Chapter 44: Idol, your character is broken

At 4:30, He Yang and Li Xiao came back from the farmers market after shopping for good things.

Lu Shijin began to prepare dinner, and also assigned others to do what they could do.

Xu Yifan was arranged by Lu Shijin to fight him.

So in the kitchen, Lu Shijin was often seen saying "shovel" for a while, Xu Yifan obediently handed him the shovel, and Lu Shijin reached out and said "soy sauce", Xu Yifan silently took the soy sauce bottle and handed it to him, Lu Shijin said, "wash the dishes ", Xu Yifan went to wash the vegetables obediently, just don't be too obedient.

Of course, Lu Shijin called Xu Yifan on purpose. Looking at the other party's hard-working appearance, his anger in the field in the afternoon subsided a little.

It seems that frying CP with Xu Yifan is also beneficial.

No matter how much Lu Shijin struggles, Xu Yifan will not easily turn his back on him.

All the ingredients have been prepared, just waiting for the pot to go out. When it was almost 6 o'clock in the evening, the director notified that the guests had arrived at the gate of the village.

Cola chicken wings have to be cooked for a longer time before they taste good, so Lu Shijin fry the chicken wings first, then pour in cola and condiments and cover the pot to cook.

The waiting time is just right to welcome the guests.

It was still raining outside, and six boys stood in a row with umbrellas and waited outside the house.

The drizzle, the villages and fields in the distance, and the sound of dogs barking in the distance can be vaguely heard. There are colorful lanterns hanging outside the hut, and smoke from the chimney on the roof wafts from the smoke. The picture is as beautiful as an ink painting.

Finally, I could see a group of people walking in the direction of the intersection, some with umbrellas and some in raincoats.

He Yang has good eyesight, and after a closer look, he said excitedly, "It seems to be a girl, with a good figure!"

He Xinyi: "Really? Who could it be? I'm so curious!"

Zhao Yue guessed: "The three are all girls, singers or actors?"

Li Xiao: "I see that the pink-haired one at the front looks a bit like Able?"

He Yang suddenly became super excited: "It's her! Absolutely! The pink hair must be her!"

Li Xiao: "Then the two people behind are Tina and Xu Wei, right?"

He Xinyi: "It seems so."

The talent show they debuted selected a girl group last year. In the end, a total of nine people made their debut. The three girls Able, Tina and Xu Wei were all members of the girl group.

The girl group debuted for a year, and its popularity has been high. The girls here today are all the most popular in the group.

Except for Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan, the excitement on the faces of the other boys almost overflowed.

After all, they are all beautiful female artists and seniors who have already become popular. Of course, these children who have just debuted and have not seen much of the world are naturally excited.

Before the three girls came to the front of the house, the four of them rushed into the rain diligently, scrambling to greet them.

The one who helped with the luggage took the luggage, and the one who said hello, especially He Yang, had a smile on his face. He didn't know, he thought he was marrying a wife today.

Lu Shijin walked slowly behind and grinded his teeth, stinky boy, it would be fine if you weren't the person I was looking for, if you were, start praying now!

The four boys picked up the three girls, and they all knew each other on the way, but Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan walked slowly and didn't introduce themselves.

Facing the three beauties, Xu Yifan still maintained his high-coldness as always, his attitude was alienated but polite, "Hello, I am Xu Yifan."

"Hello seniors, I'm the youngest, Lu Shijin, you can call me Xiao Lu."

Lu Shijin saw a smiling face, and the three girls laughed when they saw him.

Able looks sweet, with two dimples on his face when he smiles, "I know you, your cooking videos have been very popular on Weibo recently. I heard that your cooking is very delicious, right? I ordered Kung Pao chicken tonight. Ding?"

Lu Shijin said with a smile, "I have prepared it a long time ago, but I don't know what flavor seniors want to eat? Hot and sour or sweet and sour?"

Able said boldly: "Of course it's hot and sour! I especially like spicy food, the more spicy the better~"

Tina, a pure beauty, asked Lu Shijin with a smile, "I ordered the braised fish, are you ready?"

Lu Shijin: "Yes, I bought three fish in total for fear that there would be too many people to eat."

