Chapter 41: Idol, your character is broken

"Brother listen to me's not what you think..."

Under the gaze of Xu Yifan's death, Lu Shijin now only hates that there are no cracks in the ground, and he has nowhere to hide.

Xu Yifan didn't speak, and closed the bathroom door with his backhand.

"What do you think I'll think?" he asked coldly.

Lu Shijin quickly put Xu Yifan's disposable toothbrush back into the wash cup like a bomb, smirked twice, and said, "I'm just curious about the brand of the disposable toothbrush you're using, and I want to change it too."

Xu Yifan glanced at the clothes basket and returned to Lu Shijin's face, "Then you are staring at my panties, and you want to know what brand they are?"

Lu Shijin slapped his thigh, widened his eyes in surprise, and flattered: "Brother Fan, you are too smart! Guess it right!"

Lu Shijin seemed to notice that the corners of Xu Yifan's mouth were up and down.

He thought he was dazzled, and blinked, only to find that Xu Yifan was still the same ice cube face.

"Then why did you slap yourself?" Xu Yifan asked with his arms crossed.

"There are mosquitoes," Lu Shijin said solemnly, "I just had a mosquito bite on my face. You know, there are many mosquitoes in the countryside."

Xu Yifan: "You're making excuses for yourself."

Lu Shijin pretended not to understand: "To make excuses? No, it's really like this."

Xu Yifan was too lazy to pay attention to him, passed by Lu Shijin and took his toothbrush from the mouthwash cup.

He originally planned to throw the toothbrush into the trash can, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't throw it away, then went to the basket to get his underwear, ignoring Lu Shijin and went straight out the door.

Lu Shijin was left alone in the bathroom staring at the mirror.

After a long time, Lu Shijin calmed down and said to himself in the mirror, "What is he? Does he think I will steal his toothbrush and underwear?"

"Actually, you did have this thought." 711 came out to help answer him, gloating in his tone.

"But I quickly dismissed it!" Lu Shijin pointed at the mirror, his expression was indescribable, "Did he think of me as a pervert who steals underwear? He actually took away the toothbrush and underwear? He thought I would take it. ?!"

711 affirmed: "Maybe."

Lu Shijin: "…"

With a painful cry in his throat, he turned on the faucet and poured water on his face.

"I'm famous! No way!" Lu Shijin suddenly raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror grimly, "Convenience store, I need a memory card to erase, I want to erase Xu Yifan's memory just now! If he tells what happened today, my reputation will be ruined!"

711 disagreed: "I don't think so, Xu Yifan doesn't seem to be a person who likes to chew on his tongue. And the purchase of two amnestic cards is limited, it's too wasteful to use on him."

Lu Shijin was just talking about it, it was not so serious to erase Xu Yifan's memory.

Lu Shijin sighed heavily, didn't he say that Xu Yifan could inspire Tao Qinghong to lose weight?

But why did he use Xu Yifan's photo to tempt Tao Qinghong to no avail?

It seemed that he could only try to let Xu Yifan and Tao Qinghong meet, maybe seeing the idol with his own eyes. With the encouragement of the idol, Tao Qinghong could strengthen his determination to lose weight.

So... even if Xu Yifan has now regarded him as a pervert, Lu Shijin can only bite the bullet and have a good relationship with Xu Yifan.

Lu Shijin is wronged, to see what life has forced his poor little one into.

After taking a shower, Lu Shijin didn't go back to his and Xu Yifan's room. What happened just now would be embarrassing if the two of them were alone in the same room again.

Lu Shijin ran to He Yang and Li Xiao's room, and shared a bed with He Yang for a while in the morning.

After resting until 2:30 in the afternoon, followPD came up and woke up.

It takes more than an hour to get to the farmers market from where they live, and the farmers market will be closed if they don't leave.

In the afternoon, in addition to going to the farmers market to purchase ingredients, there is another task, which is to visit the lonely old people in the village and send warmth to the old people.

The six people discussed it and decided to divide it into two groups. One group went to the market, and the other group went to visit the old man.

Lu Shijin can cook, and he has to go to buy ingredients. He Yang, a foodie, immediately said that he also wants to go to the farmers market, so the remaining four can only go to one more.

"I also go to the market." Xu Yifan suddenly expressed his stance and said succinctly, "The living expenses are with me."

