Chapter 40: Idol, your character is broken

After cleaning up the kitchen, it was late at night before I knew it. Lu Shi was fishing and cooking again in the afternoon, and he had to take a shower again.

He went upstairs with Xu Yifan, took a change of clothes and was about to go downstairs, when Xu Yifan suddenly stopped him.


"What's the matter, Brother Fan?"

Lu Shijin was a little sleepy, yawned, and the corners of his eyes were soaking wet. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands, and his eyes were a little red, like a little rabbit with drooping ears.

Xu Yifan glanced at him, staggered his gaze, and said in a low voice, "Do you know that the company has regulations."

Lu Shijin: "Huh?"

Xu Yifan pursed his lower lip and continued: "It is forbidden for artists to fall in love."

"Huh?" Lu Shijin has never been an artist before, so of course he didn't know there was such a rule. After thinking for a few seconds, he said indignantly, "Don't fall in love? Why? Who can control feelings? When you meet someone you like How difficult is it? Is it because of this breaking the rules that we will miss it?"

Xu Yifan was stunned by this series of questions.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shi was the youngest this year, and he had a deep understanding of emotional matters. Xu Yifan couldn't help but look at the youngest again.

However, a child of Lu Shijin's age is just in the beginning of love, and it is normal to have the idea that love is supreme.

"Brother Fan, what do you mean by telling me this?" Lu Shijin felt inexplicable.

Xu Yifan helplessly lowered his head and pinched his eyebrows, "...Forget it, you can go take a shower."

Lu Shijin turned around and pouted, this man was really interesting, half talking.

This time, Lu Shijin remembered to bring his shirt when he took a shower. He suddenly thought of a question after putting on his clothes.

In the afternoon, did his four teammates also take a shower?

He quickly logged into their live broadcast room with his mobile phone, and then played back the live broadcast content.

Sure enough, He Xinyi, Li Xiao, Zhao Yue, and He Yang came out without putting on their shirts after taking a shower, and showed off their special bodies in front of the camera.

Sao package to the extreme.

Lu Shijin was not interested in the body of his teammates, and his attention was placed on the shoulders of these people.

Zooming in on the screenshots one by one, He Xinyi, Li Xiao, and Zhao Yue all had smooth skin without any marks on their shoulders.

Except for He Yang.

Lu Shijin maximized He Yang's screenshot and found that there was a patch of skin on He Yang's shoulder that seemed to be a little bumpy.

But the camera was too far away to see clearly, and Lu Shijin couldn't tell if it was a tooth mark.

Could it be that in this world, He Yang is his little prince?

Lu Shijin recalled the feeling of contacting He Yang one day today.

In general, he is a straight boy with no scheming. He likes dancing and hip-hop. Besides, he seems to like eating.

However, the truth is still uncertain. Lu Shijin intends to find another opportunity to verify whether the mark on He Yang's shoulder is the tooth mark he was looking for.


The next morning, just after seven o'clock, the show crew went upstairs to wake everyone up.

But these people were more able to stay in bed than each other. FollowPD called one room, and the people in the other room lay down again. The director was about to cry and laugh.

It wasn't until half an hour later that everyone was yawning, with a blank expression on their faces, and lined up to come downstairs, except Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan seems to be the most perfect appearance whenever he appears in the camera.

Xu Yifan got up when followPD called for the first time.

After getting up, he took advantage of other people's time in bed, went downstairs to wash and changed his clothes.

So when everyone else faces the camera with their faces straight up, with messy chicken coop-like hair and dark circles under their eyes, only Xu Yifan is handsome.

Against the background of others, it perfectly interprets what it means to stand out from the crowd.

Early in the morning, some fans squatted in the live broadcast room, and when they saw the idols leaving the country, they punched in the screen.

【I'm coming! My family is so perfect no matter when and where! 】

[That little boy surnamed He, can your hairstyle be a little more messy? 】

[I think I'm almost falling asleep standing today, are you so sleepy? 】

【Do you have any fun tasks today? looking forward to! 】

The director looked at the crowd with sleepy eyes. He held a loudspeaker and shouted unexpectedly: "Wake up, wake up, it's almost eight o'clock, and if you drag it on, the task in the morning will not be completed."

"What mission?" Zhao Yue asked, covering her mouth and yawning.

Director: "Transplanting rice, completing the task can get 100 yuan of living fund."

