The morning after Lu Shijin was taken away from the Lu family by Pei Yin, Prime Minister Lu searched all over the Lu family and could not find his son.

Lu Shijin didn't leave a few words to explain, it was as if the world had evaporated and disappeared. Prime Minister Lu was so anxious that he almost didn't go to the police station to report the case.

Not long after, news came from the palace that His Majesty the King invited Young Master Lu to be a guest in the palace, and asked the Prime Minister to stay calm.

Whether he was a guest or was stolen, how could the wily Prime Minister Lu not know.

But since the other party is the king, even if he has grievances, he can only hold back.

A few days later, the day of the new king's enthronement ceremony is approaching.

The palace sent another person to the Lu family to inform the Prime Minister that Lu Shijin had already agreed to marry His Majesty as queen.

The wedding ceremony of the king and queen will be held together with the enthronement ceremony, please prepare in advance for the Lu family.

Prime Minister Lu was surprised at first. Didn't his son refuse to be queen before?

Why have you suddenly changed your mind now?

Could it be that he suffered some inhuman abuse in the palace and was forced to agree?

Prime Minister Lu loves his son very much and is very worried about Lu Shijin's current situation.

Although if Lu Shijin could become the queen of the empire, the Lu family would follow suit, but he didn't want his son to be persecuted.

Just when he was about to enter the palace to request an audience with the king, Lu Shijin returned to the Lu family unharmed.

"Why are you back?" Prime Minister Lu was both surprised and delighted.

Lu Shijin went back to his room as soon as he got home and fell on the bed, as if he had gone through several days and nights of sleepless battles.

"Why can't I come back?"

Prime Minister Lu asked strangely, "Why is Your Majesty willing to let you back?"

Lu Shijin recalled what Pei Yin said before letting him out of the palace.

"Darling, I'll let you go home and prepare for our wedding, but don't think about running away. Don't forget that your other body is here with me, and Mowper is also in my hands. If you have thoughts, you should know the consequences."

Hehe, the threat of Chi Guoguo.

"He's willing to let me back, because he's expected that I won't dare to escape." Lu Shijin said sullenly, "I have a handle on him."

Prime Minister Lu was even more curious: "What's the handle?"

Lu Shijin raised his head to look at his cheap father, "Father, you have been in the officialdom for so many years, why don't you understand a truth?"

"Ah?" Prime Minister Lu was puzzled.

Lu Shijin said quietly: "The more you know, the faster you die."

Prime Minister Lu was furious and slapped his son with a slap, "Stinky boy's wings have grown hard, right? How dare you talk to your father like that!"

"You fight," Lu Shijin was lying upright, not wanting to resist but had no strength to resist, "you'd better hurt me so that I don't have to marry Pei Yin."

The hand that Prime Minister Lu just raised was really hesitant to take a second shot.

That's right, my son is going to be the queen soon. Maybe he will meet again in the future. He has to turn around and salute his son, but it can't be broken.

"I ask you, Your Majesty said that you promised to be his queen, did you do it voluntarily?" Prime Minister Lu sat on Lu Shijin's bed and looked at his son seriously.

Lu Shijin turned over, put his hands on his head and looked at Prime Minister Lu with a smile.

"What would you do if I didn't volunteer?"

Prime Minister Lu said with a stern face, "If you don't do it voluntarily, I will go to the palace and ask Your Majesty to take it back."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Why? Didn't you think it was good for me to be a queen before?"

Prime Minister Lu said angrily: "If you and Your Majesty are in love with each other, of course that's fine. But if you don't love Your Majesty, your marriage will definitely not be happy. As a father, I can't watch you jump into the fire pit. Follow my wishes and pretend to be Alpha. I know you have had a hard time, but now that it has been exposed, my father still hopes that you can spend your whole life with someone you love. Omega is different from Alpha. Marked by an Alpha, so you must choose carefully."

Lu Shijin used to think that Prime Minister Lu had let the original owner pretend to be Alpha in order to secure his position, and he was also a person who had no family in the eyes of interests.

I didn't expect to say such a thing today, it's really unexpected.

After being surprised, Lu Shijin felt a little moved in his heart.

Since entering this unknown world, after the binding system began to do tasks, no one has asked him what he thought.

Although this family relationship does not really belong to him, Lu Shijin still feels the warmth of being cared for by his family.

"I see, father." Lu Shijin smiled from the bottom of his heart, "Don't worry, I am voluntary, and no one is forcing me. After getting along with me these days, I think His Majesty is also very good, maybe becoming his queen, It is also a good choice.”

Prime Minister Lu looked suspiciously at Lu Shijin's expression, and judged the truth of his words, "Really?"

"Really," Lu Shijin propped up his upper body and nodded seriously, jokingly said, "It's more real than 24K pure gold."

Hearing what he said, Prime Minister Lu felt relieved and scolded with a smile, "Gritch!"

The son is still in the mood to joke, which means that he should not be forced.

Three days before the ceremony, Pei Yin ordered someone to deliver the dress to be worn on the day of the ceremony.

Mrs. Lu accompanied Lu Shijin to open the box containing the dress, and when she saw the exquisite dress, she couldn't help but let out a low voice.

