"What did you say? Pei Yin saw through Mo Bo's identity and arrested him?"

After Fran heard the news, he knew the importance of Mo Bo in the heart of the blood owl, and immediately reported to the blood owl through the terminal.

Lu Shijin couldn't understand it. Mo Bo lurked around Pei Yin for a long time and was never suspected. Why did Pei Yin see through it all of a sudden?

Did Mo Bo accidentally reveal his identity or someone betrayed him?

"How was Mo Bo exposed, and have you found out the reason?" Lu Shijin asked.

Fran: "It's not known yet, but according to the informant, Pei Yin imprisoned Mo Bo and tortured him, trying to force him to reveal your whereabouts."

Lu Shijin was silent for a while, then chuckled softly; "How can he be sure that Mo Bo will know my whereabouts?"

"Maybe there is a betrayal within the organization, not only betraying Mo Bo, but also revealing your importance to Mo Bo to the little king."

Lu Shijin: "I know about this, don't tell anyone else for the time being."

"I understand," Fran hesitated and couldn't help but say, "Boss, I know that Mauber is very important to you, but you must not take risks alone, this is obviously a trap."

"You can see it, and I can see it naturally. He is tempting me to take the bait." Lu Shijin said lightly, "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

Cut off the terminal dialogue, 711 asked: "What are you going to do next?"

"Blood Owl" took off his black mask, revealing a face exactly like "Lu Shijin" under the cloak, the only difference was the pair of coquettish silver eyes.

"Of course, let my little prince get his wish."

late at night.

Empire 101 Prison.

The people detained here are all serious offenders.

The two patrolling soldiers patrolled around and found nothing unusual, and returned to the central monitoring room.

It was already two o'clock in the morning. In order not to doze off, the two of them chatted.

"Have you heard? The newly arrived prisoner seems to have once been His Majesty's inner courtier. It is said that he was found out to be a spy of Scarlet Rose! It's terrifying, this organization can even put eyes and ears around the king, our empire Don't they all know the secrets of it?"

"Come on, I know that person. He has been with the king for a long time, and he is a very loyal person. You say he is a spy, where is the evidence? No? If I say it, it is likely that he has angered His Majesty and was rectified by His Majesty's excuse. Yes. Our king is ruthless, and even dares to kill his uncle and his mother. If you want to deal with a small servant, it is as easy as squeezing an ant. "

"Banjun is like a tiger. I wanted to climb up to become a high-ranking official before, but now I think about it, it's good to stay in the prison and be a guard. It's easy and there is no danger, don't you think?"

"Hahaha, who said no? I've been here for five years, and I haven't seen anything happen here! It can be said to be the least dangerous occupation!" The guard said proudly looking at the picture on the screen, "There are power grids everywhere. And monitoring, don't try to hide from my eyes if there is any trouble."


A cold and low voice suddenly appeared in the empty monitoring room. The two guards who were sitting on chairs bragging and talking were startled at the same time. They slowly turned their heads and looked at each other, wondering if they had auditory hallucinations.

"I don't even know when I came in, how dare you say nothing without trying to hide from your eyes?" The man in black leaned down and gave two guards a friendly glance, "Oh, I forgot, you guys There are no eyes behind the head."

The two guards' scalps were numb and their heads turned back stiffly. The moment they saw the cloak mask, their eyes were extremely frightened, and they subconsciously wanted to take out their guns and take precautions.

It's a pity that before their hands could touch the gun, Lu Shijin knocked each other out by hitting each other on the head.

Lu Shijin clapped his hands, stepped over the fallen guard, and walked to the console, "This story tells us that there are risks in everything we do, so don't take chances."

The console was full of buttons, and Lu Shijin was dizzy when he saw it. He didn't know which one to press to bring up the monitoring screen of the place where Mo Bo was being held.

Lu Shijin could only ask 711 for help, "Convenience store, how do you do this?"

711: "The third red button in the second row on the left hand side."