Xu Wei is the only short-haired girl in the group, with a neutral style and a tomboyish temperament.

She asked carelessly, "When is dinner? We've been in the car for a long time, and we'll have to wait for dinner without having lunch."

Lu Shijin: "It will be fine soon, seniors take a rest first, I will cook now."

The three girls replied politely: "Then it's hard work for you! Looking forward to your craftsmanship!"

The arrival of the girl group sparked the topic again, and soon it became a hot search on Weibo. Fans came after hearing the news, and the popularity of the live broadcast room soared.

[Our youngest loves flowers when we see people, and we are much liked by pljj~]

[Fanfan's expression seems to be jealous! Is it because I was surrounded by my sisters today hahaha]

[Today is so lively, the girl group is here, the live broadcast must be very exciting! Squat squat squat! 】

【When do you eat? I'm still waiting to see them eat with rice! 】

The ingredients are all ready, and there is no need for too many people in the kitchen to help, so Lu Shijin only let Xu Yifan stay and let everyone else chat with the girls.

Lu Shijin put the stewed cola chicken wings on a plate, and then fry a few quick dishes and take them out.

Finally started with braised fish and sweet and sour pork ribs.

Fry the braised fish until golden on both sides, add cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and other condiments, cover and simmer for ten minutes. When the fish is cooked, it can be used to fry the ribs.

Cut the ribs into small pieces and fry them for later use, thicken the sweet and sour sauce in the pot, and finally add the ribs, stir-fry until the soup is evenly coated on the ribs, a sweet and sour pork ribs is ready, then sprinkle with sesame seeds, The audience in the live broadcast room was greedy!

"It's the first time I've made sweet and sour pork ribs. I don't know if it's good or not."

Lu Shijin took a piece of spareribs and tasted it for himself, and thought the taste was okay.

But he is from the south, so the taste is sweet, and there is a lot of sugar just now, I am afraid that other people are not used to it.

So he took another piece of chopsticks and handed it to Xu Yifan's mouth, "Do you want to try it?"

Xu Yifan was stunned for a moment, looked at the chopsticks that Lu Shi had just used, and frowned. After hesitating for a while, he lowered his head and quickly bit the spare ribs, frowned and swallowed it back into his mouth.

But after he tasted the taste of spare ribs, his brows quickly relaxed.

"How does it taste?" Lu Shijin looked forward to a positive answer.

Xu Yifan spit out the ribs after eating and said slowly, "It's okay."

Lu Shijin was relieved, "That's good, you can take out the ribs and braised fish. I'll make the last tomato egg soup and I'll have dinner. It'll be ready soon, you let them eat first, don't wait for me."

Lu Shijin evoked Xu Yifan very naturally, with a familiar attitude like an old friend he had known for more than ten years.

[I actually saw the smell of an old husband and wife from these two people hahahaha]

[Feed Fanfan today with the chopsticks I have eaten! I do not care! Rounding up is kissing! 】

[Rounding to the nearest number is do! (words of tigers and wolves)]

[Everyone knows that Fanfan is obsessed with cleanliness, but he did not reject his brother, so is it true? ? ? 】

[Sisters in front, believe me, it is absolutely true! 】

[Sweet swl, this wave of sugar makes me satisfied~]

Lu Shijin finished washing the pot and started making soup. Just as the water boiled and was ready to pour in the egg mixture, Xu Yifan returned to the kitchen.

"Didn't you say you don't have to wait for me, you eat first? I have two minutes left here." Lu Shijin put the lid on and said casually.

Xu Yifan said lightly: "They have already started eating, I will wait for you."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, ho, waiting for his meal to be so touching, Xu Yifan is dedicated enough to fry CP.

Since the other party is so dedicated, he can't fall behind.

Lu Shijin immediately pretended to be moved, and stared at Xu Yifan "affectionately", "It's still Brother Fan who loves me."

Xu Yifan: "Well, I know cooking is tiring."

"Yeah, I'm very tired," Lu Shijin tapped on his shoulder and complained aggrievedly, "Especially here on the shoulder, I took a spatula all night, and it's sore."

