Chapter 45: Idol, your character is broken

After a lively night, the girls came and returned happily. The boys sent the girls out, but Xu Yifan was missing.

After the boys came back, they started to clean up the dining room and kitchen. Lu Shijin worked hard to make dinner, so they didn't let Lu Shijin drive him to rest.

Lu Shijin was very happy, and seeing that Xu Yifan hadn't come out, he went to squat outside the bathroom.

After a while, Xu Yifan came out, Lu Shijin leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, and whistled proudly.

"So long, Brother Fan?" Lu Shijin asked knowingly, "Did you go to the toilet or take a shower?"

Xu Yifan was expressionless, "Take a shower."

Lu Shijin teased seriously: "Wash with the left hand or with the right? Or...the two hands take turns?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Xu Yifan was not affected by Lu Shijin, and asked without blushing.

"It's about it," Lu Shijin said with a smile, "the fire I caused, why is it raining for me? Brother Fan, everyone is a man, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. But we just danced, how could it be so easy for you? Is there a reaction?"

Xu Yifan: "It's a normal physiological phenomenon, you haven't taken a physiology class?"

Lu Shijin touched his chin, "This is the first day we set up CP, and you reacted to me. What will you do in the future? You shouldn't be like this often, right?"

"You think too much," Xu Yifan walked over in front of Lu Shijin without squinting, and said lightly, "I've been abstinent for a long time, and I look pretty when I look at a pig. Don't think of yourself too special."

Young people are tough enough.

Lu Shijin raised the corner of his mouth, whistled, followed in Xu Yifan's footsteps, and teased Xu Yifan cheaply.

"Brother Fan, are you still abstinent? I thought that a handsome guy like you would have been through a lot of battles. Have you tried it with anyone? Do you like it above or below? What type of boys do you like?"

Xu Yifan stopped and turned his head to give him a displeased look, "Why are you asking so much?"

"Let's discuss, everyone else is straight, just the two of us are crooked, let's exchange ideas." Lu Shijin smiled and hooked Xu Yifan's shoulder, pulled off the mask of the clever youngest, and directly revealed the old hooligan nature." Let me tell you, it’s better to be 0, just lie down, it doesn’t take much effort, it’s very cool. But like you, it’s a pity to not be 1, and it’s a waste of capital.”

Xu Yifan's face was ugly, and it took a while to squeeze a few words out of his teeth: "...You are very experienced."

"Yeah," Lu Shijin's expression was taken for granted, "don't look at my young age, I've already had two boyfriends, and I'm so cute for them."

Xu Yifan's face darkened completely, and he sneered, "Really? Why did they break up if you love them so much?"

"Who said I broke up?" The corners of Lu Shijin's mouth curled up, "I didn't break up, they are the type who live a good life, so where can I find such a good one."

Xu Yifan seemed to be choking, maybe he didn't expect such a brazen person.

Xu Yifan took a deep breath and calmed himself down, "Didn't break up? Are you on two boats?"

Lu Shijin smiled slyly: "Guess what?"

"Be careful of getting sick." Xu Yifan snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

Lu Shijin laughed silently, he couldn't take it anymore at this level, he couldn't tell he was quite innocent.

But he likes to flirt with innocent people, and the more innocent people are, the more interesting it is to flirt.

After dancing that day, Xu Yifan's attitude towards Lu Shijin became even colder. Unless it was necessary to open a business in front of the camera, he would never say a word to Lu Shijin in private.

Xu Yifan ignored Lu Shijin, and Lu Shijin was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Anyway, Tao Qinghong is no longer just Xu Yifan, he is now addicted to Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan's CP, unable to extricate himself.

Tao Qinghong practiced his editing skills without eating or sleeping, and made CP videos. He has become a core figure in the "Yilu Has You" CP fan circle, and a famous editor on Weibo.

711 would report Tao Qinghong's weight to Lu Shijin every day. In just four days, Tao Qinghong had lost five pounds!

At this rate, in another three or four months, Tao Qinghong will be able to lose weight successfully!

