Chapter 42: Idol, your character is broken

The show has only been aired for two days, and many netizens know that there is a young boy group called "STORM" who has a special ability to cook.

He is obviously the youngest in the group, but he can do better than his brothers. He does all the cooking and work, which has changed many people's views on young boys in this age group.

Some entertainment celebrities received the public relations fee from Lu Shijin's brokerage company, and they also liked and forwarded Lu Shijin's cooking video, which made Lu Shijin's popularity even higher.

These days, it is not uncommon for idols who can sing and dance to look good, but it is very rare to know how to cook and cook.

From the third day, the number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed. At six o'clock in the morning, more than 100,000 viewers squatted in the live broadcast room, just waiting for the members to get up and start the day's live broadcast.

At seven o'clock, the director of the program group had experienced the painful lesson of waking them up for half an hour yesterday, and directly brought an old-fashioned radio from the 1970s and 1980s upstairs.

Put the radio directly outside the door of the three rooms, press the play button, and a song "Wake Up Time", which is loud enough to be transmitted ten miles away, is sent to the six boys who are sleeping.

The saxophone that suddenly sounded woke everyone up, and everyone bounced off the bed, staring sleepily with their roommates, looking confused.

"You must know that sadness is always inevitable, every time you wake up from a dream..."

"Get up, get up and get up quickly! Don't think you'll be silent inside, I know you're all awake!" The director knocked on the door outside, knocking Aunt Xue's imposing manner.

[I was watching the live broadcast with headphones on... I almost went deaf just now! 】

[I was so scared that I quickly turned down the volume of my phone! 】

[Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, what kind of genius show group is this, so you can wake people up without fear of scaring them out? 】

[Brothers and brothers are about to get up, and if you can't afford it, the director is going to scold people! 】

[The music is so loud, I don't believe you can still sleep, get up and start business! 】

Early in the morning, the happy live broadcast started with a song "Wake Up Time".

After experiencing the baptism of "Wake Up Time", the members went downstairs to gather this time, and it was no longer the drowsy state of sluggishness yesterday.

After the six handsome men with long legs were dressed, they stood in a row in high spirits, very seductive.

He Yang, who likes to pretend to be cool, even got some hairspray to give himself a hairstyle.

"Good morning, everyone, everyone's performance is good today, which is worthy of praise." The director's loudspeaker reappeared in the arena.

Zhao Yue took advantage of the situation: "Is there only verbal praise? Is there any material praise?"

The director held back his smile and said, "No, only verbal."

Everyone disdain: "Cut!"

Director: "Tell me about the tasks you are going to accomplish today. The task in the morning is to go to the fields to pull radishes. This time, the calculation is not uniform. It is calculated as 30 cents per radish.

"Director, I'll give you another chance to make it clear," He Yang rolled up his sleeves, "How much is a carrot?"

The director was so mighty that he couldn't give in, "Sanmao."

"Wait, wait, I'm running out of brains, how much does it cost to pluck one hundred for three cents?"

Xu Yifan said coolly, "Thirty."

He Xin also suddenly realized that he forgot to maintain the cute character design, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Director, are you going too far? The rabbit is biting in a hurry!"

"Add more money!" Zhao Yue raised her hand to protest, "The director team is blatantly exploiting, and you won't do it without adding more money!"

The director said calmly: "It's okay if you don't do it. You can live on two hundred yuan for the next few days."

Everyone: "..." Hey, so angry! The cunning and cunning director team! Bully them proletarians!

Sure enough, indulgence has to pay a price, how happy I was at dinner yesterday, how much I regret it now.

"Lu ah," Li Xiao hooked Lu Shijin's shoulder and said bitterly, "I will go to the farmers market to save some flowers in the future. Our family's conditions are not suitable for big fish and meat."

Lu Shijin nodded in agreement.

"Wait a minute," He Yang walked to the front and pointed at the director and several female directors on his hips. "Last night, you all ate the braised pork made by my little Lu, didn't you forget?"

Director: "What's wrong?"

He Yang stretched his hand forward and said confidently, "You want money, but don't give money for food?"

