Chapter 46: Idol, your character is broken

Lu Shijin was dragged into the water, water poured into his nose and mouth all around, and he couldn't open his eyes.

He struggled to get out of the water, but was caught by an arm firmly around his waist.

Then a body that was hotter than the hot spring water came up, and a piece of softness was attached to Lu Shijin's lips. The slippery soft body was not flexible enough to separate Lu Shijin's lips and let in a breath of fresh air.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shijin, who was suddenly kissed by force, was stunned under the water for a moment.

Then he forced his eyes to open a slit and met Xu Yifan's tightly closed eyes.

Xu Yifan's hair floated up in the water comically, revealing a full and smooth forehead, but it did not affect his appearance at all, as handsome as the mysterious mermaid prince in the sea.

But Lu Shijin would not be confused by Xu Yifan's beauty, he quickly reacted, angered from his heart, and desperately slapped the man on the shoulder, trying to make the man let go of him.

But Xu Yifan was like steel and iron, he didn't react at all when he hit him, but he kissed him even harder.

Or should not be said to be pro, is to bite.

Xu Yifan didn't know how to kiss at all, but just instinctively bit and sucked those two soft lips, like a child eating jelly.

Lu Shijin couldn't breathe underwater, and was kissed by Xu Yifan without thinking, and he was also ruthless.

He bit **** Xu Yifan's lips until he tasted the blood in his mouth, and Xu Yifan finally released the shackles of Lu Shijin after eating it.

Lu Shijin pushed him away, kicked his legs out of the water, took a deep breath of fresh air, and his chest heaved uncomfortably.

Xu Yifan also came up from the water, his black hair was messy and water droplets rolled down his cheeks along his hair, and he was handsome and uninhibited.

Lu Shijin glanced back. Fortunately, the other teammates had enough time to go to the rest area to rest, so no one noticed the movement in the pool.

"Are you **** sick?" Lu Shijin scolded in a low voice, but when he saw Xu Yifan's lips slowly oozing blood, dyeing the originally gorgeous lips redder, a strangeness appeared in the heart lake. ripples.

Suddenly harsh words can't be said.

"Yes." Xu Yifan replied simply, letting the blood drop down on his chin without doing anything.

Lu Shijin floated on the water, and his heart seemed to be immersed in the water and couldn't go up or down.

He actually regretted it a little bit, shouldn't he bite Xu Ivan so hard? !

Lu Shijin's breath calmed down a bit, and he calmed down. Maybe it was the stupid words he just said in the locker room, which made Xu Yifan too ruthless and made people anxious.

People's eyes are red with anxiety, there is no reason to speak, and nothing can be done.

Therefore, Xu Yifan will kiss him, and it is not entirely his fault.

Lu Shijin stepped back, leaned his back against the wall of the pool, and glanced at Xu Yifan's lips unnaturally, "Take care of the wound on your mouth first."

Xu Yifan didn't wipe it with his hands, but put out the tip of his bright red tongue against his upper lip and rolled it, and the blood beads that just came out were swept into his mouth by him.

The picture seems to contain some kind of obscure **** provocation in it.

Lu Shijin's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and he couldn't help but feel Xu Yifan's action just now.

This feeling is called temptation.

"Xiao Lu! Brother Fan!" He Yang called their names in the rest area, "How long are you going to soak? We're going back."

"We'll be fine soon!" Lu Shijin hurriedly turned around and agreed.

He Yang waved his hand, "Then let's go to the locker room to change and wait for you in the lobby."

Lu Shijin made an "OK" gesture from afar.

Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin were left in the huge hot spring pool.

The steam above the hot spring was steaming, and the mist was lingering. The two of them were separated by a distance of more than two meters, and they could not see the expressions on each other's faces clearly.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of gurgling water echoed over the hot spring pool.

"That..." Lu Shijin's throat was a little tight, and he coughed twice to clear his throat, "Don't take the words I said in the locker room to heart."

Xu Yifan stared straight at him without speaking.

