Pei Yin ordered people to send Lu Shijin back to Lu's house, and didn't mention Lu Shijin becoming queen again.

Prime Minister Lu was naturally very happy to see his son returned safely, and stood at the door of the house early to wait.

But seeing that only Lu Shijin got off the car, Prime Minister Lu was a little surprised.

Everyone in the Lu family was very happy for the young master's return, especially the Prime Minister's wife. During the time when Lu Shijin was arrested, tears flowed for several cylinders.

After the greeting was over, Prime Minister Lu called Lu Shijin to the study room, turned his back, and did not allow anyone to approach the study room.

He stared at his son for a long time, then frowned and asked Lu Shijin mysteriously, "Where's Your Majesty?"

Lu Shijin looked at him inexplicably: "What, Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty didn't send you back in person?" Prime Minister Lu stroked his beard in confusion, then looked down at his son's abdomen, "You were the hero who saved him, and you were pregnant with his blood, yet he didn't even send you personally, Really cold-blooded."

Lu Shijin was speechless for a while, his cheap dad's thinking was quite jumpy.

It seems that the little prince wanted to force him to submit, and he made a lot of preparations in advance.

Lu Shijin secretly smiled in his heart, his face kept calm, and explained, "Did he even tell you this? There is no child, it was His Majesty's misunderstanding."

"No?" After Prime Minister Lu was surprised, he looked a little regretful and asked in a row, "Then did he say that he wants you to marry him as a queen?"

Lu Shijin glanced at Prime Minister Lu with a half-smile, "I said, I don't agree."

Prime Minister Lu was shocked: "You refused? That's the queen's seat! The real one is below ten thousand people! It is extremely honorable!"

Lu Shijin sneered disdainfully, and said deliberately: "Either don't do it, or do it, do it above ten thousand people. For me, there is no difference between being pressed by one person and being pressed by countless people."

"I think you're crazy!" Prime Minister Lu pointed at Lu Shijin angrily, "If you rejected Your Majesty, you're ruining your own future! That's not enough, you're probably going to be ruined in your life!"

"Are you worried that he will retaliate?" Lu Shijin loosened his neckline and said casually, "He won't."

"How did you know he wouldn't?!" Prime Minister Lu was slamming the table in anger, "Stinky boy doesn't know how high the sky is! He already knows that you are an Omega. If he wants to pursue it, it's not just that your father can't keep my black hat, I'm afraid our family can't keep it. Everyone will be implicated!"

Lu Shijin smiled casually, "Don't get excited, no matter what, I'm also His Majesty's savior, he can't avenge his revenge, can he?"

Prime Minister Lu sneered and snorted: "You didn't see how he ascended the throne, gambled his life with Difen to scare Difen crazy, and bribed the most loyal inner courtier beside the previous king to defect, such a method It shows how cruel our new king is! He will never let you go!"

The corner of Lu Shijin's mouth moved, thinking why I didn't see it, not only did I see it, but I was the bribed inner waiter you said.

Lu Shijin: "In any case, don't worry, I think His Majesty is quite open-minded, and the melon is not sweet. I don't want it. He can't force me, right?"

"I don't understand why you don't want to?" Prime Minister Lu sighed and said bitterly, "You are an Omega after all, and in the future you must choose an Alpha to spend your life with. Although Pei Yin is a bit deep, he is still a good match. No one dares to despise you as a queen. almost have children..."

"Okay, okay, I understand the truth, but I just don't want it." Lu Shijin felt a headache when he heard the nagging of the cheap father, stood up and waved, "I'll talk about these things later, I'm a little tired and don't want to talk. These."

Prime Minister Lu wanted to continue lecturing, but thinking that his son had just escaped danger and should have a good rest, he endured it, glared at Lu Shijin angrily, and waved him out of the study.

In the king's office, Payne was sitting at the desk, with pictures of successive kings hanging on the wall behind, but the frame of the last picture was hung upside down, and the picture was stuck upside down on the wall.

