Chapter 38: Idol, your character is broken

"Brother Shijin, you must remember to ask Xu Yifan for his autographed photo for me! It's better to write 'to dear Tao Tao'! Do you know? Do you know?"

As soon as Lu Shijin passed by, he was attacked by an unknown creature.

That creature was about 1.8 meters tall, with unicorn arms and elephant legs, the same thickness up and down, with a swimming ring wrapped around its waist, and a fat face that was still fair, with fat accumulation that almost squeezed out the facial features.

The man hugged Lu Shijin tightly with his fat body, almost squeezing his nose.

Lu Shijin felt it was difficult to breathe, but his body was only over 120 kilograms, so he couldn't compete with a giant creature that was almost twice his weight.

"Damn, who is this fat man? Is he trying to smother me with his fat?"

711 is long overdue: "His name is Tao Qinghong, and he is the hero of this show~"

"Who? The male protagonist? Him?!" Lu Shijin felt unbelievable, "Are all the audience watching the show so serious now? Tao Qinghong? The name sounds like a good figure, but what do you think he's light? He clearly It should be called Tao Taishan!"

711 snorted coldly: "Why do you judge people by their appearance?"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm Yan Gou, this is a society that judges people by their appearance," Lu Shijin said, "Hurry up and send the background introduction of the plot line of this world, one step later, I will really be suffocated to death!"

711: "OK!"

This drama is an inspirational youth idol drama with the entertainment industry as the background.

The protagonist is the Tao Qinghong who weighs 250 pounds in front of Lu Shijin.

Tao Qinghong, the crown prince of Chuangxing Entertainment Group, seventeen years old, a senior in high school, recently fell in love with a new idol who debuted in his company's talent show, the Xu Yifan he said at the beginning.

Xu Yifan, 20 years old, another male protagonist of the show, has a cold, arrogant and withdrawn personality. He has a handsome face like a statue and attracts countless fans. He is called the "Prince of Ice and Snow" by fans, and won the championship in one fell swoop. , C debut, everyone is optimistic about him becoming the next top.

Xu Yifan's handsome face attracted countless boys and girls to fall in love with him, Tao Qinghong was one of them, and he was deeply poisoned and hopeless.

But at the end of all dramas, it is impossible for the male protagonist to be with a big fat man.

The reason why this drama is an inspirational drama is because Tao Qinghong was determined to lose weight in order to catch up with idols, and it took four months to lose 120 pounds of fat.

Reborn, from a fat man of 250 pounds to a handsome little fresh meat with thin waist and long legs.

In the end, through hard work, I not only won the favor of idols, but also gained the love of idols, which is a model of successful star chasing!

The plot sounds much simpler than the previous two worlds.

"The plot is so simple, what's the fun for the audience?" Lu Shijin didn't understand.

711: "Success in losing weight, chasing stars, falling in love with idols, as long as people who have chased stars, in their eyes, is there anything cooler than these? Winners in life!"

Lu Shijin: "Sorry, I don't follow stars, I don't understand very well. Then what is my role?"

711: "Your character is Tao Qinghong's petite, one year older than him, and also an idol artist who debuted on the same talent show as Xu Yifan, so Tao Qinghong came to you to help him ask for Xu Yifan's autographed photo. In the process of Tao Qinghong losing weight and chasing idols, you have always played the role of a good brother, urging and encouraging him, but when Tao Qinghong succeeded in losing weight, you found that you had fallen in love with this person unknowingly. Lovely brother, in order to make Tao Qinghong happy, you choose to keep this feeling in your heart forever and watch Tao Qinghong be happy silently."

Lu Shijin: "...a character with a good background board."

As soon as 711 heard Lu Shijin's tone, he just wanted to do something, and said as if facing the enemy: "This time the task is very simple, don't give me a whole lot of shit, don't forget the last world, you only get full after you die once. If you lose the audience coolness value, you won't have a second life this time!"

Lu Shijin smiled maliciously: "Don't be afraid of the convenience store, as long as you tell me that Pei Yin is not in this world, I promise not to mess around."