Lu Shijin was stared at by his eyes, and he discussed with Xu Yifan in a good voice: "Also, I really don't have what you think about Brother Yang, I can promise you that unless necessary, I will keep it with him in the future. Is the distance okay? Don't stare at me all the time."

Xu Yifan still didn't speak.

Lu Shijin raised his hand and patted it on the water, splashed some water, and raised the volume in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, are you stupid? Can you just say something?"

Xu Yifan blinked, a crystal clear drop of water dripped down his slender eyelashes and dripped into the water.

"You said that I would fall in love with you, really?" Xu Yifan asked quietly.

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, waved his hand indifferently, and smiled casually, "Of course it's nonsense, everyone is brothers, it's just a joke, you don't have to be so serious, right?"

Xu Yifan raised his eyes, his pupils were pitch black, as deep as a vortex, as if he wanted to **** people's souls in.

Lu Shijin noticed something was wrong, and the smile froze on his face.

"No way? Are you serious?"

He frowned suspiciously, and suddenly realized that there are only the two of them here now. Seeing Xu Yifan's craving for cannibalism and his mental circuit, if he doesn't run away at this time, it will be too late if he wants to run away later!

Lu Shijin made a decisive decision, turned around and planned to climb to the shore.

It's a pity that Xu Yifan is faster than him!

The distance of more than two meters was shortened in an instant. Before Lu Shijin could raise his legs, he was hugged by Xu Yifan and fell backwards, and the two fell into the pool again.

"Xu Yifan! What are you doing crazy—"

Lu Shijin just got the opportunity to swear at me, but before he scolded me, Xu Yifan pressed me into the water.

Lu Shijin felt that Xu Yifan didn't want to punish him, but wanted to kill him.

"Convenience store! Convenience store! If you don't come out, your host will be sharked by the male host!"

Lu Shijin was unable to borrow strength in the water, so he could only call 711 for help in a hurry.

711 came out slowly: "Don't be impatient, the system has detected that Xu Yifan has no ill intentions towards you, he may just want to play a joke on you."

"Just kidding? Have you ever seen a joke like this?" Lu Shijin scolded, "He's murder! Give me a card, I'll die if it's too late!"

"No, you can't do things that hurt the protagonist." 711 thought about it and decided to wait and see.

Lu Shijin murmured under the water and cursed with swear words with bubbles in his mouth.

"Xu Yifan, I'm **** you..." Before the rest of the scolding was finished, his mouth was gagged again.

With the first experience, Xu Yifan seemed to know how to kiss.

He lightened his strength, licked and bit Lu Shijin's lips gently, Lu Shijin shook his head to avoid, Xu Yifan insisted on sticking to it, forcing Lu Shijin to open his teeth, and let him attack the city and plunder the ground.

Two people are like two fishes playing in the water, you chase after me, tirelessly.

When he felt that the air in his lungs was really not enough, Xu Yifan brought Lu Shijin to the surface.

Both of them were breathing heavily, but they didn't part their lips in the process of breathing.

Lu Shijin not only forgot to resist, but also for fear of being pushed into the water by Xu Yifan again, so he had to hook Xu Yifan's neck, as if he was actively responding.

Xu Yifan opened his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Shijin, whose cheeks were flushed by his kiss, and his eyes were blurred.

Feeling the other party's response, a hint of joy flashed in his black eyes...

Since that night in the hot spring, the relationship between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan has become more delicate.

Whether in training or during activities, the two began to maintain a distance, consciously or not, and rarely interacted.

It was as if there was a thin wall between the two, and no one wanted to take the initiative to break it, because once broken, something terrible might happen.

The anomaly between the two was discovered not only by the other four teammates, but also by their number one CP fan Tao Qinghong.

Tao Qinghong was still a third-year high school student, and he was under a lot of academic pressure. Usually, when he cut videos, he was racing against time to squeeze out the time to cut them, and it was even more impossible to keep up with Lu Shi and their schedule.

The material he needs to cut the video is usually taken by other fans and then passed to him.