The pure white fabric is finely embroidered with intricate rose flower patterns on the surface with silver threads, a blooming red rose is embroidered on the chest, and the stamen in the middle is decorated with a priceless natural pink diamond. Standing in the sun shining brightly, it will definitely attract everyone's attention.

"God, this is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!" Mrs. Lu stroked the exquisite hand-embroidery on the dress and praised, "Your Majesty has a heart, this dress must have taken a lot of thought."

The person sent by Pei Yin smiled and said, "Not only that, His Majesty also prepared a gift for Young Master Lu."

He clapped his hands twice, and filed into a group of people from outside, all holding a pot of roses in their hands.

"Your Majesty knows that Young Master Lu likes roses, and specially ordered people to search for all kinds of precious roses from the interstellar space as a wedding gift for Her Royal Highness the future queen. In addition to these sent to your palace, the flowerbed in the palace These roses are also planted in the house, madam, where is your garden? The gardeners in the palace are here, how about helping you plant them in your garden now?”

Madam Lu was stunned by the roses in the room, and she came back to her senses after being reminded by the servant, and hurriedly ordered someone to take these people to the garden.

When all the people in the palace were gone, Mrs. Lu took her son to see the transplanted roses.

All kinds of enchanting roses, swaying gently in the breeze, are very pleasing to the eye.

Mrs. Lu put her arms around Lu Shijin's arm and said sadly, "It seems that His Majesty really likes you and has prepared so much for you. Child, I have seen all the suffering you have suffered over the years. I often feel You are so good but you can't differentiate into Alpha, I have a great responsibility..."

Lu Shijin interrupted her: "Don't say that, no matter whether it is an Alpha or an Omega, no one can choose, I have never blamed you, you gave me life, I can only be grateful to you ."

With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Lu gave Lu Shijin a hug with relief, "Child, mom is very happy to see someone who loves you so much. I believe you will be happy."

Lu Shijin hugged her back gently, and said solemnly in a low voice, "I will."

Before the wedding, the two newlyweds could not meet, but Pei Yin would often have video calls with Lu Shijin.

No, not long after the flower giver returned, Lu Shijin received a video call invitation from Pei Yin on his personal terminal.

Mrs. Lu knew that the two must have something private to say now, and left the garden.

"Do you still like the gift I gave you?" Pei Yin asked with a smile when he saw the roses in the garden full of flowers in the video.

Lu Shijin pretended to put on a disdainful expression, "I'm not a woman, why are you giving me so many flowers?"

Pei Yin: "Don't you like it? I thought you would like the rose flower, after all, it is the symbol of the 'blood rose'. Do you still like the dress?"

Lu Shijin: "General."

Pei Yin frowned in distress, "Sorry, I'm not very good at choosing gifts, but the wedding is about to start, so I don't have time to prepare other things."

Lu Shijin cleared his throat: "No need, although I don't like it very much, I don't hate it either."

Pei Yin understood that Lu Shijin was duplicity, and raised his brows, "Yes, when we get married, everything I have will be shared with you. As long as I have it, it will also belong to you."

The little prince is really fickle. If you say black, you will be black, and if you say loyal dog, you will be loyal.

It makes people love it and hate it.

Lu Shijin is thinking about a question. Logically speaking, the climax of the plot has passed, but why the audience coolness value has been maintained at 99%, and why can't it reach the remaining 1%?

711 knew what Lu Shijin was thinking, and came out and said, "Do the audience still not believe that you two really love each other?"

Lu Shijin has a headache: "I was forced by him to say 'I love you' countless times in bed these days. How do you think I have to prove it?"

711: "You also know that you were forced..."

Lu Shijin: "...But I'm sincere! I really like him!"

711: "You played too much before and lost the trust of the audience."

Lu Shijin: "Hehe, this group of people is really hard to serve. If you don't play big, they don't think it's exciting. Play big, they think I'm fake."

In the video, Pei Yin slowly talked about the process of going on the wedding day. It sounded extremely cumbersome, and Lu Shijin had a big head.

Just at this time, another video invitation came in. When Lu Shijin saw that it was Fran, he cut off Pei's picture and connected Fran's phone.

Fran in the video looked flustered, "Boss, the latest news, the Zerg has left the Zerg Star to attack us! This time their elite troops are out in full force, and the battle of the empire will be very difficult!"

Lu Shijin's heart skipped a beat, perhaps, his chance had come.

"Your Majesty," Lu Shijin cut back to Peyin's call screen and interrupted him softly, "The Zerg army has already attacked here, do you know?"

Pei Yin was stunned for a moment, and quickly read the news from the terminal report. Just a minute ago, the Royal Prevention and Control Force reported an emergency military situation, the content was just as Lu Shijin said.

Pei Yin's face immediately became solemn.

"Your Majesty, our wedding may be postponed," Omega stood up straight, as tall and straight as a vigorous green pine, with a firm voice, "I am a soldier, it is my duty to defend the empire, and it is also my duty to show you The way of loyalty and love. Wait for the news of my triumph, okay?"

The author has something to say:

This world will end tomorrow, the next world should be the modern entertainment circle~