When Zhao Yue heard this, her drowsiness disappeared immediately, she pointed to the six of them, and looked at the director in disbelief, "Director, are you too rude? There are six of us, so you give 100 yuan? No matter how cheap labor is, it can't be this cheap. Fa, right? Six people per person is about a hundred, right?"

Everyone nodded and said yes, in the face of collective interests, they must be united and not give an inch.

The director was indifferent, "There is no room for bargaining, if it can't be done, the afternoon nap time will be cancelled"

He Yang laughed directly: "If you don't take a nap, you won't take a nap. Anyway, you don't have the habit of taking a nap."

The director made another plan, "600 yuan is too much, so, if you complete the task, you can provide a free lunch."

Li Xiao pointed at Lu Shijin with a smile, and said, "Director, believe it or not, our little Lu can also make a free lunch? This trick is useless for us. I think you should pay more. One hundred yuan is really too little, at least five hundred."

The director had experienced Lu Shijin's skills, rolled his eyes, and said solemnly, "The green vegetables and tomatoes you picked in the vegetable field last night also cost money, and this money will be deducted from your living expenses."

There was a whimper in the camera.

"The director's team is unstoppable!"

"Director, if you are so stingy, you will have no friends!"

"The director wants to be a man?"

Lu Shijin slept the last night last night, and he was in a state of wandering when he woke up in the morning. When his teammates were negotiating with the director team, he was completely free.

He Yang found out that Lu Shijin was deserting, and poked his finger on the youngest's face, "Little Lu, why are you still dozing off? Wake up, if we don't wake up, the director team will cut us so thin that we are left with underwear."

"Underpants?" Lu Shijin was about to wake up, when he heard the word "underpants", he was suddenly shocked, "What underpants?!"

Everyone laughed at his silly reaction, but Xu Yifan was expressionless.

His gaze swept across Lu Shijin's face that had just been poked by He Yang's fingers, only slightly frowned, and quickly turned his face away.

Finally, under He Yang's hard work, they reached a deal with the director team for 200 yuan to complete the rice transplanting task.

Although it was only 100 yuan more than the director's initial asking price, but 100 yuan can already go to the farmers market to buy a lot of things, which can be regarded as a victory in the battle of wits and courage with the director's team.

After everyone took turns to wash up, Lu Shijin's drowsiness almost disappeared.

He went to the kitchen to find a roll of noodles, and went outside to pull out some shallots, ready to make a pot of noodles with scallion oil for everyone's breakfast.

Add enough oil to the wok. When the oil is hot, add the green shallots and fry until the shallots turn black and the scallion oil is ready.

During the process of frying scallion oil, you can cook the noodles by the way, boil them under hot water for three minutes, remove the noodles and run through cold water, then add the fried scallion oil, garnish with fresh green chopped green onion, the noodles are oily and fragrant, the cameraman is crying. !

【Why do you torture me for not having breakfast? I quickly cooked myself a bowl of instant noodles and served it in front of the screen, imagining that I was eating scallion noodles made by Jinjin! 】

[Suck yo, saliva flows on the screen, I lick it]

[The sister who licked the screen, I suspect you are in ghs]

【The little master of China! Our youngest is only 18 years old and his cooking skills are so good. Whoever gets married is blessed! [dog head]]

【I'm married, I'm married! No one shall object to this marriage! 】

As soon as the scallion oil noodles came to the table, everyone smelled the fragrance.

He Xinyi only tasted a sip of happiness and his face overflowed, "It's so delicious, Xiao Lu, you are too good at it!"

Lu Shijin said humbly, "Do whatever you want, as long as everyone likes it."

"I like it! But I like it so much!" Zhao Yue said while stuffing her face into her mouth, "I'm ordering the second bowl, don't fight me!"

Not to be outdone, Li Xiao praised Lu Shijin: "Little Lu, your scallion noodles taste better than the chef's cooking, I love you!"

He Yang made a fortune in a sullen voice, and quickly finished one bowl, then went to the basin to find noodles, and when the second bowl of noodles was finished, he wiped his mouth full of scallion oil, and said, "Xiao Lu, I am too. I love you to death!"

The rainbow fart of other teammates, Lu Shijin, was not at ease, but when he heard He Yang said he loved him, Lu Shijin couldn't help but glance at He Yang.

Could this man with a mouth full of oil really be the one he was looking for?