The female choreographer covered her mouth with a smile and said, "You didn't say that you need to pay for food at that time, so I wouldn't eat it if you gave it."

"That won't work, we paid for the braised pork, isn't it inappropriate for you to eat it without labor?" Li Xiao pushed Lu Shijin forward, "Well, we don't want the money for the braised pork either. For Xiao Lu's sake, is fifty cents a radish all right?"

The director was indifferent: "No, just Sanmao."

Li Xiao gave Lu Shijin a frantic wink, "Little Lu, hurry up, show the director a cute look and ask him to raise his salary."

"Ah?" Lu Shijin was stunned, what is cuteness?

The director knows that Lu Shijin's popularity is high now, which has attracted a lot of traffic to the show, so he is willing to give him a chance to perform.

So the director let out his mouth and said, "Let's see, Xiao Lu shows a talent. If the three female directors here are satisfied, I'll give you a radish... a cent!"

Damn, it's really a stingy rooster!

But a dime is money, better than nothing at all.

In today's situation, a penny stumped the heroic man. I didn't expect that Lu Shijin would also sell his hue for a penny.

Teammates cheered Lu Shijin expectantly, "Come on, Xiao Lu!"

"Hope of the whole village" Lu Shijin was riding a tiger and laughed awkwardly in front of the camera.

Damn, he's not a real idol, where's his talent?

Sing? Sorry for the insufficiency.

Dance? Sorry for the incoordination.

Lu Shijin felt guilty, "Just me?"

He Yang: "Who else do you want to perform with you?"

This is what Lu Shijin had planned. He has a partner with multiple insurances. If he collapses, there will be someone to save him!

So he looked at the faces of his teammates one by one, thinking about who to pick.

"I'll come." Unexpectedly, Xu Yifan took the initiative to request.

Lu Shijin was overjoyed, it would be best if Xu Yifan could accompany him! Xu Yifan's popularity is high, and he can hold the audience alone!

"Convenience store convenience store, Jianghu emergency!" Lu Shijin asked 711 for help, "Is there any card that can make me good at singing and dancing?"

711: "I am Kangkang, yes! Do you want to use it now?"

Lu Shijin: "Yes! Don't wait any longer now!"

711: "Halle! The 'King of Nightclub Card' has been redeemed and put into use, with a validity period of 24 hours!"

"The King of Nightclubs Card"? Why does the name sound weird?

But Lu Shijin didn't have time to think about it. Hundreds of thousands of spectators were waiting in front of the screen to watch him perform, so he could only bite the bullet.

"Let's do a dance?" Lu Shijin glanced at Xu Yifan, then said to the director, "Can you play music?"

"Okay." The director and the assistant director winked, and the assistant director picked a pop music to accompany Lu Shijin.

This is a rhythmic and dynamic piece of music. As soon as Lu Shijin heard the sound of the music, his whole body felt like he couldn't help but sway his limbs to the beat of the music.

Under the effect of the card, Lu Shijin jumped into locking without a teacher.

His dance steps and movements are gorgeous and smooth. It was obviously a song that was randomly selected temporarily, and the movements that jumped out at random were almost done in one go.

Everyone was stunned by Lu Shijin's superb dancing skills. This on-the-spot performance was also very good!

Lu Shijin paused after jumping, and stretched his fingers to Xu Yifan. It was Xu Yifan's turn to jump again.

Of course, Xu Yifan's dancing skills will not disappoint everyone, and a piece of skilled hiphop has conquered the hearts of fans.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also exploded.

【Excellent! ! What treasure boys are these two! ! 】

[I'm here in seconds, Fanfan's eyes will discharge! 】

[With a sense of feeling, brother and brother continue to rush the duck! 】

[Fanfan and Jinjin looked at each other absolutely! I think there must be a story! 】

[Ah, ah, my brother's waist is so thin, I am ashamed of myself as a woman! 】

[If you want to see your brother and brother dance face-to-face, it is best to be tempted by the wet body (the smile gradually becomes wretched)]

After Xu Yifan finished dancing, it was Lu Shijin's turn.

