Pei Yin brought Lu Shijin back to the palace.

Lu Shijin saw another "self" in His Majesty's bedroom - a blood owl who had taken off his mask, took off his cloak, and put on normal clothes.

It felt like watching my own twin brother.

Lu Shi is in a complicated mood.

However, he also had a lot of time to think, because the estrus period drawn by the Alpha pheromone was menacing.

As soon as Omega enters the estrus period, he will become unconscious. Lu Shijin has experienced this feeling of being out of control of his consciousness and behavior, and he doesn't like it.

Last time at the Scarlet Rose Base, he could also transfer his consciousness to the blood owl to eliminate the influence of the estrus period on him.

But this time-

Pei Yin put Lu Shijin on the bed gently, and also carried the unconscious Xue Xiao to the bed, side by side with Lu Shijin.

Then left the bedroom, not knowing where to go.

Just when Lu Shijin was so uncomfortable that he was about to get out of bed and went to find someone in person regardless of shame, the door opened.

"Can't you bear it? Don't worry, it'll be fine soon."

With a smile, Pei Yin lifted up Lu Shijin, whose legs were weak and almost fell to the ground, carried him back to the bed, and then took out two white rings like rubber bands.

One was placed on Lu Shijin's wrist, the rubber band was elastic, and it automatically became the appropriate size when it touched the human skin, automatically encircling Lu Shijin's wrist, neither loose nor tight.

After Lu Shijin finished putting it on, Pei Yin put another ring on Xue Xiao's hand.

"What is this?" Xue Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and his silver eyes stared at Pei Yin coldly.

Omega, who was in estrus over there, had lost consciousness and fell on the bed, only twisting instinctively.

Now that he knows that Lu Shijin's consciousness can be switched between the two bodies at will, Pei Yin is not surprised.

What's more, he has already fed the blood owl and took the medicine, and now he doesn't even have the strength to move his fingers except blinking and talking.

"Neural communication sensor, put on this, your two senses will be in common. How?" Pei Yin stroked the ring and looked at him with a smile, "Do you feel it now? Tell me, what is Alpha's estrus? feel?"

After listening to him, Lu Shijin immediately felt the same high fever in Xue Xiao's body, and Qingming's consciousness began to become chaotic.

What is even more frightening is that although the body of the blood owl is damaged and cannot release pheromones, it is a real Alpha.

The room was filled with Omega's sweet and fragrant pheromones, and the blood owl could not have the will to resist now, and of course it would inevitably be affected.

So, the thoughts of longing to possess and to be possessed, and at the same time tug at his nerves, Lu Shijin was tortured by his biological instinct and was about to go crazy.

Lu Shijin: What kind of pure and gentle little prince is this? He is clearly a devil! !

711 is even more excited than Lu Shijin: "The coolness value has exceeded 90%! Hehehehehe!"

Lu Shijin: "Can you **** stop 'hehehe', you are wretched!"

711 grievance Baba: "But it's really exciting, you are really amazing, the host, and the means of changing the plot can be called shocking!"

Lu Shijin: "Damn, it's a big sacrifice for me. No matter how dissatisfied the coolness value is, I'll be put into the ICU!"

"Ninety-five, ninety-five!" 711 yelled, "It's almost full!"

Lu Shijin scolded.

"You still don't want to go back to another body?" Pei Yin licked his full lips, his eyes glowing fiercely, like a lion preparing to pounce on his prey, "If you want to stick to the 'blood owl' I don't mind in the body, it's just that Alpha's body structure is different from Omega's, you see you will suffer a bit."

The concentration of pheromone has reached the upper limit, Alpha endured very hard, the eye sockets around the blue eyes were scarlet, and the animal might explode at any time.

Lu Shijin thought, yes, if he continued to stay in this body, he would not be able to bleed into a river because of Alpha's natural pride.

I was afraid, I was afraid, I slipped away.

He didn't struggle, and returned directly to Omega's body.

Pei Yin stroked the face of Xue Xiao, who closed his eyes again, with satisfaction, and praised softly: "It's so good."

"Fuck you, can you be more refreshing," Omega couldn't be satisfied, her physiological tears couldn't stop flowing, she looked sad and beautiful, but her words were rude, "If you can't, I'll do it for you. !"

Anyway, his body now has Alpha's physiological response, either up or down!

Pein stood in front of the bed, slowly unbuttoning one by one, leaning down and kissing his Omega.

While kissing, out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed the movement on the other side of the bed.

"Look, he seems to like it too." With his lips parted, Pei Yin was as happy as he had discovered the New World, "Open your eyes and see."

Look at your X size!

Lu Shijin was extremely ashamed. He closed his eyes tightly and refused to turn his head. He deceived himself and convinced himself that as long as he didn't open his eyes, the people next to him didn't exist!

"Wori, this can no longer be described as a pervert!" Lu Shijin and 711 cried, "Convenience store, I regret the beginning!"

711: "Hey, hey, there is sacrifice to be rewarded. The audience coolness value is almost 99%! It will be full soon!"

711 turned on the monitor and showed Lu Shijin the barrage army that filled the screen.