711: "This problem is beyond the scope of my function. Every time the soul put into the plot is random, the last time you met him, it was a good luck that there is no one in a thousand miles. It is true that he is not in this world. No."

Lu Shijin: "Then I have to rely on me to find them one by one? It's boring."

711 persevered and persuaded: "You can complete the task of this world as soon as possible, maybe you will meet again in the next world?"

Lu Shijin sneered: "Don't try to induce me, it would be nice if the task was so simple, the most difficult thing in the world is 'persistence', look at Tao Qinghong's fat body, is it easy to lose weight? ?"

He suddenly rolled his eyes, and asked thiefly, "Do you have any cards in the mall that can be used to make you thinner? If you use it directly for Tao Qinghong, wouldn't it save you a lot of trouble?"

"Don't even think about it!" 711 said sternly, "You are cheating and do not meet the regulations!"

"Convenience store, you have changed," Lu Shijin complained with tears in his eyes, "you are no longer my sweet little padded jacket."

711 said coldly, "Hmph, it wasn't originally."

Closer to home, Lu Shijin was about to suffocate in Tao Qinghong's "love hug", he hurriedly raised his neck and tried to get a breath of fresh air.

"Tao Tao, Tao Tao, let me go first, I'm almost out of breath!"

Tao Qinghong realized that he seemed to be holding Lu Shijin too tightly, he quickly let go of his arms, took a step back and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Brother Shi Jin, when I heard that you were going to hang out with Xu Yifan, I was so excited. My subordinates were not serious, didn't they hurt you?"

Lu Shijin patted his chest and said, "No no."

The talent show that Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin participated in finally selected the six most popular players to form a men's team to debut.

In order to help the new group gain popularity, the brokerage company planned an online variety show. The six members went on a seven-day and six-night trip together. The travel process will be broadcast live on the website 24 hours a day. Fans can watch idols at any time. The truest side of life.

Although it is said to be the "real side", but now that he is an idol, the agency has already designed the character for him.

It is estimated that this reality show has already arranged the script, maybe even the lines are designed.

"Brother Shijin, I envy you so much, you can debut with Xu Yifan, become his teammate, and work hard for his dream with him!"

Tao Qinghong's expression was very yearning, and the small eyes that were squeezed into a slit by the fat shone with light, this was his boundless love for idols.

As soon as Lu Shijin turned around, he found a suitcase lying on the floor, with all kinds of clothes thrown in a mess, all the clothes he wanted to take to wear in the travel show.

He couldn't see the mess like this, so he squatted down and started to clean up.

"Actually, you can too," Lu Shijin said to Tao Qinghong earnestly as he packed up, "If Tao Tao can lose weight, he must be a handsome guy, and depending on your family's relationship, why would it be difficult to debut? Maybe at that time. Redder than Xu Yifan."

Tao Qinghong smiled shyly, "Thank you brother now, I know you are comforting me, Xu Yifan is so good and so good, in my heart no one can surpass him, I just need to keep looking up to him, I don't expect anything else. of."

"I didn't comfort you, I mean it." Lu Shijin looked at the little fat man seriously, "Tao Tao, haven't you thought about losing weight? Whether it's for your future life or your health, it's a good thing."

"I thought about it, but losing weight is very difficult," Tao Qinghong said with a bitter face, and stretched out his stubby fingers to count one by one, "I can't eat my favorite hot pot, spicy crayfish, teppanyaki, braised pork, ice cream... You can't eat this, you can't eat that, what's the fun in life?"

Lu Shijin: "..." You know how this little fat man got so fat.

Now it seems that the little fat man has no consciousness of losing weight at all.

This can't be done. The most critical part of completing the mission is to make Tao Qinghong lose weight.

Unless Xu Yifan was blind, it was absolutely impossible for him to see Tao Qinghong who looked like a tiger with a bear with its back.

Lu Shijin frowned, thinking about it.

"Tao Tao, do you just want Xu Yifan's autographed photo?" Lu Shijin smiled like a fox, "Do you want to order anything else?"

Tao Qinghong really took the bait and rushed towards Lu Shijin excitedly, "Other? What else?!"