Lu Shijin has just turned eighteen years old, and his figure is still that of a teenager.

He is tall and straight, with slender limbs. Although he has muscles, it is also a thin layer attached to the slender bones. Compared with mature men, he has a unique charm that belongs to teenagers.

The advantages of the figure are undoubtedly revealed when dancing.

Lu Shijin's waist is very thin, it seems soft and boneless when twisting, but it is full of strength when doing dance moves.

There are also very upturned buttocks. When doing a hip-up action, they draw a perfect arc in the air, which is green and tempting.

Of course, Lu Shijin was directly facing the camera, and the audience couldn't see it when he was doing the top hip movement.

If you watch it for a long time, the barrage will not know how much it will explode.

The other teammates stood separately on both sides to see Lu Shijin's performance clearly, only Xu Yifan was standing in front of Lu Shijin.

Behind Lu Shijin, he quietly twisted the youngest's narrow waist and buttocks to see clearly.

The music never stopped, and Lu Shijin kept dancing.

Slowly he felt strange, he obviously didn't want to dance, but when he heard the music, he couldn't stop.

"Convenience store! What's going on? Why can't I stop?" Lu Shijin asked anxiously.

711: "I'll check it out, oh, there's a description on the back of the 'King of Nightclub Card' that I forgot to read. After using this card, as soon as I hear the music, I will dance spontaneously until the music stops..."

Lu Shijin collapsed: "Convenience store, you are too stupid, this is wearing a pair of Andersen's red shoes for me!"

711 gave him a tip: "You can tell the director to let him stop the music!"

Lu Shijin was angry: "Then let me ask you, what if I hear music again today?"

711 stopped talking and pretended to be disconnected.

No way, Lu Shijin could only ask the director panting while dancing, "Director, is it alright? Can the music stop?"

The director quickly returned to his senses and asked the assistant director to stop the music, "It's alright, alright!"

As soon as the music stopped, Lu Shijin was finally able to stop to rest and take a breath, and he almost died of exhaustion.

"Xiao Lu is fine," He Yang is a dance idiot, and likes to share his dance experience with others, "I didn't see you dancing on the show very much before, but I didn't expect you to dance so well! Let's practice dancing together in the future? "

"Haha..." Lu Shijin laughed dryly, if he could, he wouldn't want to dance in his life! fall!

"Sister Director, how is it? Are you still satisfied with Brother Fan and Xiao Lu's performances?" Zhao Yue was proud like a parent whose children got perfect marks in the exam.

The three female choreographers watched Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan finish the dance, and felt the charm of the older brother and younger brother up close.

The one was so excited and excited. If they hadn't paid attention to the occasion, they would have all screamed and called.

The result, of course, was that the female choreographers were unanimously satisfied and agreed to increase the price of radishes.

Before setting off to pull the radishes, the director explained the arrangements for the afternoon: "After pulling the radishes, you can come back. There is no task in the afternoon, but we will have a mysterious guest here. The guests come and leave happily."

The six people carried baskets and went to the radish field. The green radish ears were about half the height of a person sticking out of the ground, dancing against the wind in the field.

The picture looks quite beautiful, but when they bent down and pulled twenty or thirty consecutively, the beautiful scenery became dull.

"It's so boring to just keep pulling radishes, how about we compete?" He Xin also suggested.

Zhao Yue: "How to compare?"

He Xinyi: "Let's choose a radish from the whole radish field and pull it out. The person with the largest radish can ask a question to the smallest person, or ask him to do one thing."

Sounds like a carrot-pulling version of Truth or Dare.

Everyone had no objection, so they spread out and began to look for the radish spike that seemed to be the largest radish in the radish field.

But radishes grow underground, and it is impossible to tell which radishes are buried in the ground and which ones are small just by looking at the ears.

The six people are basically children who grew up in the city, and they didn't get into the countryside very much, and they didn't know much about these crops.

Basically, I randomly choose the one that looks the most pleasing to the eye.

After comparing for a long time, Lu Shijin finally chose a radish with the highest spikes and the most leaves. He felt that the ones that were exposed to the outside were so lush, the ones growing in the ground would definitely not be too bad.