Although Lu Shijin didn't understand why some people would take the fantasy CP, but as long as Tao Qinghong was thin, he would be able to complete the task as soon as possible.

I don't want to fry any CP with that nasty dead face Xu Yifan again!

Four days later, the seven-day and six-night variety show live broadcast also ushered in the completion.

Although there is very little free time on this trip, and most of the time is spent by the program team to squeeze the labor force to do tasks, but the one-week rural life experience has a lot of emotions for everyone.

More importantly, the six boys who came here were like a mess of sand. After a week of living and eating together, they cultivated friendship and became more like a whole.

The six of them set off on their way home with a full harvest.

At the end of the seven-day live broadcast, the popularity of their group has skyrocketed, followed by a large number of announcements and invitations, which means that everyone will be very hard for a long time in the future.

But no one complained, because in this circle, the more popular people are, the busier they are, and no one will think that there are too many opportunities for exposure.

After going back, the company took advantage of the popularity not to dissipate, in addition to arranging them to appear on various variety shows and saving them, they also arranged for them to release new songs non-stop.

Lu Shijin originally wanted to make soy sauce, but now he has no choice but to run around with his teammates, busy like a spinning top, and can't stop at all.

But despite the hard work, Lu Shijin still experienced the joy of being an idol.

That is to gain the love of many, many fans who support him.

Many fans will send him letters, telling Lu Shijin how good he is and how much they like him.

What Lu Shijin likes to do most is to open a trumpet and go to his Weibo to read all kinds of posts from fans praising him. Although he knows that he is not as good in the eyes of fans, who doesn't like listening to rainbow farts?

Of course, there are also bad times. Every popular idol is attacked by black fans, and Lu Shijin is no exception.

He is often attacked by black fans on the Internet. He is very old and careful. Before his debut, he was a little transparent on NBCs. He gained his current popularity by hyping the most popular Xu Yifan in the bundle group. Climb the ladder. ,

Lu Shijin was originally immune to such comments, so he didn't care what others thought of him.

He was just angry with those black fans who scolded him and also scolded his fans together, saying that his fans were all fat fans bought for him by the company, and they were hard-boiled.

He can bear to scold him, but he can't bear to scold his fans.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but tear up the black fans with his trumpet, but he underestimated the level of scolding in the fan circle. A set of swearing without swear words can make you angry.

Lu Shijin would only greet his family in the simplest and rude way, but as a result, he was reported by a black fan for personal attacks, and his Weibo account was banned for a month.

But Tao Qinghong would always send his newly edited videos to Lu Shijin to see. In order not to discourage his enthusiasm, Lu Shijin could only endure the discomfort and open the damned Weibo.

After watching the video, Lu Shijin read the comments habitually.

Fortunately, Tao Qinghong is a criticizing dog. When he saw the feedback from black fans, he immediately deleted the black fan and reported the one-stop package, so Tao Qinghong's Weibo page was quite harmonious.

Lu Shijin scrolled down and suddenly caught a glimpse of a different comment in the sound of praise.

Ordinary life: [In the eyes of lsj, I can't see the love for xyf at all, maybe he is just a heartless guy. 】

Below are some comments from fans.

Has it been hidden today: [@Ordinary Life, if you say you can’t see it, you can’t see it, and it’s not you xxj who is watching today, do you think you are xyf? 】

ylynszd: [@Ordinary life has the heart not to do your business, the sour chicken is poisonous only to die far away]

Buddhist star chasing: [Don't watch it if you don't like it, don't be **** yourself, please let ggdd go and make the world peaceful and parallel? 】

Lu Shijin didn't think this "ordinary life" was a black fan, because he was right. There was really no love in his eyes when he looked at Xu Yifan, let alone Xu Yifan.

So, this is probably the only sober fan who sees through the relationship between him and Xu Yifan.

Lu Shijin was a little curious about the fans whose ID seemed to be a retired veteran cadre, so he downloaded Weibo and came back to see Weibo, which is an ordinary life.

