Before Pei Yin could say "don't go", Lu Shijin had already hung up the communication phone.

Pei Yin slumped to the back of the chair behind him, thinking back and forth in his mind only about the last sentence Lu Shijin said to him.

"Although I am an Omega, I want to prove that I will not lose to any Alpha. This is my lifelong wish. Your Majesty, if you really love me, please respect me and support my decision."

In the end, Pei Yin still did not call Lu Shijin's personal terminal.

He immediately went to the military headquarters, ready to personally participate in commanding the battle against the Zerg invasion.

Most of the Zerg are huge in size, and they are born with a steel-like hard shell.

Although the elites of the imperial army are all out, the manipulators are all flesh and blood. Once the mecha is damaged, the manipulator is almost certain to die.

In the huge combat command room, the atmosphere was solemn. Several generals participating in the command were sitting on both sides of the conference table, staring at the screen with solemn expressions.

On the screen is the center of the battle with the Zerg. The green dots represent the number of imperial troops, and the red dots represent the number of Zerg.

Although the green dots and red dots have been reduced to varying degrees, every time a green dot goes out, everyone in the command room feels heavier.

The green dot will never light up again after it goes out, which means that the empire has sacrificed another excellent soldier.

The Zerg made full preparations for this invasion, sending "Destroyer" as the vanguard.

This group of disgusting bugs that look like giant cockroaches is not only very difficult to deal with, but also keeps laying eggs.

These eggs are attached to the mecha and will explode after a certain period of time, causing very serious damage to the mecha.

Gradually, the number of red dots prevailed, and they headed for the land in an overwhelming trend.

"It's not the way to go on like this. The Zerg tried their best this time to fight to the death. We can't afford to lose and we can't lose. We must ask other planets for assistance!"

"But the planet that is friendly to us is also 1,000 light-years away from us. The reinforcements will not arrive until a day later. I'm afraid that the battle situation will be irreversible by then!"

"That's better than sitting here and waiting for death! I'll go out and get on the mecha now to meet the enemy, killing one is not a loss, killing two, I will earn!"

Everyone looked at the person sitting at the top, "Your Majesty, I have to ask you to make up your mind about what to do!"

The young king's face was calm and calm in the face of danger, "How much combat power do all the troops have to send?"

"All the troops have been assembled. In addition to the ones that have been dispatched, there are still more than 50,000 soldiers left on the ground."

"How many mechas are there for fighting?" Peiyin asked.

"Less than... five thousand!"

Everyone's hearts cooled down, which meant that the remaining 45,000 people could only fight hand-to-hand with the Zerg.

The reinforced iron-boned mecha has no ability to fight back in front of the Zerg, and the unprotected mortal body is tantamount to death when encountering them.

"Admiral Li, immediately send a distress signal to Meiya and ask them to send reinforcements." Peiyin stood up and straightened the brim of his military cap, "Five thousand soldiers will be selected from the remaining 50,000. Form a death squad to raid the left flank with the weakest Zerg firepower and open up a battlefield for the frontal troops. Remember, this mission may have no return, so sign up voluntarily and don’t force it.”

"As ordered!" The General Li raised his hand and gave a military salute, then hesitated again, put his hand down, and asked, "Dare to ask Your Majesty, who will lead the 5,000-strong death squad?"

Pei Yin tightened the snow-white gloves on his hands, with a resolute look in his blue eyes, "I."

The dissenting voices in the command room rang out.

"How does this work?!"

"You are the king of a country! Absolutely not!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to go to war! Please let me lead the team to raid, I will not be disgraced!"

"Don't talk about it," Pei Yin swept across the faces of each general with a smile, "Everyone here is a hero who is loyal to the empire. I understand your loyalty, but if you don't even protect the country, what's the point of having a ruler? We all know well that reinforcements will not arrive in time, and these five thousand people are our last hope. Those who are fighting on the front line are all my comrades-in-arms. I can't convince myself to sit here and wait for the outcome of the war, and what? Neither do it, so please give me a chance to fight alongside them."

The generals present are all experienced in hundreds of battles, and they have achieved the status they are today due to their illustrious military exploits.

Some of them had doubts about Pei Yin's ability, or they were dissatisfied with Pei Yin, but at this moment, all of them were in awe of their new king.

"Your Majesty! We are willing to go out with you!"

"Yes! I'm going too! Fighting this old bone, I have to shoot through the heads of a few Zerg!"

"It's better to die in battle than to live!"

"Don't fight anymore," Pei Yin interrupted their argument and said solemnly, "All of you are senior officials and veterans with many meritorious deeds, and the empire's future will depend on you to support it, so leave the opportunity to make contributions to young people. "

Hearing that His Majesty the King was going to lead the army in person, greatly boosted morale. Almost all of the more than 50,000 soldiers had to sign up for the 5,000-strong death squad.

