Chapter 39: Idol, your character is broken

It was boring to stay in the same room with the big ice cube, so Lu Shijin also went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he found that he forgot to take his shirt, so he had to go out with a towel that couldn't cover it below his shoulders.

There was a camera outside the bathroom, so Lu Shijin was photographed with no shirt on, and it was broadcast live.

The live broadcast room, which originally had only a few sparse barrages, immediately became lively.

[Gan, can I see such a red chicken picture as soon as I click in? 】

[Beautiful man out of the bath [nosebleed] [nosebleed] [nosebleed]]

【Ah, ah, our youngest’s figure is also great! [lick] [lick] [lick]]

[Typing with both hands to prove innocence! [color] [color] [color]]

[Hong Kong, aren't you afraid of being blocked from the live broadcast room with such a large scale? So I wisely took a screenshot! [Hey-hey]】

Lu Shijin didn't watch the live broadcast, and of course he didn't know that an unintentional mistake of his own set off the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

But the other teammates were all staring at the live broadcast room secretly, and they found that the barrage was suddenly discussing around Lu Shijin, and they couldn't sit still.

Damn, who said that when you are young, you can't have a city?

This scheming boy!

On the first day, I started to attract attention by selling rou!

No, they must not lose!

Lu Shijin went back to change his clothes, and when he came out, he found four of his teammates at the door of the bathroom.

Obviously, I can't wait to knock each other's head with slippers, and I have to try my best to keep smiling, and I even have to politely ask the other person if they want to wash first.

The second child is called He Xinyi. He is the vocal in the team. He is an ordinary handsome guy but has a baby face, so the company let him go the cute route.

Dumb and cute character design, if it sounds good, it means kindness and lack of scheming, and if it is plain, it means lack of heart.

So He Xin also said to the fourth eldest Li Xiao, "Why don't you wash it first, Brother Xiao?"

Li Xiao is a warm man, of course he should be humble, but unfortunately he was robbed by the third child Zhao Yue before he could say anything.

Zhao Yue is the oldest among the six, with a personality similar to a domineering president.

Domineering presidents have a strong desire to possess and protect him, so he naturally has to be protective of his official counterpart, He Xinyi.

Zhao Yue: "Xiaoyi, didn't you just say that you had some motion sickness on the road, do you want to take a bath and rest early?"

Li Xiao resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Who wouldn't pretend to be weak, but who made him a warm man, he knew that He Xin was also uncomfortable. Could it be that he wouldn't let him?

"But Brother Xiao came first. It only takes ten minutes to take a bath. It's not too short of time, right?"

The last person to speak was the fifth He Yang, a cool and upright boy, who often speaks to the point and shows no mercy.

As soon as He Yang finished speaking, the scene suddenly became awkward.

Logically speaking, whoever arrives first washes first, but He Xin also used the physical discomfort as an excuse to not let him go first, which seemed a bit inhumane.

But one thing, the first person to do it is fresh, and the second person may follow the trend and be a little hot.

When the third and fourth people do it, others will be numb.

You must know that although the six of them are a combination, the competition between the players is more intense.

The longest lifespan of a men's group is only more than ten years. Whoever is more popular now means that it will be more favored by the company and get more resources, which will be more beneficial to the development of solo flight in the future.

Therefore, all opportunities to attract fans must be seized tightly. Whoever gives up is a fool, and no one will sympathize with it!

The four people have different feelings, and they don't want to let the other party wash first, so they are stuck there.

After a few seconds, someone behind them coughed.

"That brother," the culprit who caused the bathroom congestion this time was not at all conscious, but also enthusiastically helped out with ideas, "Do you want to guess who should wash first? Standing all the time is not the way, right?"

The four of them turned their heads together, and found that the youngest Lu Shijin was speaking, and they were scolding mother in their hearts.

Not all because of you! How dare you speak rude words here.

However, Lu Shijin is right, standing still is really not the way to go. Maybe the next day when the live broadcast goes out, they will have to spread the discord within the team.

Someone gave it to go down the steps, and if you don't go down the steps, it might be gone.