Lu Shijin pressed it, and as expected, a picture of the cell where Mo Bo was imprisoned appeared on the screen.

Mo Bo was tied to an iron frame, and his clothes were stained with blood, as if he had really been tortured to extract a confession.

Lu Shijin confirmed where Mo Bo was being held, and was about to leave the monitoring room to save people.

"Wait, there's something wrong." 711 said to stop, "Don't you think the atmosphere here is a bit weird? Judging from the surveillance footage, there seem to be few guards in this huge prison. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so sloppy, right?"

"I've seen it long ago, and deliberately withdrawing the defense is obviously a trick to invite Jun into the urn." Lu Shijin said disinterestedly, "But even if I see it, I will save people, otherwise how can the play go on? Look at it, The high-energy drama will begin immediately."

Lu Shijin used the "teleportation card" to bypass all the defense levels and monitoring, and directly teleported to Cell No. 22 where Mo Bo was being held.

The prison was silent in the middle of the night, and the prisoners also fell asleep.

Mobo was standing and tied to an iron frame, his body was covered with chains, tightly restraining his body to prevent him from resisting.

Mo Bo seemed to have fallen asleep with his head down, unaware that someone suddenly appeared in the cell.

Lu Shijin clicked his tongue twice and said to 711: "Pei Yin is really good at it. Little Mo Bo is so loyal to him. In order to attract me to appear, he turned his face when he turned his face, but I really want to know how he found Mo Bo. It's mine? It shouldn't be."

711: "Maybe Mo Bo loves Pei Yin too much, and he exposed it?"

Lu Shijin took it seriously: "It's possible, after all, love makes people blind."

"Wake up, Mo Bo." Xue Xiao stepped forward and patted Mo Bo's face, Mo Bo slowly opened his eyes, raised his head and saw that the person standing in front of him was Xue Xiao, his gray eyes were full of disbelief , I thought I was dreaming.

"It's not a dream, it's really me, I'll take you away." Xue Xiao said while untying the chains around Mo Bo.

Mo Bo began to struggle, and urged in a hoarse voice: "You shouldn't be here, leave me alone! Leave! This is a trap!"

"I know," the blood owl successfully unlocked the chain and supported Mo Bo, "but you are here, even if it is a trap, I have to come."

"Clap clap clap..."

A few applause suddenly sounded outside the cell, and there were countless neat and orderly footsteps. The lights above the head were lit up in rows, illuminating the dark cell as if it were daylight.

The door of the cell was opened, and the young king walked in. There were countless guards with live ammunition standing behind him. With a smile on his face, Pei Yin said, "It seems that I made the right move, and Mo Bo can really lead you to show up. ."

Mo Bo closed his eyes in despair, and grabbed Xue Xiao's arm tightly, "I'm sorry... I'm the one who caused you..."

However, Xue Xiao was not surprised by Pei Yin's appearance. He faced Pei Yin with his back straight, and said coldly, "Don't say anything about being implicated or not, Scarlet Rose will not abandon any member who is loyal to the organization."

Pei Yin raised his eyebrows, "Lord Xue Xiao's love and righteousness towards his subordinates really makes me admire and sigh. Is it worthwhile to take risks alone for a mere subordinate?"

"As long as I think it's worth it, it's worth it." Xue Xiao said, "Maybe in your eyes, he is just a **** that can be abandoned if you say it, but in my heart, it's not."

"Great, noble, and righteous." Pei Yin nodded in agreement, "Since Lord Xue Xiao values ​​Mo Bo so much, how about you stay with him?"

Xue Xiao sneered and said: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested, I must take it away today."

Pei Yin's blue eyes lowered and raised casually, and said with a half-smile, "I really want to invite you to stay as a guest, just like you did to me before, you are so ungrateful, it's hard for me to do it, if you move Get your hands up, isn't it hurt?"

Xue Xiao wore a mask and couldn't see his expression clearly, but listening to his calm voice, he knew that he didn't care about Pei Yin at all, "Your Majesty, don't you think that these people can keep me? Don't underestimate your opponent too much."