Is this hint obvious enough? Why don't you come and pinch your father's shoulders and back!

Xu Yifan was not stupid, so he naturally understood Lu Shijin's suggestion.

The cameraman diligently carried the camera to take close-ups on them, for fear of missing a crucial shot.

Xu Yifan didn't like being touched by others, and of course he didn't like touching others, so he stood still.

Love is not anxious CP fans are dying in front of the screen, wish they could reach into the screen and press their heads to tie the two together.

【Fanfan, you fool! It's so obvious today, how come you still don't understand! 】

[Brother wants you to massage him! hurry up! touch him! Throw him! 】

【Go on, Fanfan! Don't be shy! I want to see how big health care ggdd is! (what am I talking about)]

"Brother Fan, can you rub it for me?" The enemy didn't move, so Lu Shijin approached Xu Yifan, shook his body and rubbed against Xu Yifan with his shoulders, his eyes being authentic.

In this case, can Xu Yifan refuse? Of course not.

So he could only stand behind Lu Shijin, put his hand on Lu Shijin's shoulder without saying a word, only use ten fingers to touch Lu Shijin's body, and perfunctoryly help Lu Shijin press and rub his shoulder.

The boy's shoulders are thin, and the muscles on the shoulders are firm and there is no excess fat. Even through the cotton cloth, the skin between the neck can be felt smooth.

There was a faint smell of good-smelling shower gel on him, like lemongrass.

From Xu Yifan's point of view, as soon as he lowered his eyes, he could see the clavicle hidden under Lu Shijin's collar, with prominent bones and beautiful shape.

Xu Yifan took a quick glance and looked away. After that, his eyes would always avoid looking into Lu Shijin's collar, intentionally or not.

"The point, the strength is not enough." Lu Shijin closed his eyes and enjoyed it, while poking, "You are pressing in the wrong place, you click to the left again, right, right, just there, use some force~"

But when Xu Yifan was really working hard, Lu Shijin screamed in pain again, "Take it lightly, oh hey! Brother Fan, are you trying to kill me with such force?"

Who would have guessed that after hearing Lu Shijin's words, Xu Yifan's strength increased a little more, causing Lu Shijin to retract his shoulders and turn his head to stare at the man hatefully.

Did you do it on purpose? Is it a public revenge?




Countless ellipses floated neatly on the barrage at first, and finally someone suddenly sent a string of "Ahhhhhhh", and the fans in the live broadcast room began to scream like a dream.

[What did I just hear ah ah ah ah]

[Click to see + **** idol → online moaning]

【It's too sweet! It's so sweet that I can't breathe, call 120 and ask them to send me an oxygen cylinder! 】

【Open the door! I suspect you two are in the kitchen ghs! 】

[Hey, hey, that sound just now, I have a picture in my mind [nosebleed]]

[Sister, the ball is over, I'll give you the pen, write down the picture in your mind and let my sister Kangkang! 】

There was still soup cooking in the pot, so he could only command Xu Yifan for a while in a grand manner, and Lu Shijin deeply regretted it.

After filling the soup and going out, Lu Shijin found that the others hadn't moved their chopsticks yet and were all waiting for him to take their seats.

"Everyone, eat quickly. If you don't eat the food, it will be cold." Lu Shijin hurriedly sat down and greeted everyone.

Li Xiao suggested: "Xiao Lu, Brother Fan, you two have worked hard for us to have dinner today. Let's toast you with tea instead of wine."

Everyone responded, and Lu Shijin said cheerfully: "It doesn't matter, it's all simple dishes, as long as you like to eat them."

Tina nodded again and again: "I like it! I just couldn't help stealing a piece of braised fish, it tastes really good!"

Able took a bite of Kung Pao Chicken and gave him a thumbs-up full of praise: "This Kung Pao Chicken tastes amazing, it's my favorite flavor, it's spicy enough!"

Xu Wei: "Sweet and sour pork ribs are also delicious, Xiao Lu, are you from the south? This taste is made by the southerners hahaha."

The three girls were very satisfied with the meal tonight, and looked at Lu Shijin with admiration in their eyes.

The boys usually eat like a war. Tonight, in front of the girls, they also know how to restrain themselves, one by one gentleman.

