring to watch, I don’t even know when these two people looked at each other. 】

[ABOs who don't drive are hooligans. 】

【Losing expectations for sweet love】

Lu Shijin was agitated, lowered his eyes and stopped looking at Pei Yin's eyes, he couldn't hold back.

"Drink some water?" Pei Yin's voice was soft enough to make his ears get pregnant.

"I'll do it myself." Lu Shijin took the water and took a sip himself, revealing alienation in his movements.

Pei Yin didn't notice anything. He thought that Lu Shijin had just gotten out of danger, and his mood was up and down.

"I have something to tell you."

Pei Yin sat down beside the bed, lowered his head, a few locks of hair covered his upper eyelids, sweeping a shadow, looking a little lonely.

"What?" Lu Shijin took another sip of water and pricked up his ears.

"The child is gone." Pei Yin's voice was filled with sadness. He held Lu Shijin's hand on the quilt and wrapped it in a warm and broad palm, "But don't worry, I will definitely avenge our child."

"Pfft—" Lu Shijin spit out a mouthful of water, wet the quilt, and coughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes, "What did you say?!"

Seeing that his eyes were wet, Pei Yin felt even more uncomfortable, and while helping Lu Shijin pat his back, he said in pain: "Don't get excited, your body is just right, don't be too sad because of this, the child will still have it in the future, I I assure you that in the future my heirs will only be born to you."

As soon as Pei Yin's voice fell, Lu Shijin coughed even more, "cough, cough..."

Lu Shijin coughed for a long time and remembered what was going on. At that time, in order to convince Pei Yin that Xue Xiao really let him go, he did lie to Pei Yin that he was pregnant.

But the problem is, he didn't get pregnant at all!

It seems that Pei Yin must have misunderstood.

"You misunderstood." Lu Shijin let out his breath and cleared his throat, "I'm not pregnant."

Pei Yin's face changed slightly and said, "But then... didn't you ask Mo Bo to bring the cufflinks to me? That's our agreement..."

"I gave you the cufflinks just to make you leave quickly. I'm not really pregnant." Lu Shijin said lightly, "If you don't believe me, you can ask the doctor to do an examination. If you get pregnant and miscarry, you can find out."

Pei Yin was stunned for a few seconds, his expression relaxed, and he smiled at Lu Shijin, "It's okay if you're not pregnant, it's a false alarm."

Lu Shijin didn't buy it, and took out his hand from Pei Yin's big palm, "What did you just say, what does it mean that your son will only be born to me?"

The young king's love was just beginning, and he was not good at expressing his love too frankly.

"It means," Pei Yinjun's face was inexplicably coaxed. He blinked, hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, "I want to mark you for life."

Lu Shijin: "..." This straight shot is very good.

"Convenience store! My heart is beating so fast! There's a little rabbit jumping in my heart!" Lu Shijin couldn't show it on the face, he could only shout frantically in his heart, "Pei Yin is so good, I can't stand it anymore. manage?!"

711 said indifferently: "Remind you, if you can't complete the task, you will be wiped out of consciousness, and you will stay here forever and become a character in the plot. If you want, you can't stand it if you can't stand it."

Lu Shijin: "What about Huo Lian? Oh no, I mean Pei Yin?"

711: "According to the current clues, Pei Yin and Huo Lian are not unconscious characters in the play. Maybe he also has his own tasks to complete. If he completes the tasks, then he will leave this world. It's impossible to say who is right."

Lu Shijin: "Damn, what kind of spicy chicken rules do you have? It's like a prostitute!"

711: "The right to choose is at least in your hands. How you choose is up to you."

Hehe, how else can he choose, does he still have a choice?

Lu Shijin could only suppress his restless heart, continue to maintain his indifference, and act according to the plan.

Lu Shijin didn't answer, and Gu Zuo said to him: "I heard that you have been enthroned as king?"

"Yes," Pei said, "I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so determined to take this position."

"So this is the breeding right granted to me by His Majesty the King?" Lu Shijin pulled a mocking arc from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were as calm as water, "Should I be grateful and kneel down to accept it?"

"I didn't mean that." Pei Yin was dumbfounded.

Lu Shijin's voice suddenly rose: "Then what do you mean?"

Pei Yin raised his eyebrows, a little bewildered.

I thought it would be a warm and pleasant thing to meet again after so many things.

But why is Lu Shijin's performance different from what he imagined?

"I want you to be my queen and stand beside me." Pei Yin stood up, stood in front of Lu Shijin's bed, put his right hand on his heart, and said sincerely, "I am serious, very serious. No Out of the attraction of pheromones between Alpha and Omega, and not out of a sense of responsibility for what happened in the Scarlet Rose base, Lu Shijin, I really like you."

Lu Shijin sat upright on the bed, raised his head to look at him, and there was a deep sarcasm in his eyes.

Lu Shijin has a pair of very beautiful eyes, the shape of the eyes is a perfect peach blossom eye shape, the eyelashes are thick and black as crow feathers, it should be a pair of affectionate eyes, but Pei Yin can't see the slightest love in them. reveal.

Pei Yin's heart sank, like falling to the bottom of the valley.

Lu Shijin didn't lie to himself, he really didn't like him.

"You said you liked me, but what about the things you promised me at that time?" Lu Shijin said coldly, "You haven't fulfilled anything yet."

"I'll cash in, it's just that I need a little time."

Pei Yin felt tightness in his chest, and untied the two tightly buttoned silver buttons on his uniform, and there was some fine sweat on his forehead, looking a little embarrassed.

He said: "As long as you become my queen, you will be the person next to me in the power of the empire. As for repealing all laws that are unfair to Omega, I have just ascended the throne, and my foundation is not yet solid. If I propose to repeal these laws now, it will damage the The interests of the nobles are bound to cause turmoil. But I promise you, given time, I will definitely honor my promise, please believe me."

Lu Shijin turned his head and stared blankly at the snow-white wall in front of him, "After saying so much, you are still reluctant to give up your current status and don't want to offend the nobles. After all, you are an Alpha, and it is not for you to improve your status as an Omega. There's no benefit."

"No, I'm not reluctant, but this incident made me understand a truth. Only by sitting in that seat can you be strong enough to protect the person you want to protect." Pei Yin squatted down beside Lu Shijin's bed emotionally. Grabbing his hand and kissing reverently, "As long as you become my queen, you will have the same power in your hand, and we can work together to do whatever you want."

"But I don't want to." Lu Shijin said motionless, even indifferent.

Pei Yin looked up at him and asked in a low voice, "Why?"

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes, "Because, I already have someone I like."

Pei Yin's dark blue pupils suddenly darkened.

The audience coolness value has visibly increased by a small amount, and even the barrage has increased.

[Come here, this familiar sour taste! 】

【Wow, exciting! 】

[Let the dog blood spill more violently! 】

The author has something to say:

Little wolf dog blackening progress: 75%