"Stop, stop!" Lu Shijin felt the floor vibrate, so he hurriedly made a stop gesture, so that Tao Qinghong didn't get excited and hugged him again, "How about I make a bet with you?"

Tao Qinghong blinked his small eyes, "What bet?"

"I can ask Xu Yifan to meet you alone," Lu Shijin saw the expected excitement on Tao Qinghong's face, and then said slowly, "As long as you can lose twenty pounds a month."

"Really?" Tao Qinghong was dubious, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Of course it's true, I'm Xu Yifan's teammate, you still don't believe me?" Lu Shijin packed his clothes and closed his suitcase and stood up, "As long as you can lose weight, I'll definitely do what I say!"

Tao Qinghong was very entangled, on one side was the pain of losing weight, and the other was the temptation to get close contact with idols.

He is just a seventeen-year-old fat man, why should he face such a difficult choice in life?

Hot pot, crayfish, braised pork, and Xu Yifan, which one is more important?

Lu Shijin felt desperate. He had promised such attractive conditions, but the little fat man still refused to lose weight?

It seemed that in Tao Qinghong's heart, Xu Yifan was not as important as food for the time being.

"Let's do it," Lu Shijin clapped his hands and came up with another coup plan, "As long as you insist on losing weight for one day, how about I send you a photo of Xu Yifan? Exclusive life photo! Let you know your idol up close!"

Tao Qinghong opened his eyes slightly when he heard the words, the fat on his face began to shake, and his heart was about to move.

"Okay!" Tao Qinghong finally made up his mind, for the exclusive life photo of his family Fanfan, he fought hard!

Lu Shijin was overjoyed, "Then it's a deal! From today, you will start to lose weight!"

"Today? Can't it be tomorrow?" Tao Qinghong rubbed his stomach and bargained, "I also booked a particularly delicious hot pot restaurant tonight..."

Lu Shijin was so angry that he didn't mention it, "What about weight loss?"

"It's the last carnival before losing weight..." Tao Qinghong straightened his fat back and said confidently, "Besides, how can you lose weight without eating enough?"

Lu Shi was speechless.

He wanted to tell Tao Qinghong to lose weight again, when the phone on the bed rang.

Lu Shijin picked it up and connected. It was the agent who urged him to gather at the company immediately, and the plane would take off in two hours.

"Then I won't bother you, Brother Shi Jin, the journey is smooth!" Tao Qinghong smiled naively, and shook his hands with Lu Shijin, "Don't forget my autograph photo! Then I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." Lu Shijin stopped Tao Qinghong from leaving, and without talking nonsense when he walked in front of him, he directly pulled down the collar of the fat man's wide T-shirt.

The little fat man has thin skin and tender flesh. He didn't see any birthmarks similar to tooth marks. Lu Shijin breathed a sigh of relief.

In Tao Qinghong's terrified eyes, Lu Shijin helped him re-arrange his clothes, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled friendly: "Okay, don't look at me with the look of being eaten tofu, you can now gone."


When Lu Shijin arrived at the company, everyone else was already waiting in the car.

Lu Shijin got in the car and glanced at the seats, and found that the position of the people in the car was very mysterious.

In the two seats on the right in the second row, there were two teammates who ranked second and third in popularity when they debuted.

The two had formed a group to go out together before, but because the group was not popular, they disbanded within a few months.

The company set them up as good brothers who support each other, a cute vocal and a domineering rapper. As long as they are facing the camera, the two are inseparable like conjoined twins, and they sucked a lot of CP by selling CP business. pink.

On the left two seats in the third row, the remaining two teammates who were ranked fourth and fifth in popularity were seated.

They used to be trainees at the same company and had a good relationship.

Both of them are in charge of dancing in the team. The company set them up as a warm guy and a cool guy.

Lu Shijin made his debut in the sixth place.

The youngest who just turned eighteen years old, is set up as a cute maiden who is loved by thousands of brothers in the team.

But thousands of pets are just under the camera.

Out of the camera, it is not bad to not give you a blank eye.

The six people have known each other for just over three months from the beginning of the show to their debut, and they can talk about a deep friendship with each other.