The young king had no youthful air on his face at all.

Pei Yin dealt with a day's official business, propped his forehead with one hand on the table, closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows, his handsome face was a little tired.

"What's the result?"

Mo Bo stood upright in front of the desk and reported, "Following your instructions, my subordinates tracked down everyone that Major Lu had contacted before, and found two people's names, the same as the 'Huo Lian' you mentioned. Similar. The subordinates have called out their identity information and experience profiles."

Pei Yinhan opened his eyes slightly, raised his eyes slightly, and said softly, "Let it go."

Mo Bo raised his wrist and clicked on the personal terminal, which projected an image in the air.

"There are two people respectively, the first person, Huo Lian, female Beta, 45 years old, married, currently serving in the cafeteria of the Royal Military Academy, is a chef, her husband is also a Beta, and the two have a son... "

"Next." As soon as he heard it, he knew that this Huo Lian could not be the person Lu Shijin was thinking of. Pei Yin waved his hand and didn't want to continue listening.

Mo Bo switched the page and continued: "The second person, Huo Lian, a male Omega, 21 years old, unmarried, is the servant of the Lu family. He has been working in the Lu family for two years and is responsible for repairing the garden..."

Pei Yin's blue eyes narrowed slightly with interest, this Huo Lian sounded somewhat characteristic.

Pei Yin looked at the projection, "Is there a picture of the second person?"


Mo Bo released Huo Lian's photo. Although he is a lowly valet, Omega is more delicate.

This Huo Lian is not tall, but his eyebrows are beautiful, his facial features are straight, and his **** and white eyes can easily arouse Alpha's desire for protection.

Is it a male Omega?

The corner of Pei Yin's mouth twitched, and his coldness appeared.


"Get ready to visit Prime Minister Lu's house." Pei Yin stood up and pulled his tie irritably.

Mo Bo immediately took off the coat hanging on the hanger and put it on for Pei Yin, "Do I need to give advance notice to let the Prime Minister prepare to pick him up?"

Pei Yin straightened his clothes, shook his head, and said, "You don't need to make a fuss about a private visit."

As soon as Prime Minister Lu returned from his office in the Prime Minister's Office, the housekeeper hurriedly came to report that their Majesty the King visited the door in private.

Lu Shoulian didn't have time to change his clothes, so he hurried out to meet him.

Pei Yin was only wearing casual clothes, and only had Mo Bo as an **** by his side.

"Is Major Lu at home?" Pei Yin was ushered into the Lu's living room, sat down and asked straight to the point.

Prime Minister Lu blinked. It seemed that although his son rejected Pei Yin, Pei Yin still hadn't given up, so he couldn't help feeling overjoyed.

He said: "Yes, I have been resting at home for the past few days and have not gone out. The minister will now order someone to call him out."

"No hurry," Pei Yin waved his hand with a smile, "I'm not here just to see him this time, but for another thing."

Prime Minister Lu was puzzled, "Dare to ask Your Majesty what's the matter?"

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of Lu's living room is the garden. Sitting in the living room, you can see the scenery in the garden.

Pei Yin looked at the garden outside the window, his eyes were faint, and he asked, "This garden in your mansion is not very interesting. I don't know who is usually taking care of it?"

Prime Minister Lu thought to himself that the little king's mind was really hard to fathom, how could he be interested in his garden again.

But he only dared to slander in his heart, and immediately turned his head and asked the housekeeper behind him, "Answer your majesty's words."

Butler: "Back to Your Majesty, a servant has always been in charge of the garden."

"What's it called?" Pei Yin asked casually.

The housekeeper thought about it and said, "Huo Lian."

Pei Yin smiled mildly and said to Prime Minister Lu: "I often feel that the gardeners in the palace are not good at gardening and waste those precious plants transplanted from other planets. I think your garden is only taken care of. Very good, I wonder if the Prime Minister is willing to let this servant go to the palace to teach those gardeners how to prune flowers and trees?"

