Chapter 43: Idol, your character is broken

Lu Shijin didn't remember what Tao Qinghong said for a long time.

Tao Qinghong saw that Lu Shijin hadn't replied any more, thinking that Lu Shijin was busy filming, and obediently didn't send any more messages to disturb Lu Shijin.

After a while, Lu Shijin came to understand, he grasped the main point of Tao Qinghong's words.

Ignoring the previous words that Lu Shijin seemed to understand but didn't understand, "I don't want to eat", this sentence is the most important!

The little fat man can lose weight if he doesn't want to eat. Only after losing weight can Xu Yifan see him, and Lu Shijin can complete the task!

So as long as the little fat man doesn't eat, he's half done!

What did the little fat man just say that made him not want to eat?

Lu Shijin hurriedly studied the message Tao Qinghong sent him again.

It's because I saw the shot of him and Xu Yifan...

Lu Shi was at a loss.

Although he was a reporter in his last life, he was a social reporter, and he had no connection with the entertainment industry, and he had never chased stars or paid attention to the culture of the rice circle.

Therefore, it was very difficult for him to understand Tao Qinghong's thoughts.

Doesn't Tao Qinghong like Xu Yifan?

Let's not say that he didn't want to sprinkle any sugar with Xu Yifan at all, but shouldn't he want to monopolize that person if he likes someone?

How can it be sweet to see that person and others sprinkle sugar?

"Host, I think so, the top priority right now is to let Tao Qinghong lose weight, right?" 711 enthusiastically suggested.

Lu Shijin: "Of course I know this, do you need to say it?"

711: "Since he said that eating sugar from you and Xu Yifan will make him forget to eat, why don't you try it?"

Lu Shijin: "try what?"

711: "Fry CP with Xu Yifan."

Lu Shijin: " you think it's possible?"

711: "Why is it impossible? Host, you have to have confidence in yourself! You have only passed through for a few days, and you are about to become the younger brother of the nation, which shows that you are very charming! And I think Xu Yifan is not the same to you, you go to him Tell me, what if he agrees?"

Lu Shijin sneered: "Of course it's not that I don't have confidence in myself, it's that I don't want to."

711: "Why?"

Lu Shijin: "It's too awkward to have a CP with someone you don't like, and maybe He Yang is Pei Yin. I am ambiguous with other men in front of him, aren't I sorry for him?"

"I didn't expect you to be quite single-minded." 711 muttered softly.

Lu Shijin: "What did you say?"

711: "Nothing, I just want to say that frying CP is just for business needs, you should treat it as acting, not to make you really like Xu Yifan."

Lu Shijin: "That doesn't work either. He may not like me, and I don't like him either. I hate each other."

711: "What about the mission?"

Lu Shijin: "There must be other ways, I want to understand, it must be because I have done too much in the past two days, so the little fat man will 'empathize and leave love', so I will keep a low profile for the next time. Come on, when the heat in me subsides, the little fat man may not be interested in me anymore."

Lu Shijin estimated that it was almost time for the square dance over there, so he turned back.

It was almost noon, and the task of pulling the radish was almost completed.

At the end of the statistics, the six people pulled more than 300 radishes in total, and each radish was 40 cents. After a whole morning of hard work, they earned 120 yuan.

After pulling the radish and going back, it was time for lunch.

Everyone deeply feels that it is not easy to make money through labor, so they dare not spend extravagantly.

Lu Shijin made a simple fried rice with eggs for everyone, and made two home-style vegetarian dishes to confuse the lunch.

There was a rest time at noon, and everyone took a shower and went upstairs to rest.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Shijin was woken up by the alarm on his mobile phone, opened his eyes, yawned, sat up, turned his head and saw that there was no one on Xu Yifan's bed.

He turned off the alarm on his mobile phone and found a few WeChat messages reminding him. He opened it and saw that it was sent to him by Tao Qinghong.