When everyone thought about it, it was necessary to spend money to go to the market, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with going to the market, so they all agreed.

After the grouping was decided, the six soldiers divided into two groups and began to complete their tasks individually.

The program group is sponsored by a car brand, and it is a car with a limit of five people.

In addition to Lu Shijin, Xu Yifan, and He Yang, the director and cameraman had to accompany the car, so they had to drive the car by themselves.

Lu Shijin can drive, but he has not obtained a driver's license in his current identity, so Xu Yifan drives, he takes the co-pilot, and He Yang sits in the back.

He Yang looks like a cold boy who doesn't talk much, but in fact he is a chatter after getting used to it.

He never had time to talk along the way, and he chatted hotly with Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin was sitting in the front passenger seat. Although he was wearing a seat belt, in order to talk to He Yang conveniently, he turned his whole body over and turned his face to the back.

Xu Yifan did not participate in the topic of the two from beginning to end, and concentrated on playing the role of a driver.

The car was driving fine, but suddenly it seemed that the tires had run into a bumpy place, and the body was bumped.

Lu Shijin was turned upside down, and quickly turned around and leaned back to stabilize his body.

"Sit down." Xu Yifan turned the steering wheel expressionlessly, "This road is not easy to drive."

Lu Shijin glanced out the window, it was obviously a smooth concrete road, where is it difficult to drive?

After more than half an hour, the car arrived at the farmers market.

He Yang followed the bird out of the cage as soon as he got out of the car, and couldn't wait to run into the market, not even needing the camera.

Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin walked slowly behind, strolling around.

"What do you want to buy?" Xu Yifan asked lightly.

Lu Shijin walked inside along the stall, looked left and right, "I have vegetables at home, just buy some meat and go back."

Xu Yifan glanced at the meat stall and asked, "What about the budget?"

Lu Shijin thought for a while, "For six people, buy two catties of spare ribs, you can make sparerib soup or sweet and sour spare ribs, buy two catties of meat, you can make braised pork or make dumplings with stuffing, and buy two big crucian carp to go back, it's best Buy some more prawns, you can make fried prawns in oil, by the way, you also need fruit, you can’t go without fruit for a week, right? Just buy some apples and oranges.”

"351 catties of ribs, 70 catties of two catties, 25 catties of meat, 50 catties of two catties," Xu Yifan turned into a human-shaped calculator and settled the accounts one by one. Thirty, a total of one hundred and seventeen, not counting the money to buy the fruit, the living expenses are four hundred in total, and you spend half of it on a meal."

Lu Shijin: "…"

He didn't know how expensive Chai rice was, and he didn't think that he had spent so much money after buying so many things? !

Xu Yifan, who holds the economic power, concluded: "You can only buy two kinds of fish and shrimp, and you can buy one kind of fruit."

Lu Shijin pondered for a while, "Meat must be bought, the rest... let's buy fish, and just buy apples for fruit."

"Don't buy shrimp?" Xu Yifan asked.

"Well," Lu Shijin nodded, "Brother Yang likes to eat braised fish, I promised to make it for him."

Xu Yifan said lightly, "I think fried shrimp in oil is also good."

Lu Shijin looked at him in surprise, Da Bingshan meant that he wanted to eat fried shrimp?

The reaction speed of the fans was much faster than that of Lu Shijin.

[Fanfan, if you want to eat, just tell Jinjin, don't be so arrogant! 】

【Yes! That's what he meant! He wants to eat your shrimp! But he was embarrassed to say it! 】

[Captain Gao Leng competes for favor online, braised fish VS fried shrimp in oil! 】

【I vote for fried shrimp~】

【I think braised fish is fine! 】

Lu Shijin reacted and thought, this is a good opportunity to get closer to Xu Yifan, and immediately changed his words: "Yes, I suddenly think that fried shrimp is better than braised fish, then buy shrimp!"

Xu Yifan's expression was slightly loose, and he seemed satisfied.

He Yang didn't know where to go shopping, Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan bought all the ingredients that they should buy, and He Yang came back to find them.

"Have you bought everything?" He Yang stared curiously at the bags that Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin were carrying.

"Buy it." Lu Shijin said, "You can go back."

He Yang geared up, "Did you buy the fish?"