As soon as I pulled it out, I was very disappointed. It was obviously a large white radish, but it was about the size of a carrot! He is too weak!

"Have everyone's radishes been pulled? Come and come, let's compare who is bigger and who is smaller!" Li Xiao was delighted, because he had pulled a big guy and felt that he was the winner.

"Pu Chi, Xiao Lu, you radish..." He Yang couldn't help laughing and laughed, "Isn't it stunted? Why is it so small, hahahahaha!"

Lu Shijin is also very helpless. He thought that the radish under the lush stems and leaves must be big, but I didn't expect that all the nutrients were absorbed by the leaves. What a misstep!

"I'm going, Brother Fan, are you a radish?" He Xinyi was surprised when he saw the radish in Xu Yifan's hand, "Where did you find such a big radish?"

Xu Yifan glanced at Lu Shijin's radish and said lightly, "You can't just look at the appearance."

"Wow, Brother Fan, how can you tell the size of a radish buried in the soil? What's the trick? Teach me?" He Xin also asked with interest.

"There is no trick," Xu Yifan mentioned the radish, and the huge radish blinded everyone's eyes, "I'm lucky, just pull one out and it's the biggest."

Everyone: "..." Yes, yes, this forced pretending to faint!

Zhao Yue took turns looking at the radishes in other people's hands, and came to a conclusion: "In this comparison, the biggest one is undoubtedly Brother Fan, and the smallest is Xiao Lu, puff haha, Xiao Lu, really, I think your radish may still be good. He hasn't grown up yet, do you want to bury it back and let him grow for two more days?"

Lu Shijin gave up the treatment, and threw the radishes back into the basket, "I'll use it to stew the pork ribs tonight!"

He Yang: "Brother Fan won, Xiao Lu lost, Xiao Lu, do you choose the truth or the big risk?"

Lu Shijin thought for a while, "Tell me the truth."

He Yang smirked: "Oh, then, Brother Fan, you have to think about a sharp question and ask it, you must be a little more explosive!"

Lu Shijin glanced at He Yang without smiling, such a careless child, if it were his little prince, he would eat all the radishes in this field!

"Well," Xu Yifan thought for a while and asked the question he had thought of, "other than yourself in the group, who is your favorite person?"

Lu Shijin: "…"

other people:"…"

[Hahahahaha I'll go, Fanfan, how can Jinjin answer this question? Doesn't this make him offend? 】

[This question is too sharp, so sharp that I can't contain the excitement in my heart! 】

【Come, come and place your bets! The stock market is risky, you need to be cautious when buying stocks. 】

[I bought Yangyang, it seems that today and Yangyang have the best time to play! 】

[Today and now you think about it before answering, Fanfan must ask you to say that it is him! 】

Lu Shijin never thought that Xu Yifan would ask him this question.

When did the big ice cube gossip so much?

Damn, how do you ask him to answer this question? Answer No one is good!

Hey, it's so insidious, it's obviously a trap to make him offend!

Lu Shijin weighed it again and again, and if Xu Yifan set him up, then he couldn't make Xu Yifan feel better.

He widened the corners of his mouth suddenly, looked at Xu Yifan and said with a bright smile: "My favorite person, of course, is you, Brother Fan! You are the most handsome, sing the best, dance the best, I have always regarded you as Idol!"

Since it is destined to offend other people, then I have to pull you along!

[Can you be a little more perfunctory in your expression today? 】

[Obviously it's revenge on Fanfan for putting 2333 on him, my brother and brother are so black~]

[I don't care, I take it seriously! I declare that "Ilu has you" is true! 】

[Sisters raise the banner of "Ilu has you" together! 】

After listening to Xu Yifan, there was no superfluous expression on his face. He heard that what Lu Shijin said was ironic, and of course he would not take it seriously.

"Okay, I'm done asking."

Others who were waiting to watch the show were dumbfounded, "That's it?"

Xu Yifan: "What else do you want?"

Li Xiao deliberately said, "Brother Fan, Xiao Lu said that he treats you as an idol, but you can't express anything as an idol?"