【Do not turn off the lights! Let me be healthy! Please take a look! woohoo~]

[I have a friend who has brain cancer and wants to know how the neural communication sensor works before dying! 】

【I am the friend of the sister in front! awsl! 】

[How many ways can three people play in total, just give it to Jin Kela! 】

【My imagination can't control it! The prehistoric power in my body is uncontrollable! 】

【Exciting! cool! Wonderful! 】

[I'm done, I'm gone, I'm cool! 】

A long estrus period of up to seven days.

In the past seven days, in addition to handling official business, Pei Yin spent the rest of the time accompanying Lu Shijin.

From sunrise to sunset, it's endless.

"You're bulging here," Pei Yin rubbed Lu Shijin's belly and smiled childishly, "Look, does it look like you're pregnant with a baby?"

"My day, your uncle..." Lu Shijin scolded weakly, feeling that Pei Yin's actions were ruthless, and quickly changed his words and pleaded, "I was wrong! The estrus period is over, can you let me put on my clothes and talk well? "

"Do you love me?" Pei Yin asked stubbornly.

"Love love love love! Alas!"

Lu Shijin was really afraid of being played these days. If he continued to play, he was afraid that he might be broken by playing, so in order to avoid Pei Yin playing any other tricks, as long as Pei Yin wanted to hear it, he would listen to it. Say exactly what he meant.

"Then give me a baby?" Pei Yin seemed to be particularly interested in Lu Shijin's abdomen, and his eyes kept lingering on it, "Or will she be pregnant? You are so bulging here, it's all mine..."

Lu Shijin wanted to cry but had no tears. He was afraid that he would say something tiger-like and interrupted him: "I really don't want to have a baby, so don't force me to do it, okay?"

"Why don't you want to have a baby with me?" The temperature in Alpha's blue eyes dropped suddenly, and he looked at Omega's expression displeasedly, "You don't want to have a baby with me, and you lied to me by saying that you love me."

"I didn't lie to you..." Lu Shijin rubbed his physiological tears on the pillow sideways, pleading softly, "Can you go out first, my stomach is too bloated, it hurts..."

Pei Yin ignored Lu Shijin's plea and demanded stubbornly, "Then give me a child."

Damn, why is little prince Mao so obsessed with having children?

Lu Shi has no clue.

"Except for having children, I promise you everything else." Lu Shijin backed down.

"You don't want to have children, are you still planning to leave me?" Pei Yin's eyes became dangerous, "I advise you to put aside this kind of thought, even if you escape from this planet and escape to any place in the universe , I can find you."

Lu Shijin twisted his body, slid up a little and wanted to sneak away quietly, and said in a low voice, "I didn't want to leave you."

"I don't believe it," Pei Yin quickly grabbed Lu Shijin's chin so that he could not escape, "You liar, you lied to me so many times, I can't believe you anymore."

"Then what do you want?" Lu Shijin was still angry, he lowered his head and bit Pei Yin's finger, and emphasized vaguely, "Except for having a baby!"

"Do you like Mo Bo?" Pei Yin asked Lu Shijin suddenly, letting Lu Shijin bite his finger without pulling it out.

"Ah?" Lu Shijin let go of his mouth, not understanding why Pei asked this question.

"You said you liked the blood owl, but it turned out later that this was just an excuse for you to reject me." Pei Yin thought thoughtfully, "But you can ignore the danger, knowing that it might be a trap, and going to save Mo Bo, it's enough. See how much you value him. Besides, you used to secretly meet in my garden, the person you really like, isn't he?"

Lu Shijin asked subconsciously, "How do you know?"

Pei Yin sneered at the corner of his mouth, "I saw it that night."

Lu Shijin: "…"

Lu Shijin didn't know how to answer this question that directly hit the soul.

The point is, there is nothing wrong with Pei Yin's question. According to the original plot, the person Xue Xiao really loves is Pei Yin.

Otherwise, how could he explain that he risked his life to save Mo Bo?

Is it the answer to socialist brotherhood? It doesn't make sense.

"Convenience store, convenience store!" Lu Shijin called 711, "How about the plot completion and audience coolness?"

If all the standards are met, he will be flashy, the blackened wolf dog is so scary, woo woo woo...

711: "It's all ninety-nine percent!"

Lu Shijin: "Damn, I have sacrificed so much, what are they not satisfied with?"

711: "I don't quite understand it either, maybe it's just a little bit short, host, will you work harder?"

Lu Shijin: "If you keep working hard, my stomach will really get bigger!"

"Answer me, Lu Shijin." Pei Yin's tone suddenly turned cold, as if in the next second if Lu Shijin answered "yes", he would order the end of Mo Bo's life.

"I don't like him, really, I only like you." Lu Shijin put on an affectionate expression and looked back at Pei in lovingly, "I have always regarded Mo Bo as my brother, and he is Alpha, I Also Alpha, we won't have a result, how could I like him?"

[Your Majesty, don't believe it, he is lying to you today! 】

[Go ahead, I can watch 100 episodes! Be sure to let him get pregnant with a child hehehehehehe]

【Can you believe what a man says in bed? Your Majesty, don't let him go! 】

Lu Shijin: "???"

The author has something to say:

Jinjin: I tell the truth why no one believes me?