Tao Qinghong: [Brother Shi Jin, you and Fanfan have already had a CP super chat! Called "Yilu has you", Chaohua has over 100,000 followers! 】

Tao Qinghong: [Weibo link [#Yilu有you# Let's eat sugar with me! ]]

Tao Qinghong: [It took me one noon to cut a video for you and Fanfan, and it has been viewed by tens of thousands of people just after it was sent out! 】

Tao Qinghong: [[Picture] Brother! I have successfully joined your and Fanfan's CP fan group. They all praised me for the well-cut video and invited me to be their core member! 】

Tao Qinghong: [Brother, look at [picture] [picture] fans are praising you, you will definitely explode! 】

Tao Qinghong: [Brother, are you resting? If you are resting, I won't disturb you. I'll go get something to eat. I've been doing it for noon. I haven't eaten yet. I'm starving to death [poor]]

A series of news, Lu Shijin slid down to read it at one time, and blinked twice.

Yo, it's so rare.

There is actually one thing that is more important in the little fat man's heart than eating, making him sleepless and sleepless.

If this matter hadn't cut the CP video for him and Xu Yifan, Lu Shijin would have cried with joy.

Lu Shijin hesitated for a while, and with an exploratory mentality, he clicked on the Weibo link that Tao Qinghong sent him.

The video editing is a bit rough, and the picture is a bit rigged, it can be seen that Tao Qinghong is still a novice.

But in the hearts of CP fans, it is the big guy who can produce food, not to mention that the CP of Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan was formed in the past two days, so there is less food that can be eaten, so that the rough editing technology of the little fat man can be used. touted.

Most of the material used for editing in the video is the footage of him and Xu Yifan appearing together in the live broadcast in the past few days.

Because before the show, the two had very little interaction except for their debut in a talent show.

Moreover, Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan were not in the same group at the time, so there was less interaction.

There is very little material, so the video is also short, but the number of comments and reposts is over a thousand, and it has more cards than a big V with millions of fans.

Many of the comments are CP fans who have entered the pit after watching the show, and their speeches are very active.

However, many Lu Shi today seem to understand but not understand.

"pldd, plgg, what do you mean?"

711 turned into a translation machine for the abbreviation of Fanquan: "Pretty brother, beautiful brother."

Lu Shijin: "...myss?"

711: "Beauty in prosperous times."

Lu Shijin: "ptjj?"

711: "The names of you and Xu Yifan CP fans, 'Sister Grape'."

Lu Shijin: "...Why is it Sister Grape???"

711: "Because you fed Xu Yifan to eat grapes."

Lu Shijin was convinced: "...What's wrong with these people? Can't press two more keys to type Chinese? Is the keyboard hot?"

711: "nsdd, but the culture of the rice circle is like that."

Lu Shijin watched the whole process with no expression on his face, no turbulence in his heart, and even wanted to complain, where did he and Xu Yifan match? Not at all.

"Does it look good?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded behind him. When Lu Shijin turned his head and saw Xu Yifan himself, he was so frightened that he almost threw the phone out.

"Fan, Brother Fan!" Lu Shijin patted his heart in shock, "Can you stop popping out of my back all of a sudden? People will be scared to death!"

Xu Yifan didn't change his face, "I didn't want to scare you, but you were so engrossed in it that you didn't notice me entering the room."

"Oh," Lu Shijin held the phone behind his back with a guilty conscience, pretending that nothing happened, "Well, should the director call us downstairs to gather?"

"Don't worry, the director said that we can rest until three o'clock today." Xu Yifan sat on his bed and turned on his tablet to surf the Internet.

Just when Lu Shijin thought that Xu Yifan didn't find out what he was looking at just now, and the world was at peace, Xu Yifan suddenly spoke.

"Send me the video link."

"Ah?" Lu Shijin's eyes widened, pretending not to understand, "What video? What link?"

Xu Yifan raised his eyes from the tablet and stared at him with a half-smile, "The one you just looked at."

Lu Shijin's Adam's apple rolled, "Oh, you said that, I just clicked on it on Weibo, but I forgot which one it was."

Xu Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Really? Just a little bit of our CP video?"

Lu Shijin: "..." Damn, so he saw it! It's still dressed up!

"Don't say that the video link was also sent by a friend of yours." Xu Yifan said leisurely.