"I've already expressed it." Xu Yifan looked at Lu Shijin with deep eyes, "I signed it, and I promised you to take pictures every day. Thank you for your liking."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Everyone's eyes widened in unison, these two people still have such a thing behind their backs? !

"Today's photo hasn't been taken yet, so take it now?" Xu Yifan continued to speak in shock.

Lu Shijin immediately refused, shaking his head into a rattle: "No, no need!"

Xu Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, "What?"

Lu Shijin's expression was solemn, "Brother Fan, I told you before, it's not that I want your photo, it's a friend of mine who wants it!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they looked at Lu Shijin, it turned out that you really wanted the photo of Brother Fan!

Xu Yifan: "Then why don't you want it now?"

Lu Shijin said seriously, "because he climbed the wall!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, it must be that Xiao Lu was embarrassed, that's why he said that.

Who doesn't know a law that "I have a friend" equals "myself"?

Xu Yifan also seemed to chuckle.

Lu Shijin felt as if the descriptions were getting darker and darker. What I said is true!

Your little fat man really climbed the wall, and the target was me, didn't you think?

Hehe, love believe it or not!

"Okay, okay, let's continue, it's just one round." Li Xiao was afraid that if he continued to tease him, Lu Shijin would be annoyed, so he stood up and said, "Little Lu, you have to choose more accurately this time."

Everyone scattered to look for radishes again, and a few minutes later they gathered with their trophies. This time it was Li Xiao's oldest and Zhao Yue's youngest.

"Brother Yue, do you choose the truth or the big adventure?" Li Xiao asked.

Zhao Yue: "A big adventure, a big adventure is exciting."

Li Xiao thought for a while and said, "Then why don't you do a square dance in the radish field?"

"Okay," Zhao Yue happily agreed, "but this big adventure is a bit simple, don't worry, I can afford it. Would you like to think of something more exciting?"

Li Xiao smiled and said, "That's it, you make me think that I can't think of anything more exciting for a while, so let's start? I'll play music for you."

Having said that, Li Xiao took out his mobile phone and opened the music player to play music.

Lu Shijin suddenly remembered that he now has the problem of dancing whenever he hears music, and immediately shouted, "Don't let it go!"

Li Xiao paused and looked at him strangely, "Why?"

"I...I, I," Lu Shijin "me" for a long time, holding back all the reasons why it is not good, he leaned into Li Xiao's ear and said, "I want to go to the convenience, you guys play first, I'm going!"

Lu Shijin left the radish field alone. He didn't really want to be convenient, but there was music playing over there, and he was afraid that when he heard it, he couldn't help but dance awkwardly.

So I decided to hang out and wait for Zhao Yue to finish the square dance before going back.

Without the camera facing it, it seems that I can even breathe freely, and I can play with my mobile phone openly.

Lu Shijin was concerned about Tao Qinghong's weight loss cause, so he sent a WeChat message to ask Tao Qinghong if he had started to lose weight today.

Although Tao Qinghong said last night that he climbed the wall, as long as Tao Qinghong still likes Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan hates this person a little bit, but he has to admit that there is still charm. As long as he is willing, how difficult is it to fascinate a little fat man to lose weight for him?

Lu Shijin: [Tao Tao, have you started to lose weight today? [stamp]】

Tao Tao: [I'm about to start reducing, but I think I still need some motivation. [eagerly]】

Lu Shijin: [What motivation? Xu Yifan's photo? Row! Brother immediately shoot for you! 】

Tao Tao: [No, no, it's not Xu Yifan's photo, but it's similar [hee hee]]

Lu Shijin: [? 】

Tao Tao: [Brother Shi Jin, can you send me a photo of you and Xu Yifan in the future? 】

Lu Shijin: [? ? ? 】

Tao Tao: [Don't get me wrong! Of course I know that there is nothing between you and Xu Yifan! The sugar you sprinkle in the live broadcast is for the effect of the show, but as long as I see your footage, my heart is sweeter than eating honey! I don't want to eat anymore! 】

Lu Shijin: […]

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