The table was full of joy and laughter, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was close to one million.

After a sumptuous dinner, everyone put down their chopsticks in satisfaction.

Especially for the three girls, female artists have to pay attention to body management. They usually skip dinner in order to maintain their body shape, and there are very few situations where they can eat casually like tonight.

Who made Lu Shijin's craftsmanship so good that he couldn't put down his chopsticks after one bite?

"You know what I'm thinking now?" Able said, flipping his hair.

He Yang: "What?"

Able looked at Lu Shijin and said solemnly, "I'm thinking, what if I can't eat Xiao Lu's food in the future?"

Lu Shijin smiled: "Senior, you are too exaggerated."

Able shook his finger at the camera and said solemnly: "I'm not exaggerating, really, I can assure the fans watching the live broadcast that the food Xiao Lu cooks is really delicious, those who spread rumors on the Internet that he uses it You can save the black powder for cooking with rice.”

[Thank you pljj for refuting the rumors today~ Those sunspots, please be yourself, you should be black when you cook, and you will be full after eating.]

【Our Able is too cute! A meal is really delicious to my brother hahaha]

[I also want to eat the food made by Jinjin, I envy ing]

[Yeah, lsj doesn't rely on cooking to hype, he relies on xyf to pull cp to hype, I'm just waiting to see when the post coffee will be smashed]

[Black fans don't like to watch and still stay here and don't leave? Is it Jian's? Hurry up and get out of the live broadcast room! 】

After chatting for a while after the meal, the girls' agent reminded them to leave. They didn't stay overnight and had to catch the late flight back.

Before leaving, Xu Wei suddenly said, "Little Lu, when I watched the live broadcast in the morning, I found that you danced well, can you dance for us again?"

"Guang Xiaolu is so boring to dance alone," He Yang said with a smile, "I know Senior Xu Wei, you are the dance leader in your group. Would you like to dance with Xiao Lu?"

Xu Wei stood up generously, "Okay, we also forgot to bring gifts today, I'll give you a dance as a thank you gift."

"Wait a minute," Able suggested, "Then Xiao Lu and Wei Wei will join, randomly cut songs, and the two of them can play freely. Whoever stops is the loser. Let's see if it's your men's team's strong dance team or our women's team's. DancingQueen is amazing~"

The expiration date of the "King of Nightclubs Card" has not yet expired, so of course Lu Shijin was not stage fright and took up the challenge.

The magic of the card "King of Nightclubs" is that you can dance according to the different music you hear.

But there is a downside, that if the music doesn't stop, the dancer will keep dancing.

Xu Wei is a Chinese-American, and he has a neutral style. He played hip-hop when he was abroad before, and his hip-hop dance is no worse than that of some members of a boy group.

The assistant director began to play random songs. The first few songs were familiar pop music. Lu Shijin had no problem at all in controlling this style of dance.

No one does not love a young body. When the two young men and women danced to the music, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room reached a climax.

Hip-Hop, Locking, Popping, Breaking, all kinds of dances are seamlessly connected with the changing music, which makes people dazzled.

It was the first time for everyone to watch the dance between the members of the men's team and the members of the women's team, and it was full of freshness.

Moreover, Lu Shijin and Xu Wei's dance skills were on a par, which made this kind of competition look even more exciting.

Not only was the barrage lively, but other people sitting also applauded from time to time.

The director likes to see this kind of eye-catching link. If you can add some comedy elements, the audience will be happier watching it.

Variety shows, aren't they just for fun?

He winked at the assistant director, and the song that the assistant director cut again was obviously funny.

Such as nursery rhymes, folk songs, and even square dance songs.

The dance-fighting session turned into a trick session, Xu Weixian couldn't bear to admit defeat, she had just danced a children's song, she couldn't make it up, she smiled and pointed to the director: "No, I can't, director, did you do it on purpose? You What kind of music are you playing?"

Tina laughed until her stomach hurt: "The director was afraid that it would be dawn if you and Xiao Lu jumped again, so he changed your style for you."

Although Xu Wei admits defeat, the music has not stopped, the music does not stop, Lu Shijin can't stop, he shouts to the director in a hurry: "Director, can the music stop?"