Lu Shijin shook his head.

He Yang: "Didn't buy it? Why? On the way here, I agreed to make braised fish at night."

Lu Shijin didn't answer, he secretly glanced at Xu Yifan and winked with He Yang.

He Yang didn't understand Lu Shijin's wink, and asked bluntly, "Did you get sand in your eyes? Why do you keep blinking?"

Lu Shijin suppressed the urge to cover his face, buddy, can you be any more sluggish?

He Yang continued to be unrelenting: "Why don't you buy fish? I want to eat it."

"It's me who won't let me buy it," Xu Yifan said coldly, "I've already bought a lot of things and overspend."

He Yang: "…"

The captain has spoken, of course he can't clamor for fish anymore, he can only swallow the bitter tears in his stomach.

The baby just wants to eat a braised fish and can't be satisfied, I'm too hard QAQ

"Have you bought that fruit?" He Yang asked weakly, pondering Xu Yifan's face.

Lu Shijin hurriedly held up the apple in his hand to show him, "I bought it, I have an apple."

He Yang pouted in disgust: "...just apples?"

Lu Shijin smiled helplessly: "Then what else do you want to eat?"

He Yang put his arms around Lu Shijin's shoulder and turned the person back. He pointed to the market and said, "There is a fruit stand there. The fruits in it are sweet and fresh. Let's go and have a look?"

Lu Shijin thought that he had already disappointed He Yang once he didn't buy the fish, and he couldn't let him go back with an unhappy stomach, right?

So he looked at Xu Yifan pleadingly, "Brother Fan, there is still time anyway, why don't you go and have a look?"

This time Xu Yifan didn't object, he nodded his head and agreed.

He Yang immediately pulled Lu Shijin and rushed to the fruit stand, and when he was far away from Xu Yifan, he secretly whispered to Lu Shijin.

"The grapes at that fruit stand are very sweet, Xiao Lu, you will tell Brother Fan that you want to eat grapes later, you are the youngest, maybe Brother Fan will agree to you."

Lu Shijin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pointed to himself, "Me? Acting like a spoiled child? But I can't."

"What's so hard about acting like a spoiled child? I'll teach you," He Yang brewed his emotions, frowned and tried to look pitiful, "Brother Fan, people want to eat grapes, can you buy them for them?"

Lu Shijin: "..." Is this heartless baby really his little prince? If it is true, can it be exchanged?

He Yang also felt that he was a little disgusting, hehe smiled, "It seems that the show is a bit too much, I have never acted coquettishly with others."

"How much is a pound of grapes?" Lu Shijin asked, if it's not expensive, it's fine to buy at all.

He Yang said, "Fifty-one catties."

"What?!" Lu Shijin raised his voice, "How much?!"

"Keep your voice down!" He Yang glanced back nervously, for fear that Xu Yifan would hear it. He smacked his lips as if recalling the taste of grapes, and said yearningly, "The grapes are imported, so they are so expensive, but they are really expensive. It's delicious! It's sweet and hydrating, and there are no seeds!"

Lu Shijin shook his head, "Impossible, fifty-one kilograms is more expensive than spare ribs. Brother Fan will definitely not agree."

He Yang hugged Lu Shijin tightly, and said relentlessly: "You try it, you just say you want to eat it, see what Brother Fan's reaction is, okay? If he refuses, then it's fine, but in case he agrees Woolen cloth?"

Lu Shijin thought about Xu Yifan's attitude towards him, he couldn't help laughing, and said dejectedly, "He promises to be a ghost."

When she walked to the fruit stand, the proprietress was very happy to see He Yang who had gone back and forth. She said hello in Mandarin with a strong local accent: "Here handsome guy is here again, do you want to buy some grapes to eat?"

He Yang: "Ma'am, we don't have much money with us, can grapes be cheaper?"

The proprietress: "Fifty is already the lowest. It's imported. We need 45 miles to get the goods!"

He Yang saw that Xu Yifan was about to reach the fruit stand, and immediately asked the proprietress, "My brother hasn't tasted it yet, can you give him a taste?"

The proprietress was very generous and directly picked two grapes and stuffed them into Lu Shijin, "Okay, now, I'll give you a handsome guy, sweet, not sweet and no money."

He Yang leaned into Lu Shijin's ear, "Little Lu, Brother Fan is here, it's time for you to perform!"