But he recently cut the video and found that the interaction between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan that could be cut became less and less.

In the past, the two of them stood side by side when they attended the event. Now, there are four teammates separated by one, two, three, and four.

In the past, the two would look at each other sweetly, with pink bubbles in the air, but now, let alone sweet eyes, they don't even look at each other.

They used to help each other with their clothes and hairstyles, but now they pass by like strangers.

How sweet it used to be, how cruel it is now.

Tao Qinghong worriedly sent Lu Shijin a WeChat, asking if he had quarreled with Xu Yifan recently.

Lu Shijin wanted to cover it up: [You think too much and didn't quarrel. 】

Tao Tao: [Then why are you ignoring each other recently? 】

Lu Shijin: [No, why don't we just ignore it when we are together every day? 】

Tao Tao: [If you can hide it from anyone, don't try to hide it from me, don't forget, I have edited more than a hundred videos for you, and I know better than you yourself what you should be like! My eyes see through everything.jpg]

Lu Shijin: [Bring tea to the boss.jpg]

Tao Tao: [What's the matter, you guys are fine, don't let us worry! 】

Lu Shijin: [It's good, believe me, our team is harmonious and caring like a brother! 】

Tao Tao: [Who asked about your team! I'm asking you and Fanfan! 】

The little fat man has bright eyes, and the subtlety between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan can't be concealed from him.

Lu Shijin asked him tentatively: [What would you do if your family fell in love? 】

Tao Tao: [? ? ? 】

Lu Shijin: [I mean what if! Don't get me wrong, he's not in a relationship! 】

Tao Tao: [You scared me to death...]

Lu Shijin: [What will you do? 】

Tao Tao: [If it's someone he really likes, he can only bless him, but I shouldn't continue to like it. 】

Lu Shijin: [Why? 】

Tao Tao: [Please, brother, I am a CP fan of the two of you, Xu Yifan is already in love, what else am I chasing? 】

Lu Shijin: […]

Tao Tao: [Unless…]

Lu Shijin: [Unless what? 】

Tao Tao: [Unless it is you who is in love with Fanfan! Then I'm so happy, hahaha, I finally got it! 】

Lu Shijin: [Study hard! Have you lost weight recently? 】

Tao Tao: [I have lost weight, but my mother said that the third year of high school is a critical period, and I need to supplement nutrition and prevent me from eating too much, so I have not lost much weight recently. 】

Lu Shijin felt relieved when he heard that Tao Qinghong was trying to lose weight.

Lu Shijin: [By the way, Tao Tao, have you ever imagined falling in love with Xu Yifan? 】

Tao Tao righteously said: [Brother! what are you talking about? I am still a child! The teacher said that high school students can't fall in love early! I just like Fanfan as an idol, and I never thought of monopolizing him! 】

Lu Shijin: [...Okay, okay, I'll just play around, hurry up and recite your words. 】

Lu Shijin felt that the task in this world was a bit tricky.

The protagonist Tao Qinghong hasn't lost weight yet, not to mention that he doesn't have that kind of love for Xu Yifan now.

On the contrary, Xu Yifan kissed him, and then ignored him after the kiss, as if he was going to pretend that this had never happened. Where would he go to reason?

To make matters worse, since he was forcibly kissed by Xu Yifan twice in the hot spring.

Lu Shijin had been dreaming about Xu Yifan recently, and it was a not-so-good dream.

In the dream, they are also soaking in the hot spring, but only the two of them can do whatever they want.

In addition to the sound of flowing hot spring water, there is another rhythmic beating sound, the one that Lu Shijin is very familiar with…

Every time I finish this dream, I have to change my underwear now, and I almost didn't change my underwear yesterday.

Lu Shijin is not the kind of traditional conservative person, but he considers himself single-minded.

Since you already have someone you like, you should do it wholeheartedly.

Those who still have feelings for other people, and even have chun dreams, are simply scumbag behavior!

So Lu Shijin decided to keep a distance from Xu Yifan to avoid being influenced by him again.