Li Xiao was the first to figure it out, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "It's right now, then let's guess the boxing, just play games."

He Xin also frowned bitterly: "Okay, but guessing is my weakness, and I have never won."

Zhao Yue put her arms around He Xinyi's shoulders and said cheerfully, "It's okay, it's up to me, I'll give you the chance if I win."

He Yang shook his shoulders and loosened his wrist joints: "Hey, my **** desire to win or lose is aroused, hurry up, hurry up, two wins in three games or one game to decide the outcome?"

Thanks to Lu Shijin's idea, the tense atmosphere suddenly eased, and there were more barrages discussing these four people in the live broadcast room.

[Hahaha is really a group of children who don't grow up, guessing decides who takes a bath first~]

[Xiaoxiao is too warm, I really want to have a boyfriend like Xiaoxiao QAQ]

[Yueyue is really fond of Xiaoyi, 1551, I feel like I have a real CP]

[Yangyang, can you be more sculpted hahahaha, don't forget that you are a cold dancer! 】

It's a pity not to be an actor.

Lu Shijin was too lazy to watch these teammates pretending to act there, and went out to look for food in front of them.

This is a life-style reality show, and you have to solve the problem of eating by yourself.

There are a lot of vegetables growing around the farmyard, and you can pick and eat them casually.

But it is impossible to be vegetarian for seven days. If you want to eat meat, you can only go out to buy it.

And the scumbag program team only gave the six of them a living fund of 200 yuan in total, and it was not replenished when they were exhausted. If they wanted money, they had to work in exchange.

Lu Shijin first went for a walk in the vegetable field, followed by the followPD and the cameraman along the way, and live broadcasted what Lu Shijin did outside.

There are some green vegetables, green peppers, eggplants, beans, and a few tomato trees in the vegetable field. They are covered with big red tomatoes. Lu Shijin picked a tomato, rubbed it on his clothes, and put it to his mouth to bite. .

The freshly picked tomatoes are rich in juice, fragrant and sweet, and the red tomato juice can be clearly seen in the live broadcast.

The juvenile's lips were stained with tomato juice, the color was tempting, like delicious jelly.

[Isn't it a reality show? I thought I saw a food show, it made me hungry [laughs cry]]

【I want to eat tomatoes! 】

[I want to eat it too... It feels delicious, I must have eaten fake tomatoes before]

[I don't want to mess with it, I don't want to eat tomatoes, I want to eat Jinjin's mouth (covering my face)]

[Fuck, what are the words of tigers and wolves from the sisters in front? Not much to say, brighten your sword, I want to eat it too! 】

Lu Shijin estimated in his heart what dishes he could make with these vegetables.

Eggplant and beans, stir-fried vegetables, salad tomatoes, green peppers and shredded potatoes…

Good guy, there is really no meat and fishy at all.

After eating it for seven days, my face turned green.

The living expenses given by the program team are all on the side of the captain Xu Yifan. Lu Shijin knew that he was hated by Xu Yifan now, so it was naturally impossible to ask him for money.

So if you want to eat meat, you have to solve it yourself.

Suddenly, he glanced at a small river not far away and asked followPD, "Does this river have an owner?"

followPD said: "No, it should be natural waters in the wild."

It's fine if not, Lu Shijin looked up at the sky, it was still early, just in time to go down the river to catch some fish, snails, etc.

Lu Shijin asked the program team if they could borrow some diving pants for him.

The director is afraid that these big boys are all pampered young masters, who usually don't even enter the kitchen, let alone do farm work, and worry that there will be no material for this trip to cut.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shijin has already adapted to the rural life just after he arrived, and he has to go down the river to fish. Naturally, he is overjoyed.

The director's eyes on Lu Shijin have changed. The sense of variety show is something that not all artists have, and those with a sense of variety show are often more popular with the audience.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shijin was the youngest in the team, but he was much stronger than the other five brothers.

The director sent two more cameramen to follow Lu Shijin to shoot the scene where he went fishing in the river.

The big picture in the live broadcast room also became Lu Shijin's shot.