"Of course I don't think so." Pei Yin's voice suddenly became cold, "I know that you are very talented and elusive, and if you want to keep you, it's definitely not possible to rely on these people behind me, so guess what I have prepared for you. surprise?"

Xue Xiao narrowed his brows and pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of a possibility. He lowered his head to look at Mo Bo who was supporting him, and sure enough, he saw a full of apology in Mo Bo's eyes.

Xue Xiao suddenly felt something cold pressed against his waist, and then a strong electric current rushed through his body, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably, losing his strength.

Where did Mo Bo still look weak just now, looked at the blood owl who had been stunned by him on the ground, looked at the electric baton in his hand, hurriedly threw away the "weapon", knelt beside the blood owl, and hung down guiltily Head, only know to keep repeating: "I'm sorry, Lord Xue Xiao... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Lu Shijin didn't think it was a trap, but he didn't expect Mo Bo to be Pei Yin's accomplice.

Sure enough, betrayal only the first time and countless times.

Although Mo Bo did not release Pei Yin privately as in the original plot.

But now, Mo Bo is still because Pei Yin betrayed the blood owl, and used himself as a bait to lure the blood owl into the game.

The word love can really blind a person's eyes.

Xue Xiao collapsed to the ground, unconscious, and Lu Shijin just pulled away from consciousness and returned to his original body.

By the way, let 711 turn on the monitor and watch the wonderful live broadcast in the cell.

Pei Yin approached Xue Xiao step by step, squatted down and stretched out his hand. After hesitating for a while, he decisively lifted Xue Xiao's mask—

Pei Yin's face lost all color, as if all the blood had been drawn from his body, he froze in place.

The barrage on the screen is like snowflakes.

【Fuck? What the hell? What the hell? 】

[I guessed countless people who might be blood owls, but I never imagined that it was him? ! 】

【Am I dazzled? Does this look the same or is it the same person at all? 】

[I can't guess the plot more and more, why does Xue Xiao look exactly the same as Jin Jin? Spoiler please! 】

【Exciting and exciting! So, the person he likes today is actually himself? ? ? 】

[Daffodil boy I love hahahaha! The banner of self-attack and self-inflicted cult is flying! 】

711 shouted excitedly: "The coolness value! It has soared to 80%!"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes and knew that the goblins like to watch such curious plots.

But the thought of facing the wrath of his little prince next gave him a headache.

Alas, he just wants to have a good relationship, is it that difficult?

After returning from Prison 101, Lu Shijin hadn't heard any news about the capture of the blood owl until the evening.

His cheap father came back from the Prime Minister's Office, and he never mentioned the name of the blood owl.

As if what happened in the early morning was just a dream.

Lu Shijin couldn't guess what Pei Yin would do when he caught Xue Xiao and found that Xue Xiao had a face exactly like his own.

But judging from the current situation, it can only be seen as a trick.

It was another midnight, Lu Shijin was sleeping soundly in his bedroom of the Lu family, and 711 also went offline and went to sleep.

The Lu family was immersed in sleep, and no one noticed that a small aircraft appeared silently above the roof of the building.

A rope fell from the aircraft, and a tall figure slid down the rope and landed on the roof of the Lu family.

He swiftly climbed out of Lu Shijin's bedroom window, pushed open the window, and sneaked into the room.

Lu Shijin was dreaming, it was a beautiful dream.

The dream was about his past with Huo Lian in the previous world. Huo Lian pressed him on the sofa, and the two kissed lingeringly.

When his lips parted, he opened his eyes, and Huo Lian turned into Pei Yin again.

"Why lie to me?" Alpha's blue eyes were filled with deep sadness, "Why?"

Lu Shijin wanted to open his mouth to speak, but he couldn't. In his dream, he felt someone strangle his neck.

He couldn't breathe, but the man didn't intend to let him go, he lowered his head and sealed his lips, sucking up the air in his lungs little by little.