After Lu Shijin and their group's new song was released, the response was very good. Under the heat of the travel variety show, the group became the most popular boy group recently.

In addition to the support of a large number of fans, the most popular artists in the entertainment industry are also scolded by various black fans.

The resources in the circle are limited, and the rise of one group will inevitably block the development of others.

Recently, there has been a group of organized black fans who have been spreading rumors and insulting Lu Shijin and the others on the Internet 24 hours a day. Obviously, they are doing it for the family.

On this day, Lu Shijin and the others participated in a TV variety show. The recording of the show started at 8:00 pm and continued until 2:00 am the next day.

At this time, there were already no one on the street, so the car that picked them up did not go to the underground garage, but parked directly in front of the TV building.

Just when all the team members came out of the TV building and got into the car one by one, three girls suddenly rushed out of nowhere!

They all had things in their hands, and as soon as they rushed to the front of the car, they smashed the things in their hands on their teammates.

He Xinyi, Li Xiao and Zhao Yue were already in the car, while Xu Yifan, He Yang and Lu Shijin were left outside.

Lu Shijin walked at the back, and seeing that the unknown object was about to hit him, Li Xiao in the car shouted anxiously, "Be careful, little Lu!"

Lu Shijin raised his head unprepared, and suddenly the world was spinning. He was pulled, and his back fell into a broad chest.

Then there was a low groan in his ear, and it felt as if some liquid had splashed on his face.

Lu Shijin turned his head and stared blankly at the man who was protecting him in his arms.

It was Xu Yifan, and a heartbeat like a drum suddenly sounded in his ears.

Lu Shijin suddenly smelled the smell of ink, subconsciously touched his face, and after wiping it, his hands were black.

It seems that ink is the weapon of the three girls.

"Who are you? Stop!" The agent immediately called to the security guard at the door to catch the three girls, and the other teammates hurriedly got out of the car to check the situation of Xu Yifan and Lu Shijin.

"Are you alright, Brother Fan?" He Yang looked angrily in the direction where the three girls fled, "These people have enough to eat, and they ran here to squat in the middle of the night, what do they want?"

"It's okay." Xu Yifan let go of Lu Shijin, and he used his back to help Lu Shijin block the bottle of ink that hit him. His back was almost completely black, and only a few drops splashed on Lu Shijin's face.

Lu Shijin was a little stunned, his heart was suddenly confused, he didn't know what to say, and unconsciously asked the question He Yang asked again.

"Are you all right?"

Xu Yifan glanced down at him, "It's okay, you..."

Lu Shijin: "I..."

The two spoke almost at the same time, and paused at the same time.

These few days they seldom even speak, so it is inevitable that they are a little embarrassed for a while.

Finally, Lu Shijin took the initiative to say, "I'm fine too."

Xu Yifan just replied "um" lightly.

The three girls didn't run fast, and were quickly chased back by the security guard and turned to the manager.

After an inquiry, the girl was timid, and she explained it all in a few words.

They are fans of STORM's family, because STORM has recently become popular with the group they are chasing, so they can't make peace.

After listening to the instigation of black fans on the Internet, they learned that STORM was recording a program on a TV station here, and they came over and wanted to vent their idols.

They didn't dare to hurt people, they only dared to splash ink.

The girls cried and begged the agent to let them go.

He Xinyi is usually the most soft-hearted. Seeing the girls cry so badly, he couldn't help but plead with his agent: "Brother Shen, why don't you spare them this time? I didn't make a big mistake, it's very pitiful."

"Poor?" Lu Shijin sneered, "Brother Yi, they are the ones who made the mistake, do you think they are pitiful? If they were not splashing ink, but glue, or boiling water that could scald people off, you Do you still feel sorry for them?"

He Xin was also stunned for a moment. Lu Shijin seldom had such a fierce voice, which made him feel very unfamiliar.

However, he immediately realized that what he said was not quite right, and that he sympathized with the wrong person, so he bowed his head and did not speak.