Xu Yifan is sitting alone in the first row at the moment, probably because he is usually aloof and doesn't like to talk to people, so no one wants to sit with an iceberg.

Of course, no one wants to be CP with Iceberg.

Xu Yifan is the team's captain and in charge of the appearance. He sings and dances on the level, and can be ranked first in popularity. Apart from his face, his strength is indeed reasonable.

Lu Shijin recognized all the faces of his teammates. Among the six people, he and Xu Yifan were the only ones.

After thinking about it, he finally sat down next to Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan didn't seem to expect that anyone would dare to sit next to him, and turned his head to look at Lu Shijin in surprise.

Lu Shijin smiled brightly at him, "Brother Fan, do you mind if I sit with you?"

Xu Yifan frowned imperceptibly, and quickly turned his head: "No."

Gee, what a pity.

"Everyone, please fasten your seat belts," the agent finally came up to remind, "Everyone will check if they have their documents. If there is no problem, we will set off for the airport."

The flight was booked for ten in the morning, so everyone got up early.

The show crew waited at the airport, and when they got out of the car, they started filming.

The car didn't drive for a while, and there was no sound of anyone talking in the car.

Everyone is recharging their energy, and they will be in a good state when they face the camera.

With earphones plugged into Xu Yifan's ears, he leaned upright on the back of the chair, even sitting in a posture of closing his eyes and resting, so pleasing to the eyes.

Lu Shijin glanced at Xu Yifan quietly, and he couldn't help but marvel at Xu Yifan's appearance when he saw so many handsome guys.

From the full forehead to the high nose bridge, the thin lips, and the **** Adam's apple, the lines of the side face are impeccable.

Lu Shijin also has a perception that a man's slender eyelashes are enough to make all women jealous, it is simply the reincarnation of eyelashes!

No wonder he was fascinated by Tao Qinghong and madly abused himself for Xu Yifan.

After subtracting 120 pounds of fat, this is the weight of an adult!

Lu Shijin watched Xu Yifan thinking about other thoughts, and for a moment forgot to look away from his unscrupulous eyes.

Xu Yifan felt that someone was looking at him, Zhan's eyes opened suddenly, and he looked at Shanglu, who had no time to withdraw.

Lu Shijin: "..." It's embarrassing to be discovered by peeping.

Xu Yifan really frowned this time, and asked in a cold voice, "Why?"

"That... Brother Fan," Lu Shijin leaned towards Xu Yifan and lowered his voice, "Can you help me with something?"

"What?" Xu Yifan has serious cleanliness and doesn't like people being too close to him, so Lu Shijin came over and moved in.

Lu Shijin took out a photo from his bag, the one that Tao Qinghong had told him to sign by Xu Yifan before he left.

"Can you sign your name for me? I have a friend who likes you very much. He asked me to ask you to sign your autograph." Lu Shijin asked with a smile.

Xu Yifan was accustomed to people asking for autographs, and took the photo without thinking.

Lu Shijin hurriedly handed over the pen and pointed at the blank space behind the back of the photo, "Write here, in addition to the name, add 'to dear Tao Tao'."

The pen moved quickly in Xu Yifan's hand. Before Lu Shiyan could say which "Tao" was "Tao", Xu Yifan had already signed it.

Then he threw the photo and pen back to Lu Shijin as if he had completed the task.

Then, I took out a disinfectant wipe from my backpack and wiped my hands, as if I had come into contact with some serious germs just now.

Lu Shijin was silent as he watched "to dear Taotao", who was dancing with dragons and phoenixes.

After boarding the plane and landing, Xu Yifan never said a word to Lu Shijin, except for the five words in the car.

Of course, he didn't talk to anyone.

The other four members are all paired up in pairs, and Lu Shijin can't get in, so he can only find a way to get close to Xu Yifan to avoid the embarrassment of being single.

Fortunately, although Xu Yifan did not respond, he did not reject Lu Shijin's approach.

The destination of their trip was a rural area in the west, far from the city.

The program team rented a small farmyard as a base for seven days and six nights.

These days, all the members eat and sleep here, including the filming of the show.