It was obviously a small account with a single digit number of followers. He only followed a few people, and it was very likely that he was actively recommended by Weibo. The only video blogger he followed was Tao Qinghong.

Looking at the Weibo he posted, there is no original Weibo, basically all reposts and likes.

And his likes and reposts on Weibo are also very interesting.

One minute ago, he reposted a live video of Lu Shijin's dance, and the next minute he liked a Weibo with the marketing account Heilu Shijin.

No matter how you look at the style of painting, it is very fascinating, like a moody person, who loves someone to death at one moment, and hates that person to the point of tickling his teeth.

Lu Shijin is very interested in the mental journey of this fan who can't be called a true fan or a black fan, so he privately messaged him with a trumpet.

lululu: [Jimei, are you a fan of lsj? 】

Lu Shijin has recently learned a lot of "jargon" on Weibo, which is very handy.

The ordinary life came back quickly, and there was only one [? 】

lululu: [Jimei, I think your comment just now is right! lsj and xyf have no sense of CP at all! It's all posted upside down by lsj, why isn't this white lotus man hurry up! 】

Ordinary Life: [You are mistaken, I am not a black fan. 】

lululu: [? ? ? 】

Ordinary life: [lsj didn't post it backwards, it's all yxh who hacked him. 】

lululu: [You are not a black fan, so why does your homepage like black lsj's Weibo? 】

Ordinary life: [Skip. 】

lululu: [Then are you lsjf or xyff? Or... cpf? 】

Ordinary life: [Count cpf. 】

lululu: [? ? ? You are cpf, then you still say they have no sense of cp? 】

Ordinary life: [I just said that lsj has no love for xyf, not that they have no sense of cp. 】

lululu: [...Where did you see that there is no love for you? 】

Ordinary life: [I can feel it. 】

Lu Shijin was a little confused, it was the first time he met a rational CP fan.

Before Lu Shijin continued to send messages, the ordinary life returned.

Ordinary life: [lsj is flowery, xyf is single-minded. 】

When Lu Shijin saw fans say he was stunned, he was obviously the most dedicated, okay? For his little prince, guarding himself like a jade, surrounded by so many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, he doesn't even look at it, and there are still people who think he cares? !

lululu: [Where did you find out that lsj is fascinated? 】

After Lu Shijin sent the last sentence, Ordinary Life did not reply, and seemed to be offline.

Lu Shijin, who couldn't get an answer, was very upset. He paid attention to this ordinary life and planned to have a good chat with him when he had time.

Be sure to reverse his fussy image in the eyes of fans!

Really wronged, even more wrong than Dou E!

The name of the upcoming new song is the same as the name of their group, "STORM".

The agency hopes that this combination will take the entertainment industry by storm and lead to new trends.

The night before the new song was released, the boys connected late into the night in the practice room.

When he was ready to go back to the dormitory after packing up, Lu Shijin suggested that everyone go to the hot spring.

Tomorrow is the new song conference. Everyone is actually very nervous. The manager is afraid that these children will be too nervous and will affect the performance of the stage tomorrow. Now it may not be a bad thing to relax and relax in the hot spring, so they agree.

Of course, there are no natural hot springs in the city, only artificial hot springs.

The boys went to a high-end hot spring club. It was already late at night. At this time, no one would come to the hot spring in the middle of the night, so they were not worried about being recognized by fans.

Lu Shijin suddenly proposed to invite everyone to the hot spring with ulterior motives. He planned to take this opportunity to clearly see the mark on He Yang's shoulder to confirm whether he was a tooth mark.

But in this world, He Yang is a straight man, and Lu Shijin really has no feelings for He Yang.

So he is ready with both hands.

If He Yang wasn't, the situation could not be better, and he didn't have to worry about gains and losses all the time.

If He Yang is, then he has to take people seriously, he doesn't want to have a green hat on his head for no reason.

Then it's time to complete the task and end everything and enter the next world.

Maybe the next world will meet Pei Yin again, and they will have feelings for him.

Before soaking in the hot spring, he had to change into a bathrobe. Lu Shijin followed the main force into the locker room with a heart full of heart, and kept his gaze behind He Yang with his head lowered slightly.