Inexplicably, Pei Yin asked his family's gardener to enter the palace. Prime Minister Lu became more and more uncertain and dared not ask more, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

"Where's Major Lu? Don't let him come here, I'll find him myself." Pei Yin stood up and patted Prime Minister Lu's arm affectionately, "Master Prime Minister won't blame me for being too casual, right?"

Prime Minister Lu shook his head into a rattle, "Don't dare, it's an honor for Your Majesty to condescend to come to the humble house. It just so happens that he is just walking in the garden right now, Your Majesty, you can go to the garden to find him. "

in the garden? It seems that he really likes to visit the garden.

Pei Yin glanced out the window, his eyes sank.

Lu Shijin has been kept at home by the head of Lu for the past few days and is not allowed to go out.

You can also take a stroll in the Lujia Garden to relax.

Fortunately, there are many alien plants in the Lu family's garden that he has never seen before, which is very fresh.

For example, there is a plant, you can smell the refreshing fragrance when you are far away, and when you get close, it seems to sense danger, and the flowers that bloom immediately emit a stench.

Lu Shijin didn't know at first, but when he wanted to pick flowers, he was almost fainted by the smell.

It's a smell similar to the old soup snail powder. He went back to take a bath to completely eliminate the smell. It's really terrible.

But there are also many plants that are friendly to people.

Lu Shijin found a plant that glowed at night in the garden. He planned to dig two of them and keep them in the bedroom, so that when the lights were turned off at night, the room would be as if the moon was shining in.

When Pei Yin found Lu Shijin in the garden, Lu Shijin was digging soil with a small shovel.

Plant transplanting is a delicate job, and you have to carefully plan the soil to ensure that the roots and stems of the plants are not damaged, so that they can be transplanted into flowerpots to feed well.

Lu Shijin squatted on the ground and worked very attentively. He didn't know if his clothes were stained with soil, and of course he didn't realize that someone was standing behind him.

"It seems that Major Lu really likes that gardener." The cold voice sounded coldly, with a strong sense of irony and sourness, "I like it so much that I am willing to let go of my identity and go to work."

Lu Shijin stopped digging and turned his head to look up.

Seeing a look of surprise in Lu Shijin's eyes, Pei Yin hooked his lower lip indifferently, and asked softly, "Are you surprised to see me?"

"Why are you here?" Lu Shijin threw away the shovel, patted off the soil on his hands, stood up, and asked.

Pei Yinxin pulled off the leaf of the green plant that Lu Shijin had dug up, pinched it with his fingernails, and the sticky green juice stained his fingertips, a touch he would never like.

"Come to see you, if you don't come, I don't know you have such a research on gardening."

"It's not about research, I'm just playing around," he paused in the middle of the sentence, recalling what he seemed to have heard just now, "Wait, what do you mean by what you just said?"

When Pei Yin approached him, he suddenly raised his hand, Lu Shijin took a step back subconsciously, but Pei Yin did not stop and took another step forward.

Alpha's complexion was deep, his eyes were as cold as water, and the corners of his mouth pursed into a camber that could not be rejected.

Now Lu Shi didn't dare to move anymore, he rolled his eyelids hard, watched Pei Yin's hand reach his head, and then watched him remove a green leaf from his head.

It turned out that a leaf had fallen off his head, and Lu Shijin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huo Lian, I've seen it." Pei Yin said.

Lu Shijin's breath that had just subsided came up again, his black eyes widened, full of incredulity, "Who are you talking about?!"

Lu Shijin's shock made Pei Yin even more convinced of the importance of the name "Huo Lian" to him.

Pei Yin held the leaf in his hand and slowly turned it around his fingertips. A sneer appeared on his lips, as if he was not holding the leaf, but the life of the gardener.