[Wow, is this going to fish? Very interesting look. 】

[It's so fun, I also want to live a rural life]

[We have grown up and can live on our own, the old mother shed tears of relief]

[Idol who can fish? The road has turned fans! 】

Lu Shijin was too busy and didn't want to spend time with those teammates, so he found something to do for himself.

Unexpectedly, he just played casually and won the love of countless fans.

Like watching a live broadcast in the wild, the audience watched with gusto that Lu Shijin had touched three large crucian carp and snails that were just enough to stir-fry a plate.

Discuss on the barrage, what to do with fish and snails.

Lu Shijin returned triumphantly with the spoils. The first floor was quiet, and the teammates were still resting on the second floor, as if they were not ready for dinner.

He didn't even go up to say hello. It was already dark outside. He carried the fish basket and the vegetables picked from the ground into the kitchen to cook.

He had just touched three crucian carp in total. On the way back, he traded a crucian carp for a few eggs with the fellow next door.

In addition to braised fish, fried snails, fried vegetables, you can also make a bowl of tomato egg soup.

It was already dinner time, but there were more and more people in the live broadcast room, all of whom came to see Lu Shijin cooking.

The twilight is getting darker outside, the smoke from the cooking is curling up, and the teenager in the kitchen is wearing an apron and skillfully turning the pot in front of the stove. The picture looks extremely warm.

Others were awakened by the smell of food.

Before I came, the program team said that the problem of eating will be solved by yourself.

But where did they know how to cook, and they brought a box of instant noodles with snacks, they were all ready to work hard.

Now when I smell the aroma of the food, I thought it was the conscience of the show team that they had prepared a meal for them. They were hungry all afternoon and went downstairs to look for food.

When I went downstairs, I saw that there were three steaming dishes on the table.

"You're all awake," Lu Shijin came out of the kitchen with the last bowl of tomato egg soup, and smiled at his teammates, "Just as the meal is ready, let's have dinner."

The four of them looked at each other, and Li Xiao first asked suspiciously, "You did all of this?"

Lu Shijin nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Yue glanced at the braised fish and stir-fried snails, and asked suspiciously, "Where did you get the money to buy the fish? Didn't our money be confiscated by the show crew before we came?"

Lu Shijin took off his apron and threw it on the stool, "I don't need money, I went to the river to find the fish and snails, and I exchanged the eggs for the fish and fellow villagers. Do you have any questions?"

The four people looked at Lu Shijin with surprise, why didn't they know that Lu Shijin still had this ability?

He Xin also said dumbly: "Xiao Lu, you are too good! Not only can you cook but also fish!"

Lu Shijin: "Okay, let's sit down and eat, oh, I haven't got the bowl yet..."

"I'll go get it, you've been busy for a long time, sit down and rest."

The youngest Lu Shijin fished and picked vegetables to help them prepare dinner, so they were naturally embarrassed to be idle.

The one who takes the bowl takes the bowl, the one who moves the stool moves the stool, and the one who holds the rice holds the rice.

When everything was ready to start, Lu Shijin suddenly stopped others from extending their chopsticks: "Wait!"

"What's up?"

Lu Shijin: "Brother Fan is still upstairs, right? Do you want him to come down and eat together?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, silent.

With Xu Yifan's ice cube face, whoever gets close will be frozen. If he is kindly called to eat, but he is rejected, it will be a shame.

Lu Shijin saw through other people's thoughts, stood up and smiled, "Then let me go."

Li Xiao couldn't ask for it, and said quickly, "Okay, we'll wait for you to come down and eat together."

Lu Shijin went upstairs, walked to his and Xu Yifan's room and knocked on the door twice, "Brother Fan, are you awake?"

Xu Yifan quickly came out and opened the door, his clothes were not wrinkled, and he didn't look like he was sleeping.

"Dinner is ready, let's eat together?"

Xu Yifan nodded and did not refuse, and went downstairs with Lu Shijin in silence.

"Brother Fan, sit here!" He Xin also greeted Xu Yifan attentively to sit next to him, helped him prepare the meal, took the chopsticks, and introduced incessantly, "These dishes are all made by Xiao Lu, and we all admire him. already."