The director smiled and said: "Little Lu, go ahead, you can control all kinds of music, not bad! Come and I'll change you a classic one."

Lu Shijin, who just finished square dancing in front of a million audience: "..."

"Get out of the convenience store!" Lu Shijin had tears in his eyes, "What kind of broken card are you using for me! I want to shark you! Find a way to make me stop!"

711 did not dare to make a sound, and chose to be silent and disconnected.

The assistant director Guma cleverly cut a famous tango for Lu Shijin. With the sound of the violin, Lu Shijin couldn't help but walk back and forth with graceful steps step by step.

Tango is a pas de deux, and one cannot dance alone, so Lu Shijin is looking for a partner.

Everyone looked at each other, none of them danced this kind of dance, and they all wondered why Lu Shijin was walking back and forth.

Lu Shijin was ready to be embarrassed. He closed his eyes and planned to give up on himself. Suddenly, he felt a big palm supporting his waist.

Lu Shijin immediately opened his eyes, it was actually Xu Yifan!

Xu Yifan tilted his head and asked, "Do you want to be together?"

Lu Shijin involuntarily put his hand into the other's palm, and put the other hand on Xu Yifan's shoulder, keeping up with the man's changing pace.

Tango is originally a kind of passionate dance, also known as the "lover's dance", and there are inevitably many intimate physical contacts in the process of dancing.

Xu Yifan danced the male step, while Lu Shijin danced the female step.

The two first touched their foreheads, swaying slowly in the gentle prelude, and suddenly the agitation of the piano sounded, and the dance steps of the two changed immediately.

Cross-steps, spins, jumps, kicks, and rapid changes in dance steps are dizzying.

And when Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin made those intimate personal actions, it even caused the scene to scream again and again.

The director was overjoyed. Originally, he just wanted to play tricks on Lu Shijin, but he didn't expect Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan to give him a huge surprise.

He had never seen two men dance tango, but Lu Shijin's dance of women's steps wouldn't make people feel awkward at all.

The young man is slender and does not look feminine when he does some movements of twisting his waist and raising his hips. Instead, because of the strength added to the originally charming movements, the dance has a kind of heroic beauty.

All body language expresses his confidence and pride, as if he was born to dance!

[aaaawsl, these two men are amazing! I declare you two locked, I swallowed the key! 】

【oxygen cylinder! Ventilator! Quick-acting heart-saving pills! Pacemaker! Bring it all to me! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how well these two people, I really got hooked! 】

[I can't sleep tonight, I'm going to watch this video 500 times! 】

[How can five hundred times be enough, I have to watch it a thousand times ten thousand times! ! 】

The last action was when Xu Yifan put his arms around Lu Shijin's waist, Lu Shijin raised one leg around Xu Yifan's buttocks, leaned back, and the music stopped just in time, and the two remained in this position for a few seconds.

The director seemed to think that this part was enough, so he asked the assistant director to stop playing the music.

There was a warm applause at the scene, for this wonderful performance and for the two young people who surprised them.

The two of them had just finished a lingering and enthusiastic duet dance, their breaths were very unstable, and they could hear each other's heavy breathing.

Just when Lu Shijin remembered standing up from his waist, he felt Xu Yifan pinching on his waist, neither light nor heavy.

Lu Shijin looked up at Xu Yifan in surprise, Xu Yifan maintained a cold expression, if it wasn't for his hands still making small movements on Lu Shijin's waist, Lu Shijin might believe that Xu Yifan was calm at the moment.

Lu Shijin maliciously moved the leg around Xu Yifan's butt, and rubbed it for a while.

The man's originally indifferent eyes immediately darkened, revealing a dangerous undertone, and warned in a low voice, "Don't move."

How could Lu Shijin be obedient? After standing up straight, he bumped onto Xu Yifan on purpose. When he noticed the change in a certain place, his eyes showed innocent surprise.

Lu Shijin curled his lips frivolously, and said in a low voice in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Brother Fan, your concentration doesn't seem to work."

The author has something to say:

Fanfan's tail can't be hidden (#^.^#)