Lu Shijin kicked his legs in the air, struggling and finally woke up.

But the dream didn't end there. Just like in the dream, there was someone lying on his body, pinching his neck and kissing him.

Of course Lu Shijin had to rise up to resist, but the opponent's strength was so great that he couldn't push it away, and the resistance only brought more intense plunder from the opponent.

It was not until the tip of his nose smelled the familiar ocean breath that Lu Shijin realized that a daring person had broken into his bedroom in the middle of the night, climbed on his bed, and kissed him forcefully.

Resist it, just give up.

Lu Shijin took the initiative to put his arms around Alpha's neck, loosened his teeth, and responded.

Pei Yin noticed Lu Shijin's initiative, and was stunned for a moment, then the hand on Omega's slender neck weakened a bit, propped up his upper body and looked at Lu Shijin below him.

"Why don't you continue?" Lu Shijin still hooked his neck and hooked his lower lip sarcastically, "I'm still waiting for you to continue, if you don't continue, how can I sue you for trespassing outside the house to strengthen the female Omega? They are all serious crimes, you say, will the Supreme Court of the Empire open the door just because the criminal is the king of a country?"

"Lu Shijin." Pei Yin ignored his sarcasm and said word by word, "The person you like is in my hands."

"Oh? Really?" Lu Shijin licked his upper lip, "Congratulations, your trick is successful."

"Can you explain it?" Pein's thumb rubbed up and down on Omega's bulging Adam's apple, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, as if he had encountered a century's problem, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of the answer, "Why does he have the same face as you? "

"Why do you think?" Lu Shijin didn't answer the question.

Pei Yin's eyes imitated Lu Shijin's eyebrows invisibly, and said in a low voice, "I have a few guesses, the first one, he deliberately changed his face to look like you, but I ordered someone to check, and his face didn't move his hands or feet. , the second, you have exchanged identities, maybe you are him, he is you..."

Lu Shijin was amused by Pei Yin's assumption, and laughed uncontrollably, "Swapping identities? You are really imaginative, so you are here to check if I am a fake?"

"That possibility is not ruled out."

Pei Yin began to knead and **** on Lu Shijin's face, trying to find clues, but unfortunately found nothing.

So, this Lu Shijin is also true?

Pei Yin touched the protruding glands on Lu Shi's neck. The glands can be faked, and the taste of the pheromone may also be fake, but the reaction between the two highly compatible pheromones can never be faked.

Pei Yin began to unscrupulously release his own pheromones in the room, not to suppress Lu Shijin, but to signal Lu Shijin's estrus.

Lu Shijin soon felt that something was wrong with his body, his whole body began to feel hot, and the familiar feeling of emptiness and desire to be filled came back to his mind.

Damn, Alphas are so despicable and shameless!

"You...receive the pheromones! Fuck!" Lu Shijin kicked when he lifted his foot, but he became weak because of the coming estrus, and he kicked Pei Yin, whose muscles were as hard as iron, like itching.

Pei Yin, like a studious student, carefully observed Lu Shijin's reaction, and whispered, "Are you coming to estrus? So you are an Omega, and you are also true?"

"Of course Lao Tzu is true!" It really [beeps] a dog.

"Perhaps the blood owl was originally an Omega?" Pei Yin tilted his head and thought, "Ordinary Omegas will also respond to Alpha's pheromones, but they are not as strong as the pheromone height."

Lu Shijin wanted to cry without tears, "What do you want?"

Pei Yin stretched in from Lu Shijin's neckline and stroked along the thin Omega's muscle texture, while saying what he felt: "It's so hot, your reaction is very strong...you're shaking...water is coming out..."

Lu Shijin closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, refusing to let his shameful breath escape.

"You feel it, right?" Pei Yin felt that Lu Shijin took the initiative to lift his body to meet his actions, like a child who succeeded in mischief, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Shijin felt so ashamed for the first time. Under the seduction of pheromones, not only could he not have the strength to resist, but his determination to resist became weaker and weaker, so he could only lie down and let others play with it.