Although the rural areas are located in remote areas and the transportation is inconvenient, the scenery is beautiful and the air is very fresh.

As an idol artist, the task of training every day is very heavy, and it is really rare to have the opportunity to not train for a week this time.

So basically everyone is in a relaxed mood.

It was already the afternoon of the first day of travel when I took the bus to the farmhouse.

The interior of the small courtyard has been renovated and renovated in advance, and there are all kinds of household appliances.

There are only six people, but there are only three rooms, and there is only one bathroom.

It's okay for six big men to sleep together in the same room, but the second, third, fourth and fifth are all bound together, and only Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan are left.

Everyone knows that Xu Yifan has a serious cleanliness addiction, so the program team is very nervous that Xu Yifan will refuse to sleep with Lu Shijin.

However, unexpectedly, when the director informed them of the room arrangement, Xu Yifan did not object.

After taking the plane in the morning and taking the bus for two hours in the afternoon, all the members were exhausted.

Therefore, the afternoon of the first day of the trip was a time for the members to organize their internal affairs and rest.

You can rest until the evening and then figure out your own way to fix dinner.

Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan entered the room that belonged to them. As soon as they entered the room, Lu Shijin first checked the location of the camera everywhere to avoid any indecent pictures from being photographed.

Although the program is live broadcast, the content of the live broadcast is limited to the public area, and the room is private and will not be broadcast.

But the audience can't watch the live broadcast 24 hours a day, so all the footage will be edited later to make a complete program broadcast, which includes the pictures in the room.

The two began to pack their luggage on their own. Lu Shijin couldn't stand this suffocating silence, so he took the initiative to find something to talk about.

"Brother Fan, I didn't expect you to be willing to live in a room with me, I thought you would refuse."

Xu Yifan glanced at him and said lightly: "You are the only one among them who changes socks and washes socks every day."

Lu Shijin: "..."

What's the reason for this?

Don't guess the mind of Gao Leng Aidou.

"I'm going out to take a shower." Xu Yifan took a change of clothes and explained to Lu Shijin before going out.

Lu Shijin responded casually with an "oh", and when Xu Yifan went out, he covered the cameras with a cloth, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

When he was about to fall asleep, he vaguely heard a rustling sound in the room, and quickly opened his eyes.

It turned out that it was Xu Yifan who came back from the bath and was changing his clothes with his back to Lu Shijin.

"Brother Fan, didn't you bring your clothes into the bathroom? Why did you change them when you came back?" Lu Shijin rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked strangely.

Xu Yifan said lightly: "I accidentally got wet."

Lu Shijin pouted, and changed when it was a little wet. This is already the late stage of cleanliness, right?

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he shouted loudly without warning.

Xu Yifan was taken aback by his surprise, turned around and stared at Lu Shijin with eyes like a lunatic, as if to say, are you sick?

"Well, I just saw a bug crawling over, I thought it was a cockroach." Lu Shijin laughed dryly.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yifan heard that there were cockroaches in the room, his always indifferent expression suddenly turned into panic, he jumped back to the bed in the blink of an eye, and almost roared with tears in his eyes: "Where?!"

Lu Shijin didn't expect Xu Yifan's reaction to the cockroaches so much, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, it's my eyesight! I just woke up, but I can't see clearly! Don't be excited if you don't have cockroaches."

Xu Yifan regained his composure, probably because he felt that he, a big man, was afraid that the embarrassing thing about cockroaches would be discovered by Lu Shijin.

The back showed a cold indifference, as if he didn't want to say a word to Lu Shijin again.

Lu Shijin touched his nose and felt that he was hated by the male lead.

But Xu Yifan hates him, he doesn't care, anyway, Xu Yifan is not the person he is looking for.

When Xu Yifan turned around naked, he noticed that there was no tooth mark on Xu Yifan's shoulder, but a tattoo.

It looks like a phoenix that spreads its wings and soars.

Lu Shijin wrinkled his nose at Xu Yifan's back, and slandered maliciously. Could this be the legendary Phoenix man?

The author has something to say:

I heard that you don't believe that I wrote Tianwen, the world will be sweet to you!