Lu Shijin, who has never acted coquettishly, can only bite the bullet.

He bit a grape and tasted it, it was really sweet, and it was sweet with a floral fragrance, not greasy at all, no wonder it was so expensive.

"Brother Fan! Grapes!" Lu Shijin was eager to talk to Xu Yifan and put the rest of the grapes into his mouth. He shoved the remaining grapes into Xu Yifan's mouth without even thinking about it. "It's very sweet! You can try it!"

Xu Yifan was unprepared, and was blocked by Lu Shijin, his eyes blinked, and cracks appeared in his normally calm expression.

He Yang's eyes fell from the side, and he shook his head sympathetically when he saw Lu Shijin, "Oh my God, Xiao Lu, what have you done?"

Xu Yifan has a serious cleanliness addiction. You actually gave him unwashed grapes? !

It's over, let alone grapes this time, the grape skins can't be eaten!

Xiao Lu, may God bless you!

Lu Shijin didn't realize there was any problem, and asked Xu Yifan with a smile: "How is it? Is it delicious? Is it sweet?"

Xu Yifan lowered his eyes to look at Lu Shijin's heartless smiling face, the grapes were in his mouth, and he didn't vomit or vomit, his expression was very stiff for a while.

Lu Shijin finally realized something, his eyes turned round, and he swallowed in horror, "That... Brother Fan! Damn it! I forgot that you have a cleanliness addiction! I'm sorry! Hurry up and spit it out!"

Lu Shijin stretched out his palm directly to Xu Yifan's mouth, nodded up and down to signal Xu Yifan to spit the grapes into his palm.

Xu Yifan: "..."

After a while, Xu Yifan frowned, as if he had made up his mind, and finally bit the grape.

Unexpectedly, neither sour nor astringent, a fresh sweetness spreads from the tip of the tongue, every taste bud is soaked in the grape juice, full score for sweetness and full score for taste!

Seeing that Xu Yifan finished eating the grape without even spitting out the grape skin, Lu Shijin was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall.

[Hahahahaha, what kind of emoji, I took a screenshot and made it into an emoji bag that can make you laugh for a year! 】

[Brother Fan, look at you frightened the child, his face has changed! Hahaha, you should spit in his hand! 】

[How delicious are these grapes, Fanfan doesn't even spit out the grape skins? 】

[Can the grapes fed by my brother be sweet? Hee hee hee, I still want to see my brother and then feed my brother one~]

"Okay, do you want to eat?" Lu Shijin asked uncertainly.

Xu Yifan said with an "um" and commented, "Not bad."

As soon as He Yang heard there was a play, he interjected and asked, "Do you want to buy it?"

Xu Yifan looked at Lu Shijin, "Want to eat?"

He Yang secretly tugged at the clothes that Lu Shi was carrying in the future, Lu Shi Jin nodded again and again, "Think!"

Xu Yifan asked the proprietress, "How much is a pound of grapes?"

The proprietress said cheerfully, "Forty-eight!"

Xu Yifan: "..." Can he say he regrets it?

He Yang pulled Lu Shijin's clothes hard again, motioning him to continue.

Lu Shijin opened his eyes wider to let Xu Yifan see his full of desire, and begged in a low voice, "Brother Fan, just buy a pound and go back and give everyone a taste, okay?"

When fans saw Lu Shijin's small eyes, their hearts softened, and the mother's love on the barrage increased greatly.

【Buy! Brother doesn't buy, sister buys it for you! 】

[Look at this aggrieved little look, Fanfan, do you have the heart not to buy it for your brother? 】

[Send the address of the program group! Now go to order and send 100 catties of grapes! 】

[No matter how hard you are, you can't suffer a child! We are still babies today, we just want to eat grapes, how hard is it to be spicy! 】

"Well, buy it." Xu Yifan closed his eyes, his expression was a little subtle, as if he was dodging something.

Seeing that Xu Yifan was finally willing to take out his wallet, Lu Shijin turned around and squeezed his eyes at He Yang, secretly making a "V" with his hand below.

A pound of grapes is actually very few, but for Lu Shijin and them now, it is already a luxury.

On the way back, Lu Shijin hugged the hard-won grapes and hummed the song with He Yang in the car.