"...How do you know? Really!" Lu Shijin almost raised his fingers and swore to the sky, "Not only did he send me the link, but he also cut the video! You said that these people are bored every day. Boring? Just thinking about these things, don't worry, Brother Fan, I will let him delete the video immediately! It will never cause you trouble!"


Lu Shijin stopped defending himself. Although he didn't see it, he seemed to hear Xu Yifan snort?

Is he laughing at me? He doesn't believe me? But every word I say is true!

Lu Shijin immediately opened his WeChat, jumped off the bed and handed the phone to Xu Yifan, "If you don't believe me, take a look, it was really sent to me by a friend!"

"Don't look at it," Xu Yifan changed his posture, leaned his back against the wall, put one arm behind his head, and looked at Lu Shijin leisurely, "I don't mind if you want to fry CP with me."

"I don't want to..." As soon as Lu Shijin said four words, he noticed that Xu Yifan's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he seemed to be displeased, so he quickly changed his words, "No, it's not that I don't want to..."

Damn, how does this make him explain? You can't even say you want to, and you can't say you don't want to!

Xu Yifan is the most popular among the six. He all said that he doesn't mind to fry CP. If Lu Shijin refuses, he just doesn't know what to do.

It is also very likely to offend Xu Yifan and make the relationship between the two stiff...

"I don't think it's necessary," Lu Shijin thought of a clever and euphemistic way of saying, "Brother Fan, you are already very popular, you don't need to rely on CP to increase your popularity! And I just debuted, I'm afraid I will drag you down. ."

Xu Yifan: "Do you want to be popular?"

"Thinking..." Lu Shijin paused and added a word uncertainly, "Right?"

"If you want to be popular, you shouldn't refuse all opportunities to make you popular," Xu Yifan said with a light expression, "The competition in this circle is so cruel, far beyond your imagination, if there is no topicality, it is equivalent to slow death. "

"You have time to think about it slowly." After Xu Yifan said the last sentence, he put the earphones in his ears, focused his eyes on the tablet, and watched the movie.

Lu Shijin was a little flattered. This is the most talk to him by Xu Yifan in the past few days, right?

He also took the initiative to propose to form a CP with him. If it was someone else, I would only think that it was a pie from the sky, and it was too late to promise.

But Lu Shijin has a salty fish mentality. Anyway, I will leave after completing the task, and I will not always be an idol. I don't care if I am popular or not.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone gathered on the second floor.

The director said in the morning that a mysterious guest would come in the evening, and the guest made several requests that required six members to fulfill.

"The first customer ordered a dish, and Ta wanted to eat Kung Pao Chicken."

Someone heard something strange, "The first one? Is there more than one person?"

The director continued: "The second guest, ordered braised fish."

He Yang happily said "Yeah" when he heard his favorite braised fish.

Director: "The third guest, I want to dance with one of the six of you. Who is this person? Let's talk about it when Ta comes."

After the others waited for the director to finish the request of the third guest, He Xin also asked, "Just three people?"

Director: "Just three people, they will arrive at about six o'clock in the evening, and you have less than three hours to prepare dinner."

I don't mind preparing dinner. Except for Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan, everyone else is enthusiastically guessing who the three people will be.

He Yang: "Director, are the three guests male and female, all male, or all female?"

Director: "This is a secret."

Zhao Yue: "I can tell from the director's meaningful smile that they are definitely not three strong men."

He Yang rubbed his hands excitedly: "So there are girls coming over? Great!"

Lu Shijin couldn't help looking sideways at He Yang. He Yang was so happy because Mao had a girl here?

Dancing and dancing, happy like a baboon in heat, stinky boy, have you never seen a woman? !

Lu Shijin's face suddenly darkened.

Could it be that He Yang is straight? It's just a different world, and even sexual orientation has changed?

Damn, if He Yang was really the person he was looking for, Lu Shijin felt that he might be disappointed.

He thought silently in his heart that he had to find an opportunity to confirm as soon as possible whether the tooth mark on He Yang's shoulder was!

Lu Shijin's face was dazed in the direction of He Yang, but he didn't know that his every move was being watched by Xu Yifan, who was standing beside him.

Xu Yifan originally had no emotion on his face, but now it's even colder.