Slowly, the scent of daffodils in the air became stronger and stronger. This was the smell of Omega pheromone itself, and it couldn't be fake.

Lu Shijin twisted his body and cursed in a low voice: "Stop talking nonsense, **** you if you want! Can't you talk so much?"

"Can I do it, don't you understand yet?" Pei Yin let out a laugh in his chest, and stretched out his hand that had been doing whatever he wanted under the quilt. There were some transparent water stains on his fingers, and they smeared on Omega's glands a little bit. On, "So, what is the truth? I'm really curious."

Lu Shijin stabilized his mind and kept the last trace of sobriety.

"What is the truth, I can tell you," he smiled defiantly, "but I'm afraid your ability to bear is too poor to accept it."

Half of Pei Yin's face was hidden in the shadows, his blue eyes were dark and unclear, "Tell me about it."

While breathing, Lu Shijin said slowly: "The truth is, I am Xue Xiao, Xue Xiao is me, we are the same person, are you satisfied with what you heard?"

Pei Yin's brows were even more wrinkled, and the doubts in his eyes deepened.

"No, you're lying to me, how is this possible?" Pei Yin said coldly, "You can't be the same person, Xue Xiao is in the Scarlet Rose Base, and you are in the capital, how can you be the same person?"

"You forgot? I have two bodies, but these two bodies only have one consciousness." Lu Shijin raised his hand weakly and poked at Pei Yin's chest, "Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, I can say Some things that make you believe, such as what happened in Prison 101 in the early hours of this morning. I went to rescue Mo Bo who was imprisoned in Prison 101, and you instigated Mo Bo to betray me and attack me, am I right? "

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he got his wish and saw a look of shock in Pei Yin's eyes.

What happened in the prison, Pei Yin ordered everyone not to spread the word. Unless he was there, it was impossible for Lu Shijin to know such details.

So, is what he said true?

"Should you believe it now?" Lu Shijin's smile deepened, he had already told the truth anyway, and he had no other concerns, so he provoked himself not afraid of death, "So do you think you can trap me? Believe it or not, I will tell you in minutes. Consciousness is withdrawn and returned to another body? What you get is just a vegetative person without consciousness. If you like to do AI with a vegetative person, please do so."

711: "The audience coolness value has exceeded 85%! Come on! You can host!"

【Amazing! This plot is fantastic! 】

[Fuck me, I actually bought the right one? 】

[If I remember correctly, the blood owl is an Alpha, and Jinjin is an Omega, ah, ah, it seems to be really possible! 】

[I'm different, I don't stand up to self-defense, I stand up for Pei Xiaojin! There are a little more types that three people can play! 】

【Hey hey hey, so touching! Smile gradually perverted]

Pei Yin suddenly curled his lips into a smile, raised Lu Shijin's chin, and pecked his lips, "This is really a surprise. It turns out that you don't have anyone you like. You said that you like Xue Xiao, it's just an excuse."

Lu Shijin: "..." Is this the point? Hey!

Pei Yin looked happier, even a little excited, and asked, "Can your consciousness really be transferred to each other?"

Lu Shijin had an ominous premonition, why did he feel that Pei Yin's smile contained a perverted meaning?

"What do you want?" Lu Shijin swallowed.

Pei Yin picked up the limp Lu Shijin from the bed, but Lu Shijin had no strength to resist, so he could only let him do it.

He looked down at Lu Shijin and smiled softly: "The empire's top bionician has just developed an invention, a neural communication sensor that can share the senses of two different people, don't you think it's very good? interesting?"

Lu Shijin: "!!"

Alpha carried Omega on his shoulders, pushed open the window, grabbed the rope hanging from the window with one hand, jumped out of the window, and disappeared into the night without a sound.

The author has something to say:

drive? I don't drive, I get motion sickness and you don't know it!