Sure enough, Xu Yifan was surprised when he heard that Lu Shijin made this dish.

"This fish..."

Lu Shijin said with a smile: "I went to touch the fish and snails in the river. I didn't spend any money. Okay, let's eat first, my stomach is hungry."

Others just waited for Lu Shijin's words, and they were welcome when their stomachs were empty.

At the beginning, I also paid attention to expression management, and I ate more elegantly, but Lu Shijin's cooking skills were really good, and he didn't care about his image after a few chopsticks, for fear that if he stretched out his chopsticks too late, others would rob them all.

The dishes on the plate were swept away like a cloud, and finally there was a plate of stir-fried snails.

Everyone directly held the snail with their fingers and put it in their mouths, squinting and inhaling violently, and their expressions were very grim for a time.

[I'm sure what I'm watching is eating and broadcasting, it looks so fragrant and I cry]

[Open Meituan silently and order a barbecue]

[Continue to eat, I can still watch! 】

[The group stole today gathered together, stole home and cooked for me! 1/1000]



[Hahaha, have you seen the expression of Fanfan eating snails? Hahaha, the image of any love beans and snails will collapse]

[Fan cub quickly put down that snail! The high-cold character has collapsed! [laughing and crying]]

The five people were still in the mood to eat, and they didn't want to put down their chopsticks for a long time.

However, the ingredients were limited, Lu Shijin only cooked four dishes, and the six big men were indeed a bit not enough, but the others were embarrassed to trouble the youngest brother to add more dishes.

"Xiao Lu, thank you for this meal. You are the youngest, and I'm sorry to bother you to cook for us." The big brother Zhao Yue put down his chopsticks and said approvingly at Lu Shijin.

"That's right, next time you cook, I'll help you out. Although I can't do it, I can still do some dishes." He Xinyi also said with a smile.

Lu Shijin didn't refuse, "Okay, everyone, don't be so polite, just like to eat."

For a meal, he successfully bought the hearts of his teammates, and the transaction was still very cost-effective.

He Yang was the last to put down his chopsticks. He ate two bowls of rice, and the last soup of the braised fish was bibimbap for him. He originally wanted to add rice, but he was reluctant when he saw the manager keep winking beside him. Put down the bowl.

"What shall we eat tomorrow?" He Yang was already thinking about tomorrow's meal, and said yearningly, "Xiao Lu, are you going to fish tomorrow? Take me, the braised fish you made is so delicious."

"OK, if you like it, then continue to make braised fish tomorrow." Lu Shijin said.

He Yang made a hip-hop gesture, "Enough."

"Okay, clean up the table, Xiao Lu, sit still, we'll just do it." The warm-hearted little brother Li Xiao took the initiative to clean up the tableware, He Xinyi blinked, and suddenly suggested, "Or , let's play a game? How about the loser washing the dishes?"

Others understood that this was to liven up the live broadcast atmosphere, and they all agreed.

"playing what?"

"Simply, everyone says a lyric with a number, and whoever can't take it will lose, how about that?"

Everyone has no objection, starting from the proposed He Xinyi.

At first, everyone connected smoothly. After five rounds, the time to think became longer. In the end, Xu Yifan's mind was short-circuited for a while, and he didn't expect the lyrics to lose the game.

Can you imagine the picture of the beautiful iceberg man washing dishes?

The game was proposed by He Xinyi, and he did not expect that Xu Yifan, who looked very smart, would lose.

He Xin also said nervously, "How about playing another round?"

"It's alright, I'll wash it." Xu Yifan stood up and cleaned up after he finished speaking. His fair and slender fingers were soaked in the soup, and everyone felt a sense of pity that the pearl was dusty.

"I'll help you." Lu Shijin took the initiative to stand up and clean up the tableware and chopsticks in front of him. Others quickly said that they could also help, but Lu Shijin stopped with a smile, "It's just washing the dishes, it's alright, you are still afraid of the future. Didn't you get a chance to wash it?"

Others thought so too, anyway, there are still a few days to come, so they gave up.

Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan went into the kitchen with dishes, Xu Yifan was in charge of washing the dishes, and Lu Shijin was in charge of drying them.

The main screen of the live broadcast room turned to the kitchen, and the audience saw that the two people cooperated tacitly, but Xu Yifan was still the cold-hearted person who didn't like to deal with people.

[Fanfan said something to Jinjin, you will frighten your younger brother because you are so cold.]

[I've been peeking at Brother Fan today, I want to talk to Brother Fan, these little eyes are so adorable]

[What kind of peerless cuteness is this, I want to talk to my brother but I don't dare, woohoo, Fan brother, turn your head and look at Jinjin! 】

In fact, Lu Shijin didn't even want to talk to Xu Yifan. The look in his eyes, hesitating to speak, and hesitating to speak were all made up by fans.

After washing the last bowl, he was about to withdraw when suddenly there was an indescribable sound in the empty kitchen.

"Grumbling" seems to come from someone's stomach.

Lu Shijin confirmed that there was no sound in his stomach, so it could only be Xu Yifan's.

"Brother Fan, aren't you full?" Lu Shijin looked at Xu Yifan with a smile and asked.

Xu Yifan's indifferent expression looked a little unbearable, turned his face to the side, and did not speak.

Lu Shijin recalled the situation at the dining table. The other four people almost got into a fight with one chopstick and one chopstick. Xu Yifan really didn't seem to have two chopsticks to eat.

Xu Yifan raised his legs and wanted to leave, but Lu Shijin quickly grabbed his arm, "Brother Fan, I left an egg at night. If you're not full, can I help you steam a bowl of egg custard?"

Xu Yifan stopped, turned around and looked at Lu Shijin, who was smiling lightly, and two words "thank you" popped out from his tightly closed lips.

After the eggs are broken up, add seasonings, pour in warm water, skim off the surface foam, and steam for 15 minutes. The whole egg custard is smooth and tender.

Everyone else went upstairs to rest, and only Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan were left on the first floor.

Xu Yifan finished the egg custard gracefully spoon by spoon. Although his face was still expressionless, Lu Shijin felt that Xu Yifan should be less resistant to him than before.

Lu Shijin waited for Xu Yifan to finish eating, guessing that now should be the best time for Xu Yifan to speak, and hit the railway while it was hot: "Brother Fan, can you do me a favor?"

Xu Yifan looked up at him, "What?"

"Can I take a photo of you every day?" Lu Shijin paused and emphasized, "I won't ask for your photo for nothing. If you like to eat my food, I'll cook it for you every day, okay?"

Xu Yifan: "..."

Cook for him every day? Why does this sound a little weird?

Xu Yifan lowered his eyes unnaturally, "Why take pictures?"

Lu Shijin said solemnly: "I have a friend who likes you and admires you very much. He is about to take the college entrance examination, but his grades are not very good. I want to use your photos to motivate him to study hard. Don't worry, it's just a daily photo. That's it, and I only give him one person, and I will never spread it out!"

【To tell the truth today, is your friend just you? 】

[My God, I cook for you every day, is this a subtle confession? Are you crazy for openly showing love to moths? 】

【Online candy? The benefits of staying up late party? 】

【Promise him! Promise him! Promise him! 】

【How can you make me sleep so sweet? ! come come come! Keep going, I can still drink! 】

Xu Yifan's eyes became extremely complicated when he looked at Lu Shijin again, did he know what he was talking about?

Lu Shijin looked at him eagerly and waited for the answer, his black and white eyes were watery, clear and translucent, like a clear spring.

"Can you?" Lu Shijin asked expectantly.

Lu Shijin's expression made Xu Yifan feel that if he rejected him, it would be as if he had done something heinous.

What's more, he has a short mouth when he eats other people's egg custard, and it is really inhumane to refuse such a simple request.

"Yeah." Xu Yifan nodded stiffly, even if he agreed.

Lu Shijin stood up and cheered softly, "Thank you, Brother Fan, you are such a good person!"

The author has something to say:

Jinjin: Brother Fan, you are such a good person!

Xu Yifan: Sounds like something is not right?