Six people plus three guests, nine people, can almost sit at a round table.

So today's dinner task is very arduous, no one else can cook, and the burden is all on Lu Shijin alone.

Lu Shijin estimated the ingredients in the kitchen and drew up the menu.

Since he was entertaining guests, he certainly couldn't eat too shabby, so Lu Shijin ordered seven dishes and one soup.

Braised Fish, Kung Pao Chicken, Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs, Cola Chicken Wings, Di San Xian, Stir-fried Pork, Garlic Lettuce, Tomato and Egg Soup.

With the exception of the spare ribs from last night, the rest of the chicken, fish and pork had to go to the farmers market.

Lu Shijin had to stay to prepare other ingredients, so he couldn't go. The task of grocery shopping was handed over to He Yang, who had been to the market once, and Li Xiao offered to go with him.

Lu Shijin wrote the ingredients to be bought on a note and asked He Yang to buy them according to the same.

After He Yang and Li Xiao set off, Lu Shijin went to pick vegetables in the vegetable field, but it suddenly rained lightly outside. The cameraman didn't have time to take protective measures for the camera, so he didn't go to the field to follow Lu Shijin.

It was just a drizzle, and Lu Shijin thought about picking vegetables so that he wouldn't get wet, so he didn't wear a raincoat.

But as soon as he bent down and pulled out a lettuce, he suddenly couldn't feel the raindrops falling on his face.

Looking up, I don't know when, a **** umbrella was propped up on his head, blocking the wind and rain for him.

Down the handle of the umbrella, is the owner of the umbrella with a pair of articulated hands, very beautiful.

Going up the arm again, Lu Shijin saw an indifferent but extremely handsome face.

"Brother Fan?" Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, "Why are you here? It's all mud here, don't you think it's dirty?"

"Why don't you hold an umbrella when it's raining?" Xu Yifan asked without answering.

Lu Shijin straightened up and smiled, "I'm here to pick vegetables, how can I use an umbrella if I don't have enough hands?"

Xu Yifan: "I'll fight for you."

Lu Shijin: "..." What's the matter with the warmth in my heart?

Lu Shijin's face was slightly hot, and he lowered his head and continued to pick vegetables, "Thank you, Brother Fan."

Xu Yifan: "No thanks. I have something to remind you."

Lu Shijin looked up at him: "What?"

Xu Yifan glanced at him coldly, then looked elsewhere.

"He Yang doesn't like men, so you shouldn't have any thoughts."

Lu Shijin's question mark face: "???" I feel offended.

"I told you that the company doesn't allow artists to fall in love." Xu Yifan said coldly, "It's not even allowed to have feelings within the team."

Lu Shijin couldn't help straightening his waist again, and smiled helplessly: "No, how did you see that I had inappropriate thoughts about He Yang?"

Xu Yifan: "Look with your eyes."

Lu Shijin: " misunderstood."

Xu Yifan snorted softly: "There is no best." Obviously he didn't believe it.

Just now, Lu Shijin was a little moved by Xu Yifan who specially came to hold an umbrella for him, but now he's gone, not only that, but there is also a feeling of anger that someone's thoughts have been discovered in his heart.

"So you kept warning me, just because you were afraid of what happened to me and He Yang?" Lu Shijin hooked his lips defiantly, "I have a question, why do you think I like men? As far as I know, only gays are naturally sensitive to their peers. , so Brother Fan, shouldn't you be **** too?"

Xu Yifan: "Is it none of your business?"

"It has nothing to do with me?" Lu Shijin smiled. "It has nothing to do with me, and you still suggested that I should fry CP with you? Xu Daidou, you are not afraid that I am too involved in the drama, and then have any thoughts about you that you should not have?"

Xu Yifan casually turned the umbrella in his hand, "Don't be afraid, because I abide by the company's regulations and don't know how to fall in love, and it's convenient for me to supervise you."

Lu Shijin scolded: Young man, don't say something too early.

"When idols fall in love, they are self-destructing their future." Xu Yifan said calmly, "All members have finally made their debut to this day, and they can't ruin the entire group because of one person."