Each general quickly selected 5,000 Alphas with the best physical fitness and outstanding mental strength from the troops under their jurisdiction, and gathered together to wait for the king's dispatch.

The battle situation in front is stalemate, and the frontal troops urgently need an opportunity to tear apart the defense line of the Zerg army and conduct a counterattack.

The king, who had put on a battle suit, was mighty and majestic, stood tall on the stage, and gave his final pre-war speech.

"Soldiers, this trip is destined to be a life-and-death situation, are you ready?"


"Very well, you have to remember that at this moment, you are not fighting for the empire, not for me! If our homeland is captured by the Zerg, everyone will have no tomorrow, so you are fighting for yourself, Including me, do you understand?"


"This operation is code-named 'Dawn', I hope we can bring the dawn of victory to the empire's tomorrow! Come on mecha warriors!"

The voices of the five thousand people were impassioned, and the real arm shouted: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Victory! Victory!"

Mo Bo was also on the expedition. Before getting on the mecha, Pei Yin asked him, "Is there still no news of him?"

Mo Bo shook his head, "I've checked all the mecha manipulator lists and found no blood... I mean the matching information of Major Lu."

The army's mecha must be authorized by the military to operate. If Lu Shijin is already on the battlefield, he should be able to find it.

But after that day, Pei Yin never heard from Lu Shijin again.

Pei Yin lowered his eyes and hid the worry in his eyes, "If I can't come back this time, tell him when you see him..."

"Your Majesty! We will definitely win! You and Major Lu will also be safe." Mo Bo said with a firm smile, "What you want to say, Major Lu will definitely want you to tell him personally."

Pei Yin raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled suddenly, "Yes, we will definitely win!"

The five thousand mechas carried the hope of everyone in the empire and marched toward the center of the battlefield in an orderly manner.

The place where the firepower is the most intense, the sky is densely filled with black Zerg, making people's scalp numb.

Peiyin ordered the frontal troops to attract the Zerg firepower, and divided the five thousand people into two teams to launch sneak attacks from the left and right flanks of the Zerg army.

However, the defense on the left and right sides of the Zerg army was in place, and the sneak attack did not achieve very good results.

The ammunition stored on each rack is limited, and many mechas have run out of ammunition and cannot be replenished, just like scrap metal.

The number of death squads continued to decrease, and the ammunition on the remaining surviving racks gradually could not support the next battle.

All the remaining members of the death squad Pei Yin ordered their firepower to the left wing, which was relatively weak in defense. He drove the mecha to take the lead and rushed to the forefront of the firepower. Relying on his strong mental power, he flexibly manipulated the mecha to kill countless Zerg. Punched a small hole in the Zerg's defensive line.

But the others were stumped by the intractable Zerglings and couldn't cooperate with Pei Yin's offensive.

The **** road that Pei Yin fought alone was about to become a dead end, suddenly! Hundreds of combat armors appeared over the battlefield and came to support Pei in mightily!

The shells of those mechas were all bright black, with red lines outlined on the surface to form a pattern of roses, like black lightning bolts, silently and suddenly descended on the battlefield.

Mo Bo's excited shout came from Pei Yin's earphone: "Scarlet Rose! It's Lord Blood Owl!"

This group of heavenly soldiers was the elite Scarlet Rose led by Lu Shijin. They had long been lurking near the battlefield, waiting for the moment to prepare for a fatal blow to the Zerg.

Although the Zerg body is indestructible, most Zerg have low intelligence. They will transmit signals to each other and arrange division of labor. The leader responsible for unified scheduling is the advanced intelligent creature with higher IQ than ordinary humans. In addition to the worms in the Zerg, the number of intelligent insects has the highest status.

Scarlet Rose has already found out the location of the wise insect, which is in the center of the left wing where the Zerg is strictly guarded!

As long as the intelligent insects are killed, these low-IQ Zerg are a group of headless flies, self-defeating!

Lu Shijin didn't know that Pei Yin led the army to go on a personal expedition. He just assumed that someone in the imperial army thought the same as him, capturing the thief first and capturing the king.

A total of 500 people came to Scarlet Rose, and the number was small and inconspicuous, so it never attracted the attention of the army and the Zerg.

Lu Shijin has been observing the situation on the battlefield, and when he sees a mecha penetrated deep into the Zerg position, he knows that the opportunity is here!

The mecha belonging to Scarlet Rose launched an attack on the Zerg along the route that Pein had flown, and the fierce firepower opened the way, unstoppable all the way!

After a hail of bullets, more than 500 mechas surrounded the location of the worm, and regardless of the harassment of other zerg, they concentrated their firepower on the worm.