But when they went back and settled the accounts, their faces darkened.

I only went out once, and I spent half of the total living expenses of 400!

It's only the second day, and there are still five days to eat. You can't expect two hundred to live in five days, right? !

If you want to make money, you have to work hard. When you think about the stinginess of the show team, everyone's face is broken. How much work they have to do to make money back!

However, the troubles of young people come and go quickly, and soon, the pessimism of the big guy is cured by the food.

Lu Shijin is still the head chef, and the others are not idle. He boils water, washes dishes, and washes vegetables.

Two hours later, a dish full of color and aroma was brought out of the kitchen.

Fat but not greasy braised pork, melon soup with pork ribs, fried prawns, tomato scrambled eggs, fried shredded potatoes with green peppers, dried beans, and a plate of full and crystal grapes.

It's just some home-cooked food, but everyone eats it very deliciously.

After all, what you pay for is the most precious thing.

Fans seem to particularly like watching the cooking and eating session. Once this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed.

The performance of Lu Shijin in the past two days is obvious to all, so the discussion on the boss Lu Shijin is the most on the barrage.

Their brokerage company saw Lu Shijin's potential, and bought a hot search for Lu Shijin on the spot, and of course they didn't forget to bring Xu Yifan, whom they had long been prepared to support.

#Lu Shijin feeds Xu Yifan grapes#

#Lu Shijin's cooking#

#Lu Shijin took photos of Xu Yifan#

As the popularity of hot searches has risen, many viewers who have not paid attention to this variety show have entered the live broadcast room, and the barrage has become more and more lively.

[After reading the hot search, I heard that there is sugar here to eat, so I came here because of its name]

【Weibo army came to check in】

[Is there magic in this live broadcast room? Once you get in, you can't get out! New fans announced to enter the pit! 】

【What are they eating? Isn't it a star reality show? I look hungry? 】

【Grape! I see grapes! The younger brother feeds the elder brother again! 】

Lu Shijin's Weibo fans soared by hundreds of thousands overnight. Of course, he didn't know or care about this.

Lu Shijin, with the mentality of a veteran cadre, didn't want to be an idol at all. He just wanted to quickly complete the task and enter the next world.

Because after these two days of getting along with Lu Shijin, he found that He Yang's type doesn't seem to be his favorite dish.

So he didn't bother to verify whether the scar on He Yang's shoulder was a tooth mark.

But he underestimated how fat a fat man can get.

When it was time to rest in the evening, Lu Shijin was lying on the bed after taking a shower, and 711's bitter voice rang out: "Tell you the unfortunate news, Tao Qinghong's weight is approaching two hundred and sixteen."

Lu Shijin: "What?! Didn't he pay 250 yesterday? How did he lose weight? The more he loses the weight?"

711 truthfully reported Tao Qinghong's recipe for today: "He ate a big bowl of noodles and a basket of xiaolongbao this morning, and at noon he ate a Big Mac, a pack of french fries, a pair of spicy wings, two egg tarts, A big glass of Coke, barbecue for dinner, and a plate of pork belly."

Lu Shijin: "..." Is this trying to lose weight? This is clearly a pig!

Lu Shijin was so angry that his liver hurt, he immediately took out his phone and sent Tao Qinghong a WeChat message.

Lu Shijin: [Tao Qinghong! you get me out! 】

Tao Tao: [Brother now! You are finally free to chat with me! I am so happy! [Love][Love][Love]]

Lu Shijin: [Stop talking nonsense, are you serious about losing weight? Do you still want Xu Yifan's photo? ! 】

Tao Tao: [I don't think so much [bares teeth]]

Lu Shijin: [? ? ? 】

Tao Tao: [I announce that I have climbed the wall! 】

Lu Shijin asked 711: "Convenience store, what do you mean by climbing the wall?"

711: "The term used in the fan circle refers to falling in love with another idol while you are in love with your own idol."

Lu Shijin has a headache: "Damn, is this little fat man so careless? He said yesterday that he only likes Xu Yifan, but it has changed today?!"

Lu Shijin: [Whose wall have you climbed? 】

Tao Tao: [you [shy] [shy] [shy]]

The author has something to say:

Jinjin: I wanted to be a salted fish, but I didn't expect to be the younger brother of the nation _(:з"∠)_