"Brother Shen, let the police come and deal with it. If you dare to splash ink this time, next time you will dare to use a knife to hurt someone." Lu Shijin was indifferent to the cries of the three girls, and said indifferently, "No matter how crazy you are, you must have a degree. Loving someone is not an excuse to hurt someone, a small punishment can also teach you a long lesson."

The rest of the people couldn't help but look at Lu Shijin, the youngest of them always had a smile on his face and was indifferent to the world.

The behavior of these three girls today may have really touched him, which is why Lu Shijin is so relentless.

However, the manager also felt that Lu Shijin was right, so he asked the security to call the police and waited for the police to come.

When the police came, they had to take someone back to the police station to make a record. As a victim, Xu Yifan naturally had to go back with the police. Lu Shijin offered to stay with Xu Yifan, and the manager asked the driver to send the others back first, and then pick them up at the police station .

It was almost four o'clock in the morning when I returned to the dormitory after finishing the transcript.

Lu Shijin lives in an apartment with four rooms.

He Xinyi and Zhao Yue live in a room, Li Xiao and He Yang live in a room, and he and Xu Yifan live in a small bedroom.

When they went back, everyone else was already asleep. Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan tacitly relaxed their movements to avoid disturbing the rest of their teammates.

The ink on Xu Yifan's back has long been dry after such a long time. He has always loved Jie, and he has endured so long to the extreme. As soon as he returned, he took his clothes and went to the bathroom.

"Brother Fan," Lu Shijin also came out of his room and stopped Xu Yifan softly, "Will we wash together?"

Xu Yifan blinked, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Lu Shijin walked over and pointed to his back, "You can't see your back again, and the ink on it can't be washed clean. I'll help you."

Xu Yifan blinked again, and after thinking for a while, he felt that what Lu Shijin said was reasonable, so he nodded slightly to agree.

The two entered the bathroom together. The bathroom space is not spacious, and the two big men were squeezed into it suddenly.

Xu Yifan took off his clothes first and stood under the shower. The two didn't speak. Only the sound of water spraying from the shower could be heard in the bathroom.

After a while, Lu Shijin also stood over, took the shower from Xu Yifan's hand, and helped him wash his back.

The dried ink stains were melted by the hot water and flowed down the man's smooth muscle lines, revealing the original healthy and lustrous complexion.

Lu Shijin recalled the scene where Xu Yifan helped him block the ink, and his heart was sour and swollen.

It happened suddenly and no one knew what the girls were throwing at them.

But Xu Ivan helped him block it without hesitation, so how could he be untouched.

Fortunately, it's just ink that won't hurt anyone. If it was any other dangerous item, Lu Shijin couldn't imagine the consequences.

"What are you doing?" Xu Yifan felt that Lu Shijin's hand was rubbing against his back, tending to slide down more and more, and couldn't help speaking.

Lu Shijin said calmly, "You also got ink under you. I'll help you clean it up."

"I'll do it myself." Xu Yifan took a step forward and turned his head to take the shower from Lu Shijin's hand, but Lu Shijin raised his hand and avoided it.

Xu Yifan looked at him and raised his eyebrows, expressing doubts.

Lu Shijin continued to rinse the shower on Xu Yifan's back, and smiled with his lips hooked, "You saved me today, I will help you wash the ink clean, it should be a reward."

Xu Yifan: "No need."

"Why not?" Lu Shijin's index finger seemed to draw a circle on the man's back, "Or, you are not satisfied with my way of repayment and want to change it? I think about how ordinary people would repay the benefactor. With? Promise yourself?"

Lu Shijin was satisfied to see the man's muscles suddenly tensed up and down because he heard what he said.

He took an inch, and ran his fingers all the way down the man's graceful spine.

"Give me a chance to thank you."

Xu Yifan didn't say a word, and the dark eyes that looked at Lu Shijin began to surge with unknown emotions. It looked dangerous, but it attracted people to approach him unconsciously.

Lu Shijin understood, this was the signal of hunting.

The author has something to say:

I'm coming! A chapter in a relationship by leaps and bounds!