Lu Shijin interrupted him with a sneer: "Thank you for your concern, but I'm sorry, you really think too much, I don't want to fall in love, not before, not now, and not in the future."

Xu Yifan frowned slightly, and disappeared in a flash, "It's better."

Lu Shijin was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xu Yifan, and continued to bury his head in picking vegetables.

A lettuce was pulled out and deliberately shook in his hand, causing Xu Yifan's pants to splash a lot of mud instantly.

Lu Shijin pretended to be careless and apologized insincerely: "Oh, I stained your pants, I'm sorry."

Xu Yifan couldn't see that he was doing it on purpose, the corners of his mouth pursed, and he held back his attack.

Little did they know that the two were in the field, one bent over to pick vegetables, and the other helped hold an umbrella behind him, which was captured by a cameraman in the distance.

The viewers in the live broadcast room didn't know that the two were having a bad time in the field.

【Brother is so fond of his younger brother! Send an umbrella in the rain and cry me sweetly! 】

[The picture is too beautiful, I dare not look at it, is it true that Ilu has you! ! ! 】

【Ah ah ah ah sweet sweet sweet! 】

[I don't care, I announce that I got a real CP! I moved the Civil Affairs Bureau for you, please get married on the spot! 】

[The hard-working little daughter-in-law and the husband who holds the umbrella for the little daughter-in-law 233333]

"Okay, it's all over, let's go back."

When Lu Shijin finished picking vegetables, Xu Yifan's trousers were splashed with mud, and it was hard for Xu Yifan, who had serious cleanliness, to endure for so long.

Of course, Xu Yifan's face didn't look good either. Hearing Lu Shijin say that he can go, he stuffed the umbrella into Lu Shijin's hand, turned his head and left, as if he didn't want to stay here for a second.

"Wait." Lu Shijin stopped him.

Xu Yifan paused, but did not turn around.

"Didn't you say you want to fry CP?" Lu Shijin chuckled, "I agreed."

Only then did Xu Yifan turn his head to look at him suspiciously.

The corners of Lu Shijin's mouth were hooked stubbornly, "Brother Fan thinks about me wholeheartedly, and is afraid that I will go astray, so I can't help but appreciate it, right?"

Xu Yifan's brows twitched, and he always felt that Lu Shijin was smiling maliciously.

Lu Shijin raised his forefinger and shook it, frowning, "Don't regret it."

The two of them reached an agreement to bind and fry CP.

On the way back, Xu Yifan held an umbrella and Lu Shijin was close to his shoulders. The two seemed inseparable and very close.

Along the way, there was talking and laughing. Of course, most of them were Lu Shijin chattering. Xu Yifan's expression didn't change, and he occasionally responded from his nose.

[Looking at the loving look of this young couple, I couldn't help showing my aunt's smile, hehehehehe]

【Good match! A perfect match! The corners of my mouth never let go! 】

[This live broadcast room is really a source of joy for me all day, I stayed here! 】

【warn! warn! Please bring your own insulin to the viewers entering this live room! 】

The two walked in the field for a while. Xu Yifan, who was obsessed with cleanliness, put on his clothes and went into the bathroom as soon as he returned, while Lu Shijin got wet in the rain and went upstairs to change.

After changing his clothes, Lu Shijin took the time to look at his phone. All the unread WeChat messages were sent by Tao Qinghong.

Tao Qinghong: [Brother now! Fanfan, such a cold person, will actually give you an umbrella! 】

Tao Qinghong: [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo]

Tao Qinghong: [I have the material to cut the video again hahaha, because I cut the video of the two of you, my Weibo fans have skyrocketed today! 】

Tao Qinghong: [Brother, tell me the truth, have you formed a CP with Fanfan? [Excited]】

Lu Shijin: [Tell you to lose weight? 】

Tao Qinghong: [Minus! must be reduced! If you two form CP, I am determined to lose 50 pounds! 】

Lu Shijin: [Then you can start to lose weight now. 】

Tao Qinghong: [! ! ! Then that last question! Do I have any chance of getting it for real? 】

Lu Shijin: [:)]

real? You are thinking peach.

The author has something to say:

You guys are so sweet to each other :)