Six people each have a wardrobe, Lu Shijin quickly squeezed to the one next to He Yang, while pretending to take off his clothes, while watching He Yang take off his clothes from the corner of his eyes.

I took off my coat... I took off my T-shirt... I'm about to see it... My heart is beating so fast, I'm so nervous! Could it be him? !

Take off your vest! Shoulder! Let me take a look! Just take a look!

However, He Yang was half a head taller than Lu Shijin, and Lu Shijin had to stand on tiptoe to see He Yang's shoulders clearly.

Just when he tried to step on his feet and opened his eyes wide to see, suddenly there was a wall of flesh blocking between him and He Yang, blocking his sight.


Lu Shijin raised his chin and saw that it was Xu Yifan, a nasty bastard, who ruined his good deeds!

"What are you doing?"

Anyway, there is no camera here, and there is no need to pretend that there is any brotherly love. Lu Shijin stared at Xu Yifan fiercely, his face full of unhappiness.

"The door lock of that wardrobe is broken. I'll borrow it from you." Xu Yifan threw the changed clothes into Lu Shijin's wardrobe.

Lu Shijin: "You can't share a wardrobe with other people, you have to use mine?"

Xu Yifan lowered his eyes and glanced at him lightly, "No."

Lu Shijin: "..." No temper, no temper.

After a while, He Yang, who was behind Xu Yifan, had already undressed and changed into a bathrobe.

Not to mention looking at the imprint, Lu Shijin didn't even see He Yang's shoulder.

Fortunately, everyone who waited for the hot springs entered the pool naked, and there was still a chance to see it.

Lu Shijin looked at He Yang, and before he finished changing his clothes, everyone else had already changed and left the locker room, leaving only Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan.

"Why didn't you go after you changed your clothes?" Lu Shijin was upset when he saw Xu Yifan, and said angrily.

"Have I told you to stay away from He Yang?" Xu Yifan leaned halfway on the wardrobe, with a lazy attitude, "He doesn't like boys."

Lu Shijin threw the changed clothes into the closet and sneered coldly: "You shouldn't be called Xu Yifan, you should be called Xu Yifan, annoying annoying. What's up with me if He Yang likes a man or a woman? What's up with you? Are you free to keep your eyes on me all day long?"

Xu Yifan suddenly said, "You can't do this."

Lu Shijin retorted subconsciously: "I can't do that?"

This unreasonable tone of resentment made Lu Shijin feel like a scumbag who cheated on his wife.

Xu Yifan glanced at the lean upper body of the young man. Because of the years of dancing practice, his chest muscles and abdominal muscles were well maintained.

There is a very smooth mermaid line around the waist, a man with a narrow waist can loop it with one hand, and even the belly button seems too cute.

He obviously has a body that looks young and immature, is he really going to be battle-hardened like he said?

Xu Yifan's eyes dimmed, "You are still young, don't be too chaotic in your private life."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Xu Yifan added: "It is not a long-term solution to deal with two men. If you really want to fall in love, choose a stable relationship that you like."

Lu Shijin: "..."

"If neither of those two are what you like," Xu Yifan paused, "you can find better ones."

"Better?" Lu Shijin asked him playfully while taking off his pants, raising his eyebrows and raising his eyebrows, "Who are you talking about, isn't it you?"

Xu Yifan wrinkled his eyebrows, the snow-white skin didn't know whether to be ashamed or annoyed, and he blushed a little.

"For the sake of my teammates, I have already said everything I have to say. If you are still like this, I will..."

Lu Shijin finished taking off his trousers and wore only a pair of boxer briefs all over his body.

He approached Xu Yifan in such a big way, and stretched his arms against the wardrobe behind Xu Yifan, in a standard wall-boom posture.

"How about you?" Lu Shijin raised his eyes with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, "Xu Yifan, do you know what you look like?"

Xu Yifan was still calm, and he didn't throw his hands away in anger. He put his back on the wardrobe and didn't resist. Zhan looked at Shang Lu Shijin and asked calmly, "Like what?"