The chiropractor is a huge creature with the shape of a sarcoma. Although the surface is not protected by a hard carapace, a thick layer of fat is accumulated to protect its central nervous system.

This layer of fat may be as thick as twenty or thirty meters in diameter. Unless the bomb can be buried in the body of the sapient worm and detonated, the sapient worm cannot be completely killed in a short time.

On the battlefield, time is raced, every thought is life and one thought is death.

Decisions are often made within a second and a half.

The mecha controlled by Lu Shijin happened to be equipped with a heavy bomb, and his mecha was the fastest flying among all the mechas. He was undoubtedly the best person to undertake the mission.

Looking out from the control room, Lu Shijin saw that the imperial army could no longer resist the attack of the Zerg on the frontal battlefield, and was on the verge of retreating.

There was no time for him to hesitate.

There, Pei Yin was surrounded by a small group of Zerg troops and fell into a fierce battle. Suddenly, he saw a black mecha rushing into the Zerg Army not far away.

In the face of the Zerg's interception, there is no evasion. The weapons loaded on the mech "Tudu" risked Mars, and shot all the Zerg that tried to approach it, with the intention of perishing.

I don't know why, I don't know who is sitting in the mecha cabin, but Pei Yin has a strong premonition that this person is Lu Shijin!

Pei Yin's heart almost stopped!

However, with a sudden left and right flash, it was impossible to break through the encirclement of the Zerg, and he was so anxious that he almost lost his mind.

He could only watch Lu Shijin rush into the black insect army, and then be drowned by the vast Zerg, disappearing without a trace, and his life and death are unknown.

Lu Shijin approached the position of the worm, and a spiral drill was extended in front of the mecha, and a hole was drilled in the thick fat of the worm.

While manipulating the mecha to move towards the sapient worm, he informed the other people of Scarlet Rose to evacuate the battlefield.

All the black mecha hesitated for a while, followed Lu Shijin's order to stop fighting and flew away from the battlefield.

Mo Bo felt strange and asked Pei Yin: "Your Majesty, they suddenly withdrew, what should we do?"

Pei Yin suddenly understood what Lu Shijin wanted to do, and closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again, his eyes filled with sorrow and regret.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said decisively: "Everyone, withdraw!"

Less than 50% of the 5,000 people he brought with him remained. The soldiers who were still alive had witnessed the sacrifices of so many comrades in arms. Their grief had turned into anger. The battle was not over, and no one was willing to leave the battlefield.

"This is an order! Withdraw!" Peiyin's voice suddenly rose, trembling uncontrollably.

Don't let his sacrifice be in vain...

All the mechas turned around and flew back. Mo Bo's mecha was right next to Pei Yin. He was about to turn around, but found that Pei Yin's mecha did not move.

"Your Majesty, aren't you leaving?" Mo Bo shouted anxiously.

Pei Yin has taken off the communicator and turned off the display panel, so that he can see the situation outside more clearly.

His azure blue eyes stared out the window deeply, as if he could penetrate the darkness and see the face of his lover.

Lu Shijin had already seen the beating central nervous system of the chiropractor. It was shaped like a brain and kept beating as if it had life.

"Ah, sacrificing for righteousness, I'm really great, I'm going to be moved by myself."

Lu Shijin pressed the five-second countdown button for the missile launch, unfastened his seat belt, and leaned comfortably on the driver's seat.

"Convenience store, can you order a song and let me greet the arrival of death with the sound of music?"

711: "What do you want to hear?"

Lu Shijin closed his eyes: "Don'tCryForMeArgentina."

My prince, please don't cry for me.

If we can save the lives of tens of millions of people at the cost of one person, I will go to them.

I hope that with my sacrifice, the world's prejudice against Omega can be changed.

I am no worse than anyone.

At the last second of the countdown, in the music to commemorate a great woman who was born lowly and became the first lady, who fought for the rights of the poor people, the bomb detonated, the flames shot into the sky, mixed with the rolling heat wave, swallowing everything!

Mo Bo saw that the flames were about to reach out to their position, and quickly turned to Peiyin's mecha, and accelerated to push Peiin away from the range that would be affected by the explosion...

"The audience coolness value reaches 100%, and the plot is 100% complete. Congratulations to the host, you have successfully completed the mission of this world. Do you choose to immediately teleport out of this world?"


The Zerg's invasion plan was eventually defeated by the death of the wise insect. The Zerg's vitality was severely damaged and they fled back to the Zerg Star. It may take a long time to recover before making a comeback.

The Empire ensured peace for a long time.

Although the Empire won the battle with fewer victories, it was won at the cost of the lives of 100,000 soldiers and the cost of countless weapon resources.

Of course, the ultimate victory is inseparable from the sacrifice of one person.