"Have you been pretending to be an Alpha for too long and have forgotten the fact that you are an Omega?" Pei Yin said lightly, "You said you have someone you like, I don't blame you, but what you fell in love with was An Omega, you can't be together."

Lu Shijin was confused by what he said: "???"

Pei Yin continued: "Not to mention that Huo Lian is just a gardener in your family. Your identities are so different that you don't match at all."

Lu Shijin was even more confused, staring at Pei Yin dumbfoundedly.

"The constitution stipulates that Omegas cannot marry Omegas, you have to think about your future." Pei Yin supported Lu Shijin's shoulders, with pain hidden in his eyes, "If you really like him, I allow you to keep this relationship. ."

Lu Shijin asked in confusion: "Why do I ask your permission?"

"Because, you can only belong to me." Pei Yin's blue eyes set off huge waves, brewing a storm.

Lu Shijin's eyebrows jumped, did his little prince have a brain problem?

Why can't he understand every word he says?

Seeing Lu Shijin's silence, Pei Yin thought that he was still resisting him, and the beast in his heart struggled to break the shackles.

Pei Yin suddenly pulled Lu Shijin into his arms.

He lowered his head and smelled the faint scent of daffodils on Lu Shijin's body, and the dark side calmed down a little.

Lu Shijin struggled in the unknown at first, "Hey, what are you smoking? I already said, I don't like you, you still want to take it by force?"

Unfortunately, there is a natural power gap between Omega and Alpha. No matter how hard Lu Shijin struggles, he can't break free from Pei Yin's shackles.

And his resistance will only arouse stronger possessiveness and evil thoughts in Alpha's heart.

"What do you like about that gardener?! He is in my hands now. I want him to live, and I want him to die. He, just, die!"

As the last word "death" burst out, Lu Shijin smelled a salty ocean breath spreading from Pei Yin unscrupulously.

Different from the refreshing and pleasant smell that I have smelled before, this pheromone is domineering and strong, and it is so strong that it makes people panic.

It's like being in the center of a whistling storm, and people will be engulfed by the stormy waves.

711: "Host hold on! The coolness value is rising!"

[Blackened, blackened! Fix it right away! 】

【That's it! If you don't accept it, tie it up and throw it into the small dark room! Hehehe, do it until he accepts it~]

【Force/Love! I can! 】

Lu Shijin: ... these people have some strange hobbies.

Lu Shijin's legs were uncontrollably weak. Under Alpha's pheromone attack, he couldn't regenerate any strength to resist.

Lu Shijin, who has never experienced such a thing, only now understands why Alpha can dominate the world.

They were born to be rulers, and others had to obey them.

"What are you doing now?" Lu Shijin put his hands on his sides, neither resisting nor responding, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Do you want to use pheromones to force me into submission? You are here to use Strong?"

Pei Yin's face was buried deep on Lu Shijin's shoulder, his cool, dry lips brushed lightly over the raised glands, restraining the urge to bite down.

"I don't want to, but I can't help it." A sigh came from Alpha's chest, "The fact that you are an Omega can't be kept secret forever. Once someone finds out, no one can protect you except me. I even… I allow you to keep him in your heart... As long as you come by my side, Lu Shijin, how can I be humble?"

"I think you may have misunderstood something." Lu Shijin snorted softly, "I don't like gardeners."

Pei Yin raised his head and looked at him suspiciously, "But at that time, you called his name."

Lu Shijin sneered, "Do you know which 'Huo Lian' I called 'Huo Lian'? Is it a man or a woman, a dog or a cat?"

"Isn't it your gardener?" Pei Yin was overjoyed when he heard the words, the smell of pheromones faded, and his eyes were not so gloomy, "I thought you liked that Omega, so..."

Lu Shijin looked straight ahead, fell somewhere without focus, and said softly: "How could I like Omega, of course I can't like Omega, they are weak and incompetent, any Alpha can easily crush them, just like you Just like you did to me."