Xu Yifan insists on eating and sleeping without saying a word, and eats noodles gracefully. Few people can eat noodles in such a way, like the elegant young man in ancient times.

Until he noticed that Lu Shijin was watching He Yang eating noodles attentively, with light and heat in his eyes, not like looking at his teammates.

"I'm done." Xu Yifan put down his bowl and chopsticks and announced in a deep voice.

Lu Shijin saw that he hadn't eaten much, and said, "Brother Fan, you only need to eat so much? Planting rice seedlings is a physical task. You're hungry quickly. Would you like to eat more?

"No," Xu Yifan pushed away the chair, stood up, and walked out, "I'll go to the paddy field first, and you can eat slowly."

When Xu Yifan went out, everyone blinked at me, I saw you.

Xu Yifan should be the kind of person who is out of tune with the collective, right?

These days, Xiao Lu has to live in the same room with Xu Yifan, and it is too miserable to be ignored by Xu Yifan.

Those of them who are older brothers, eat the food made by their younger brother every day, and can't watch their younger brother sad!

"Little Lu, wait for the rice planting in a team of two, have you decided who you want to team up with?" Li Xiao asked kindly.

He Xinyi suddenly said, "Would you like to join me?"

Lu Shijin was stunned, "Brother, aren't you with Brother Yue?"

Zhao Yue laughed and said, "Who said we must be together? It's just work, just like everyone else."

"You're saying this now, I'm afraid that Xiao Lu really agreed, and you can't bear it." Li Xiao joked, "Xiao Lu, do you want to come with me? You've worked hard to cook these two days, and I'll help you with your work. You did it."

The teammates are so enthusiastic, but Lu Shijin, who was the group pet for the first time, was a little embarrassed, "Don't be so polite..."

"Okay, okay, don't fight with me, Xiao Lu, let's go together," He Yang put his arms around Lu Shijin's shoulder carelessly, winked and said, "After planting the seedlings, let's go fishing together, I still miss you yesterday. The braised fish made at night is so delicious!”

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up, he couldn't ask for it, he was worried about the chance to get along with He Yang alone!

"Okay, then Brother Yang, I'll be with you! Brother Xiao, don't you mind?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "How come, well, it's getting late, let's go quickly, or the task will be too late to complete."

When he arrived in the paddy field, Xu Yifan had put on overshoes and started to learn how to plant rice under the guidance of his fellow villagers.

"Brother Fan!" Li Xiaoshen stepped on the paddy field with one foot shallow and one foot, and walked slowly to Xu Yifan's side, "I'll be with you when planting rice, can you see?"

Li Xiao and He Yang have always been inseparable, Xu Yifan was a little surprised when he heard that Li Xiao was going to be with him.

He straightened up, heard the voices of Lu Shijin and He Yang next to him, and glanced at them.

The two were talking and laughing, and they also played with mud in the paddy field, not knowing how happy they were.

"Childish." Xu Yifan turned his face and snorted coldly, then bent down to continue planting.

Li Xiao: "..." Childish? Who is he talking about? Did he hear what I just said? If you want it or not, you can say it!

It's embarrassing for people, you know that! I know how Xiao Lu feels with Xu Yifan these past two days. TvT

He Yang was wearing a white T-shirt today. Lu Shijin wanted to verify whether the scar on his shoulder was a tooth mark, so he would play with He Yang with ulterior motives.

As a result, before He Yang's shoulders were wet, Li Xiao came over in a gloomy manner.

"I think Brother Fan can do well without me alone."

When Lu Shijin looked at the field contracted by Xu Yifan, he was stunned.

Good guy, the neat rows of seedlings are almost filling the paddy fields!

In fact, transplanting rice is very simple as long as you master the tricks, Xu Yifan learned it after a while with fellow villagers.

I saw him bent over, holding the seedlings in his left hand, while walking backwards at a uniform pace, his right hand splitting the seedlings from his left hand and inserting them into the soil.

Each seedling stands spiritually in the paddy field, and the spacing is even, exactly the same as that planted by the neighbor next door!

[Transplanting Aidou, online teaching, package teaching package meeting, will not teach again! 】

【Is this the legendary skilled worker? 】

【Stop the skilled worker in front! What good will I do to you if I die of laughter 23333]

[I'm so handsome and charming even the back of my farm work, and the little sisters who haven't invested in shares, look here! 】

Compared with Xu Yifan's paddy field, and then looked at the piece they contracted, it was just the beginning, the seedlings were planted crookedly, and they looked like they were stunted.