"Like a little daughter-in-law who stares at her husband all the time, afraid that he will cheat." Lu Shijin seemed to think that it was very interesting to equate the cold prince of ice and snow with his little daughter-in-law, and he couldn't help chuckling. "Brother Fan, if you're really afraid of me messing with others, you might as well sacrifice yourself."

Xu Yifan's slender eyelashes trembled, as if he didn't understand what Lu Shijin meant, "What?"

Lu Shijin boldly raised Xu Yifan's chin with one finger, narrowed his eyes and stared at Xu Yifan's thin lips that were very suitable for kissing.

"Sacrifice yourself and fall in love with me. Then again, there are no men I've dated with the type of iceberg beauty. I really want to try it out. Maybe after talking to you once, I'll be relieved. Brother Fan, do you like to be a 1 or a 0? I am a 0, but if you want to relax, I can be a 1 for you, I tell you, being a 1 for love is a big sacrifice in the **** circle, you Consider it?"

Xu Yifan was dumbfounded, and said dumbly: "You... shameless?!"

Lu Shijin smiled unabated: "No. Xu Yifan, aren't you, a man, you can't stand listening to these few words? Have you ever been in love with a man? You won't even have your first kiss, right?"

"You have no shame!"

Xu Yifan was teased by Lu Shijin's dirty words, his face was red, he raised his hand to push Lu Shijin's shoulder, but he didn't expect Lu Shijin to look thin, but his strength was not lost to him. Pull it in your arms!

"If you know I'm not ashamed, don't mess with me, otherwise," Lu Shijin put out his index finger and quickly put it on Xu Yifan's lips, deliberately pretending to be stunned, "I'll kiss you and take your first kiss away! I said To do it!"

Lu Shijin successfully drove Xu Yifan away. When people left, the door of the locker room slammed into the sky, and the staff rushed over when they heard the sound, thinking that there was a fight inside.

Lu Shijin unhurriedly put on his bathrobe and walked slowly to the hot spring pool, where the others had been soaking for a long time.

"Xiao Lu, why did you come here?" He Yang's whole body was submerged in the water, and a head appeared on the surface of the water.

"Go to the toilet." Lu Shijin got out of the pool and moved to He Yang's side, waiting for the opportunity to observe.

He Yang pointed to Xu Yifan, who was squatting in the corner of the pool alone, as if sulking with someone, and asked Lu Shijin in a low voice.

"Do you know what happened to Brother Fan? As soon as he came in, he soaked himself there, and no one paid any attention."

Lu Shijin glanced at Xu Yifan and smiled indifferently, "Isn't he always like this? Are you not used to it?"

He Yang was right when he thought about it, and didn't say anything else.

Seeing that He Yang didn't get up after soaking for a while, Lu Shijin was a little anxious, so he offered to rub He Yang's back.

Of course He Yang said yes, the two went to the shore, He Yang lay down on the reclining chair, and Lu Shijin saw the mark on He Yang's shoulder smoothly.

Not a tooth mark, but a circle of circular birthmark-like scars.

Lu Shijin was inexplicably relieved, a little unexpected and seemed to be expected.

This can explain why he has no feelings for He Yang, because He Yang is not Pei Yin.

During the process of rubbing He Yang's back, Lu Shijin always felt a fiery gaze on his back, and he could guess who it was without turning his head.

Lu Shijin just acted like he didn't feel it, and didn't want to turn his head to give that nasty **** who likes to meddle in his own business.

After rubbing He Yang's back, Lu Shijin entered the pool again, covered his face with a towel, soaked in the water and closed his eyes.

This time he has nothing to worry about and can relax and enjoy the hot spring bath.

It's just that he was so relaxed that he didn't notice someone coming down from the water.

Suddenly feeling that his calf was grabbed by a hand, Lu Shijin was startled, he quickly threw off the towel on his face and looked down to see who was playing a prank, but he was dragged into the water before he could make a sound.

The author has something to say:

Let you flirt, let's get hot (#^.^#)