It was he who stepped forward at a critical moment and perished with Zhi Zong, which turned the tide of the battle.

A month later, in the post-war capital, the king held a memorial ceremony for the 100,000 soldiers who died.

Eight soldiers in military uniforms carried a coffin and strutted at the front, the coffin covered with the flag of the Empire.

The people on both sides of the road who came to see them off, holding a bright red rose in their hands, watched the last journey of the hero who saved them.

"Knights who break through darkness, warriors who bring light, are born here and buried here."

This is the epitaph written by the young king to the hero.

Not long ago, the King announced the repeal of all laws and regulations across the country that treated Omega unfairly.

Write "allowing Omegas to participate in politics and the military" into the Constitution, set up an Omega Protection Association, help Omegas defend their rights, and severely punish all behaviors that harm Omegas.

Although these policies will affect the interests of some nobles, none of these pedantic old guys dare to stand up and say no.

Because when the Zerg invaded aggressively, without the sacrifice of the Omega, these nobles would have already become a delicious meal for the Zerg.

Moreover, Pei Yin received the support of various generals from the military, and no minister dared to oppose any decision issued by the king.

After the funeral, Paine returned to the palace.

After a battle, the young king not only received numerous calls to support him, but his temperament has also been greatly changed.

He has become more mature and stable, and his emotions and anger are invisible. Even if his lover dies, he does not show excessive sadness.

It is more in line with the aura that a king of a country should have.

Once the king returned to the palace, he didn't go anywhere, and went straight back to his own bedroom.

In front of the king's bedroom, there is a large rose garden, which is planted with various rare varieties of roses.

Every midnight, when you open the window, you can not only smell the intoxicating fragrance of flowers outside the window, but also hear the chirping of unknown birds.

But it wasn't midnight, and the window wasn't open.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window stood a man in a black cloak, without a mask on his face, looking out the window thoughtfully.

His shadow was reflected on the window, exactly the same as the man on the tombstone photo at the funeral that had just ended.

Pei Yin approached him lightly, hugged him from behind, and kissed the man's ear, "I thought you would go to the funeral too."

Xue Xiao smiled at himself in the mirror, "It feels too strange to attend my own funeral. Besides, it's not auspicious."

"What I promised you, I did." Pei Yin took off his disguise and showed a childish grievance on his face. "What did you promise me? When did you do it?"

"Are you sure you want the boss of the dark forces to be your queen?" Xue Xiao turned around, pointed his finger at Pei Yin's chest, and said with a chuckle, "Aren't you afraid that your ministers will know that they are uniting against you? "

"Not afraid," Pei Yin raised his eyebrows disapprovingly, "They don't dare to care about me, and besides, Scarlet Rose also made great efforts in the battle with the Zerg. As long as your subordinates are willing to submit to the government's jurisdiction, I will give them every A good job for a person."

The blood owl shook his head in disgust, "No, thank you for your kindness, they are used to freedom and don't like to be bound by those rules and regulations. The world is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Since they live on this planet, they can't stand by their eyes. Watching my home destroyed."

"What about you? You also like freedom, don't you want to accompany me?" Pei Yin frowned sadly, like a grieving husband abandoned by his wife.

"No one doesn't like freedom, and no one is willing to be a nightingale kept in a cage." Xue Xiao stroked Pei Yin's face, his eyes softened, "Besides, you love eagles and not nightingales, right? Why do you need to be with you day and night, you only need to know that I have you in my heart, and I will come to see you often."

"Then when did you have me in your heart?" Pei Yin seemed to be persuaded, and his blue eyes lit up with excitement.

The blood owl sells off: "Longer than you think."

Pei Yin blinked, "Would it be longer than the first time we met? Was it when he was studying in the military academy?"

Xue Xiao shook his head, "No, it wasn't love at first sight, it's been longer than that time, maybe it's a previous life."

Pei Yin knew that he was deliberately teasing himself, but what was there to be unsatisfied with hearing such romantic love words?

"I love you too. Whether it's in the last life, this life, or the next life, in the next life, I will love you as always."

Xue Xiao raised his hand and placed it on Pei Yin's shoulder, where he had bitten his teeth, and slightly hooked his lips: "Me too."

The two embraced and kissed in front of the window, behind which was a large splendid rose flower that was bright red like blood, just like their warm and pure love.

Just because a good show ends, doesn't mean the story ends there.

The temporary parting is also to pave the way for the next meeting.

The author has something to say:

Explain how the ending of each small world is handled. Gongshou is not a real character in the play, but a person who acts in the play, so after the play is over, Gongshou will leave and go to the next world to continue acting.

Of course, the story in the play is still going on, and Jin Jin in the talented painter is of course not dead. He and his uncle are happily together.

Every world will not be tragic, after all, I am a writer of sweet essays, hmmm