He Yang became anxious, "Come on, we have to work harder, one person can do it faster than the three of us, it's too shameless!"

What else can Lu Shijian say? Of course just work.

But in the process of planting rice together, Lu Shijin also paid attention to it. Although He Yang and Li Xiao are always together, the relationship between the two does not seem to be that kind.

He was a little relieved. If Pei Yin really fell in love with someone else in this world, he really didn't know what to do.

He disdains to be a third party and meddle in other people's feelings.

However, if the scar on He Yang's shoulder is really a tooth mark, proving that He Yang is Pei Yin, will he really like He Yang?

Lu Shijin was a little confused again.

At least he doesn't have that kind of affection for He Yang now, and He Yang's character is completely different from Huo Lian and Pei Yin in the previous two worlds.

Lu Shijin really wasn't sure whether he would like Huo Lian or Pei Yin like this.

After a busy morning, the rice-planting work was finally finished. The six people were so tired that their backs were sore. They had planned to eat, but they didn't even have the strength to hold chopsticks, so they just wanted to lie in bed and have a good rest.

So they plan to eat something for lunch, go to the farmers market in the afternoon, and have a good meal in the evening.

I just came back from the paddy fields, my body is covered in mud spots, and I have to take a shower before going upstairs.

This time, I'm not in the mood to fight over who comes first. Whoever ranks first is who.

As soon as Lu Shijin heard that he was going to take a bath again, how dare you! In this way, you can see the mark on He Yang's shoulder clearly!

He hurriedly used Lei Feng's spirit and said that he wanted the last wash.

He knew that He Yang was the fourth one to wash up, so he pretended to want to go to the toilet and squatted outside the bathroom early in the morning.

Who would have thought that Xu Yifan was the one who was washing behind He Yang. Not long after Lu Shijin stood at the door, Xu Yifan also came to line up.

Although Xu Yifan had no expression on his face, Lu Shijin somehow felt that the atmosphere was a little cold.

He was thinking about saying something to Xu Yifan to avoid the cold scene, but he didn't expect Xu Yifan to speak first.

"Did you forget what I said last night?"

Lu Shijin was once again confused by Xu Yifan's mindless words: "Huh?"

Xu Yifan's tone was extremely cold: "The company does not allow artists to fall in love."

Lu Shijin continued to be stunned: "So?"

Seeing that Lu Shi was still obsessed, Xu Yifan threw the sentence "I'll do it for myself", turned his head and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Lu Shijin: "..." Big brother, your head was squeezed by the door?

Xu Yifan's cloudiness may annoy Lu Shijin, the tiger doesn't show his power, do you really think your father is Hellokitty?

"Brother Fan! Look at me!" Lu Shijin suddenly said behind Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan was really fooled, turned his head to look at him, and was photographed by Lu Shijin, who was holding a mobile phone.

Lu Shijin looked at the man's surprised expressions on the screen with satisfaction, and shook his phone ostentatiously, "Yesterday you promised me to take pictures, didn't you forget?"

Xu Yifan didn't bother to care about Lu Shijin's behavior as a child, "It's up to you."

After a while, Lu Shijin waited eagerly until He Yang finished washing and opened the bathroom door.

To his great disappointment, He Yang actually came out wearing a shirt?

How about showing off your figure without clothes? !

When He Yang came out, he was startled when he saw two people standing at the door, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Line up to take a shower." Xu Yifan replied lightly.

"Brother Yang," Lu Shijin stared at He Yang's shoulder, and accidentally said what was in his heart, "Why are you wearing clothes?"

He Yang's black question mark face: "??? What should I wear without clothes? No," he saw Lu Shijin's straight eyes, swallowed his saliva and hugged his shoulders, "Xiao Lu, why do you use this kind of thing? Looking at brother?"

Lu Shijin's eyes twitched, "It's nothing, I'm joking."

"Heh." Xu Yifan sneered beside him, and went into the bathroom as if he couldn't stand it any longer. The bathroom door was closed with a bang.

He Yang turned his head to look at the door and asked Lu Shijin suspiciously, "What's wrong with him?"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes at the door and complained angrily, "Maybe it's his menstrual period, don't worry about him."

He Yang went upstairs, but he didn't see He Yang's shoulder again. Lu Shijin felt very sorry.