"Sorry, I..." Pei Yin finally realized that what he had just done was inappropriate, and hurriedly let go of Lu Shijin, hanging his head like a child who had done something wrong, "I just... I thought the person you liked was Omega, that flower Craftsman, I can't help it, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry..."

"You don't need to say 'I'm sorry', Alpha is greedy by nature," Lu Shijin gave him a glance with his long and narrow eyes, "the same for you. But although I don't like Huo Lian, I didn't lie to you, I really like it. people."

Pei Yin's face, which had calmed down a bit earlier, suddenly turned frosty.

"That person is powerful but mysterious, no one dares to challenge him, and no one is his opponent." Lu Shijin tilted his head and put his hand on his chin, "Let me think about what other advantages he has, oh, Elegant gentleman, handsome and charming, personable and witty."

711 came out and complained: "...Does what you said match up with the big devil of the blood owl?"

Lu Shijin: "I'm not talking about him. I said it according to my own standards. Xue Xiao is me, and I am Xue Xiao. I am so good that I fell in love with myself. There is nothing wrong with me."

711: "...just be happy."

Pei Yin's face was ugly, "Really? Does such a perfect person really exist in the world?"

Lu Shijin nodded earnestly, picked a bright red rose, and stared at the flower affectionately, "He is a knight in the dark night, he is a beacon that illuminates the dark night." He raised the corner of his mouth and squinted at Peiin, "Actually this You know people, you have seen them."

Pei Yin lowered his eyelids, thought for a moment, and thought of a possibility that almost seemed impossible.

"Who... Who?" Pei Yin's lips trembled, not daring to say the guessed name.

Lu Shijin broke the stem of the rose, pinned it on Pei Yin's neckline, stroked the delicate petals with his thin white fingers, and said softly, "Didn't you guess it all? Why do you still ask me?"

Red roses, blood roses.

The answer is almost self-evident.

"It's impossible." Pein refused to believe such an answer.

Lu Shijin pulled his lips, "Why is it impossible? I have the same ideals as him, and we both want to change this unfair world. We are like-minded and cherish each other. But what about you, you promised me to repeal the law that is unfair to Omega, but you didn't. Do it, and even now want to force me to be with you, Pei Yin, you are no different from those selfish and hypocritical Alphas, why do you ask me to be loyal to you?"

Every word Lu Shijin said was like a whip on Pei Yin's heart.

Bloody and scarred.

He walked out of the garden in a hurry, almost embarrassed, and left without saying goodbye to Prime Minister Lu.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" Mo Bo strode along with Pei Yin, aware that Pei Yin's face was not right, and asked with concern.

Pei Yin stopped abruptly, turned his head and stared at Mo Bo, with black air entwined between his brows, like the sky with low air pressure before the mountain rain.

"Mo Bo, what kind of person do you think Xue Xiao is?"

Pei Yin's sudden question made Mo Bo's heart skip a beat.

"Your Majesty, why do you ask your subordinates this question?" Mo Bo bowed his head unnaturally, avoiding Pei Yin's sight.

"Do you think he's powerful too? He can rule Scarlet Rose, and the dark forces are almost at his mercy." Pei Yin laughed at himself, "And I'm just a little king who just ascended the throne. These ministers seem to obey me, but they are truly loyal to me. Mine, very few, what can I compare to him."

"Your Majesty, don't say that!" Mo Bo stood up, his eyes were firm, and he said righteously, "You have done a good job, no worse than anyone else. No matter what others do, your subordinates will always be loyal to you! "

"Thank you for your comfort," Pei Yin smiled comfortably, raised his hand on Mo Bo's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Then, are you willing to help me with one thing?"

Mo Bo replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

Pei Yin's smile became softer and softer, and it seemed that for a moment, he changed back to the gentle and elegant Highness that Mo Bo had remembered in the past.

"Okay, thank you Mo Bo, I will always remember your friendship for me."

The author has something to say:

Little wolf dog blackening progress: 100%