While Xu Yifan was taking a shower, he could only play on his mobile phone boredly, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't contacted Tao Qinghong for two days, and he didn't know how the little fat man lost weight.

After finding Tao Qinghong's Wechat, Lu Shijin first went to his Moments to take a look, but found that Tao Qinghong's Moments, in addition to food pictures, reposted Xu Yifan's news.

The most recent Moments post was posted last night. A big pot of red hot butter hotpot, more than a dozen kinds of shabu-shabu dishes, definitely exceeded 2,000 calories!

Is this still like someone trying to lose weight? !

Lu Shijin immediately sent Tao Qinghong a WeChat message.

Lu Shijin: [Tao Tao, have you started to lose weight today? What do you eat for breakfast and lunch? Did you go to the gym? 】

Tao Tao: [Brother now! I saw your live stream! Wow! You are amazing! You can cook so many dishes! How come you never made it for me? Will you cook it for me when you come back? 】

Lu Shijin: […]

Eat, eat, eat! Just know to eat! Who are you fat if you are not fat!

Lu Shijin: [I ask you, have you started to lose weight today? 】

Tao Tao: [No [to finger]]

Lu Shijin: [Didn't you promise me? ? ? 】

Tao Tao: [I was planning to start losing weight this morning, but after seeing the scallion oil noodles you made, I couldn't help it. Who made you make such delicious [drooling]]

Lu Shijin: [Do you blame me? ? ? Do you still want Xu Yifan's photo? 】

Tao Tao: [Yes! want! Have it? Have it? 】

Lu Shijin: [[Picture] Did you see it? I did what I promised you, what about what you promised me? 】

Tao Tao: [Disappointed, brother, you made Fanfan so ugly! Compared with the scallion oil noodles you made, the photo is suddenly not fragrant [grievance]]

Lu Shijin: […]

Tao Tao: [It’s really painful to lose weight, it’s so uncomfortable to be hungry [howling]]

I want to curse!

Hold back!


With the awareness of the little fat man, when will the 120 catties of fat be reduced?

Lu Shijin felt a hint of despair, it seemed that if he wanted to force Tao Qinghong to lose weight, he would still have to make a big deal.

for example? Xu Yifan taking a bath? Xu Yifan's private photos? Xu Yifan's **** armpit hair?

Just when Lu Shijin was thinking wildly, Xu Yifan came out of the shower.

Lu Shijin, who was immersed in lust, leaned his back on the wall subconsciously, and swallowed his Adam's apple guiltily.

However, Xu Yifan didn't look at him, and walked straight ahead from Lu Shijin.

Finally, it was Lu Shijin's turn to take a shower. He closed the door and was about to take off his clothes when he suddenly caught sight of the gargle cups of the six of them on the sink.

Xu Yifan's toothbrush is a one-time use and can be replaced once, so Lu Shijin knows Xu Yifan's toothbrush.

Lu Shijin accidentally took out Xu Yifan's toothbrush. Since it is a one-time use, then he borrowed it and used it, Xu Yifan wouldn't care, right?

You can use this to tempt little fat people to lose weight.

Do you want to taste the toothbrush used by your idol?

Want to kiss idols indirectly?

Damn, why does it sound so wretched and perverted?

Lu Shijin felt a chill, and goosebumps appeared on his arms.

Just when he felt that this was inappropriate and was about to throw the toothbrush, he suddenly caught sight of the clothes basket with dirty clothes in the corner.

The other people's clothes were put in the washing machine after they were changed. Only Xu Yifan, because of his habit of cleanliness, washed his clothes by hand every day.

Lu Shijin saw a pair of pure black cotton men's underwear on the clothes basket.

It is also disposable, and there are obvious raised folds in the dang, which shows that the owner of the underwear has a proud and majestic style.

Lu Shijin swallowed, Aidou's original underwear...

It's **** exciting, isn't it? Can you tempt a little fat man to lose weight? !

My God, keep your head down!

What are you thinking about Lu Shijin? ! Are you still polite? !

Lu Shijin raised his hand and slapped himself lightly, and scolded himself in a low voice, "Lu Shijin, be a person!"

"what are you doing?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Yifan, who had already left, suddenly went back and returned, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw a shocking picture.

Lu Shijin held the toothbrush he used in one hand, slapped himself at his underwear, and muttered to himself to be a person...

The author has something to say:

Brother Fan: What do you want to explain?

Jinjin: I have nothing to explain, I want to die...